Wazzup! Cap here. This is a story dedicated to my best friend, who was the mind behind the main characters. He's been my friend my whole life and he came up with these characters when we were little, and I've decided to bring them to life through this story. It's set during the time of The Clone Wars. Hope you like it :) here goes!

The streets and sky space of Coruscant were bustling with activity, but in the lower levels, the sky space was more limited. The noise however was quite the same. Almost every species of every known planet was here, but one person in particular was heading for something important.

"Knockout," a female voice said in the teen's earpiece, "you got anything on that crate? Boss is still upset about his precious drugs."

The young man brushed aside a bit of his black hair that just touched his ears and pressed two fingers to his earpiece.

"Give me a sec Terra," the teen said, "scanning for them now."

He moved into a dark alley and pulled a small scanner out of his belt. He activated it and it gave off a small beep. He leaned out of the alley and looked at a small cantina. He pointed the scanner at the building and pressed another button. The scanner did nothing for a moment, then a green light showed on the interface.

"I've got code match, Terra. The box is inside a cantina."

"Alright Knockout, proceed with caution." The voice said.

The teen pressed his earpiece again.

"Terra, I already told you how I feel about that nickname." He said.

A slight chuckle came through his earpiece.

"What? It's fitting, after you sent that clone to Dreamland with one hit."

"I still don't like it." The teen complained.

"Could we discuss your nickname later? Let's just focus on that box." Terra said through his earpiece.

"Fine," the teen sighed, "just make sure Gears is ready to get me out if things go south."

Terra and Gears, his only friends in a war torn galaxy. Having friends that won't shoot you in the back are hard to come by here in the lower levels of Coruscant, a place filled with bounty hunters, bandits, and thugs, all willing to kill you if you give them a reason. The three of them were working as a squad for hire, willing to do anything for the right price. Knockout, though his name was actually Kris, was the second oldest in their "family" if you could call it that. He was 19 and had been alone for the majority of his life. Having been a humanoid abandoned by his parents at the age of six, Kris had at first resorted to stealing to survive, but as he got older, he entered fights in order to gain a little money. During one fight, a clone trooper decided to get in the middle of it. He had given the trooper an upper cut that had dropped him instantly. He managed to escape before the trooper's buddies could arrest him. Terra had found him a few days later and had invited him to join her. He'd worked with her ever since. Terra was the eldest of them and she had been the one to organize and train them. She was a Twi'lek of about 24 years old and she had been supposedly trained by Cad Bane, or at least learned from his records. She was smart and handy with a blaster, but worked best as their coordinator. Gears was the youngest, he was about 16 but he kept swearing that he was older. He was a humanoid like Kris and was exceptionally skilled in mechanics, hence his nickname Gears. He was in charge of their escapes most of the time and always had some sort of new gadget he wanted Kris to try on his missions. His latest gadget however, might come in handy.

Kris slipped the scanner back into his belt. He wore a typical green and tan flight suit for this mission, he also wore various pieces of armor. He had a Corellian breastplate and Mandalorian gauntlets and shin guards. For his head, he had an experimental helmet that Gears had invented. When it was retracted, it fit comfortably in a small compartment near the back of his neck, but with a push of a button, it extended to cover his face entirely. It was complete with a HUD, comm, thermal, and night vision, though hopefully, it wouldn't be necessary for this mission. The gauntlets had originally contained a flame thrower and poisonous darts, but they had been removed when he had gotten them. It did however, still have the grappling hook, which had saved him on more than one occasion. Thanks to Gears, his gauntlets had an electric charge to them now. According to Gears, the shock could drop a Wookie, though Kris doubted it. Gears had also modified his breastplate so it would be thinner and more covert, but still be strong enough to withstand blaster fire.

Kris had a modified Mandalorian rifle that was usually strapped to his back. He wasn't carrying it now, but he had left it in the getaway vehicle just in case. It was capable of firing lethal and stun shots as well as launching thermal detonators. As of now, he carried a DC-15 blaster he had "borrowed" from a Clone when he wasn't looking. Gears had added a short range scope to it for better accuracy. As a backup, he also carried a small blaster Gears had designed. It was designed like a Mandalorian DE-10 but with a DC-15 style to it. It was a very reliable blaster and one of his most prized possessions. If it came down to hand to hand combat, he also carried twin stun batons. Terra had given those to him when he had finished training, and he practiced with them whenever he got the chance.

Kris checked his gear, then headed for the cantina. It was a bit nicer than the last cantina he had been to, it's lights actually worked. He glanced around quickly before he entered, just to be sure he wasn't being followed. He scanned the occupants of the room. A Rodian was slumped over at the bar asleep, a Transdoshian sat a few seats away, taking a swig of a dark liquid. A few humanoids and Zabraks sat at the booths, they looked harmless enough, but there were a few faces in the group that looked like trouble. Avoiding them best he could, Kris sat at the bar and waved the bartender over. The bartender was a Rodian, his big, black, glass-like eyes looked him over.

"What do you want." The bartender said, more of a demand than a question.

"Surprise me." Kris replied.

He didn't plan on drinking the beverage the bartender set down in front of him, a dark green colored sludge. Thankfully, the passed out Rodian fell from his chair and distracted the bartender long enough for him to pour the unappetizing liquid onto the floor. He quickly stood and moved around to the door to the back room while the bartender was busy yelling at the drowsy Rodian.

The room was filthy, shelves littered with boxes were everywhere and a emaciated animal scurried away as Kris entered the room. He drew the scanner and panned it over the shelves. When no response came from his scanner, he pressed his earpiece.

"Terra, I don't see the box. Can you get me Gears?"

"Gimme a sec." He heard Terra mumble.

A moment later, Gears voice came through.

"What is it Knockout? You in trouble?"

"Not yet Gears, but I might be soon. You have that upgrade?" Kris asked.

"Yeah, finished it a few minutes ago, I'm sending it to your scanner now. I'll work on adding it to your helmet later." Gears said.

Kris's scanner lit up as Gears's upgrade integrated itself into the scanner.

"Thanks Gears." Kris whispered.

"No problem." Gears said before Kris switched back over to Terra.

He tapped the screen and activated the upgrade. It allowed his scanner to search out particular energy signatures given off by certain objects. Kris held the scanner up and turned slowly in a circle. After a minute, a square shaped object appeared on his screen. He walked toward it and found a small compartment hidden behind a stack of boxes. He pressed the access button and the small door slid open. Kris reached in and pulled a small box out.

"Terra, I've found the box." He whispered, attaching it to a harness on his back.

"This was too easy." Terra mumbled.

"You're right." Kris agreed, "I feel like I'm being watched."

Kris scanned the ceiling and noticed a small camera in the corner of the room pointed right at him. Suddenly, Terra yelled through his earpiece.

"Kris, get out of there now! You've got multiple police speeders closing in on your location."

Kris sprinted for the door, knocking over the surprised bartender as he passed. Flashing blue and red lights showed outside as police air speeders pulled up outside the cantina. The occupants of the cantina were rushing out in a panic and Kris used this to his advantage. He pushed his way into the crowd as they exited the cantina.

"Gears, I need a hot exfil, lock onto my signal." Kris whispered as he moved with the bustling crowd.

"Okay...okay, I got you. I'm on my way!" Gears said excitedly.

Kris could see the police speeders hovering a few yards away. They were inspecting each individual as they passed, but he was in a cluster, so he might be able to get past. Unfortunately, he wasn't that lucky. A Republic ship flew over and it's sliding door slid open. About half a dozen Clones stood inside, along with a young Togrutan girl and Humanoid guy. Kris noticed that both of them had silver handles attached to their sides. Light sabers.

"Terra, we got two Jedi here." Kris whispered.

"What! Jedi! How important is this box?!" Terra said confusedly.

"Relax, maybe they're not here for the box." Kris said quietly.

"Alright troops, we need to find that box." The man in the ship said.

"Or maybe they are." Kris sighed.

He saw the Togrutan girl scanning the crowd and her eyes locked on him.

"There!" She said, pointing directly at him.

The troopers and the man turned their attention to him.

"Uh, Gears," Kris said, a bit of fear in him now, "I'm gonna need a really hot exfil. We got Jedi."

"Terra told me." Gears said through his comm, "I'm getting there as fast as I can."

"I need to move, they're onto me." Kris said, watching as the ship started to land.

"Okay, head to the factory, there's no way they can follow you through there. Knock em out!" Gears said confidently.

In spite of the situation, Kris chuckled a little at the phrase Gears had given him whenever a mission went south. However, there was little time to think about that.

"Stop where you are!" The girl shouted as the ship landed.

Kris pressed the button on his wrist and his helmet enveloped his head. He shoved the man next to him to the side and dashed down the street toward his designated area, an abandoned factory where he had lived before he had met Terra. The place was a maze and he knew every twist and turn in it. He was sure they couldn't follow him through that. His heart was pounding as he navigated the crowded streets, pushing and shoving past people that got in his way.

"Stop!" He heard a Clone yell.

A shot flew over his shoulder and hit a supporting post on the shop in front of him. With a crack, the post broke and the roof of the shop fell. Not losing momentum, Kris vaulted over it and continued to run at top speed. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the two Jedi were right behind him, the Clones not much farther behind.

"I need to take this somewhere they can't go." Kris thought.

He spied a pole on a rooftop a few yards ahead of him and pointed his wrist at it. He pressed a button on his wrist and his grappling hook flew toward the pole. It wrapped around the pole and latched on tight. He pressed the retract button and felt it pull him quickly up off the ground. He reached the ledge within moments and pulled himself up, glancing back down at his pursuers. The two Jedi were still coming and he saw the troopers readying their hooks. He saw the clones fire their hooks at the ledge he was on and drew his blaster, shooting each of the hooks out of the air. With the clones taken care of, he focused his attention on the two Jedi. He saw them draw their light sabers and two shimmering blades of green and blue extended from them. He didn't want to be anywhere near those blades. He took off down the rooftops, still heading for the factory. He looked over his shoulder and saw the two Jedi sailing through the air, landing on the rooftop with ease.

"Kris, you got a Republic ship coming right for you." Terra said over the comm.

A blinding spotlight shined on him and he shielded his face with his hand, thankfully his visor darkened until the light didn't affect his vision. He drew his blaster once again and fired at the spotlight. The light shattered and the ship turned to the side, exposing three troopers with their guns pointed right at him.

"Stop right there!" A clone in blue shouted.

Kris skidded to a stop and glanced behind him. The two Jedi had stopped as well, their light sabers glowing in the dark. He turned back to the clones who were now exiting the ship. He slowly raised his hands in the air.

"Gears, change of plan. I need a flyby on my location." Kris whispered into his comm.

"I got you Knockout, I'll be there in 15 seconds." Gears said.

The Jedi were really close now, uncomfortably close.

"I have a feeling you don't know what's in that box." The Togrutan girl said with a slight smirk.

"Don't know, don't much care." Kris replied.

"Who do you work for." The Jedi behind her demanded.

"What's it to you." Kris shot back.

The faint hum of an engine filled Kris's speaker and he smiled from within his helmet. He could see a speeder racing toward him at high speed and he knew who it was. Gears to the rescue. He quickly reached up and pressed the grapple button on his wrist and it shot into the air, snagging the getaway vehicle as it passed.

"So long, Jedi." Kris said with a wave of his hand as he was yanked off the ground and into the air. He hit the retract button on his wrist and felt himself being slowly pulled up to the speeder. Suddenly, he felt a hand close around his foot. He looked down. The Togrutan Jedi had gotten a hold of his foot. He kicked at her hands, but she didn't let go.

"Gears, fly me to the factory!" He said through his comm, "I've got a Jedi latched onto my foot."

"What! How'd she do that?" Gears asked over his comm.

"Doesn't matter. Just get me there." Kris growled.

"You're not gonna kill her right? If you do, you'll have even more Jedi to deal with." He heard Gears say worriedly over his comm.

"Fine, fine, no killing. I'll just stun her then lose her in the factory." Kris sighed.

The getaway vehicle raced through the sky space of the lower levels toward a pair of rusted smoke stacks. The place used to be a factory for service droids, but it had long been past it's good days. A noise brought Kris's attention back to the Jedi that was hanging on for dear life. He saw her reach for her light saber and sent another swift kick her way, preventing her from grabbing it. Suddenly, the roof of the factory was directly underneath them and Kris decided now was the time. He reached up and detached his cable, allowing him and the Jedi to drop from the speeder. It was a short drop, but the impact of the metal roof still hurt a bit. He rolled with the fall and turned to face the Jedi. Now that they were face to face, he realized that she could possibly be as old as him, or at least somewhere in the vicinity. It didn't matter though, she was a Jedi and was very dangerous.

"How about you just give me the box, and I'll get you a nice comfy spot in a cell." The Jedi said with a sneer, the green blade of her light saber appearing before her.

Kris chuckled as he drew his blasters, "How about you walk away, and I won't have to embarrass you." He shot back.

He immediately opened fire, sending a hail of bolts at the young Jedi. Her light saber whirled and sizzled as she deflected each shot. Seeing as his blasters were having no effect, Kris decided that it was time to play cat and mouse. He aimed his blasters down and fired in a circle at the old, rusted roof. The young Jedi saw what he was doing and sprinted toward him in attempt to stop him. After a few shots, the section he was standing on gave way and he fell into the darkness of the factory. He had planned his landing and knew where a safe spot to land would be. Thankfully, his years of living here served him well, and he landed on an old catwalk. He immediately set his mask to night vision and vanished into the darkness, keeping his eyes on the newly made hole. A second passed, then a slender figure dropped into the hole, a green blade of energy in her hands. He watched as she turned in a circle, trying to locate him. He wasn't one to play fair and decided to have a little fun. He holstered his blasters and drew his stun batons. He leapt up onto an overhanging pipe and wrapped his legs around it. Making sure not to make too much noise, he activated his stun batons. They crackled with a bright white energy. The noise and light caught the Jedi's attention and she turned toward him.

"Hey there." Kris said. He touched the catwalk with the tips of his batons, sending a wave of electricity down the catwalk toward the Jedi. The young Jedi, quickly leapt up into the air, allowing the electrical current to pass underneath her. She landed back on the catwalk, her face illuminated by her blade.

"Shouldn't have done that." She threatened.

Kris lowered himself to the catwalk and took a few steps toward her, holding his batons in front of him.

"I see you're ready to fight fairly now." The girl said with a slight smile as she brandished her light saber in front of her.

Kris said nothing as they both charged forward, swinging their weapons with all their strength. Unfortunately, Kris's batons were no match for a light saber. With one swing, the Jedi sliced his batons in half, causing them to spark and fall apart. In one swift motion, Kris released the batons and activated the shock in his gloves. The young Jedi saw it coming, but couldn't react fast enough. Kris was crouched, ducking underneath the Jedi's blade, giving him a clear shot. He hit the Jedi with an electric-charged uppercut, his gauntlet crackled with energy as it connected with the Jedi's chin. The punch knocked the Jedi back a few steps and he saw her convulse as the shock overcharged her nervous system. Without letting up, Kris hit her with a punch to the side, causing her to hold her side in pain and take a few more stumbling steps backward. Kris decided that now was the time to finish this. He charged his gloves as high as they could go and reared back for another punch.

Suddenly, he was lifted up off the ground by someone, or something.

"What the?" Kris exclaimed as he looked down and realized he was floating in the air!

The Jedi he had seen before walked out of the shadows, anger on his face. The Jedi had his hand raised, and Kris realized what was happening. He was using the Force, a mystical energy that supposedly surrounded everything. The Jedi had the ability to harness this energy to do things like leaping as they had when they were chasing him, as well as holding him up in the air, like now.

He didn't have any more time to think about it, as he was slammed into a pipe. Kris groaned in pain as the Jedi used the Force to slam him into the railing of the catwalk. He felt himself slipping and then he felt a falling sensation. He hit the ground with a thud, all the wind knocked out of him. He tried to crawl away as the Jedi leaped down from the catwalk, his light saber glowing with a bright blue light.

"Give me the box." He demanded, holding his hand out.

Kris struggled to his feet as the Jedi got closer. He glanced back and saw that the Jedi was backing him into a corner. He drew his DC-15 and opened fire on the Jedi, hoping to take him by surprise. Unfortunately for him, Anakin was expecting this. With a quick swipe, Anakin cut Kris's blaster neatly in half. Kris let go of the now glowing hot handle of the blaster and backed up even farther. In the corner of his eye he saw a blaster aimed directly at his chest. Before he could react, he felt the numbing shot of a stun round hit him. He felt his limbs convulse as the stun shot shut down his nervous system. It felt like he was falling asleep and he tried to keep his eyes open. His knees buckled and collapsed to the ground. The last thing he heard was Terra calling his name in his ear, then darkness overtook him.

So, first Star Wars fanfic I've ever written. I just decided to get back to my roots. I grew up loving Star Wars and now that I'm a teen, I haven't watched it too much, but I decided to get back to it, I think this will be a good story. Plz review and tell me what you think. They're may be a possibility of me accepting OC's but I'm not sure yet. Still, feel free to send them in and I'll look at them, I promise :-) see y'all in the flip side!

~Cap'n Morgan222