I am not ending this story.

Not yet, anyway.

With that said I have made the decision to put this story on hiatus. I more or less wrapped up the season eight storyline but since season nine began and the departure of Rick Grimes' storyline from The Walking Dead, paired with the news that he'll be returning in about three Rick Grimes/Walking Dead films, I've been confused as to where to take my story. With Georgie's story tied so much into Rick's, I think it best to wait on going forward until those films air on AMC before I decide in which direction Georgie's story will continue.

I've haven written anything in months. I've just been real busy, traveling to see family, sickness and then back-to-back-to-back holidays. Now I want to focus on my other story, Roads Not Taken, and develop the sequel to We Can Change.

Thank you to all those who have been reading this story, the small few who comment, and those who have been waiting patiently for an update of any kind.

Stay tuned!

