So here is chapter two. I feel the writing in this is very forced due to having other assignments and such so I am under a bit of pressure. Please forgive me. Enjoy

Before I met Aang, on days like these I would stay home from school. As is happens I am a hopeless liar, so I would get flustered when teachers asked me where I got bruises from.

But I couldn't tell the truth either. Generally, Father tried not to leave any bruises or burns on my face, just the rest of me. Sometimes though, his aim would be off from the alcohol and mark my face. Yet these were small and insignificant compared to what he left on the rest of my body.

I stare at the full length mirror, to once again see the evidence of last night. Completely naked, I am hideous. Burns, cuts, bruises and blisters cover my skin. Any kind of movement is agony.

'You disgust me!' he shrieked. 'I don't know what is worse! The air bender part the fact that it's a BOY!'

I groan and hit my head against the mirror. It shatters a little, and I feel glass slicing my forehead. The first time I tried to skip school after a beating since Aang moved here was full of potential disaster. I was curled up on my bed, watching people walk by on the streets through my window. Aang was waiting at the spot I usually meet with him to walk to school. He looked around, and waited for a full ten minutes.

I kept chanting in my head for him to leave despite me wanting him to be here with me. But then Aang started walking.

Toward our front door.

I leapt up and scrambled out the window before he could knock. I'd given him the excuse that I had slept in, and to wait a bit for me to change into uniform.

So since Aang, I had to always go to school after being bashed. I was too afraid of him knocking on our door and be faced with Azula or father…

Today feels worse. It's not my body that feels burnt.

He must hate me. Be disgusted with me. But I can't risk him confronting me here, in this house. Because then I wouldn't be the only one to face my father's violence.

I push away from the mirror and wipe the blood from my face. I will skip school this time. But I can't run away from Problem Aang.

I quickly shower and dress (painfully) into jeans, black shirt and grey hooded jacket. I hunt down some pain killers, and awkwardly climb out my bedroom window.

I timed it perfectly. I was making my way along the path that veers away from the street we usually walk when Aang reaches the waiting point. I was probably 57 steps ahead of him. Glancing over my shoulder at him, I could see him looking around. So he expected me after all.

It didn't take long for him to notice me. His gaze zeros in on my face. I feel the blood rush up to my cheeks. Turning away from him, I continue to walk away. You see, I have to lead him away from the house to talk.

"Wait!" Aang calls. I jump slightly, but I don't stop. I hear him running to catch up. My heart is matching his steps. I try to swallow, but there's now a lump in my throat.

He catches up to me, and he's not even out of breath.

"Zuko, where are you going? You aren't wearing your uniform?" he walks beside me now. I shrug, and wince as the pain flares up in my shoulders.

"Not in the mood for school today."

So, you're skipping classes?"


"Why are there cuts on your face?"

I glance away and blush.

"I-I tripped into a mirror. It kind of broke a little."

"Zuko, what's going on?" Aang jumps in front of me and grabs my wrists. Hot pain shoots up my arms from the contact. I hiss and flinch away from his grip without thinking.

The hurt on his face almost killed me.

"No, Aang! I just hurt my arms. Its fine, don't be upset. I'm sorry."

Slowly, he takes my hands gently. My breathing spikes. I glance toward my house, but our car isn't there. So he isn't home then.

Aang follows my gaze.

"Zuko, I'm confused."

"About what?"

"Everything. Yesterday. Why did you run? Why did your dad call? Why are you hurt?"

"Let's get out of here, and then we'll talk, okay?" I start to walk again, pulling him along with our joined hands.

"What about school?"

"I can't. Not today."

Keeping a firm grip on his hand, I lead him away from the house, toward the place where I consider home. Aang is silent as we walk along. I'm not sure if he's ever been along here. It's a nice part of the suburb. More open and cheery. The streets are filled with bakeries and stalls. Actually, it's not far from the tea shop that Gyatso loves.

As we get closer to my destination, I start to relax. Breathing deeply, I slow my pace.

My destination is a small cottage-type house on the corner of a wide street. The front yard is coloured with fire-lilies and other flowers I don't know the name of.

When I open the gate to enter the yard, the metal creak makes me feel at home.

Unexpectedly, Aang pulls on my jacket, jerking me to a stop. Ignoring the pain it caused, I turn to face him. He looks nervous, confused, and a little angry.

"I didn't realize we were visiting someone. Zuko, how come you didn't tell me?" he whispers frantically. I smile weakly at him.

"Actually, no-one is home. This is my uncle's house. He is on holidays at the moment." I pull him deeper in the front yard. The garden looks as though it could do with some weeding.

"Your uncle? The one who owns the tea shop?" he still sounds uptight.

"Yeah. Don't worry, we aren't breaking in. He lets me stay here in exchange of me managing his garden when he's away."

Aang relaxes immediately. We walk along the short path to the front door of the house. On either side of the door are small statue dragons made from green stone. Around the neck of one of the dragons is a small chain holding the key to this house. I let go of Aang's hand and grab the key.

"Bit obvious for a hiding spot, isn't it?" Aang comments as I unlock the door. Pushing it open, I give him another small smile.

"I said the same thing to him. His response was that it's only obvious if you know where to look." His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Leading the way inside, I head straight to the bathroom as that is where the first aid kit is.

In contrast with the rest of the house, the bathroom is large and modern looking. There is a large spa in one corner, and a long bench below a mirror the length of the entire back wall. It always freaks me out.

"Is this the first time you've ditched school?" Aang queries as I get the kit from the cupboard. I take cotton balls and a small bottle of spirit water.

I cringe. If I tell him the truth, then he'll ask why.

Should I tell him about my father?

Aang, uncharacteristically, starts to look impatient. He snatches the bottle and cotton balls away from me. Squirting the water into the cotton, he steps closer and starts to dab at the cuts on my cheek. He's so close. I can't remember the question he asked, or what I was supposed to say.

"Zuko, please talk to me." He says firmly.

"U-um, I-" my whole face feels so hot, and I'm having trouble breathing. He sighs, and I feel guilty that I don't know what I am supposed to do. He places the bottle and ball on the bench beside us, and blushes. Looking down at his hands, he fiddles with his jumper.

"A-Aang, I'm sor-" he glares up at me so suddenly. I take a step back. Looking determined, he strides towards me.

Because it's all I know, when someone starts acting like that toward me, pain follows. Instinctively, I close my eyes tight and brace myself for the oncoming brutal force.

Something touches my mouth, something grips and my shoulders, and I can feel heat, but no pain follows.

There's no fire or fists.

There's only Aang, and this kiss.

A/N: *Blushes while writing* I know this is shortish but it sets up for the next chapter. Please let me know what you think!