Hiro sat in the lab room that once belonged to his brother, picking up a tool or note paper every now and then. Each thing brought more and more weight to his heart until he couldn't stand it anymore. The weight was pulling him down, forcing him to fall to his knees by a couple of stacked up books. Hiro tried not to think, tried not to feel, he tried not to remember. He turned his head to the pile of books with sad eyes, scanning them but not registering what each of them really was.
They were all robotics books, more than likely. Obviously this was the case since his brother was here until the early morning most days trying to finish Baymax. Hiro didn't dare wonder about the big robot... He was probably long deactivated or turned in for a grade. He was gone, just like Tadashi.
Hiro closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to stop the hiccups and sobs from coming again. He wouldn't cry anymore, he wouldn't feel anymore. No more of that.
Again he scanned the books, this time reading them and saying each letter in his head to distract himself from straying too far into those terrible memories. Three books into the pile, Hiro stopped on a tattered spine of a book with no name on it.
It was odd, to him. Tadashi kept everything in the best condition, why on Earth would he have been so reckless with this single book? With his curiosity peaked, he sat cross legged and pulled the book out of the pile, letting the others fall and scatter.
As he flipped it over to see the front he winced, the book reflecting the evening light directly into his face. After he repositioned the book so that it no longer blinded him he made out the shape of a metal hand adorning the cover. The hand had six fingers, something that Hiro knew Tadashi would never have done given his knowledge and very professional attitude. The hand had a "3" clearly drawn on it, and the corners of the cover were golden.
"What is this?" Hiro asked himself aloud, eyes narrowing. Tadashi was much too into his computer to use a journal of all things. If Tadashi wanted to write about his life it would have been on a computer, not this strange book. Hiro moved slightly, and the book opened in his hands. It was almost as if someone had forced it open and held it to the page that he could now see.
On the page was a sketch of a triangle, one that Hiro only knew from conspiracy weirdos on the internet. But this was different. The triangle was drawn completely in black with what seemed to be a top hat, arms, and legs. As Hiro studied it further he couldn't help but wonder why this was in his brother's room. Tadashi wasn't a conspirator- Or an artist. Or...whatever this weird pyramid with legs was. Tadashi didn't care for these things.
...Did he?
Hiro found himself curious, yet saddened by the idea that perhaps he didn't know his brother as well as he'd thought. They did everything together, why didn't his brother ever talk to him about this?
As he fell further and further into thought, a breeze came through the room. Hiro ignored it until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"I bet I could get some answers for you, kid!" Hiro tensed and turned, not one to be easily spooked. He turned until he saw it, there in the flesh(?), the triangle. He looked back at the book only for a second, reading, "Bill Cipher", before he looked again at the thing holding his shoulder. It was yellow, not black. It was thin, relatively large, and... light.
Whatever it was just floated there. It hovered. Hiro tried to reason with himself that this was a book of robot sketchings that Tadashi did and this was a robot he'd never shown Hiro. But no, there was no way to get the proportions that this thing had.
"Cat got your tongue?" The thing asked, withdrawing it's hand and flying around to face Hiro. "The name's Bill. This is your brother's room?" Bill seemed to be in thought for a second about this statement, and though Hiro had questions he had no way to voice them. "Oh." Bill stiffened as if realizing something bad. "Your brother's gone. But that's okay!" Hiro's thoughts immediately stopped.
"What?" He asked, glaring at the thing. "That's okay?" Hiro repeated in angry question.
"Calm down, kid! I just mean that I think I can help you! I am a being of unimaginable power, you see, I could bring your brother back!" Hiro gave a look of question, eyes falling back down the book in his hands.
He took a moment to inspect the page more closely, seeing the words, "DO NOT SUMMON AT ALL COSTS!" in bold. Hiro wasn't stupid, if this was Tadashi's journal he wouldn't have written that for no reason.
"I shouldn't trust you. I don't know what you are, but Tadashi didn't trust you, so neither will I." Hiro closed the book and put it back on the floor.
"Alrighty kid, but I'll be around! If you need me just holler!" The triangle tipped it's black top hat and vanished.
It was then that Hiro opened his eyes, laying on his side beside the fallen books. He rose, clutching the journal to his chest while quickly sweeping the room with his gaze in fear of the triangle man.
Hiro collected himself, shocked at what happened. He got up to leave, turning back only to be sure he was alone before bolting out.
He didn't want to be in that room anymore.
So, I redid a very small part of this chapter as I found a few problems. If you notice any, feel free to help me out! Thanks for the support!