I would like to thank those who followed and favorited my story even when it started.

I don't own One Piece it belongs to Eiichiro Oda.



Written Note

Chapter three: Meeting old friends and taking out a beach whale

Luffy after going through the whirlpool heard a splash next to him that woke him up from his sleep followed by someone saying, "Missed." 'Luffy what's going on I can hear something from your end but I can't see what's going on?' Questioned his wife on the other link of their mind. 'You can hear my conversation?' Luffy asked the archeologist. 'Yes Luffy I can and you can probably hear mine as well, but you still didn't answer my question.' Robin answered her husband. Luffy gave a small chuckle then said, 'Right sorry. I believe its sailors trying to get the barrel I'm in thinking it's probably sake.'

'So what's going to happen next since I believe you never told me how you started your journey to become Pirate King?' Robin curiously asked the Pirate King. 'Well nothing exciting really just battled against Alvida and also became friends with Coby.' Luffy answered without any care to what he was saying.

Luffy heard the hook latch on to the barrel and was slowly being dragged toward the ship. As he was being lifted up he heard shouting from somewhere saying, "Pirates!"

"Well I guess the party just started." The Pirate King said to himself slightly out loud, but Robin still heard him and laughed. As soon as the pirates landed on the ship the barrel that Luffy was in started to roll on the deck and towards the stairs leading to the kitchen. After arriving in the kitchen he waited until he heard a scared voice, "Hello?"

'Coby!' Thought Luffy with a fond smile. 'I'll make sure you become a great marine like last time maybe sooner.'

Coby was trying to find a hiding place from the Alvida pirates so he won't have to be a cabin boy for her crew any longer. He came across the barrel that Luffy was in then said, "This barrel is pretty large." He rolled the barrel for a little bit before being stopped by three other pirates. "Well look what we have here guys it's the cabin boy." One of the three men sneered. "Trying to ditch us and find a hiding spot?"

"N-n-no. I w-was just trying t-to get provisions is all." Coby stammered as the three men brought the barrel towards them. "Well we will be taking this from you now, it's probably just booze anyway." Said the leader of the three men.

"W-what if L-lady Alvida finds out-" Coby started to stammer out.

"But she won't find out, because you didn't see anything right chore boy." The leader of the group said to the frighten boy.

"Alright," said the man now. "I'll just punch this barrel open and we'll drink."

'Seriously, who punches through a sake barrel to open it?' Thought Luffy, with his wife also asking the same question. He heard the man approach. 'Here we go.'

He struck his hands through the barrel, punching the pirate right in the face. The man was sent through the ship's hull and into the distance. "YEAH THAT WAS A GREAT NAP!" The pirate king shouted.

The two remaining pirates and Coby just stared in shock at what just happen. Luffy turned to Coby and asked, "Can you take me where there is food?" The two pirates finally snapped out of their shock and yelled at Luffy, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

Luffy just ignored them and waiting on Coby to take him where there was food. The pirates were seething for being ignored brought their swords out and attacked. The husband of Nico Robin sensed the attack coming with his Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) and just turned around and swatted the two men like they were flies.

After the attack both men were knocked unconscious. Luffy turning his attention back to Coby just said, "Food" Coby just quietly nodded his head and led Luffy to the food storage room.

As they got to the food storage room Coby asked a question that was on his mind, "Who are you and how are you so strong?"

After Luffy ate a few apples he responded with, "My name is Monkey D. Luffy. Also the reason I'm so strong is because I had teachers who taught me to become strong." With a carefree attitude like it wasn't at all that important. 'Was he really like this when you first met him Luffy?' Questioned Nico Robin. 'Yeah Coby was a real coward when I met him.' Came Luffy's response to his wife.

"I'm Coby by the way, so what are you doing on the sea anyway?" Coby asked curiously. Luffy getting out of his mental chat with his wife answered with a big grin on his face. "There are two reasons that I'm sailing on the sea. The first is to reunite with someone very special to me and the second is to become the Pirate King."

"Pirate King?" asked Coby. Luffy nodded. "THE Pirate King" again Luffy nodded. "That's impossible. Completely impossible. The Pirate King has everything in the world, he is the strongest pirate of all!"

Luffy simply nodded again and was having a mental conversation with his wife, 'If he only knew that he was speaking the actual Pirate King right now. Seeing the look on his face would be hilarious.' Luffy told his wife. The archeologist of the Strawhat crew giggled then responded with 'While that may be true Luffy I think we should keep that we are from the future a secret so we don't have enemies on us.' The captain of the Strawhat crew gave a silent nod agreeing with his wife.

The man who ate the Gomu-Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit) came out of his thoughts when he kept hearing Coby saying becoming the Pirate King is impossible.


"Ow, why'd you hit me for?" asked Coby, who was trying to ease the pain from the bump on his head.

"You were getting hysterical and also you were getting slightly annoying saying that becoming Pirate King is impossible." Luffy said in a calm voice. "It doesn't matter if becoming Pirate King is impossible. It's my dream and I'll do anything to accomplish that dream, and also reunite with my very special person who is waiting for me."

Coby's expression was in awe after hearing the determination in Luffy's voice.

"You also have a dream too right, Coby? I see it in your eyes." Said Luffy.

Coby gave the Pirate King a nod then said, "I want to be a marine! I want to become a man who can capture criminals like Alvida."

Luffy gave Coby a smile.

"Are you going to follow it, Coby?" Luffy asked seriously. "Are you willing to risk your life for your dream?"

Coby gave Luffy a determined nod.

"Good now let's go and beat up a beach whale." Said Luffy.

Coby paled hearing that since he was sure that Alvida was the strongest pirate there is, (even though that isn't even true.)

Coby and Luffy were walking up the stairs, Luffy was talking to his wife, 'So Robin do you have any ideas on what our boss sent us back in time for? With you reading Poneglyphs and me being the Pirate King.' Hearing this Robin couldn't figure out what was so important that they both needed to be sent back in time and gave her response. 'Honestly Luffy I'm not even sure either as to why we both got sent back in time, so I guess we will just have to wait and find out.'

'By the way Luffy, why are you calling Alvida a beach whale?' Robin questioned her husband. 'Well I guess since East Blue is the weakest sea you probably haven't seen her wanted poster. Well she a very fat and ugly person.' Luffy gave his answer to his wife.

As soon as they get on the deck they see Alvida and her crew. Luffy also with his Kenbunshoku Haki felt Nami's presence on Alvida's ship.

Alvida saw the both of them from the corner of the eye and said to Coby, "Well if it isn't the chore boy Coby. So Coby who is the most beautiful woman in the sea?"

"W-w-why t-that would b-be y-you L-Lady Alvida." Coby managed to stammer out. Luffy having a smirk on his face asked Coby, "Is that really whale really Alvida? I know many women more beautiful than her, but one of the women out shines all of them."

'Thank You Luffy that's really sweet of you.' Robin was really happy hearing Luffy say that about her. 'Well it's true Robin.' The husband of Nico Robin replied back.

"WHY YOU INSULTING BRAT! KILL THEM, MEN!" screamed an irate Alvida and then her pirates jumped towards them. Coby covered his eyes in fear.

Luffy just smirked and with speed that no one on the ship could see, punched every pirate left and right where some of them went in the sea or making holes on the ship.

Coby opened his eyes after he didn't feel any pain and saw that there were a total of three people on the ship Luffy, Alvida and himself.

"Man what a bunch of weaklings. Is that all you got for me you fat whale?" Luffy said to Alvida.

"Luffy-san, how did you beat them all that fast?" Coby questioned Luffy. Upon hearing Coby's question he spoke to Coby, but made sure that Alvida could hear him.

"This is the weakest sea, Coby. I'm far stronger than anyone in this sea. Even the fat whale in front of us." Luffy said while pointing a finger at Alvida.

'You are having way too much fun right now Luffy, and also it seems that you being blunt hasn't changed at all.' Responded Nico Robin. 'Shishishi while I might have fun making fun of people I'll be mostly bored for fighting until we reach Alabasta where I'll fight Crocodile.' Came Luffy's answer to his wife's response.

That was the last straw. Alvida jumped at Luffy with her giant mace raised up over her head with the intention to hit Luffy in the head with it. Then she brought her hand down and hit Luffy in the head. Both Coby and Alvida were sure that Luffy was dead and the look on her face when she was looking at Coby was a look that promised pain.

"Just so you both know I'm still alive by the way." The eater of the Gomu-Gomu no Mi said under the mace.

Then the next thing that happened was her mace started to crack then it burst into pieces, followed by her getting punched in the stomach and flying above the ocean.

Coby mind just blanked out upon seeing Pirate (Iron Mace) Alvida the most powerful pirate he'd ever meet just get manhandled by a person who probably didn't even weigh a fourth of her. The next thing he noticed is that he was being hoisted up by the Strawhat captain and jumped off the ship and into a small boat in the sea. Soon after, Marines started firing at both ships.

"IAAAAA!" screamed Nami when Luffy crashed into her boat with Coby in hand. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Hey are you going to Shell Town?" asked Luffy.

Nami could only nod since she didn't want to yell at him after seeing what he could do after he defeated all those pirates.

"Great. Can we go with you since Coby here wants to be a marine." He questioned Nami.

"Now I would row if I was you unless you want to be caught by the marines." The Pirate King told Nami. After hearing that they rowed and were on their way to Shell Town.

'Well Robin now it's going to be our adventure once I get Zoro and we find out what's our mission from our boss.' Robin can only nod hearing that. 'Um Robin now that everything has settled down and everything I've been thinking since we have both been sent back in time, are you pregnant?'


Alright everyone that's the end of chapter 3 and sorry for taking so long to finish with this chapter. With school finishing in 3 more weeks it's hard to work on this story and school at the same time.

Now I'll make a poll to see if you want Robin to be pregnant or not. My opinion is that it brings a unique element of surprise with this story besides having them complete their mission.

I'll have the poll up until April 25, 2015 after that is done I'll have another poll up based on what your first poll is.

Hope you enjoy reading this so far and send some reviews and also ideas.

Thank You

Monkey D. Robin