Hello everyone, guess who's making a comeback to FanFic. First of all, I would like to apologize for my quick disappearance. Things are not as easy as I would have like them to be with in the last year. I won't go into too much detail because that's not what you are here for. "The play's the thing to catch the attention of the readers, well story and here it is. I hope I haven't went down hill with my writing.


T do not own YJ jargon, blah blah blah under penalty of castration and all that jazz.'You know the drill.' Voice from behind 'Not the Drill!' 'Shut it, you.' Well off we go.'


This is an AU with some major changes to the YJ universe. To give you some notes, Artemis never joined the team. When the Reach invaded, it was Kal and Tula that went undercover which lead to Tula's death. I could go into more detail with that but it would completely ruin any ideas for another story. . . . (Hint, Hint, Wink Wink, Nudge, Nudge, Say no more.) ((Maybe)).

Wally still makes his sacrifice but was not killed so he's back. Hopefully I can fill in everything else as the story goes. Also this tale is complete so I will be posting every few days or so, or earlier.

Artemis never joins her father and sister in their life of crime nor does she get involved with anyone in the Justice League or the team. All other events still took place all the way up to the reach invasion.

When Wally came back he wanted to start over with his life and swore to never put the suit on again. Bat's agreed to help him by letting Wally become caretaker of a home Bruce owns in north Gotham.


Ladies and Gentlemen of the audience, I now offer for your reading pleasure,

"Things not to do if you're Wally West" or "Resurrection of a Hero"

Chapter 1:

Since as far as she can remember, Artemis always dreamed of something more. More out of life, more to what the world can offer her, just more of everything. But like most hopes and dreams of people, everything changed with the Reach invasion. That was two years ago and it's still amazing how much still needs to be rebuild. Then again, for her, just because the world was nearly destroyed, didn't really effect her. Her family was the same, her small group of friends were the same, so for her, business as usual.

She still was hounded by her father to work for him but her going down that road would crush what little hope her mother still had for her, even though the money would really benefit them.

So like any other weekend, Cameron would show up and she would get suckered into going out to meet his friends or some random party that would normally end with everyone running from the cops. Cameron is the son of one of her father's 'business' partners, and she used the term loosely. Once apon a time the two dated in school, but with him trying to be a playboy and screw around with other girls, she ended that relationship quickly. She wanted to end the friendship all together but for some odd reason her dad talked her into letting him stay around.

One night out, Artemis and Cameron take off and end up at what they think is an abandoned house. Once there, Cameron tries to persuade Artemis into checking the place to see if there is anything worth stealing. As she looks over the landscape, the grass is overgrown in certain spots but the bushes around the house is manicured, and there is no trash around the house and all the doors and windows show no sign of damage.

"Cam, you might want to rethink your master plan here. That house is occupied."

"I call bullshit on that, Blondie. I think you're just scared."

"Scared? If I was scared, I wouldn't be here. If anything I'm stupid because I keep hanging around you."

Cam turns completely looking back at Artemis. "How does hanging around me make you stupid?"

"Allow me to count the ways, Cam. First, you're an asshole. Two, every time we go out you keep telling people that I'm your girl, which makes you a lair as well. Three, the only reason I even say yes to hanging out with you is because your father told mine to keep you out of trouble even if he had to pay me to do it. So if you ever wondered how I'm able to pay for everything when we hang out, now you know."

Cam in no way hiding his anger. "You shut your fucking mouth Blondie. There's no way in hell you're being paid to be with me."

Artemis fires back and even louder. "Well, it's not because of you looks or personality, is it?"

The yelling outside gets the residents attention and he steps outside to discover a young couple fighting in the tree line directly in front of the house. He steps off the porch and walks a few feet away before speaking up.

"I don't know why you're here but you have three seconds to leave."

Cam not skipping a beat turns to the man yelling. "You shut the hell up. Once I'm done with her, I'll deal with you."

Artemis continues her argument with Cameron. "Done with me? I've been done with you for a while now. Know what, Fuck it! I'm out!"

As she turns to walk away, Cam grabs her right shoulder. "You're not going..." Cam stops mid sentence and Artemis turns quickly pulling away from his grip. What she sees she doesn't believe. The owner of the house, who was at least fifty feet from them, now has a death grip on Cam's wrist and with a blink Cam is sent flying towards the drive way hitting the ground rolling.

The man walks around Artemis putting himself between the two. "I said leave, not continue your fight."

Cam slowly gets up and dusts himself off. "Screw this. I'm out." Cam turns to walk away. When Artemis starts to follow but the man holds out his hand blocking her.

While keeping his eyes on Cam he speaks softly. "First him, then you can go."

Artemis nods and waits. Taking the chance while she can, she studies the man. He's ma few inches taller then her, red hair and well build. His muscle structure is toned from head to to so if this guy isn't an athlete, he once was.

"For the record, I could have handled that, but thanks all the same."

He turns to look at her. "You look like the strong, independent type so I'm sure you could have but my conscience wouldn't let me." Her build was slim but powerful, and her long blond hair with a hint of Asian facial features differently made her stand out as an attractive woman."What where you two doing here anyways?"

"The truth, he wanted to case the joint. I told him he was stupid and then you walked into the argument."

He nods. "Well, he should be gone by now so I won't keep you here any longer. Night." He starts to walk away.

"You know, a gentlemen would have introduced himself to the girl he saved."

He stops and turns back to her. "Is that how it's suppose to work?"

"So I hear, unless you're a Superhero, that is."

He shows a small smile at her words then walk over to her and extends his hand. "Wally. Wally West."

"Artemis Crook." She takes his hand. "Never thought I would meet a real gentlemen in Gotham."

"Well, I'm not from here; and did you say Artemis?" she nods. "As in the Greek Goddess, Artemis?"

"You got a problem with that?" Her answer a little snappy.

"Not at all. It suits you."

"Really? How so?"

"Strong, Independent, Beautiful, plus I've met a few Greek Goddesses to know."

She starts to turn red at his kind words. "Met a few huh? Tea and cake kinda thing?"

He shakes his head. "Former occupation. I was a scientist."

"Right and people called me a lair." Making sure her voice is calm. "How in the hell are you a scientist. You look like your my age and I'm twenty-two."

"Well, I am older then you and I was working as a lab technician during college. Any other questions?"

"Okay, you make since but if you are pulling my leg don't think that I won't come back and get you."

"Well for someone as beautiful as you, my door is always open." Wally turns to walk back to the house.

When he gets close to the door she calls back out."Hey, why do you keep calling me beautiful?"

He stops and turns back to her. One, I'm a flirt when it comes to beautiful women, and two, it makes you blush. Night Artemis."

When he walks into the house, she turns and heads home.

Once at home Artemis uses what little information Wally gives her and decides to looks him up on-line. As she lays across her bed with her laptop in front of her she brings up Google.

"Lets see what Google has to say, then we'll get to the harder stuff."

Her path through Google as well as about two dozen other links she came across a page titled 'Heroes of Central City'. It was a very basic page, menu column on the side, with a link reading Reach Memorial Site. The new page generated a five column list of names in alphabetical order with a message at the top of the page. 'In memory of those who were lost.' on the top and a small description that the page list the names of people killed or missing during the Reach invasion.

"Why would that page send me here." She questions herself but curiosity gets the better of her. She types in the name 'West' and hits search. Towards the bottom she sees a familiar name of West, Wallace R. Clicking on the link brings up a picture of the man she met tonight as well as some information about him. College student, science major. Disappeared during the invasion. Considered missing or presumed dead.

"Son of a..." As she hits the print button. "Looks like I need to have a talk with Mr. Wallace R. West.
