Oooooh damn, what the hell happened? Jazz squirmed about a bit, managing to flop right side up from where she'd been floating in the water. Her head felt muzzy and awful, probably not helped by the welt she could feel on the bone right above their ear. Silently cursing the damn rock she remembered smacking into when a wave caught her off guard.

That had been one HELL of a storm, though jazz could have sworn she'd ended up on a beach of some sort. Shaking her head Jazz pushed her hands through the water until she breached the surface and could take a breath of air. Oh, yes, there was the beach… though it was really more of a thin strip of white sand at the back of the cave she was in. The tide must have washed her back into the water at some point, which was a good thing, being stuck on sand all night tended to really dry out the skin.

Jazz flicked her tail, gliding over to the sand and hauling herself up onto the beach to rest a bit. Head still spinning and heavy as she took in her current surroundings. It didn't look like any cave they'd ever seen around the area before, the mouth of it seeming to open out into the ocean if the sound of waves and gulls was anything to go by. That was really the ONLY thing Jazz could go by though, considering the wall of boulders higher than she could jump blocking off the entrance, save for a strip of sky and sunlight that came through near the top and bathed the little island in the center of the pool in light.

Great, hopefully high tide would be high enough to escape, otherwise there was a fairly good chance Jazz would starve in here. The mermaid sighed, fins flanking her hips flicking to get rid of the irritating sand before she used her hands to push herself back into the water to explore a bit down there. Hopefully there'd be a gap big enough somewhere to get out, or one of Jazz's pod would work out where she was and at least toss some fish over the wall.

The day felt far too long. Jazz huffed bubbles out of their mouth, curled comfortably on a smooth rock formation they'd found under the 'sunning rock' overhead. Jazz mostly attributed it to a lack of anything interesting to do, having circled the cove a dozen times already and found no holes bigger than both fists held side by side that they could swim through. That and they were HUNGRY. Jazz had found plenty of dead fish in the cove, rotting and missing parts of their bodies, and promptly flung them over the rock wall before they fouled up the water too badly. It already smelled funny in here, didn't need fish carcasses left from the storm adding to it.
Funnily enough there was plenty of plant life still intact in here, PRETTY plant life too but sadly completely inedible. Too bad no seaweed had washed in with the storm, at least she could palate that long enough to satiate her hunger. Maybe later they'd take that pretty red coral they'd found and grind it into a decoration.

Jazz grumbled, picking at the soft circular pads on their palms for a bit before movement caught their eye. FISH?! Maybe it had swum in through that small gap in the rocks blocking the entrance? Jazz pushed off the rock with their hands, trying hard not to disturb the water too much as they stalked their pray. Waiting for JUST the right moment before shooting forwards and grabbing it, the fish jerking and going limp even before palms touched its scales.

Jazz had stunned it, electricity cracking through the soft pads on their palms as they grabbed the fish and swam to the surface. The fish steaming slightly as the electricity cooked it from the inside out, jazz tearing into it with sharp teeth and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Completely oblivious to the eyes watching from the shadows.

It had been days since she'd ended up in here and Jazz still felt heavy and slow. The lump on her head had gone away at least, the skin a mixture of purple and green around where it used to be and only sore if she outright touched it.

She'd spent days exploring the cove, swimming through odd little caverns that all seemed to open back up into the main central one after only a few body lengths. The walls of these dark holes all had weird smooth patches on them when she ran her fingers over them, and they were always strangely warm in comparison to the surrounding rocks. She always found odd little items when she went exploring as well, her muzzy head and diminished attention span meant that they usually ended up left on the floor of the main pool after only a few hours of playing with them.

Jazz did notice that she tended to feel better after a little bit of sunbathing on the rock. Maybe it was the weird smell in the water that was making her feel rotten. It wouldn't surprise her, still water like this tended to get weird concentrations of human chemicals in it. Perhaps it would be best to spend the next couple days only breathing water sparingly. If anything it would at least mean she wasn't using up all the oxygen in the water.

Nooonononono, this place was WRONG. EVERYTHING was wrong. Jazz whined and clicked, echoes bouncing off the weirdly smooth patches in the walls as she circled the central island in a panic. She could hear VOICES through the smooth bits, whispers and laughter of strange creatures that were usually only heard if you went too close to the human towns lining the shores or their fishing boats.

Now that she no longer felt heavy in the head even the ROCKS felt strange. Some of them were normal, but the ones blocking the entrance sounded hollow whenever her echoes bounced back off of them.

She had to get OUT, this place was a cage and she could feel the creatures watching her. Jazz had started noticing only hours after she stopped actively breathing the water, the monsters had probably poisoned it to keep her quiet and docile. What the hell did they even want? Did they get some perverse pleasure just from watching her trying to escape?

Jazz took another deep breath of air, swimming down to the bottom of the pool and pushing off with her hands. Swimming hard and fast as she tried to leap over the rock wall again. Calling loudly for any of her pod that was nearby to come help her in her panic. Hands scrabbling at the boulders and cutting the soft pads of her palms as she finally managed to get a grip on the top and haul herself onto the top of the wall.

It wasn't a very graceful move she made when she flopped over the other side. Yelping as she hit the bottom of the shallow pool on the other side and promptly got tangled in human netting.

She'd made it, she was on the other side but… there was no ocean? She could see the sky of course, but all she could see other than that was concrete pools and walkways and… HUMANS. Most of them standing and gawking as she flailed and thrashed trying to get free of the netting. That walkway had been JUST outside her field of vision inside the cove, the entire thing was FAKE. Jazz swore loudly, biting at the net as the cording dug into her side hard enough to make her bleed.

There were more humans coming as well, all dressed in the same ridiculous clothes as they converged on her. She barely had enough time to call them a few rather choice names before one of them pointed something at her and fired. A surprisingly colourful barb digging into the skin of her shoulder and bringing back the heavy, sleepy feeling in her head before her limbs went limp and she drifted off.

Well the humans had given up all pretense now at least, though Jazz wasn't entirely sure she preferred this to the fake cove. Dragging herself over the rocks had left her scratched and bruised worse than the storm, obviously badly enough that they'd transferred her to a completely empty and over lit tank in some sort of room.
She could hear them babbling excitedly about SOMETHING, gesturing towards where she was glaring at them through the glass. Then she heard her own voice yelling from the box they were messing with. Strange, she hadn't thought humans knew how to do proper magic. How had they managed to steal her voice from her?

Jazz growled at them, muttering under her breath a bit just to make sure she could still talk before flitting over to the far side of the tank. Fine, let them do what they wanted while their feet were still dry. Optimus would eventually find out what had happened and flood a few of their towns until they set her free. It had been AGES since humans were stupid enough to kidnap a mer and apparently they needed reminders of why it was a terrible idea.

"No no see, you play it UNDER the water like they do with those whale recordings. Maybe we'll get some more singing back." Jimmy laughed, leaning over the edge of the boat to toss the underwater speaker out away from the engine. "I mean, they FOUND her out this way right? Mind it was on the beach, but surely there's more of them around. If there aren't well hey, we have the ONLY mermaid in the world. Lucky us."

It didn't take long to set up the recording, the marine bioligists on board staring with rapt attention at the computer as they played their mermaids song into the deep. Sure she'd been kind of freaking out when they TOOK the recording, but other than that she'd been really quiet and just sort of swam in circles all day. At least it sounded pretty, and weirdly melodic.

Once she wasn't bleeding everywhere any more they'd put her back in the viewing tank, she was obviously smart enough to work out where the glass was now since she spent a lot of time with hands cupped over her eyes and peering into the viewing rooms. A bit like what the dolphins and whales did, but that's marine mammals for you. Smart buggers, hell they might even be able to train her to do tricks if they worked out some sort of food reward system that didn't involve live fish.

It took hours before anything started showing up on the screen, Jimmy sitting forwards and jabbing at a bunch of roughly human sized blobs cutting through the water. He grabbed his camera off the table, already recording when the first few popped their heads above the surface and looked towards the boat. Oooooh neat, they were even different colours. Maybe these ones were males, he hoped so considering how vibrantly their heads and crests were coloured compared to the female they had. Jazz was very monotone, save for the bright band of colour around her eyes and down her chest.

The creatures bobbed in place for a fair while, a little obscured from the boat by a large rock jutting out of the water. One of them broke away from the group once he spotted the boat though, the others warbling something before disappearing back under the water when they realized they were being watched.

"Awww damn, that didn't last long." Jimmy frowned, pulling his camera away from his eye and very nearly dropping it when the boat suddenly lurched to the side. Something had rammed into the side of them at speed, making them bob several meters to the left before disappearing back under the water.

It was the red crested one, the one that had broken away from the group. Jimmy could see him circling around the speaker that was bobbing away from the boat now that they'd moved.

"Hey! Hey hey, get the nets or something. This guy is going to hurt himself if he keeps hitting u-US!" He yelped, tripping over an equipment crate that had been left on the deck as they were rammed again. Hooooly crap, this guy was REALLY interested in the recording. Jimmy fumbled with the camera, managing to get back to his feet in time to watch one of the other biologists loading up a tranquilizer. The boat shaking violently once more before the creature was promptly shot and netted right near the surface.

At least they had stopped pumping the foul smelling sedative into the water since her little escape attempt, now they had just put a net up over the gap at the top of the rock wall entrance to stop her trying to climb free again.

Jazz muttered to herself, swimming past the group of windows she'd found embedded into the wall of the cove. Jerking towards them quickly and banging on the glass when she heard muttering behind it. Good, you'd BETTER be scared of me. More than one 'trainer' had been zapped when they tried to get her to jump through hoops for her dinner. They'd given up on the thought of having her perform when she grabbed the wetsuit clad human waving a fish at her and dragged her under the water almost long enough to drown them. It had been days since then, and honestly she was hoping they'd try again just so she could have some fun.

She startled when a loud clunk echoed from the other side of the tank, muffled human muttering filtering through the water before there was a loud splash. Was that dinner? Seemed awfully big today, they usually didn't spring for fish much bigger than her head.

Jazz pushed off away from the window after one last smack against the glass to scare the people on the other side. Lazily pushing her way through the water and around the basking rock in the direction of the splash. She made a loud trilling noise when she spotted the culprit, bubbles forming in her wake as she tackled them at full speed. The pair of them tumbling through the water before bumping into the far wall of the tank.

"PROWL! How? Did you come to GET me? Where's the exit?" She pat at his face, getting a slightly confused expression from him for a moment before he grabbed her head and dragged her into a relieved kiss.

"No, I didn't but there were humans and something hit me… and I woke up in a crate?" Prowl sighed, keeping them upright by fanning the wide fins along his back. "You've been missing for WEEKS, how did we GET here?"

"Humans, they're watching us through the glass down there." Jazz jabbed a finger towards the viewing rooms before wrapping arms back around Prowls shoulders. "They also have whales and seals and all manner of dolphins. I think we're just… entertainment."

She pulled a disgusted face at that, pulling away from her friend to thoroughly check him over. Tutting at the bruises along his arms from ramming the boat.

"Does anyone know they took you too?" Jazz grabbed his hand, tugging him along with her as she settled in a more comfortable spot to sit. Trying to ignore the chatter she could hear picking up on the other side of the glass.

"Yes, a few came with me when we heard your distress. It was a trap though, they went to get help while I distracted the humans. The plan… didn't work as well as I hoped." Prowl settled down beside her, crossing arms over his chest as he tried to work out where these humans were 'watching' them from. He trusted jazz that they were there even if he couldn't see them, her hearing was much more acute than his. "They'll come for us hopefully, we may just have to bear with this for a while as we wait for them to mobilize."

"In the meantime, at least it's pretty fun to mess with the humans" Jazz offered, laughing and stretching her arms over her head. "Plus, now I have company."

Having company was fantastic, having ATTRACTIVE company was even better, especially when said attractive company also felt like messing with the humans. Jazz laughed, hearing adults make distressed noises as they tried to usher a herd of children away from the windows. Especially the window right next to where Prowl had her pinned and was doing his best to touch every inch of her.

Fingers sliding over recent scars along her front and stopping to hold her hips still as he ducked his head to suck on her breast. Jazz trilling and jerking as his tongue traced over a nipple before he moved back up to bite at her shoulder.

They were both bored and needed to blow off steam, there was only so often that they could race around the same small area before it started to get boring. This was a whole load LESS boring though, especially since it came with the added bonus of traumatizing a bunch of human young. Served them right, you shouldn't be gawking at captives in a cage anyway.

Prowl bit her harder to get her attention back when he noticed it wandering, rutting against her slit as he licked the mark he'd made on her shoulder. Grinning as he caught her mouth for a kiss and teased at the little nub hidden just inside the fold before letting her go, darting away across the cove to hide behind the basking rock.

Jazz huffed a stream of bubbles, pulling herself together to chase after him. He wouldn't get away with working her up and darting away. She nearly caught him as he rounded the edge of the rock, Prowl just laughing again as he flicked his tail hard and propelled himself out of the water and pulled himself up onto the sun bathing rock.

Oh that was no fair. Jazz blew bubbles as she circled the rock a few times before diving, using the momentum from her upwards swim to propel herself up onto the rock with him. There wasn't really enough room for two mers up here and she scrabbled as she nearly slid off the other side. Prowl managed to grab her though, pulling her around and twisting until she was pinned face up on the rock.

Prowl was sneaky, he knew that if he let her she'd probably dart off half way through. Female mers were weird like that and enjoyed a good chase. It was much harder for her to get away if she was out of the water, not that she really wanted to.

She squirmed anyway to get comfortable, prowl twining their tails together as he went back to rutting his member against her slit. Jazz groaning and arching as he pressed into her and gave a shallow buck. Teeth finding her shoulder again as he rolled his hips against her, fingers trailing down her front to tease at the hidden clitoris again as he tried to work her up.

It didn't take long before she came, voice trilling melodically as she arched and writhed beneath him. Prowl orgasming himself not long afterwards with a few short, sharp thrusts before wrapping his arms around her and letting them fall back into the water. Arms keeping jazz locked in place against him as she drew in water through her gills, unable to get quite enough oxygen breathing air during such heavy activity.

He snorted when he noticed the flashing coming from the viewing windows, tucking jazz more securely against himself as he used his back fins to move them both to the slightly hidden spot at the bottom of the basking rock. Humans were nosey, and they could both go back to annoying them later once they'd had a bit of a rest.

Deathcomes4u drew a nice picture to go with the last part. VERY NSFW. you can find the link on my descriptions page