Hello guys, sorry for the really really really long time it took me to update. I was stuck with a write's block for what to write next as I didn't make a plan for chapter 1. Sorry if my grammar isn't perfect.

I would also like to give credit to kdh1997 for his/her idea in the review. I would also like to thanks everyone who review me ideas, it actually helped me a lot.

After the night with his private talk with Emi, also known as the Hero of Ente Isla. He decided that there was no other way to avoid this topic with his loyal subordinate, Ashiya Shiro aka a demon general…with Urushihara Hanzo listening beside.

"My lord, what were you talking about with Emilia?"


After his talk with Emi, it was clear from Ashiya's perceptive that Maou was in clear distress.

"My lord are you okay? Do you feel unwell? Do we need to call in sick for work tomorrow?"

As Ashiya lived on Earth as an ordinary housewife, he couldn't not take in work for consideration. So Maou can only reply with a sigh.

"Sigh, Ashiya we have more important matter to worry about!"

For Maou to say there was something more important than work, you can tell that something serious was up.

"My lord, is this something to do with what Emilia said to you?"

Maou was now hiding his head between his folded up leg in depression.

"I really don't know how to break it to you, Ashiya. I really don't know what to do…"

"My lord, you know you can share anything with me?"

"Sorry Ashiya, I'm really tired from work. Can we just call in a night?"

"No, my lord tell me what happen with Emilia?"

"… She told me she was… pregnant…"

At this point, Lucifer had completely absorbed in their conversation and he could only reply with this:


But however, Ashiya contrary to belief has remained calm.


"And that it's probably mine…"

Lucifer's body has stumbled away from the wooden table that had his laptop on top of it, resulting him to hit his knee on the backside of the table. This concluded with him crying out in agony. On the other hand, Ashiya had absolutely no reaction similar to shock, anger or disbelief but actually looked relief.

"My lord, to be honest with you. I had notice subtle changes with Emilia lately. Once I even saw her coming out of a maternity clinic. I was only worried if you were the father but it looks like I was right."

Shock could not begin to describe the look on Maou and Lucifer' face.

Ashiya continued.

"Then what do you plan to do, my lord. Please remember the decision you and Emilia make would change the lives of everyone around you."

Maou could only reply with a sigh.

"Do you not think I am not aware, but even if I didn't have to worry about that, I still wouldn't know what to do. I cannot allow myself to act this irresponsibility as the Demon Lord and with the Hero out of all people. Seriously, how am I suppose to conquer Ente Isla and Japan when I have to be responsible for a life with the Hero. How is the child even going to turn out when it is a mix of 3 species that has no relation with each other. And for me to be the father of that child, how can I be responsible for an innocent life when I have murder millions…"

The more Maou kept saying the more upset he got and could not face reality until Ashiya gently placed his hand on the demon lord's shoulder for reassurance.

"My lord, just between you and me. This time, I believe my lord shouldn't only focus on what is the right thing and wrong thing to do but focus on what you really want to do instead and no matter what decision you come out with I as the head demon general would follow you to the end even if I have to go through hell, my lord.'

After saying this, Alciel gave a strong glare and kick towards the NEET resulting him to follow his lead.

"Um… yeah, I will support you to the end."

Alciel kicked him again.

"…my lord."

In the result of everything the two demon general had said to the demon lord. Maou suddenly hugged them both together, making the two demon generals blush slightly. However, they were not aware of the demon king happy crying.

"ufff…I so happy that I have two loyal subordinates" was what Maou had said.

Of course, Alciel reply telling his king that he deserved all this and it was his duty to do so, while Lucifer was secretly happy that the Demon Lord had finally praised him once.

5 months later

In the Demon Lord's temporary stronghold, there was 7 existence. The Demon Lord that had nearly conquered Ente Isla, the Hero that had stop the Demon Lord from conquering Ente Isla, a Demon General that followed the Demon Lord through the gate because they were defeated by the Hero, a Fallen Angel that was supposedly killed by the Hero and later betrayed the Demon Lord, the Chief Inquisitor of the Church whose main mission was to kill the Demon Lord but instead had took care of them as their neighbour and an ordinary high school girl that was the only human being to know the real identities of these alternate world existence and their main purpose for today was to eat dinner. To those who are familiar with the true identities of these people, this would be called a miracle. However, to those who were not familiar, it just looks like a bunch of friends hanging out.

But one thing was clearly different compare to the old peaceful days of the Villa Rosa residence. It was one of seven was clearly pregnant and that was the Hero Emilia. Over these 5 months, Emi's appearance had changed a lot. Her crimson hair had been cut to shoulder length, her belly had now become very obvious that she was late into the stage of pregnancy and one could say that she had became more matured if they knew her long enough.

Nowadays, it was the norm for the Demon Lord to walk the pregnant Hero back home, the tension between these two somewhat become less and less every time they meet. It could be said this was due to that they had more things to discuss, thanks to a new existence in the Hero's belly.

"How many months has it been?"

"8 months, I thought you were keeping track?"

"I was, I'm just keeping check that's all."

"Hey, did you check which cradle we should buy?"

"Yeah, yeah I did. It's just that the nice ones are really expensive. Ashiya is going to kill me if I buy one over 20,000 yen."

"I told you, we are going to split it."

"Nah, this is the least I can do when you are going through labour next month."

"Ahhh, don't remind me of it."

This was one of the causal conversation between the Hero and the Demon King nowadays. Soon they had arrives in front of Emi's apartment complex.

"Ah, I'll walk you upstairs as well."

"No, you don't have to."

"Nah, I will. I have something I need to tell you anyway."

So in the end, the Demon King had entered the Hero's apartment.

While, Emi made tea. Maou also went into the kitchen to help her out.

"Ah, thanks."

They sat down on the sofa, quietly sipping tea in front of the turned on TV.

"...Maou has you ever thought of the child's future? It going to be really difficult path, it's not going to grow up like an ordinary child. Theres also the threat from being targeted by anyone that want revenge from us."

"I know, after all we are the Demon King and Hero of Ente Isla. We cannot get rid of all the responsibility that they had putted on us."




After some thought Maou said this.

"Emi, I promise you from now on that I protect this child from whatever and whoever plans to attack in the future even if I would lose my life in the process and to do that… let me move in with you after the child is born."

Maou said the last part looking straight at Emi with a smile on his face.

I know this chapter took a really sharp turn from last chapter serious ending and I didn't really explain how did Maou confronted Emi afterwards but don't worry as the next chapter will explain it. :D

Spoiler: Next chapter I might write the same content but with Emi's point of view and I'll also add what happen between Maou and Emi when they meet again after that night.

Thanks for taking your time to read my fanfic. :D and please support the original light novel. Volume 1 is already out in English, Volume 2 is coming out in August.