Shondrame obviously. So I've been glued to this site so years now but I'm relatively new to writing so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read and review. Also please send me any prompt ideas either here or on my tumblr meandyou45

Jackson takes April to buy her ring we see in 11x15 when they run into her ex-boyfriend.

April and Jackson were still not fully recovered from the loss of their son. Honestly, they knew they would never be the same again. However, they were both starting to return to their normal lives. Despite April not being ready to go back to work yet, Jackson could sense her mood shifting. The first month had been painful and bleak. Toward the second month they had more conversations and April was more willing to leave the apartment and do things like shop or eat. Just this week, lighthearted playfulness had started to come back into their relationship. Jackson made a witty comment to something she said and for the first time in months Jackson heard April laugh. The laugh was small and almost under her breath but he could see light in her eyes again and her smile warmed his heart.

To Jackson, April's new mood was a cause for celebration. A small, subtle one of course. That was why he was on his way to let April pick out a new ring.

"Jackson, please tell me where we're going!" April begged sitting in the passenger's seat.

"It's a surprise babe." Jackson said for the tenth time.

"Who knew you were such a romantic?" April said playfully.

"Uhh… I think pretty much everyone babe. I did stand up at your wedding. Everyone saw remember?" Jackson said with a smirk.

"You're right. That's why you're making me nervous. You're history of romantic surprises are usually very big and intense." April returned.

Jackson laughed, "April, relax. We're here." he said as he parked the car on a busy street in downtown Seattle.

"Frozen Yogurt?" April asked in confusion, her face scrunching into her signature Is he serious? face.

Jackson laughed as her swung his arm around his wife and turned her toward the jewelry store that happened to be next to a Fro-Yo shop.

"Not exactly. Were here to buy my beautiful and brilliant wife the ring she deserves."

"Jackson," April said astounded by her amazing husband, "I already have a ring. I told you when we got married that the ring was perfect. I love that it matches yours. That's all I'll ever need."

"I know and I believe you. But this is about more than our wedding. I want to get you a ring that says it all when I'm not there to say it. I want you to remember whenever you look at it how much you mean to me. I want to compensate for the way our wedding went down. You deserved a big and beautiful wedding with me at the altar instead. You deserve something for all the crap my mother gave you at first. You deserve something for loving me through our fights. You deserve something for being so strong. God April, you deserve it all so just let me give it to you. Okay?" Jackson finished staring deep into her hazel green eyes.

She kissed him hard right there as people walked by on the sidewalk and turned their heads.

"Jackson Avery you really are a romantic aren't you?" She said while her eyes filled with love.

"Hey, I just say it and I say it loud." He said wiping a stay tear from her cheek.

"What?" she asked not understanding the reference.

"Nothing. Come on, let's get you something new and shiny." He said and they headed into the store.

Unbeknownst to them, a couple in their mid-twenties had watched the whole exchange as they sat on a bench. As Jackson and April walked into the store hand in hand, the girlfriend looked down at her empty ring finger then up at her idiot boyfriend who was checking out a women walking by. The girlfriend smacked her boyfriend in the back of the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" the boyfriend asked snapping out of his trance and rubbing the back of his head.

"Why can't you be more like that guy?" she roared.

"Hey, we can't all be like Mr. Perfect."

"What kind of ring were you thinking?" April asked slightly overwhelmed by all the choices. She had never been one to care too much about jewelry. The only knowledge she had regarding rings was of engagement rings from when she was a kid and planned out her perfect wedding. Things had changed since then.

"Anything that makes you happy really. But not too small. I know you like to be modest. This is not the time for that. Plus, I know a few things about jewelry." He replied as they walked up and down the glass cases.

"You do huh? Do you have earrings I don't know about? A secret belly ring?" April teased.

"Shut up.," he laughed. "It's an Avery thing. My crib was diamond encrusted so I guess I learned these things at an early age."

"Really? You had a diamond encrusted crib?" April asked dumbfounded.

"No! Man, that's another thing I love about you. You're so gullible. It's adorable." He laughed wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Welcome to Goldberg Jewelers. How can I assist you in making the perfect purchase today?"

The salesman approached the couple but April did not look up just yet as she was bent down searching through the case a rings. She could tell from the man's greeting however that Jackson had brought he to the type of place that knew how to kiss rich people's, for lack of a better word, ass.

"Hi, I'm here to buy a wife something special. I was thinking a ring. I was wondering if you could show…" Jackson started but was cut off by April.

"Todd?" April asked not believing her eyes.

"Yes. Wait, do I know you?" the salesmen asked.

"April. April Kepner."

April couldn't believe her chances. What were the odds that she would run into her ex-boyfriend while shopping with Jackson. Better yet, what were the odds that her ex-boyfriend would be the salesman when Jackson wanted to do something so romantic?

Todd was her boyfriend back in her intern year at Mercy West. Before Todd, April's experience with boys had included a couple innocent kisses in grammar school, an unfortunately embarrassing prom date, and a couple one time dates in college. Todd was a regular at the local bar Reed would drag her too after shifts. He and his college buddies would normally spend the night hitting on Reed but never April. Todd was the only one to ever even notice her. He was not a surgeon like her. His goal was to graduate business school and become a hot shot on Wall Street or become a CEO. The guy's biggest dream was to become rich. At first, April thought Todd was too full of himself. She saw him as an arrogant and cocky frat boy. In the end, she was right. But back then she warmed up to him. He gave her compliments. Most of the time his compliments were either pretty crude or pretty pathetic but either way no other men were giving her any attention.

They dated for about a month. The relationship consisted of a hanging out together along with the rest of his friends at the local bar. Super romantic. He did take her on a couple of dates, but in at the end he always went in for a sloppy kiss and tried to come back to her apartment. Each time April would find an excuse to not go any further and would end the night with another innocent kiss. After a month, Todd couldn't take it anymore. At the front steps of her and Reed's apartment, Todd tried to put his hands down her pants and she swatted him away. Todd blew up on her calling her an ugly little virgin and told her he had wasted a month of his life trying to screw her. Before he drove away he turned back and told her he could tell she had a nose job.

April was devastated. Not so much by the loss of Todd, he was a crappy boyfriend anyway. However his words hurt and her insecurities got worse. But she was completely over him now. The last time April had gotten upset over Todd was when Alex yelled at her after trying to take her virginity. The two events were similar, but Todd was way worse in her book.

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you at first! You look….. different… good. You look good." Todd stammered stunned by the drastic difference in her appearance. The April Kepner he knew was shy and awkward. This April Kepner was hot.

"Jackson Avery" Jackson said clearing his throat and offering a handshake. "How do you two know each other?"

"Todd was my boyfriend back during our intern year remember?" April said.

"Oh right. Todd." Jackson recalled Reed telling him about April's douchebag boyfriend when they were interns. After they were married his wife told him all about this guy. He was not a fan. When she told him, he wanted to find the guy and knock him out. That was certainly not a good idea now. Not why all the glass and expensive breakable items around. But hey, he could pay for it, he thought to himself. Then it hit him. He may not be able to hurt this guy, but he could definitely show off. Normally, Jackson hated benefiting from his looks, wealth and family name. However, in this case he was going to make an exception.

"It's been so long. How are you?" Todd asked a little too politely. This whole situation was tense and awkward.

"I've been good. I'm married and I'm finally a surgeon." She said modestly. She excluded the part where she lost her son to OI and it broke her heart. Something's aren't for sharing. Especially with your douchebag ex-boyfriend.

"She's not just a surgeon, she a trauma surgeon. A pretty kick ass one at that. I would know, I work with her almost every day." Jackson interjected trying to show off his wife. April eyed him knowing something was up.

"Oh are you a surgeon too?" Todd asked

"Yep. I'm a Plastic surgeon, a certified ENT and a chair member on the board at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital." Jackson said proudly sliding his arm possessively around his wife's waist.

"Impressive." Todd said though he was clearly not impressed. Annoyed and slightly jealous was more like it.

"How are you Todd? Is this your store? I know you always said you wanted to own your own company. This is a nice place." April said trying to relieve the tension in this conversation.

"No. Um… I'm still working on that. I'm just working here in the meantime." Todd said trying not to sound so ashamed that his life had turned out nothing like he'd hoped.

Now Jackson almost felt sorry for the guy. Maybe he should tone it down a little, he thought. Maybe.

Hurrying to change the topic April pointed to some rings in the case, "Could I take a look at that one please?"

Todd pulled out a small silver ring and April tried it on. "What do you think?" she asked Jackson.

"Babe, I told you nothing too small. I want this ring to show how much you mean to me. This is not the ring." Jackson said.

"You're right. How about that one? Can I see that one please?" April said pointing to a larger ring gold ring.

"I like this one. What do you think? Is it worthy?" April asked jokingly.

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful." Jackson said flashing a signature Avery smile.

"How much is this one?" April asked Todd.

"April price doesn't matter. You know that." Jackson said before Todd could reply.

"Jackson, I don't need to you to spend buckets of money on me. I already love you remember?" April replied.

"I know but the thing is I can. You know I'm not one to throw my money around but just let me this one time okay?" Jackson pleaded.

"Okay. This one it is." April agreed.

"This is a very nice choice." Todd said.

They were about to cash out when Jackson spotted the ring.

"April look! That's the ring. It's perfect!" It was perfect. Just what Jackson had pictured. Maybe a little bigger though. He couldn't help himself. Also, Todd's expression didn't hurt. Jackson figured he had pointed out the most expensive ring in the store.

"Jackson that's huge! No way." April said marveling at the size of the ring. It wasn't even a ring, it was a rock.

"April admit it, this ring is beautiful." He wasn't wrong. She had never seen a ring so nice.

"Jackson, that's probably worth more than my car. I can't walk around with my car on my finger." She protested.

"I just want to hear you say it. It's beautiful and you love it. I can tell." Jackson pressed.

"Well yes! It's probably the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. That doesn't mean I need it." April admitted trying to continue her argument though she knew it was now hopeless.

"And you are the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Inside and outside. Troy, we'll take this one." Jackson finished.

"It's Todd." He said looking annoyed. He didn't like this man. The guy was obviously being possessive and showing off but damn, he didn't have to buy the most expensive ring in the whole store.

"Sorry." Jackson said though he was not sorry at all. April gave him a soft kiss as Todd rung them up.

"You are the sweetest man I know." She said with her arms around his waist.

"I'm not sweet. I'm very manly." Jackson countered.

"Totally a big softy. I love you." She said giving him one more gentle kiss on the lips.

"I love you too."