Nika Shioria was walking down the street, waiting for the line at MgRonald's to shorten enough for me to check and see if the help wanted sign was still up.

By the time she was close enough to actually make out what some words were, she saw that the sign open was still up. 'Thank God' she thought to herself 'without a job I'm screwed'

Finaly, she was inside that fast food shop, there was only two people in line left. They soon walked away with their orders in hand and sat down.

"What can I get you today ma'm? May I offer you our specials today?" politely asked a teenage girl with pig-tails.

"Oh I'm not here for the food. I was actually hoping that you had a job open, there is a sign in your window about needing an employee."

"Oh! Ofcourse just let me ask our manager."

The young girl scurried away hurridly towards a taller man who was conversing with a purple haired teenager who wasn't wearing the uniform. Blushingly, the young worker tried to get the older male's attention. When she finally succeeded, she began gesturing towards Niko. After akwardly being spotted she tried to turn away from the group and did her best to look anywhere else.

As we all know, this purple haired man was known as Hanzo Urushihara or Lucifer. He could practically taste the negative energy exerted by the sixteen year-old girl. Slowly he walked out the back entrance and left while Maou Sadou walked towards Nika.

"I've heard that you wanted to join our little establishment?" he asked

"Y-yes sir." Nika squeaked, people just wasn't her area of expertise and it was obvious.

"Well there is a position open, tell me what are your skills?" asked Sadou.

"S-skills?" she responded. Did he mean people skills, wasn't it obvious that she lacked in that category? Or did he mean like a special set of talents to entertain people with?

"Anything you can bring to the table, something to make this MgRonald's better than any other!" his eye twinkled with a power hungry spark and he began to mutter something about black pepper fries.

Nika shied away and the young girl came up to her with a look of annoyance and affection towards Sadou.

"Sadou can be this way sometimes, but don't think much of it. He just really takes his job seriously." again she looked at him with affection.

"Are you two dating?" Nika asked.

"Huh?! What, no, n-nnothing like that!" Her faced steamed the way only a girl with a crush could. Frantically waving her hands around she began looking around for her original topic. "Ummm, my name is Chiho what is yyours?"

"Nika Shioria. Umm, you can call me Nika?" this was the most amount of human contact, other than online gaming, she'd had all month. It was begining to take a toll on her.

"Here," said Chiho as she gestured to a chair, "sit and we'll talk about a job here for you."

~(0u0)~ it's a dancing, dancing, dancing, time-skip, line breaker! limited time only! ~(0u0)~

"Well, congrats Nika! You are now an official employee of MgRonald's! You'll start next week at 5. And don't worry, you'll only work the register once a week." Chiho waved Nika goodbye as she left.

'Once a week is once a week to many.' she thought to herself as she walked towards a gas station.

As she approached, she grabbed her coin purse. When she got inside, Nika felt like someone was watching her, it was an eerie feeling that she couldn't shake off. She looked around for some noodle cups and soon found them, and her favorite snack of all time. (du dun dunnnananananananananannanaanaaannnnaa) It was POCKY!

Nika grabbed a few boxes, and approached the counter. Paying for her purchase, she continued walking to her apartmant. She still felt like someone was watching her. She began to shiver, not that it was cold. (even though it was night and cold)

"Where you going sweety?" Nika heard, the voice was cool and collected, but scratchy and stiff. She stopped in her tracks, even though she knew that she should probably run. "Hmm sweety you know you look like life's been treating you well. Why don't you let me do an examination."

A dark mass leered closer and closer, it was inhuman in shape. Slowly it closed the distance. Nika tried to scream but no sounds left her mouth, and her feet wouldn't move either. Shed felt her shaking hands drop the bags containing her food. When she finally managed to let out a noise, but it was a whimper.

"Aww, is the poor thing sca- URRRHADBAFAFBLURRGADJAFVNFB!" The creature was torn apart. It was slashed and slashed into a hissing mass of goop.

This, time she screamed, loud and clear. Then she felt something soft, like feathers and smelled something like cinnamon.

"Mmmgahfph!" Her cries were muffled by feathers and a cool hand.

All she saw was two violet eyes, practically glowing, and they had slitted pupils. Immediately she was asleep.

She woke up in her room, covered in sweat. Her bags were clutched to her chest along with the black comforter. Nika got up, and passed by a mirror, her hair was a tangled mass from a night long of tossing and turning. Still wearing the same outfit from last night, she was going to dismiss last night as a beautiful nightmare, but something abrubtly stopped that from being a possibility.

In her hair, her dissheveled, tangled, and rat nest hair; was a beautiful black feather.