A/N: I have been in this phase where I have read nothing but Cat Returns stories. I saw this picture, the cover picture for this story, and was inspired to write a story based off of it. It will be my first Cat Returns story so bear with me. Also, this is a sort of old-fashioned and modernized mix of a story. Second, I am not wasting my time looking up European Currency, so I am going to use American Currency. I know it lowers the quality of the story but oh well. Deal with it.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Cat Returns.

In the streets of some random city in England, there was young girl of the age of eighteen. The girl, Haru, was walking down the cobblestone streets examining the vendors. Some of the passing upper class women and men sneered at the girl in disgust as she brushed past them to get to each wooden stall. Haru was dressed in a blue trench coat that covered her red button up shirt. A small red patch was noticeable on the bottom back of the fabric. She had a pair of tan riding pants on, that also adorned a patch, and brown leather boots that reached mid shin to cover her feet. Not unnoticed by some, she also had a pair of fingerless gloves on, and a short haircut that was a little uneven to prove her lack of money. However, it wasn't that the people minded that she was a commoner, even though most upper class men and women minded that fact about her, it was mostly the way she dressed that disgusted people. No women should ever dress like a man, no matter how flattering and girly she made the outfit seem. Girls were supposed to wear dresses, even if they were poor.

Haru, nevertheless, didn't care or didn't notice how others viewed her. She was a commoner through and through. Nothing would change that, and she could dress however she pleased as long as it was comfortable.

Caught up in inspecting the variables of each vendor, Haru finally sighed after seeing nothing to catch her interest. She looked up to look around to see if she missed a stall, only to notice the upper classmen and women staring at her coldly. Sure, there were other commoners, or peasants as the noblemen would say, around but all glares seemed to be directed at her. Haru blushed under everyone's gazes and ducked away to cross the street. Expertly, dodging horses and their carriages, Haru blended in with the crowd on the other side. She began scanning the contents that those vendors offered as well.

Haru almost finished looking at all the stalls, but before she could finish, the owner of the stall she was currently looking at told her it was getting late and almost time to close up. Haru thanked the man for kindly letting her know the time. She decided one more stall couldn't hurt her though. The crowd had died away by now, but there were still a few stragglers including her.

Upon reaching the next stall, Haru could immediately tell it was different than all the others. It looked expensive, but maybe with the small amount of money Haru saved she could buy something nice for herself. The small table set out was covered in pieces of jewelry. Haru was never the one for jewelry. But because her ears were pierced, maybe she could actually get something to wear. After a few seconds of scanning the ware, Haru's eyes landed on a small pair of simple gold hoops. They didn't look too expensive.

"Sir, if I may, how much are these gold hoops?" Haru asked the man tending to the stall. He smiled, it was obviously forced.

"Only ten dollars, miss" the man said. Sure, ten dollars didn't sound like much, but for most people that lived in the lower class of society, that amount of money was equal to an arm and a leg.

"May I try them on before I come to a decision?" Haru asked politely. The man forced another smile. He obviously didn't think she had enough money to buy the jewelry. Nonetheless, he nodded his head in approval. Haru smiled in thanks before picking up the two circles of gold and fastening them onto her ears. Since there was no mirror around, Haru dug through her pocket and pulled out a gold pocket watch, the only thing left she had of her father. She smiled at her reflection in the glass while examining her ears. Someone cleared their throat behind her. Haru spun around to see a man in his early to mid-twenties.

This man…no, this aristocrat was wearing a light grey suit, so light it almost looked like an off white or cream. He had a red vest on underneath and a blue bowtie around his neck. On his head was a top hat and in his hand was a cane. His emerald green eyes shone powerfully out from under the brim of his hat. His tawny colored hair shone in the light of the setting sun.

"If I might say, you look quite fetching" the man said courteously. Haru's cheeks turned a light pink from the compliment. It was not only because he was a nobleman, but also because he was quite handsome.

"T-T-Thank you, sir" Haru said with a small curtsy before spinning back around to face the jeweler. "I think I'll take the pair." The man shook his head and stuck his hand out for the money. Haru hastily dug into her pocket to pull out a small change purse. She unclipped it to pull out a few dollars and coins. "Here you are."

The jeweler counted the money then frowned. "You are two dollars short, miss" he said tightly. Haru's eyes widened. She went to pull out a few more coins, but a hand shot past her to drop some money into the jeweler's hand. Haru gasped and looked behind her to see the nobleman still standing behind her. He watched her expression curiously. "S-Sir! I can't have you do that. I can pay for it on my own. I do not wish to be in your debt, no matter how grateful I am. I simply can't afford it" Haru said in a panic. She hated telling people she didn't have money. She wasn't dirt poor like some because she got by, but she didn't have enough money to be considered middle class either.

"I only wish for one thing from you in return" the man said slowly. "I swear on my honor that it is nothing big." Haru could only nod. She nervously bit her bottom lip. She hoped what he wanted was something she could do.

"What is it that you need, good sir?" The corners of the man's mouth twitched into a smile. He bowed to her with the cane pressed to his chest. Haru blushed again. Why was such an upper class man like himself, bowing to a peasant like her?

"All I wish is to be graced with the knowledge of your name" the stranger said simply. Haru stared at him in surprise.

"M-M-My name? You just want to know my n-name?" Haru stuttered in disbelief. He wasn't asking her to do something highly unreasonable? Why? The man nodded his head at Haru.

"Pardon me, I am Baron Humbert von Gikkingen." the man said swiftly in embarrassment for not introducing himself earlier. He began to nervously twist the gold ring on his gloved covered hand. The gold ring held a greenish-black gem on top.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Baron von Gikkingen" Haru said while curtsying again and looking at her feet. She straightened herself back up to look at him. He looked displeased. Why was he upset? She made sure to use his title when saying his name.

"Please don't call me that" he said softly. Haru studied his face. He kept looking at her, but when he noticed her staring back, he'd avert his eyes.

"Alright, Humbert" Haru said cautiously as she said his first name with no formalities. He grimaced at the name.

"Please call me Baron, Miss…" the man trailed off. He rolled his eyes to look over at her.

"Haru. My name is Haru." Baron smiled.

"Haru, such a lovely and unique name" Baron said. His eyes sparkled playfully. Haru blushed once again.

"Thank you, I was named after my great grandmother."

"And I was named after my grandfather. I just wish I wasn't. Humbert isn't the most pleasant name to have or say." Haru smiled at the statement. She turned around to bow at the jeweler before turning back to Baron.

"I must be going Baron." Haru said, her eyes also glittering. "It is getting late. It was nice meeting you." Haru said with one more bow before turning to her left and heading down the cobblestone street. Baron's eyes widened.

"W-W-Wait!" Baron called out as he chased down the street after Haru. Haru turned around in surprise to see him hunch over and place his hands on his knees. His breathing was heavy from the short run. Haru giggled.

"It is not every day you see a nobleman run. It is quite amusing to see" Haru stated jokingly. Baron looked up with a grin. "Did you still have something you wanted me to do?" Haru said slowly. Biting her lip seemed like it would become a habit if she didn't stop doing it in his presence.

"Not at all, Miss Haru. I was just wondering if you would allow me to escort you home" Baron said with a tilt of his head in question. Haru took an intake of breath. He wanted to know if she would allow him to take her home? He wanted to walk her home?! Why was this Baron guy so much different than all the other nobles?

"It would be an honor" Haru said in disbelief. Before she could do anything, Baron swiftly grabbed Haru's hand and brought it up to his lips.

"The honor is all mine" Baron said smoothly. Haru felt faint. Too much blood was rushing to her face. Haru could only nod as Baron dropped her hand. He raised an arm and offered it to Haru. Haru hesitantly took his arm and let Baron guide her through the streets.

Not wanting to think about the close proximity of her and Baron, Haru decided to focus all her attention on the surrounding buildings. Many were shops or fancy homes of aristocrats in this part of the city. Not many commoners except for some of the shop owners.

"Which way to your home?" Baron questioned as he glanced down at the shorter female clinging to his arm. She obviously didn't realize how tight she was squeezing it.

"Uh, it's all the way to the western gate of the city. I'm sorry, sir. I didn't realize it was so far. I should have warned you" Haru said regretfully. They were all the way in the eastern part of the city. Baron stiffened.

"Please, it is Baron, remember?" Baron said tensely. Haru immediately let go of Baron's arm and stepped back. She looked at Baron apologetically.

"I-I-I didn't mean to offend you…Baron" Haru said abruptly. Bran stared at Haru in shock. He didn't mean to give her the wrong impression.

"It's alright, Haru. You didn't offend me at all. I'm sorry if I gave you the idea that I was offended" Baron said softly. A look of relief crossed Haru's face. She tentatively grabbed Baron's arm once more before trudging down the street again.

Before the strange couple knew it, they reached the western gate to the city. Four guards on either side stood watch at the entrance way to the city. There were four entrances to the city all together.

"We're here" Haru said disappointedly. Baron nodded his head sadly.

"So which one is your house?" Baron asked as he scanned the surrounding buildings. They weren't upper class, but they weren't top notch either. Not that it mattered to Baron. Haru ignored Baron's question and slipped away from him to head towards an alleyway. "Haru! Where are you going?"

"Home" Haru said simply before blending in with the shadows of the alley. Baron jogged over to the alley to look in. It was a short alleyway that led to a dead end. Where'd she go?

"Until next time, Miss Haru!" Baron called out. He sighed and turned around to run into somebody…a large somebody. Baron backed up to look at him with a glare.

"Why are you following me, Muta?" Baron said lowly. The large man, Muta, sighed.

"You know very well why I am following you" Muta said gruffly. "Toto, come out. We need to escort Baron home now." A raven haired man stepped out from the shadows of the edge of a house. He calmly stepped over to stand beside Muta.

"I don't need to be escorted home" Baron said stubbornly. He tipped his top hat to the two men before heading back the way he came. The only light to light his path was a few streetlights and the moon. Footsteps clambered after the baron.

"We are your bodyguards for a reason" Toto snapped. "There are thieves out here. You could get robbed at any moment. Some of these people are so desperate that they'll do anything nowadays." Baron spun around on heel.

"May I enlighten you, Toto, on what my family business is again? Even though you should well know the answer since you are my best friend along with Muta. I never asked for you two to become my bodyguards" Baron hissed.

Toto sighed at Baron's response. "Yes, yes. You're family owns orphanages across all of England along with homes for the homeless until they can find work and a place to live. You think all peasants have potential. You believe that even if you get robbed than it is for the best, but Baron, sometimes those petty thieves resort to violence. We can't have you getting hurt. We also can't have the 'you know what' getting stolen" Toto whispered harshly.

"What, birdbrain said. Now come on" Muta said while grabbing one of Baron's arms and dragging him off to the eastern end of town where the upper class of the city mostly lived.

"Hey!" Toto started to protest. Baron stayed silent.

They reached Baron's mansion in no time. Once at the door, Baron yanked his arm away and stomped up the steps. He opened the door with a rough jerk and slammed it shut behind him. A young servant girl quickly rushed to the door.

"Welcome home, master" the girl said before giving a deep bow. Baron tipped his hat to her politely before taking off to the parlor room. He sat down on the settee in the room and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Baron!" Toto roared. Heavy footsteps sounded in the hall. Toto burst in the room with Muta hot on his heels.

"We have been following you all day. We saw you with that commoner" Muta growled. Baron stood up abruptly to glare at his friends/bodyguards.

"Haru is not to be labeled like that" Baron said darkly.

"Oh, you're on a first name basis now. Well that is all the farther you will be getting, Baron!" Toto shouted.

"Why is that?!"

"You know why. Unless you plan on marrying the peasant girl, then you should break your bond before she gets the wrong idea. And if you plan on courting her, then I suggest you make sure she can be trusted completely. For all we know, she could be a member of a group of thieves" Toto sneered.

"Stop labeling her. Haru would never do anything so vile. She is sweet, independent, kind, beautiful…" Baron trailed off. Toto looked at Baron in astonishment.

"How would you know?! You only met her four hours ago! Baron, please, fatso over there and I are only trying to protect you" Toto whined. Muta ignored the insult and looked at Baron wistfully.

"You love her already, don't you?" he said quietly but bluntly. Baron looked away and sat back down, taking a sip of his own blend of tea.

"No" Toto said in denial. He slammed a fist into the wall before walking out of the room. Muta only glanced back at his friend before following the skinnier man out.

A/N: How was it for the first chapter? Horrible, I know. I hope it was okay enough, however, to maybe read the next chapter. PLEASE review or flame.