Back to the main storyline! that I've finished editing it lol

Here is where we introduce Francis.

Francis is Mathew's friend at school and his confidant. The one person Mathew considers his closest friend, and...honestly speaking (and to put it bluntly)...his only friend.

Now, Mathew is a nice and sweet boy, but high school teenagers are not known for the kind and sweet nature, especially to other high schoolers. So Francis was the closest person to him who had never brushed him off or made him feel unwelcome or out of place. Which gave Francis unprecedented access to his thoughts and feelings on everything and the knowledge that any advice he gave would be given its due consideration.

Completely truthfully, among Monster circles and especially back at the main special monster hideaway, it is known that he became Mathew's friend to be his Guardian. Aka, a monster whose special human has already been killed and has decided not to kill themselves and instead to join a group of other monsters with the same predicament and help save others from their same fate.

As such, he had traveled with Ivan to find Ivan's special human and had joined Mathew's school even before Ivan did so he could secure his position as Mathew's Guardian easier. And thereby prepare them both for any unfortunate happenings outside of the Curse.

And, when it became apparent that the Curse had taken, Francis had been trying to slowly ease Mathew's thinking around without triggering the Curse to grab hold tighter. Little by little he'd seen the hints of confusion as he asked Mathew about the little details of when he and Ivan were together.

But... now that the other monster had shown up and was actively hunting Mathew. Now was when things got tricky. And this was where the extra training he'd taken to learn how to protect Ivan, Mathew, and quite frankly himself came in. Now was when he had to save them both without either dying and safely ferret them back home where they'd be protected. No more trying to be normal and have Ivan woo Mathew pretending to be human. The situation had changed, and this called for desperate measures.

Anyways, let's start at the point where Francis really started thinking "oh shit," shall we?

*Ivan's POV*

It was very obvious that Gilbert was in a rage, and extremely possible that he was out of control. Ivan could see where he'd blown up a good part of the house he'd just rescued Mathew from, when he obviously must have discovered Mathew was gone.

Ivan could see the fireball from down the street where he was carrying Mathew to safety after having surprised Mathew enough to grab him without a fight and sealing part of his memories. One, sealing memories has the pleasant side effect (for whoever casts it) of making whoever it's used on go unconscious (double whammy so that one they think if the charm doesn't take fully that it was a dream, and two if it does take then it explains the loss of time.)

After jimmying the lock and hiding out in a building sort of close by but far enough away that his aura, now back under wraps but still enough lingering around him from its recent use that it could be detected close by, likely wouldn't be sensed by Gilbert and tracked, Ivan had shifted Mathew to a different position in his arms and had dug out his cellphone so that he could call Mathew's Guardian, Francis.

'Francis should know about this. Now that Gilbert has made his first real move. It means the goings now become more dangerous.'

His phone gave a short little stopped up ring as Francis picked up.

Ivan just blurted out the first thing he could think of. "It's Gilbert, Francis! He's-"

So maybe it was acceptable how jarbled that was. Honestly… did Francis expect prose from him when he was on the run from a madman? And likely in danger of inadvertently getting blown up from the excessive emotional outrage Gilbert was pouring out?

"Ivan? What are you-"

Ivan jumped at another explosion that came rattling down the block to rage within his slightly superior to a human's ears...that were currently ringing almost deafly from Gilbert's frustrated magic over-spill. "What did you say?"

"Gilbert?! Where? What happened to him?" Francis asked.

"He went on a rampage. How did you think this building got destroyed?"

"…Oh no."

"Yes. Oh no."

Ivan could almost see Francis nod over the phone as he processed the information that Ivan had just told him. And that he, as the Guardian, was the one who should be dealing with and guiding the younger Monster on. Oh dear...

"What should I do?"

Ivan glanced back at Mathew who was grimacing in pain from the headache he would soon wake up with, goddamn, why did he already have to be waking up from the memory seal? Ivan spoke shortly into the phone before snapping it shut and pocketing it in one smooth movement.

"Make a diversion. Please. I'm coming to you." He said, then jumped out the window with Mathew clutched tightly in his arms, praying that he'll hit the ground lightly enough to keep going without incident. But really, what other choice did he have? They had to move now! Gilbert was probably already following them. And if he got close enough…he'd be able to sense the magic Ivan had just performed to seal Mathew's memory still lingering around him and then he'd be able to track them to the school where Francis was…

Hiiiiiiiiiiii u~

Did you think I forgot about this story? Haha, fat chance. '^' I shall continue it. Pinky promise. *insert fist emoji here*


Hugs and Wuvs on your holidays peps XD

Please review. It lets me know what is going right and wrong with what I'm writing.

North of the North