This takes place when Ridley is trapped in the cage and its Link who comes to rescue her…

Link was worried out of his mind. Ridley had been gone for weeks. She had said she was going to bring Abraham to us for us to kill him. I hadn't been sure her plan would work even then. Now, I was even less sure. So I had gone to Abraham myself and I was here. Outside his 'lair'. I let myself in, calling Ridleys name. I got no reply.

I turned a dark corner and found myself face to face with a golden cage. 2 golden cages. And Ridley was in one of them.

'Rid!' I was so relieved I ran over without even looking what was in the other cage. She was lying in a pool of red liquid. Blood. Her blood. Her hair was matted, her bandage dress was ripped and her shoes were scuffed and muddy. 'Rid?' no reply. 'Ridley! Babe wake up!'

'its no use' said a voice from behind me.

John Breed.

'what do you mean its no use?' I yelled. Realization dawned on me, and crushed me. 'shes not..'

'no shes not dead' said john 'but she will be soon'.

'what can we do?'

~skip to after they've escaped~

riddle lay motionless in my arms. I had Ripped us to her bedroom at Ravenwood and I was now holding her in an embrace, silently willing her to wake up. Then, she shifted in my arms, turning towards me so I could see her face. I brushed her hair out of her eyes. 'hey babe'

'don't call me that Hot Rod'

'I was-' I swallowed 'I was worried about you Rid, I didn't know if you would wake up' my eys suddenly watery.

'Aw hot rod that's sweet, but I didn't need you to rescue me, my plan was going fine'

'yeah' I said desbeleivingly 'what part of that plan had you lying in a pool of blood?'

'ok fine, I needed your help and Im glad you rescued me, happy now?' she said angrily.

'ill be happy when you say you love me' he smiled.

'I love you Hot Rod. There I said it. Happy now?' she tried to turn away from me but my arms wouldn't let her. 'very' I said.

~skip to nighttime~

ridley was asleep in my arms and I was content watching her. i didn't want to feed off Savannah Snows dreams tonight, I wanted to watch my girlfriend have dreams of her own. She wouldn't let me feed off of her dreams no matter how much she hates Savannah. I always complain, but to be honest, I wouldn't be comfortable feeding off of her. it wasn't something a boyfriend would do. Ridley stirred in my arms, seemingly worried. As I watched she became more and more frantic that I shook her until she woke, tears streaming down her face, like they would down a waterfall. 'Rid, what's wrong?'

'Nothing' she sniveled. 'Just a bad dream'

Ridley seemed to want to say something then stopped.

"What?' i asked her.

'um well' she hesitated 'If i have a bad dream again, could you... would you take it away, you know, like with your power thingys?' she blushed.

my heart swelled with warmth. she trusted me enough to watch her dreams with her and take them away.

'I'd love to babe. i'm sure you're more imaginative than Savanah Snow' i winked at her.

'shut it Hot Rod'. she wacked my chest and i pretended like it had hurt me.

'Night babe'

'don't call me that'. she said with no conviction. i have a sneaking suspicion she doesnt mind the name.

i smiled.

will update soon! Please R and R!:)