Echo of the Ghost Kitsune


Naruto x ?


Story Start


"Good morning." Paulina mutters against his chest. They are tangled in each others' arms and legs under the sheets The room was dark and cold. She feels his fingers travel down her back and a shiver runs down her spine. It was a pretty wild night. There was dancing and drinking and crying and stuff with only the two of them.

They had slipped away from the party, just the two them and drank expensive wine stolen from her father's wine cellar. When she had too much wine in her system and couldn't even stand up properly, she spilled everything to him.

How much she hated the pressures of the food chain, how much she hates the sound of birds chirping in the morning, how much she hates having to only intermingle with those of her social status or it would stain their family name as her mother put it. He listened to her without saying anything, just holding her and letting her talk, crying all the time. How they ended up in bed like this.

'It feels really good to be able to hear his heartbeat against his strong chest.' She chews on her bottom lip and traces lazy circles on his arm. He shifts slightly on the bed and wraps his arms around her waist tighter. His other hand takes a strand of her hair and twirls it around his finger before placing a soft kiss on it.

"I love your hair." he whispers, voice heavy from sleep. "It' has such a nice sheen to it and so well taken care of color.

She gets butterflies when she hears him talk, like now for example. She loves the way he talks, so confident and with a sense of warmth and easiness. Her face heats up at the thought of last night and buries her face in his chest. He smells like sweat and sleep, with a hint of his cologne still clinging around.

"We need to get up. The maids will be here soon..." she mutters, feeling the vibrations against her face when he chuckles. "Well then, let's get clean up and go get breakfast, what do you think?" he suggests, lifting her head to look him in the eyes with his finger. She blinks a few times before shaking her head, pulling herself into a sitting position, she straddles his stomach, with her nose against hers.

"I concur with that idea." she says, placing a soft kiss against his lips. His corner of his lips curves into a smirk and turns, pinning her down, earning a surprised squeal from her.

"They'll definitely come running if you make yelps like that."

In response she grabbed a pillow and swung it back, swatting him. "S-Shut-up," she replied, her cheeks burning red. She didn't protest and let him pull her into his chest. She squeaks when he lifts her off of her feet, carrying her bridal style to her closest.

"Bájame el tonto,Puedo caminar por mí mismo." she squeals, slipping into her native tongue.

Naruto wasn't quite sure what she said, probably something about putting her down, but he decided to play the fool nontheless.

After the eventful morning with Paulina, Naruto proceeded to call Danny up. It was Sunday and it being a none school day meant it was perfect time for training and studying. And while Sam and Tucker could prove to be valuable support or sidekicks if they were brought up to speed he didn't really feel like dealing with protests and complaints of them while he and Danny trained.

Currently Naruto or Narutos since he had a dozen copies out were going through all the books that were written by Danny's parents. Despite what he figured was invaluable wealth of knowledge from experts his friend didn't seem as enthused as talking about his parents obsession with the paranormal.

Each book was a collection of its own. One was a collection of lab reports that dated as far back as nearly three decades and going by the dates this most data was consistent testing throughout the years.

Another one was a log of experiments as thick as a log book and then it continued on with grotesque images of dissections and experiments. As he flipped through some of the images it made his stomach turned. While he had killed, what he was seeing before him was more or less equivalent to only thing that softened the blow was that most of the ghosts had been animals.

At least they had been until he came to one that was humanoid, though nonetheless no less spectral. It looked like a conjoined twin, but with three heads.

'similar reactions to what pain would be expected from a human'

That one sentence among others stood out among the data. Looking up from his book see the dread and fear slowly build up on Danny's face.

"I'm getting stiff," he tactfully grabbed the book by the edges to prevent another page from being turned. "We should probably train?"

"Yeah, I guess that is what we came out for."

If there was anything Naruto was good a then it was recognizing a false smile. He decided not to call Danny on it so they could train.

Going over the list of Danny's powers and what he read from not only the book he got from Clockwork, but from the Fentons ghost than Danny was already far more powerful than ghosts his age would normally be. Most ghosts were quantified into the mental/telekinetic power spectrum meaning they could go intangible and invisible or for the stronger ones possess a host. The type of concentration it took for those powers were aligned with the mental energies channeled psychically. As a result mental energies could be built with age by simply existing over a period of time. The physical energies were a different category altogether as it relied on channeling the aspect of their soul. This channeling was often connected to a ghost's obsession which would be the focal point of not only their behavior but their power as well.

So that left two questions? What kind of power would Danny develop and did he have an obsession? Four hours had passed and Danny was getting the grasp on the fundamentals. He was able to accurately aim and fine tune his spectral blasts which gave the Naruto the added benefit of training on sensing and dodging the spectral blasts. Being the energies of the afterlife they had a very distinct sensation that set it vastly apart from nature energy. He could also easily transform and untransform at will and flying through the trees while dodging Naruto's attacks helped with his coordination and reaction time.

Another successful day of improvement was signified by the sun setting. "Jazz will be getting back soon, so I better get back now or she'll fret over me."

Paulina Sanchez may have been blessed with many things, but having a good poker face was definitely not one of those things. After being pestered by her friends none stop about her happy attitude she finally admitted, much to her embarrassment that she had a good time last night, and it wasn't at Dash's party.

"Wow, hard to believe you of all people could be so forward with someone." Valerie said in a teasing voice, making the Latina blush even more.

"You had me freaking when I couldn't find you after the party." Star whined at her to which Paulina winched and utter a sorry.

"Oh lighten up Star," Valerie said giving her a light push. "So she bumped lips with a cutie at the party. If I had found me a fine one would have told yall ya had to holla back at me tomorrow too."

"Would it kill for me to get some play besides the usual trop?" The blonde shrilly whined with a pout and folding her arms. "So who was it from the A-list? Which jock was it?"

"U-umm actually, well he;s not officially part of the food chain." Both her friends looked at her confused.

"Now wait a flipping way." Valerie slowly put the pieces together. The only people their were part of the food chain with the exception of two invitees. "Fenton?" She asked, her voice going up half an octave and her eye raised in surprise and confusion. While Fenton didn't seem to be a bad guy, he carried a rather big social stigma thanks to his parents. The Fenton parents were the definition of social suicide and didn't run around in any social circles that most of the elite or even normal people considered normal. It was rare or odd for any of the adults to see the duos outside of their labs for anything none ghost related after all.

"WHAT! NO! I told you I insisted to Dash he invited the new guy, Naruto remember."

"Damn girl you work fast. So tell me, how long til you had him wrap around your finger?" Star acquired, prodding and poking her best friend for information. When the only answer she got was the darkening of her friend's cheeks her eyes slowly widened. "Wait a minute...what exactly happened?"

"Well, lets just say there was more than kissing." she admitted as she covered her face with her hand.

"No way in hell!" Valerie exclaimed in surprise. "So what does this mean? Are you two going to start dating? Are you a couple now?" The last question put a damper in the latina's mood. Upon seeing her friend's expression Valerie grew concerned and a little bit angry as she perceived that reaction to mean only one thing.

Paulina looked up and picked up on the line of thought that must have been going through the girl's head. Out of the three of them Valerie was the most outspoken and hotheaded of the three. It was usually her that stuck up for them against the older girls of the food chain, especially Connie and Lonnie.

"We're not sure what we're are and he didn't hit and quit it Val." Even saying that phrase caused a tremor of disgust to course through Paulina's back. "Its just, well he's friends with Manson and that makes things a bit awkward. "

Sam had always been a rather taboo subject in regards to Paulina. Most of what they knew were second hand accounts as Paulina herself never went into the subject. All they knew were that Paulina and Sam were childhood friends that had a falling out. For as long as they been friends they respected that maybe one day that she would open up to them about what happened.

Screams jolted the girls from their topic of conversation as all matter of technological devices from tvs to phones and vehicles began to hover in the air. The electronics floated around the floating monitor before merging together, smoothing out to create a robotic battle suit. While ghost attacks and appearances had been amped up, the whole thing with the meat monster had been considered a one-off freak incident.

But now with the appearance of this tech monstrosity this day would be the day that ghost attacks would be a codified part of the happenings of Amity Park. "I am Technus, master of all things mechanical! And once I complete my construction, you will all succumb to my awesome power!"