Coulson stood in the front of the screen where series of undergound caverns were displayed, Agent May stood to his left with a stoic face as he spoke.

"Mission is simple. Go in, retrieve the 0-8-4 and get out" Coulson looked up to his young group of agents, getting nods and 'yes sirs' from most.

Skye raised her hand and spoke "That's a lot of area to cover AC... DC..." She made a face and waved her hand as if trying to shoo the new nick name away "you know what I mean. We going in teams of two or..."

"We is a lot of people Skye. You are staying here" he didnt give her a chance to answer before looking May "two teams of two. How long before we can..."

"As soon as we are dismissed" she answered before he finished

He looked back to his team "Consider yourselves dismissed"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on a minute. Why am I the only one..."

"With Wards where abouts unknown and your f... look, it's the best call"

Skye crossed her arms and grumbled "says you"

Coulson and May turned to looked the younger woman, May with a raised brow and Coulson with a slightly furrowed brow "Care to run that by me again?"

Skye rolled her eyes and dropped her arms to her side "I can take of myself AC. Mays training me now. I can do this, I can be part of the team"

The older man let out a barely audible sigh "Skye, not being involved doesn't make you anyless part of this team"

"But i can..."


"AC please. Let me just..."

"I said no." the tone is his voice left no room for argument but Skye couldn't help herself from trying again.

Her eyes darted to Agent May "Come on May tell him. Tell him how bad ass I'm getting..."

"Skye enough!" Skye's widened at the harsh tone before he continued "The directive has been given, I don't expect you like it but I do expect you to follow it. Understood?"

The younger woman resisted the urge of letting her bottom lip tremble and she dropped her eyes to look at the floor before nodding.

Coulson gave an affirmative nod "Good." He looked to the rest of his team "let's move people"

The younger agents scattered in all directions and Skye stood and quickly made her way out of the room, avoiding any eye contact along the way.

This time Coulson let a long sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She'll get over it" May offered, her face unreadable

"She needs to act more like an agent and less like a child" he looked over to the women standing at his side and gave a questioning look at her raised brow.


"Well, for beginners if you want her to grow up maybe you should stop playing dad so often"

May left Coulson alone with his thoughts and soon her voice crackled over the comm system as the bus came to life "Lock it or lose it"

They landed in Lebanon several hours later. May, Trip, Bobbi and Lance stood before Coulson in tactical gear, all having climbing rope slung over thier shoulders. Skye and Fitz sat at the top of the spiral stairs watching everyone gear up, Skye's frown said it all. She watched as Jemma explained how the head lamps also had cameras attached so that her and Coulson would be able to see everything first hand.

Skye watched as Mays eyes flickered up to her as she said something to Coulson, who shook his head then smirked before telling his team to be careful.

Forty five minutes later Coulson left Fitzsimmons to watch the live feed and made his way up to Skyes bunk; feeling like his fuse had been short with her this morning he wanted to make amends. He knocked and recieved no answer so he tried again, after the third time he entered to find her bunk empty. Her laptop was left on and opened on her bed with a mediocre layout of the Jeita Grotto, he took a step closer to get a better look and frowned "Dammit Skye!"

He reached for his comm "May, Skyes gone and I'm pretty sure she is headed your way"

The comm crackled before Mays voice came through "Is this where I say I told you so?"

He pictured the smirk playing on Mays lips and shook his head then said a out loud "She is sooo grounded"

Skye took a deep breath as she made her was down the dark cavern looking for this supposed 0-8-4, she knew she only had so long before Coulson figured out she snuck off the bus. She wandered around for what felt like hours which in actual time is had been about forty minutes.

The natural light was dying out so Skye switched on her head light and kept walking. She tried not to sike herself out but it was too dark and eerily quite. Eventually the cavern became more narrow and she had to turn to her side to squeeze through the opening in the cavern wall; once she came out on the other side she seen beautifully colored rock formations and pool of water that look almost like it was glowing. She walked to the edge of the dirt until her shoes toed the water to see how deep the natural pool went but what she seen instead made her pump her fist and bounce in place. There sitting at the bottom on watered grotto was an oblong shaped, metallic object with intricate carvings.

She dropped to her knees and reached into the freezing waters, her chest dipping into the water. Skye wrapped her fingers around the object and pulled as hard as she could until 0-8-4 came free. Standing up she inspected her findings, still facing the water. She brought it closer to her face and turned to collect her things.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"

Skye nearly jumped out of her skin and a sound came from her lips as she dropped the metallic article, looking up to find a very pissed of Melinda May.

Before she could answer she heard a hissing noise coming from the ground; her eyes followed the noise and found that the 0-8-4 had cracked and was now releasing a fine mist.

"That's not good"

The last thing she seen was Agent May reaching for her as her world went black.