M- Rating. This is a story that is working next to my other FanFiction- Did You Know That We're An OTP?

Case 0 : Truth is unexpected.

Each snowflake fluttered softly down from the dark, ashen clouds and only the coldness lingered in the frosty night. The vast amount of land was covered with the thin blanket of snow and ice while thin blades of dead grass peaked its head into the cold air. Only the small, cozy house emitted bits of light from the windows and smoke puffed steadily out of the chimney. The old door creaked open and its sound disturbed the peaceful, serene late evening.

"Must you leave tonight? It's so late and the roads are dangerous honey," said a grandmother who stepped out into the darkness with a thick parka protecting her from the biting winds.

Her husband, an old yet a healthy man, also stepped out of the house while carrying a small toddler, who was comfortably sleeping in the safety of his grandfather's embrace didn't stir. The man softly chided his sad wife so that his only grandchild wouldn't awaken, "Sweetheart, Jack has work tomorrow morning. They need to go back home. It was more than enough to have him and his family to drive all the way out here to see us."

A young woman came and gently kissed her mother's cold, wrinkled cheek and said, "Sorry mum, but we really need to get going. Jack already missed a few days from work to come celebrate here."

Her aged mother sighed and said, "Rebecca, Christmas is a family holiday and even if Jack is a highly respected and renowned diagnostician, he needs to celebrate a holiday with his family. No matter how busy he is."

Jack smiled meekly to his mother-in-law while carrying out their luggage bags and the bag of presents for his four year old son, Riley. He replied, "Yeah you're right, I really need to make more time for my family."

He carried their belongings to the car trunk as his wife unlocked the car. Rebecca defended her husband and calmly argued, "Mum, please. Jack is trying really hard to make time for our family. Technically, we weren't going to be able to make it here, but Jack bribed his colleagues to cover his shift. He's the Head of Department so he has his team to manage while figuring out the underlying disease of each patient. He has a demanding job."

Rebecca went and gently took her young son away from her father and into her warm embrace. She tucked Riley in the back seat and strapped him into the toddler seat. Then she tucked the boy in a blue fleece blanket which was designed with cute lamb patterns. Meanwhile, the two men embraced each other and Jack's father-in-law whispered, "Thanks for dropping by for Christmas... we've been missing you guys."

Jack nodded his head in agreement and said, "I'm sure Rebecca misses you too. She's a strong woman... a great wife. She never complains about my work. We will try to visit more often, Dad."

He smiled and said, "Please do."

They smiled together as they watched their women hug each other tightly and Rebecca's mother secured the knitted scarf around her daughter's neck. She said, "Take good care of your body."

He and his family climbed into the heated car and Jack turned on all of the headlights before reversing their family car out of the long, icy lane away from the house which grew smaller each few minutes. They watched their parent continously waving their hands good-bye despite of the freezing temperature.

As they began to drive away, Jack planted an affectionate kiss on his wife's cheek as he knew that his wife wanted to stay longer with her parents since they only managed to see them twice a year, Christmas and Thanksgiving. Three times a year, if his schedule allowed them. He suggested, "Let's visit them on Easter weekend this year."

With a quick glance, he could see her lips perk up to form a smile. Then he grinned as he remembered their family Christmas dinner and he commented, "You dropped quite the bomb during dinner today... Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Rebecca softly rubbed her stomach and whispered, "You seemed really busy and stressed these days so I wanted to tell you during Christmas."

Jack smiled as he stared out at the empty, black streets. He replied, "It's the best Christmas present ever."

He checked on his baby boy with the rear window and he chuckled, "Can't believe that the little man is going to be an older brother soon..."

He steered the wheels with his one of his hands and gently caressed his wife's extanded hand. She happily agreed, "Yeah, we are going to have a bigger family."

As the long drive back home continued, Jack noticed his wife slowly succumb to heavy sleep. Her head hung loosely as she dozed off into the realm of dreams like their son. He checked if there were any cars following theirs and slowly parked the car. He grimaced when he felt the car slide slightly further than he expected. He cautiously stepped out of the vehicle and opened to the trunk to retrieve another blanket. Before he returned back into the car, he stretched his tired limbs and jolted himself awake. He silently observed the cattle sleep together in a tightly knit group and appreciated the peaceful beauty of the rural area. He broke into a grin as he remembered how excited Riley was to see each animal in the afternoon.

Jack was surprised to find his son awake and staring at him. He smiled sweetly back to his confused son and started to draw a small bunny on their frosty window. Riley giggled to the silly drawing and traced after his father's finger. Then he drew him a small fairy flying over the bunny while Santa stood next to the rabbit. His innocent child merrily clapped his tiny hands and kicked his short legs against the seat. He snorted as his son's excitement kicked off his favourite blanket.

He had no choice, but to open the door as his son pursed his lips in displeasure. Jack helped pick up the blanket and retucked his son with it. The cute brown haired boy pointed at the rough drawing on the window and proudly pointed out each character. "That one is Tooth Fairy. That one's Santa... and that's Easter Bunny!"

Jack smiled at his son and replied, "That's right little man. You're such a smart boy. Do you want to go play with them?"

Riley excitedly said, "Yeah!"

He squatted in the cold and stared into the boy's pure blue eyes and said, "Well you need to go back to sleep. Then you can play with all of them in your dreams with Sandman too."

Riley innocently replied, "Okay, Daddy... Daddy, am I going to be a big brother?"

Jack ruffled his brown hair and answered, "Yes, Riley. You'll be a big brother and you willl be the best big brother. I believe in you, little man."

Riley smiled proudly back at his father and Jack shut the back door. Then he climbed into the toasty warmth of the car where the cold couldn't nip on his face. Then he wrapped the bigger red blanket over his wife's sleeping body and it didn't take long before Riley fell back asleep.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly and began to drive up the rocky, dangerous road of the dark, lonesome mountains. It was a winding road where it twisted sharply and snaked around the face of the rough mountain. He sighed in relief as he finally saw that he was on the path which would take him down the mountain.

He steered the wheels carefully and slowly as he descended the twisting route. He noticed a humongous truck ascending up the mountain while their car moved further down. Jack attempted to keep his eyes open against the blinding headlights of the truck. For safety, he honked the horns, demanding the other driver to turn off the high beams, yet the light continued to blind him... and in the next few seconds, everything wound downwards like the mountain path.

Rebecca's eyes opened in alarm as Jack honked furiously until the last second... Jack heard the startled cries of his son at the back of the car... he felt the tires slip beneath them... then he felt the wheel spin out of his hands... he felt the car rock violently as the truck collided against their smaller car... he felt the world spin out of control... the air bags lurching out and its force crush his chest forcefully... his head crashing against the roof of the car ... tasting the fresh blood from his red lips ... sharp pain of the shattered window glass piercing his torn body ... BOOM!

His vision blurred and he wondered how long the crash was. Breathing became difficult and his lungs... no, his entire body desparately begged for air. He could feel burning heat engulf him, yet he was trapped by the seat belt. Jack could only tilt his head so much, only to see Rebecca unconscious with red blood drip down her pale face and the red blanket darkened as it soaked in her blood. In sinking dread, he fumbled the seat belt away in great pain as his broken arms refused to work properly. Fear was throttling him with its burning chaos.

He could smell the burning gasoline and the suffocating grey smoke drowned him. The metallic door had been ripped away by sheer force and the fire began to lick the red blanket and slowly licked at her wounds. Jack heaved and through the excruciating agony, he freed himself and shoved his wife out of the car. He cried as he rolled and crashed onto the red, icy road. All of his bones cried and crunched, yet he desparately ripped the flaming blanket away from Rebecca.

Through the blinding pain, his mind refused to give up and continued to keep him awake. To his frustration, the flame had began to gnaw on his wife's twisted arm. He continued to gasp small mouthful of air and he crawled over his wife and shielded her from the red snares of the fire while eradicating the fire beneath his now burnt stomach. He screamed into the open night. Broken, in pain, and alone on the fiery ground, he watched in indescribable horror, the small vehicle burst small puffs of fire and trapped inside, an unconscious yet burning Riley remained strapped in his safety toddler chair. He had to wake up.

Jack fruitlessly wheezed, "Riley... Riley... Riley.."

The heat was becoming unbearable and the smoky air continued to snub out his remaining consciousness as well. Jack clawed and kicked himself inch by inch closer to the burning object as he hands began to bleed. As he approached closer to the car, fire began to taste his body.

No. He could never and would never leave his baby boy in a burning metallic car. His weakened body trembled as the flames slowly devoured him. Jack aimlessly tore his burning son's body away from the disaster and as a father, he kept him protected under his body as he snuffed out the fire with his body once more. Shockingly, in the burning chaos, he could a blaring voice out of the radio croaking, "We have been informed that your car has been through an accident. Emergency has been dispatched! Is anyone there?!"

Hearing the only faint hope, Jack used all of his remaining energy to shout, "HELP! Mayo Clinic!"

He could hear the voice mumble, everything was blackening... Rebecca and Riley...

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