Dear Guests,

You all left these comments: "This is disgusting santanas a lesbian and Sebastian's a gay man respect their sexualities your a disgusting homophob",

"Gross story and pairing santanas a lesbian you need to learn that & respect it not by making her confused for a gay dude that likes Blaines d***.",

"I'll say it because I know someone else will and will be ruder about it than they need to but... is it really necessary to tag Brittany in this so it shows up in the Brittana section? It's not exactly a fun experience for a q*** girl to come to a page to read stories about one of the few canon representations we have, only for a het story featuring one of those canon q*** characters with a guy to be at the top of the page. I'm not judging you for writing it, anyone can write or ship what they please, but some consideration for tagging would be appreciated so we don't have to constantly see it. Thanks.",

"Seriously take brittany out of this tag as a lesbian I hate when people turn the few lesbian characters and make them confused it's disrespectful to me. Please take this out of the Brittana tag unless you did it for attention cause it's rude.",

"Why is this in the Brittana tag gross Santanas a lesbian do you even watch glee?" and finally "Wow it is clearly stated in the show Santanas a lesbian not pan or bi that's Britts character and if it's not a Brittana fic and it takes away from a character ship that has helped so many people come out and accept themselves then yes it shouldn't have britt in it and yes it's hugely disrespectful. But if you want to support a homophobe that clearly has issues and a story that'll get hate for being posted in the Brittana tag when it has nothing to do with this ship then yes it's improperly tagged and the authors being an a*** for doing so. If you so choose to write sebtana fine but don't tag it Brittana and expect this story to get any kind of love cause Brittana helped many girls come out to their parents & that whole sans confused about her sexual orientation is even more disrespectful. Please tag your homophobic stories probably. Since it not only disregards Santanas true sexuality but Sebastians as well. This is why I hate people like you taking away a rare lesbian characters sexuality it's degrading and a horrible life you live take this out of the Brittana tag you and your homophobic trash fandom can read it in the sebtana tag not the Brittana 1."

I would write one of these to all of you separately like I did the first rant I ever published, but I honestly can't be bothered writing the same thing over and over again.

And also I should point out I highly doubt that any of you will actually be reading this, but in case you are here's my response to your comment and I hope next time you decide to leave one you will review how you're acting before you post it.

First comment:

I realize that Santana is a lesbian and Sebastian is gay. I get that they are both openly gay on the show and that I love. It adds to their characters, on the show. Now I am somewhat used to hearing the same thing said to many people not just me about writing the two characters being together being 'offensive' and shit but is it really? They're just two characters that people like together. Doesn't make it real. There is a reason why it is called 'Fan Fiction' because it is made by the fans and it isn't real.

I have a question, how does it make me homophobic? How? Just how? Like be serious. Calling me homophobic because I ship something that YOU don't like does not give you the right to accuse me of not supporting gay people – because I do. Hell my best friend is even a damn lesbian for god sake. Besides, would I be homofobic I wouldn't even write about either Santana or Sebastian.

Second comment:

This story is gross? Don't read it then. This pairing is gross? Again, don't read it then. I have learned that Santana is a lesbian, since it came out actually during season 2. I don't have a problem with that. Would I have a problem with it I wouldn't be writing about Santana at all, would I? I respect that and fully support it, I don't give a crap. Sexuality, to me, doesn't define who a person is. What defines a person is what they do and how they act, not who they love. Sure Sebastian wants Blaines dick but he ain't getting it is he? Considering Blaine is married to Kurt and all. But whatevs. If you dislike my story then why click on it? I mean like really why? Just don't read it. Don't waste your energy on shit you dislike, eh?

Third comment:

Firstly I wanted to thank you for actually being polite with your comment and actually writing a comment that I respect more because you're actually somewhat nice in it. Now, as a responce to your comment I wanted to also say that I respect that. I tagged Brittany in this story because I am writing her in it, I will be tagging other characters in the story if I chose to continue it and should I write them in it. I didn't realize that it would come up in the Brittany/Santana tag so I apologize for that – but I would just like to point out that in the bio section I clearly wrote "Sebtana." So really you didn't have to actually click on it. Now because you were somewhat nice and polite with your comment, I will say I hope you have a good day and actually find the stories you want to read on here and not those in which you clearly don't want to scroll upon.

Fourth comment:

First off, I'm getting the impression that you are telling me what to do and that doesn't boed well with me. Who do you think you are demanding I do things? Perhaps if you asked nicely I would consider it but demanding I do something you want? No. Just no. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who is gay or a lesbian when I write my stories, honestly I don't quite get how it does offend you. It is fan fiction. Not real. Never will be real. Just something a fan has thought of, written and shared with others. Now I'm not saying I expect everyone to like my stories – Believe me, I don't. I don't even care if you despise my work. Everyone has their own opinions and I fully respect that. - But what I do respect is for you and anyone else who also comments to be somewhat respectful also. You have a problem, fair enough comment it. But no need to get all demanding and mean. - I say mean because it is the politest word to describe you at the minute. I didn't tag my story as Brittana, I clearly labelled it as "Sebtana" - but whatever. Who reads the bios of a story anyway? Clearly not you. Like I already explained to a comment above you, I didn't realize that by tagging Brittany in my story it would instantly take my story to the Brittana fan fics out there. I tagged the Blondie in my story because she is actually in my story and considering that I plan to write more with her in my story I thought I should tag her. Just like in previous story's I have tagged 'Jeff' or even 'Hunter'. I would like to point out though I appreciate you eventually asking to take it out of the Brittana tag but honestly I didn't tag it as Brittana anyway so.. Yeh.

Fifth comment:

I didn't put it in the Brittana tag. Ugh. Gross? I guess I you're against this shit like but I don't see why. Fan fiction. Not real. Imagination. Never gonna happen. I wonder, do you also think it gross when someone makes Rachel and Tina become a couple? Or perhaps even Puck and Sam? And in answer of your other question, no. I clearly don't watch Glee as I've clearly no idea who any of the charters are. I just named them after my pet fish and decided to put it in the Glee section of this website.

Sixth comment:

I am aware that it is stated on the SHOW that Santana is a lesbian and that Sebastian is gay. But in case you haven't noticed by now, this isn't the show. This is just a little thing called fan fiction that is just something that someone has made up and is never going to happen. This is not the show. My ideas are not completely identical to the show. Sure I use the same characters and their traits and shit but my ideas are just completely imagined and obviously nothing to do with the show. I wonder if you actually realize there is a difference or not. So unless Santana and Brittany are in a relationship in something I have written, then I shouldn't use Brittany? I shouldn't write in their friendship? Fine. Suppose I could just make them have a lasting argument that turns them against each other for the rest of their fan fiction lives in THIS story and have Quinn take her place. Meh. Whatever floats your boat. I find Santana and Brittany's friendship to be just as adorable and even somewhat beautiful as their relationship throughout the show has become for them. Just because you feel that if they aren't in a relationship then Brittany should be used, doesn't mean that I'm actually not going to write in their friendship. I don't see why there's a problem with that anyway. Friends. Girlfriends. If you haven't noticed, still has the word 'Friends' in both. Fanfiction and the show are completely different. Do you react like this to all ships that include Santana but not Brittany?

Homophobic? Are you seriously calling me homophobic? That.. Is that an insult that you feel the need to use? Like come on, surely you should ask and actually get facts on someone before you accuse them of being homophobic. In my last rant I have clearly stated so many times that I am definitely not homophobic and I've even listed reasons to why I aren't, which personally I don't believe anyone should have to do. Love is love, respect that.

Sure, I have issues. But doesn't everyone? No one's life is perfect and mine definitely isn't. Now I'm not complaining nor will I go into talking about my life with you but still. Everyone has issues, I admit to that. But what has that to do with Sebtana as a ship? Last I checked you control yourself and with that whoever you want to ship. Wether that be Sebtana, Brittana, SnowBarry, Hermione, Dramione, WestAllen or even freaking Olicity – ship whoever the hell you want, why should anyone comment on it? Answer me that, who are you to just someone of who they find adorable together? To me that just shows how lonely your life must be and how little your mind is if you have to comment on something that other people clearly enjoy just because you dislike it.

Story will get hate? Yeah I realize. But doesn't every Sebtana story? I have like one that hasn't been hated on – Yet. But I imagine now I mention that you'll go and spread your hate on that one as well. But whatever, just shows how bored you must be to have to leave a comment on something you dislike instead of just clicking the 'x' on your tab and finding something else to read. - Again for the record, I didn't post it in the Brittana section. I clearly labeled it Sebtana and considering I wrote Brittany in the story I tagged her in it, much like I do other characters in my other stories.

I'm being an ass? Am I? Tell me, who is the one writing hateful comments and accusing someone of being freaking homophobic and then who's the one just responding to what you have written in the nicest way she can actually think of right now without getting aggravated. I think you need to take a look in the mirror, Love, before you start calling people names.

I didn't tag it Brittana. Ugh. I CLEARLY labelled in the bio of this fic "Sebtana". Is that not indication enough that this story would be about a Santana and Sebastian relationship. No? What do you want me to do? Also the cover image of this story is Naya and Grant so once again I ask, is that not enough of an indication to you what the relationship in MY fic would be?

I don't expect for my story to be loved by everyone. As I said in response to a previous comment, all I expect is to be somewhat respected when you leave a comment and not just throw around accusations of being homophobic without you even getting the slightest bit of evidence. I respect that everyone has their own opinions and shit but to me that is no excuse to start acting really disrespectful towards someone for writing something you don't like. Tell me, is this how you would talk to someone face to face? I appreciate and understand that Santana and Brittany's relationship on the show has helped people across the world come to terms with their sexuality and even come out to their friends and family, I find that great. But how does my story influenced by my ideas disrespect that? Its not real. Nothing to do with the show. The writers of Glee and everyone on the show is the reason for that, not me. So why does my story make a difference suddenly? How does it even? Its clearly nothing to do with the actual show.

Question, if you hate people like me then why do you even bother to click on my story? I don't believe that I have degraded either character in my fic but whatever. Its not a real story, not real characters, completely made up. I mean hell, is it not proof enough that it is completely a fake story and nothing to do with the show considering I even used a damn manip for the cover image? How more obvious do you want me to get?

Santana's true sexuality is a lesbian, yes. On the show. Now I'm not saying that in my stories Santana or even Sebastian are straight. Yes I ship them together but never have I ever written that they are completely straight. Also, I've never written a fic where I have ignored that Santana had relationships with another female. Or even Britt. They are somewhat mentioned, but oh no. Never mind that. I'm just apparently homophobic. Ugh.

I live a horrible life? You don't know me. I wonder, is leaving an anonymous guest comment making you feel brave? Does it make you feel somewhat happy to leave all this negativity behind on someone's work? Complain, then fine. But if you have hateful things to say then say it not on guest. At least then I could respond to you that way. Leave a comment on guest then at least be somewhat polite about it and don't you dare accuse me of being homophobic.

Didn't realize it was in the Brittana tag. How many more times do I have to write that? Once more I suppose – Brittany is tagged as a character in this story because she is actually a character in this story and I am not going to remove that because you among other people are being bitchy about it. I labled the story "Sebtana" clearly and even the cover photo is of Naya and Grant. Clear enough if you ask me.

Homophobic trash fandom? Well aren't you the loveliest of the bunch. Just because I as well as many other people ship Santana Lopez and Sebastian Smythe being together, does not mean that we are homophobic. We are also quite clearly not a trash fandom as we're not the ones going around spreading the hate and accusing people who write things we dislike of being homophobic. Most of us, if not all, do actually support gay people and in no way shape or form do we hate on them. Besides if you think about it, would we be homophobic we wouldn't like either Sebastian or Santana and would not bother writing or reading about them because they are gay. Perhaps think that over next time before you start throwing accusations of being homophobic around, eh?

Now to everyone else:

I enjoy getting comments from people about my work. I enjoy responding to those comments with something even as little as a "Thank you." Because I appreciate that the people leaving the comment has spent their time writing the comment and reading my stories. I don't take that for granted, I appreciate every single one of you reading this and any other of my fics.

I am a big supporter of the LGBT community, being called homophobic is actually offensive to me because I really aren't. My best friend is a lesbian, guy friend is gay, an old friend of mine is trans-gender.. Why would I have any reason to hate against any of those? They're all people. Sexuality doesn't define who a person is. How they act defines who they are, not who they love. So think about it. You call me disgusting and shit but you're the ones leaving the negative hateful comments. I'm not leaving them. If I read something and I dislike it I don't bother leaving a negative comment, I just click off it and find something more enjoyable to read.

Fortunately this time I'm not mad at the comments. Hell I didn't even let it get to me this time. But it gets me how someone can just be so hateful and accuse someone of something so.. Disgusting of a human being without actually having any evidence on it. What do you gain from that?

I respect that everyone has their own opinions and sometimes feel the need to share those opinions, but why do it behind a guest account? Do you feel power of being anonymous? Do you feel brave behind the computer screen? Is your life that boring and lonely that you feel the need to leave your negativity on someone who you don't even know to try and make them feel like shit? I wonder, what do you gain from it? And above all, do you act like this to your friends and family? Do you act like this in person, or is it just when you can hide behind a computer screen? Honestly from my opinion, all of you – aside the ONE comment that actually seemed to try and be polite about it, to me – seem like truly horrible people to know and be around.

Now I'm done with my rant, but should you feel the need to hear more of one of my rants – with more angry typing involved – then I invite you to read my first rant.

To everyone this doesn't apply to, I apologize for you reading this – if you do read this – but I wasn't just going to sit back and not say something.

Here I would just like to thank everyone else for their support, I honestly appreciate it and I never would have thought that even just one person would stand with me against the haters. You are all beautiful people and I honestly wish you the best, I don't take any of your support for granted and know I will always be utterly thankful of it.

I want to especially thank 'With A Violet', because she is one of the reasons why I carry on writing these stories and don't just give up. You are truly one of the nicest people I have ever 'met' online and your support means the world to me. I never expected anyone to DM me because of these hateful comments but you did, you surprised me and you really did make my day a whole lot better. I've thanked you before now and I will thank you again, I honestly appreciate it. I wish you the best and I hope you have a wonderful day, night or morning. Whenever you read this – If you read this.