White-gloved fists beat against the wooden door vigorously, with enough force that it should have broken at the second hit, and yet it only took more and more. Rayman poured all his might into those blows, fist faintly glowing with the magic of the Lums he'd last had being put to use. But to no avail.

The door was still shut, and no matter what he did, it wouldn't budge. He'd already broken off the doorknob trying the civil way. Now, in growing desperation, he was taking to going al out against it.

Rayman didn't care that he was growing weary, that his muscles ached from strain at the wild exertion. All he focused on was getting OUT of this place. This horrible, horrible-

Something cold and sharp pierced through his back, making him freeze mid-swing. His energy drained, and he felt like he was about to faint. Like a giant had toppled over onto him, leaving him paralyzed as chills shuddered through him unpleasantly.

On the ground, he struggled to keep his eyes open. It was so hard to see, with so little light and his head feeling like a beating drum-

Moonlight flickered from behind the clouds and through the window, only to gleam off of technology that's metallic sheen gave the hero flashbacks. Back to when he'd been back home, back when the ships had come down, nearly killed them all, beat and insulted and murdered and enslaved-

Rayman gasped, fear flooding him with adrenaline. The name of the ones responsible for nearly ravaging everything he held dear rang again and again through his mind, like a mantra. A tune of bitterness, of hatred. Motivation.

With renewed strength, he fought again, almost breaking free. Yet another mysterious weapon landed a blow upon him, weakening his body be this time, not his focus or resolve. Eyes burning with determination, he yelled and thrashed. He nearly destroyed the lifeless mechanism that pulled him closer and closer, like ant lion's trap of sand.

He called out to his 'friend', the one who had tricked him into this place. As he was hit again and again by that weapon he couldn't see, injected with some sort of poison, he grew more and more scared.

At one point, he couldn't even move most of his body, only his face. Limp and terrified, the limbless boy was forced to watch as his body was shifted into place, as restrictions bound him down by unseen hands that reflected back the moon and starlight coldly with silver shine.

Voice hoarse and tears streaming from his eyes, the brave hero who'd endured so much cried out one last time for his dear friend, who'd helped him, never betrayed him like this before. Nothing like this...

The name jarringly crashed through the walls, to the outside where the-once-friend flittered anxiously, startling him as the crackle of electricity soared from within those walls.


And then the hero knew no more.