And I brought a new story with me :3

The updates of this story are going to be way tooooooo slow so please, please, PLEASE bear with me.

And please guys, is painfully obvious that this is a Fem Harry fanfic, so please if you don't like DON'T READ!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and KHR are not mine (unfortunately), I just own the plot.

Summary: Hawthorn Potter has always been considered the mistake of the family. She was different from them. Different from her mother, different from her "father," and different form her brothers, and because of that she was branded as a dark witch. Everything began when those green Flames first manifested around her during her childhood. She needed answers, and she needed them now. It was finally time to look for her father. Her real father.

Pairing: The usual. Lily/James, a little bit of Remus/Sirius, Alice/Frank Longbottom, etc, etc, more will be added in the future. I accept suggestions for Harry's pairing.

Warnings: SPOILERS! HORRIBLE SPOILERS! IF YOU DON'T MIND THEN GO AHEAD AND READ! OTHERWISE GET YOUR NOSES OUT OF HERE! AU, Non-Canon, FemHarry, Ron/Ginny/Molly/Hermione/Dumbledore/Lily/James/OCs-bashing, etc, etc, etc. More warnings will be added in the future.

Published: 04-02-15

Book One: The Betrayal From A Loved One

― 間違いや意思決定 ―

Chapter One: Mistakes and Decisions

Normal PoV

ホーソーン アイスレク。

Hōsōn Aisureku.

The name still sounded foreign to the teenager's ears.

Aislec Hawthorn.

But that was Harry's name. Mostly.

Celsia Hawthorn.

It sounded too feminine to belong to a boy, yet it was the one given to Harry by Lily when she gave birth to her youngest and last child.

Immortal Hope.

Such a fitting name, Harry thought.

Hawthorn Celsia Potter.

Hope Immortality Potter.

Celsia Hawthorn.

Immortal Hope.

Harry liked more the last of the two. It fit better. Yet, her real name was ironic at best, for she never wished immortality.

Nevertheless, it was given to her anyways.

Everything began even before her birth, when a prophecy about a child born at the end of July that would be able to defeat the Dark Lord Voldemort was made. Her mother wasn't even aware at the time that she was pregnant with her. So when Lily Potter nee Evans was rushed to the hospital after collapsing at work, to say that she was surprised when the medi-witch told her both of them were fine would be an understatement.

The news of her existence weren't unwelcome, but they weren't welcomed either. The only reason why Lily didn't get rid of the child was because she didn't want the baby's death at her hand and on her conscience.

Nine months later, as the seven month died. Hawthorne Celsia Potter was born into the world. It was a joyful day for the Potter family and their friends.

Except for Lily.

She knew, oh she knew that things would be going south as soon as James realized her betrayal. He would be enraged! And how could he not?

The child was obviously not his.

There wasn't anything in the face structure of Hawthorn "Harry" that could connect her to James Potter. Absolutely nothing. The shape of her nose and high cheekbones, the color of her hair and even the texture and style it seemed to take, not to mention the shape of her eyes.

They were all that man's.

Lily didn't really know him. Harry's father, that is. She had been on a mission of the Unspeakables when she met him. He had been pleasant to the eye and unbelievably interesting. Never mind charming. Just a few words and she had been hooked, not a lot long later they were both in bed and Lily could honestly say it was the best sex she ever had. Even after being married to James for almost five years, he never was quite that good in bed, and that was an understatement. The flexibility of the man had astonished Lily, but the man had definitely known had to use it to his advantage, and Lily could swear she saw stars. When she woke up next morning the man was gone and the only evidence of the events of the previous night were her scattered clothes and sore body. It was then that it hit Lily like a train that she had just cheated on her husband. Betrayed him and their five sons.

How despicable could she be?

So she decided to bury that night in the back of her head, and forget about it. She returned home with a fake smile plastered on her face, made love to her husband as soon as they were alone in their room, and made sure no one, absolutely no one suspected anything at all. Nothing had happened that day, and nothing would happen in the future.

But it did.

A few weeks later she started waking up with nausea, and at first she thought she was only sick with the flu, but all that quickly changed when the news of her new pregnancy slapped her in the face. And then, when her only and patiently awaited daughter was born she had to fight with the fact that she was not her husband's daughter. Not the daughter of the man she loved.

It crushed Lily, but she had no one to blame but herself.

And yet, she couldn't help but take it out on little Harry. At first she only raised her voice a little and the punishments were a bit harder that they had been on her other children. There were a little slaps once in while that turned stronger each time and more often.

But soon enough James noticed and shit hit the fan.

The Potter Patriarch had been enraged, and within reason. But he forgave the woman he loved and allowed her and her child to remain part of the Potter family. And soon after, he adopted Harry into the Potter family through a blood adoption.

The day of her birthday. And just as the seven month died, she had been 'born' into the Potter family.

And the prophecy was put into motion.

Three months later, the day of Samhain, and Halloween to muggles, the Dark Lord approached the Potter's home in Godric's Hollow. You see, he had a spy in the Order since a few months ago. One that had been hiding under the face of one Peter Pettigrew with the help of the Polyjuice Potion, while the real Peter was kept captive and being tortured for information, information he refused to give, in the Dark Lord's manor.

James and Lily had been out of the house after 'Peter' convinced them to go out for the night, and promising to take care of their five sons and single daughter. The couple had agreed wholeheartedly and left before their 'friend' changed his mind. In reality, it had been one Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise.

The man had been quick to inform his Lord of the departure of the Potter couple, and soon the former made his way inside the house and into the room of the youngest and only daughter of the Potters. Her other sibling had been there as well. The oldest were the twins: James Sirius and Hadrian Charlus. Next were the triplets: Romulus Edward, Tobias Regulus and Godric Brian. And finally, the one and only daughter: Hawthorn Celsia Tempesta-Potter.

Because he knew, oh he knew the girl wasn't the Potter brat's spawn.

At least not by birth.

The Dark Lord still laughed at the irony of things. Those fools of the Order had tried to stop him so many times and after so many tries, their "savior" had been created by them accidentally. And none of them knew, but no matter. He would deal with that right about now.

He stunned the older kids, the twins, with a Petrificus Totalus and then bind them. The younger ones he didn't even bothered with, they were too afraid to of anything and simply huddled against each other. Not daring to get closer to him, not even to protect their little sister. He took a step closer to the baby in the little green cot, not doubt used many times before, if the poor condition of the thing was anything to go by, and raised his wand to point at the baby sleeping peacefully just to be startled momentarily when she suddenly snapped her eyes wide open and looked at him with her impossibly green eyes. So green he could have mistaken them for a Killing Curse had the room been darker.

Those Avada Kedavra eyes.

For a moment he thought about sparring her life and taking her with him, if only so that he could watch those stunning eyes every day for the rest of his life, but he quickly crushed the idea. If he did so, the possibility of little brat turning against him existed, and that was a risk he would not take. He would pluck those eyes out if they were still as beautiful as they had been when she was alive, once she was dead.

The Dark Lord raised his wand and pointed it at the forehead of the little baby that looked at him with big, curious eyes, and fired the familiar green light, only to find it turn against him just when it was about to touch her. He cursed his stupidity of not checking for anything that could have caused this and let the light envelop him.

Not matter, he would deal with her later. Once he had enough magic to create a new body, he would come back for her, and kill her.

And this time, he would not fail.

Lily and James Potter were spending a wonderful day in the company of Alice and Frank Longbottom. Little Neville was being babysat by his grandmother, Lady Augusta Longbottom. Sirius, unfortunately, hadn't being able to accompany them since he was called by the Ministry and had to do an extra round since one of the Aurors had been attacked not long ago and they were short of people.

They had been just about to order their food when Lily froze and let go of her cup of wine, causing it to crash against the floor and for the liquid to splatter everywhere. James had been quick to catch his wife that seemed ready to keel over, but not fast enough to prevent the cup from falling. Alice and Frank rushed to the redhead's side asking her if she was fine, just for the woman to stand up quickly and rush out of the restaurant followed closely by James. The Longbottom couple looked at the other, payed, and followed after the hysteric couple. When they finally caught up with them, Lily was reaching for her portkey, James holding her close to him, and Alice barely had time to grab unto James' and Frank's arms.

The landing wasn't one of their most graceful ones, but they didn't let that bother them, and immediately rushed to the inside of the house, only to find one Barty Crouch Jr. crouching over the seemingly petrified and unconscious children besides the baby's cot. James quickly stunned the disorientated man, and he and Frank dragged him out of the house while Alice called the Aurors and Dumbledore, and Lily checked over her children, all the while ignoring the sniffing baby.

Barty was taken by the Aurors, Sirius being one of them, to the Ministry for questioning, and Dumbledore started checking for any dark spells that could have affected the children, with the exception of Harry, once again. It was revealed that out of the five boys, only Godric was the one affected, and he was named the Boy-Who-Lived by the old wizard.

The Potter couple were ecstatic their son was the savior of the magical world.

And how could they not?

Their baby boy was such a strong and powerful wizard! He would go far in life! People would love him almost as much as they loved Albus Dumbledore!

Yes, they were very much pleased.

Especially Lily. She had been afraid the "Chosen One" might had been Harry, and since she was sure anything regarding her might have been published, her affair with Harry's father would have been made public and she would have been hated by the magical society. Blasphemy! She was the smartest witch of her generation, and they should all be thankful she hadn't sided with the Dark Lord! Of course, all of that wouldn't had mattered if everyone realized who Harry's real father was.

Lily was really glad no one paid attention to the brat that was currently watching them with sharp, attentive eyes. The girl was far too young to have that look on her eyes, yet she did. Another thing she should remember for the future. She couldn't allow that little brat to outsmart her little Godric, she would have to take care of that in the future, but right now her little boy needed her.

No one noticed the bleeding scar in Harry's forehead, nor the dark magic emanating from it.

No one realized the mistake they made.

Sooooo... you love it? hate it? I hope you guys liked it! XD

I love you guys don't forget to review! XD

間違いや意思決定: Michigai ya ishi kettei: Mistakes and decisions.

And sorry for the mistakes.

Bye bye!

Mia Heartnet.