Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto (or Sailor Moon).

Hello minions!

Sorry that it has been so long since my last update. School has been crazy and hopefully I'll be able to graduate this coming December. Graduate school can be quite stressful.

I have been working off and on for the next chapter but I'm hoping this omake extra chapter will hold you over until then. The next chapter will introduce at least a few new characters so I'm trying to figure out how to have them introduced smoothly.

Also, please let me know (through my poll on or through review/messaging which new character you would like for Minako's team placement. The decision made will influence what skills she will eventually have since I want her team to have a good balance.

The options for the new OC can be found at the end of this chapter.

I hope you all enjoy!

P.S. Sorry it took so long, I was having a hard time trying to upload this chapter.

Special Chapter: Behold! My Hidden Power! (Omake)

It's too bad Minako-chan couldn't come on this mission with us, if only she had been placed on my team… I miss my imouto. I guess that it's best that she is not here, after that attack by those two mist ninja that seemed to take out Kakashi-sensei, I wouldn't want something to happen to her.

Sakura-chan thinks Sasuke's so cool! I can't stand it!

After the last confrontation, I need to show her how awesome I am! I'm going to beat you Sasuke!

My attention is grabbed by a sound I think I hear in some bushes.

Watch me Sakura-chan!



Owe! Pain!

"Naruto! What do you think you're doing?!"

"But Sakura-chan! I heard something!"

I make my way through the bushes.

"Ah! I'm sorry Mr. Bunny! I didn't mean it!"

Next thing I know we are facing some eyebrow-less freak and he has Kakashi-sensei trapped inside some water prison.


"Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their teammates are worse than trash isn't that right sensei? Don't worry, we'll get you out of there!"

In another part of the forest, a figure moves with great speed, leaving everything else behind.

A squirrel standing on a tree branch looks up and sees a flash of yellow cross its sight. If a ninja had been there, they might have believed that they saw a ghost of the Yellow Flash of Konoha, or that the Yellow Flash had been reincarnated.


The unknown figure leaps through the trees and as they come closer to a clearing they reach for a higher branch, holding onto the branch with both hands, the figure swings their body weight up and around the branch, landing in a crouched position on the higher branch on the edge of a clearing.


The clearing the figure stopped at had six figures and a clone approaching a group of four. The clone raises its giant sword when the unknown figure makes its move.

When the Zabuza clone raises its sword to attack us a chain-like whip comes out from the trees and deflects it away. We all turn our attention to a crouched, shadowed figure in one of the trees at the edge of the clearing.

"Who's that?"

"Another brat?"

The figure steps out of the shadows revealing long blond hair and blue eyes hidden behind a red mask.

"How dare you attack this group escorting a retired old man!"

"I'm not retired. I'm a bridge builder."

"I cannot allow this injustice to go unpunished!"

"Is she even listening to me?"


"Is that?"

"I am…" the blond strikes a pose with one hand reaching for the sky, "the guardian," she poses with her wrists crossed in front of her. She brings her crossed arms above her head, "of Love and Beauty," she shifts into a third pose, "the pretty," she flips her hair while one hand is on her hip, "sailor suited soldier," the girl pulls her arms close and spins herself in a circle, "Sailor V!" She strikes her final pose with her left hand on her hip and her right by her face, her pointer and middle fingers forming a "V" sign by her eye.

"In the name of the Moon, consider yourself punished!" She points toward the missing-nin.

Both groups are momentarily stunned to silence. The only thing to disturb the silence is the sound of leaves in the wind.



"Minako-chan?! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be back in Konoha!"

"I'm not Minako! I'm Sailor V!"

"This kid's a joke."


The previously unknown figure, Sailor V or Minako, leaps off the branch into the clearing.

"You think I'm a joke do you? I'll show you! Take this! Venus! Love Me Chain!"

After calling this phrase out, a golden chain consisting of heart shaped links is sent forward and wraps around the sword of the water clone. A second chain directed by her other hand stabs through the water clone causing it to dispel.

"That was easy."


The rest of the fight continues with Kakashi being set free from the water prison. Just before Kakashi delivers the finishing blow, several senbon pierce through the missing-nin and the confrontation ends with the hunter ninja taking Zabuza's body from the clearing.

As one, the entirety of team 7 faces Minako, or Sailor V, and Naruto decides to ask the question on everybody's mind,

"Minako-chan, why are you dressed like that?"

"I told you, I'm not Minako—I'm Sailor V. The champion of justice! Behold my magical super powers granted to me by a talking cat who says that I am a reincarnation of a warrior princess in a past life and I must protect a princess from the moon."

"A talking cat…" Sasuke asks skeptically.

"Uh-huh," she nods, "that's what I said."

"Are you sure a summons cat just wasn't pranking you?" Sakura questioned.

"If that were true then how do you explain the powerful chains I have?"

"That would be a specialized chakra skill you inherited from your mother. She too was able to give her chakra the physical form of chains," Kakashi remarked offhandedly.

"Imouto, as your older brother, I demand that you not wear such a short skirt around in public, especially where other boys can see you."

"But I like this skirt."

"Then wear some shorts under it next time, I don't want anyone, especially Sasuke-teme, seeing my sister's panties."

"Huh? What do you mean? … When did they show?!"

"When you jumped from the tree. Your skirt flew up and showed everyone," Naruto replied.

"Sorry Minako-chan but it was kinda hard not to see," Sakura commented.

"Ah! I can't believe it! Now I'll never be able to get married! I should honorably kill myself -ttebane!"

Sasuke sighs at the behavior of his idiot teammate's crazy sister. In an attempt to shut her up he calls out to her, "Hey. If it means anything to you, Kakashi-sensei and I didn't see anything."

"R-(hick)really -ttebane?" She tearfully asks while rubbing at her masked eyes.

"Not a thing," the masked ninja replies.

"See. The only ones who saw anything were your brother and another female—"

"But what about—"

"The old bridge builder doesn't count. He wears glasses so can't see at that distance anyway. Not to mention it was probably too fast for his civilian eyes. Now, would you stop crying already? It's really getting annoying."

Uchiha, Sasuke. Getting girls to stop crying by being nice, almost destroying the universe, and setting it back in order by being mean to that same crying girl.

The universe will continue to exist for another day and the semi-frozen hell has quickly defrosted.

Hope you all enjoyed this omake chapter. It came to me a long, long time ago. I was thinking about my character and was like Minako, blond hair and blue eyes, Sailor Venus. Kushina chakra chains can be inherited and it's like Sailor Venus' "Love Me Chain" and then this happened.

I have another idea for a later omake chapter that hasn't been fleshed out yet. Let me know what you though of this omake.

By the way, just wondering, any Sailor Moon fans here?

Purely Scarlet

OC Options:

Inuzuka Clan - younger twin brother of Kiba, partner named Shiromaru, skilled in inuzuka taijutsu style and really good sense of smell. Is good with close combat. Possible name: Shippō (or Shippo) (name meaning "tail" which follows the naming of other Inuzuka like Hana and Kiba)

Uchiha Clan - twin brother of Sasuke, skilled in taijutsu, weapons and ninjutsu. Possible name: Koyane Uchiha (derived from the shinto kami named Ame-no-Koyane-no-mikoto)

Hyuuga Clan - younger brother of Neji Hyuuga, average skills in Hyuuga style but overall good in taijutsu compared to other ninja skills. Possible name: Kugi Hyuuga (Kugi meaning "nail" similar to Neji meaning "screw")

Akimichi Clan - male cousin of Choji, average skills but strongest in taijutsu

* Need name recommendation if chosen

younger brother of TenTen - average weapon skills with slightly above average skills in taijutsu

* Need name recommendation if chosen