All of the usual notes; I own none of the characters, this is a work of fanfiction and in no way is attempting to infringe on or profit from any copyrights or ownership of either Harry Potter or NCIS. I own nothing related to this story, not even the OCs I invented for it.
Once again, major thanks to Rhea Silverkeys for doing such a wonderful job helping me edit the story. Thanks to her, I'm not only discovering just how little I know about my native language, but actually getting a lot of my grammar mistakes corrected.
This chapter is coming out much quicker than normal for me. Do to the nature of my last chapter, I wanted to insure this one would be quick, so I finished it before posting the last, and was just waiting for final proofreading to be completed before posting.
Information Underload
And with a slight shock Tony realizes that right in the middle of his forehead is the lightning bolt shaped scar of Harry Potter; "Four hours and twelve minutes! LUNCH IS ON MCGEE!"
Everyone turns towards him, various looks of surprise and annoyance on their faces, but before anyone can say anything, a gurgling-rumbling sound can be heard from Potter.
As everyone then turns towards Potter, he looks around and says, "What? It's been awhile since breakfast and I missed dinner!"
As almost everyone starts to chuckle (McGee being the main exception), Potter steps forward; "Well, you guys all seem to know me," he said, pointing at the monitor which still has their profiles up, "and my cousin, and I've already read most of your profiles, so I guess I'll introduce my associates; first is Senior Marshal Eda Malfoy." At the pause, the middle aged woman nods her head towards the group. "And this is Probationary Marshal Jorell Osagie." The young, queerly dressed black man nods his head tightly at them, clearly upset about something. Tony silently hopes it's not about any comments about the way he's dressed, because he deserves every bit of it if so, and Tony sure isn't going to go easy on him.
There must have been something of his thoughts on his face, because Osagie turned towards him with a scowl. Before either of them can comment, Potter continues, pointing at Fornel, Flinderling, and Sterling (pointedly leaving out Kort), "So, I've shown you mine, how about you show me yours?" As the Director introduces the other three men, Tony wonders why Kort didn't need introduction, and it's clear from his face, Trent Kort is wondering the same thing. When the Director finishes the introductions, Potter turns directly to McGee, "So, what's this about you buying the thirteen of us dinner?"
More laughter ensues as Timmy sputters but a comment from Gibbs brings McGee up short; "Seventeen, there's four more people working on it downstairs." Speaking directly to McGee now, "You'll need to call down and get Ducky and Palmer's as well as Abby and Carol's order as well." As he speaks, Tony wonders how the Boss man can keep such a straight face.
Before anyone else can say anything, Director Vance cuts in, "I was just about to show these gentlemen to the conference room we have set up for their office, will you three require anything additional?"
A shrug from the two Marshals, but Potter looks at the Director, "First I'll need a double sized burger with cheese and bacon plus a large root beer and barbecue chips. After someone goes to get that, I'll need to see the bodies and then talk to my cousin; privately."
"Very well," the Director says, "Agent Dorneget can show these four to conference room two, I need to speak with Malfoy about your orders from SecDef and the President. DiNozzo, escort Officer Potter down to the morgue. McGee get everyone's orders, I'll take a pork chop dinner with two sides of herb rice, and think before the next time you make a bet." With that, he waves Dorneget off with Fornel, Sterling, Flinderling, and Kort all while making a gesture for Malfoy to precede him.
Deciding to leave before McGee can say anything, DiNozzo turns to Officer Potter, "If you'll follow me, I'll take you down to Ducky and you can see why a visual identification will not be possible." And with a wave to McGee as the walk away, "I'll let Ducky know and collect their orders!"
Tony walks into autopsy with Potter and Osagie (who decided he didn't want to be with Gibbs without either Malfoy or Potter present) in tow. "Good afternoon Ducky!" he called out as he walked in, "I've got some more visitors here who need to see the bodies."
Turning towards his voice, Ducky and Jimmy, who were working on one of the seamen look over the newcomers, and predictably, it's Jimmy who can't keep his mouth shut, "I'm sorry, but your outfit, may I ask wh-"
"It's none of your business!" Osagie snarls, jaw clenched.
"Ignore him" Potter says with an amused smirk, "His senior officer is giving him a lesson in why it's sometimes important to be able to say no to superiors. Which one is Maliganet? And I'll need some of his blood."
Motioning Jimmy to get the body from its cooler, Ducky, eyeing the three of them carefully, paying much more attention to Harry than either Tony or Jorell, walks them over towards a large cabinet. "Normally, we wouldn't have kept this all for this long, but due to the unusual chemical content, and the special circumstances surrounding their blood work, we'll need a special HazMat disposal unit to take it to a special holding facility."
"You keep eying me; do you have a problem with me Doctor?" Potter asks Ducky.
"Oh no, I'm sorry for more than a passing look at your scar, but Mr. Palmer and I have seen some fascinating brain tumors with the exact same shape on our resent victims. And I was just wondering if you were what Jethro meant when he said they had evidence that someone had survived the weapon that killed two of our victims." Ducky then launches into a retelling of His and Gibb's discussion from earlier, complete with photos and x-rays.
After Ducky gets done, Jimmy has pulled the body out and gotten the blood out of the cabinet. With a glance at Maliganet, Potter pulls out what looks like a small hand mirror out of his pocket, and rubs his finger down the face of it, "Hermione, you there?"
"Yes Harry," a female's voice comes out of it, verifying to Tony that it's a really thin cell phone, "What took you so long?" Long!? Tony thinks to himself, it's only been four hours since he was notified of the crime, all joking at McGee's expense aside, how fast did this woman think it would take to get here from England?
"Well gee Hermione, between explaining things to Mr. Weasley and the Prime Minister, going through customs, meeting with the DMRM, then getting to this building and meeting the… …agents in charge of the investigation, then getting down to the morgue to examine the bodies, and let me think, I'm forgetting something here, oh yeah, your perpetual ranting about this case, how'd I ever forget that? Yes Hermione, these things all take time. Now, are you at your lab, visual identification is impossible, I'll need a blood analysis done." Saying the last while turning his phone towards Maliganet.
"Fine!" The rather snappish voice replies, "And Harry, eww! What happened to him?"
Seeming to decide to let their argument go, Harry replies, "A brick to the face about thirty or forty times, and let's face it 'Mione, it's not that much worse than it was. I'm obviously going to need blood work, give me a visual representation of your findings." After he says that, he dips his finger into the container of blood and swipes it across his phone, completely ignoring the gasps of Ducky and Jimmy. He then sets his phone down on a tray and waits. Just as Tony is starting to think that Potter's not all there, he notices that the blood smear is gone and about that time what appears to be a hologram starts to form in the air above the phone.
"Analysis does show that this is Maliganet." Hermione's voice says as a 3-D picture of a man forms above the phone, "if you add in the scars you and Seamus gave him, it'd be a near perfect match. Full blood workup coming now, Ok, looks like there was a long lasting polyjuice effect mixing human and animal, that's why it didn't fade, like my accident with the cat when we were kids, it'll only go away with treatment, which he has either not received, or avoided, like we theorized." As she speaks, two new images appear, one of a man, much more normal looking, if not handsome, the other of some sort of shark. "It's confirmed Harry, he mixed with the last of the Coppertail sharks that got taken from the Ministry run preservation tanks twenty years ago, so, in addition to all of his other crimes, he's also responsible for the extinction of a species. I've just completed my analysis of his blood, and I'm going on record as being one hundred percent certain this is Lesionen Maliganet. I'm also seeing all the expected stuff like muscle engorgement, strengthening solution, etc. But I'm also showing that he actually died of Avada Kedavra, not of the injuries to his head."
"Makes sense," Osagie replied, "the testimony of Petty Officer Gray does state that at one point he used Mr. Maliganet as a shield from attacks by his daughter Festeren. It does seem reasonable that one of those attacks actually killed him. Since this is definitely Maliganet, is that going to affect the reward the Petty Officer will receive?"
With a snort, Potter replies, "Not likely, for some reason, as stupid as the two were, I can't imagine even Festeren being dumb enough to try and collect part of the reward. It is a somewhat amusing thought though. Hermione, I'm sending you a recording of Dr. Mallard's findings as he explained it to me, I'll send a full copy of all reports as soon as they become available. Any news on your end?"
"Understood and received, I'll go over it as soon as we're done here. As far as news is concerned, nothing much, I talked to Dokkans, she said there hasn't been any new whispers about the Death Eaters doing anything, if anything, the whispers have gotten quieter, which makes sense if they've all gone to America, but you'd think there'd be something. Also, Parvati was already aware; your cousin was mirrored in with her and she overheard some of the discussions of the forensic people there. Ginny and Molly are with her now, as are her sister and mother. If you need any help over there, let me know, Ron and I can be over there in less than an hour."
Tony, having caught the slight pause in speech of Harry editing his words, and the bit about the suspect's fiancée having overheard Abby and Carol speaking, and once again wondering exactly what type of jets these people used, made a mental note to speak to Gibbs and director Vance, but was still able to catch Potter's reply, "We've got too many people working on it now as it is, if I absolutely need help, I'll call for some more analysis, because I'm pretty sure that's what I'll need. Tell the Minister what I've got so far, and let him know that the investigation has been complicated by additional agencies getting involved. Right now there are nine active agents from six different… …American agencies, and an additional four or so from at least two groups involved in forensics, plus the director of NCIS, the primary agency, is taking a direct interest in the case. But at least he's breaking us up into smaller groups. I'll call if anything changes."
"Talk to you later Harry. And Harry, I'm sorry about my attitude earlier, and tell your cousin thanks for killing Maliganet. Even if it was his daughter, Dudley was still the target of her attack and he moved the prick into the attack, so he still gets the credit. Ron asked me to ask you for check in calls every two hours."
"I'll let Dudley know, and tell Ron that that isn't going to happen. Too much going on, but I'll check in whenever things change. Talk to you later." Putting his phone back into his pocket, Potter turned towards Tony, "Now, where can I talk to my cousin at?"
Tony was sitting in the back room of Abby's lab with not only Abby, Gibbs, Ziva and McGee, but also the Director, Fornel and Kort. Lt. Aisent was with Sterling, Flinderling and Carol in the main lab trying to run 'Gray's' personal items, specifically the mirror. So far, all tests showed it was a mirror except the mass spectrometer which started to beep in the tune of 'The Blue Danube' and both Abby and Carol had sworn that they heard someone talking from it after Gibbs left, which was actually possible now that Tony thought about it, if it was in fact a well concealed phone, something Aisent was particularly angry with as that was a direct violation of the rules for the Petty Officer's ship.
Malfoy and Osagie were in the viewing room overlooking interrogation as Potter spoke to his cousin, whom no one had yet been able to decide on which name, Dursley or Gray, to call him. The meeting was to be private, but per policy, the camera would remain on. Which was what the group of them were down in Abby's lab watching, with Abby trying to lip read the two of them. Something she was not having much luck with.
"Sorry Gibbs, Director," Abby said again, "But what they're saying just isn't making any sense unless it's an incredibly complicated code. I mean really, Harry just asked Dorian how many Pegasi there is in pizza, and Dorian replied that the weather was quite red this night. He even said night twice in a row, like night night, what you'd say to a child going to bed. It's like there is two meanings to every word they say. I'll look over the recording later and give you an exact, word for word, but I really don't see it helping unless you can give me some sort of cipher."
"That's ok Ms. Sciuto," Director Vance began, "it was worth a shot, but I wasn't expecting much anyway. It's been clear from the beginning that these people are moving two steps ahead of us. And as much as I'd like to catch up, our primary purpose remains to catch the killer in this case. So to that, what has everyone got so far?"
"Not much Director," Gibbs began, "the only thing that's really changed is what Tony said about the conversation between Potter and his friend Hermione Weasley. If we believe her, then the only thing Dudley, or Dorian is guilty of is using someone who was attacking him as a shield against someone else who was attacking him. That and having a cell phone on his ship which despite having in the lab, we can't even confirm."
"I don't know Gibbs," Trent Kort began, "if we believe her, we know that they are working with genetic modification, both long and short term, have access to advanced and very fast aerial transportation and in all likelihood, fighter craft. And that it's very likely that these Death Eaters are as well, at least the genetic modification. Hopefully they don't have the fighters. Although, come to think of it, I'd rather they had the fighters and not the genetics. You can find a fighter base easier than a genetics lab."
Abby snorts at that, "It's not really that easy to hide a genetics lab. The type of equipment needed to do anything, much less what they did is heavily monitored by almost every single government on the planet. At least that is what I thought six hours ago, now, I'm not so sure. But these people are talking about modifications straight out of science fiction, the labs they'd need would have to be horrendously expensive. Like super-duper megacorporation type expensive. A secret government agency I can see, even a mega corporation, but not a terrorist group, even one as old as we now think these Death Eaters are. Unless they have a member who runs one, a mega corporation that is."
"For some reason Abby," Fornel said, "that doesn't make me feel better."
"Wait a minute," Tony interrupted, "she said like when we were kids. She was talking about the genetic modification and she said 'like my accident when we were kids' like they had the ability to modify themselves in school."
"Not surprising," Ziva said, "after all, Festeren had the ability to take mental control of her father when she was a child, and the weapon used to kill several people that leaves no evidence behind was first used, that we know of, when they were children. This of course implies that they had something to do with their invention. It is entirely possible the Hermione's parents invented the process of modification and that she was playing with something she wasn't supposed to. She did after all say accident."
Fornel looks at Ziva, "Are you saying that all of my nightmares about my daughter playing with my gun have just become obsolete? That her parents had to live through the nightmare of her accidently turning herself into part cat?"
"Think of the possibilities for making comic books come to life in the real world." Tony said.
"Tony," Abby said, "you do realize that if anyone actually tried to merge with a spider, that they'd more than likely suffocate from collapsed lungs right? And that's not even including all the other problems you'd get. Look up the YouTube video called 'anatomically correct spider-man, ninja turtles and several others. Hey, I wonder how much behavioral modification happened with their genetic change?"
"Something I think you all haven't noticed in that conversation;" Gibbs started, "when she mentioned merging with animals, she said it like there was a problem that exists that doesn't with their more common genetic modification, like they habitually change people's DNA. That as long as they don't try and add things from animals, they find it simple."
"You mean the thing about muscle engorgement and strengthening?" Kort asked, looking at Tony for confirmation he got it right.
"Actually, what she said was it was the reason the affect hadn't faded." Tony stated, "So either it's really easier to add animal traits, or at least keep them long term, or the not fading is a negative side effect compared to the non-animal modification. The bit about strength and muscle is accurate, and would explain some of what we've seen from them, although that again brings us back to genetic modification on children, or in Dudley's case, teenagers. And you know what; we're really going to need some terms for this stuff if we keep discussing it like this."
"Well I just noticed something to change the subject." McGee interjected, "I just noticed, look at this slowed down recording of them speaking. Watch the size enhancement of their mouths, notice how when they start to speak, their lips actually change shape slightly from when they're not talking. You'll also notice that when they turn their heads, their lips are a fraction of a second slower than their face. They're not talking in code, someone is overwriting the video feed and super imposing a different conversation then what they're actually having. Which considering this is a live, direct feed, is both impressive and disturbing."
"Well Gibbs, what do you recommend on this one?" Director Vance asked after giving McGee a long look that seemed to say 'How?'
"Honestly sir, all we got him for is mutilation of a corpse, a corpse of someone who just killed his friends and shipmates, and the cell phone thing, but not only does that not apply to us, but we can't even prove it. Considering he's a target for the terrorists, I say we move into protective custody. Maybe see if he would like to play bait in a trap of some sort. We've done that before, it might work again."
After a couple of seconds of thinking, Vance says, "I'll make some calls, let's see if-"
At that moment Ned Dorneget comes rushing into the room, "Director, Special Agent Gibbs, there's been another murder. Multiple British sailors were just found suspended underneath an eight story building's roof overhang. Police say they were tortured before they were killed and then glued there."
This is a teaser to a future chapter. Might be next chapter, might be two chapters away. It'll depend on how my next chapter works itself out like.
FBI Special Agent Ana Rodrigues was just leaving FBI headquarters; she was having a good day and was meeting her husband for a late lunch. As she was approaching the main desk of the building, she saw the receptionist having a 'Discussion' with a visitor.
Deciding to help out; for some reason visitors never seem to think that the receptionist is actually an agent and will happily follow the orders of someone who they think has more authority, Ana walked over to the man. "Excuse me, is there a problem here?" A quick glance showed her that she wasn't the only agent present and walking over.
With an amused expression on his face and a glance of his own at the other agents, the man, who was dressed in what appeared to be some sort of Priest robes replied; "I was just informing your secretary here that I have some information on an imminent terrorist threat from the group known as Death Eaters."
"Do you mean the group who just killed those British Sailors?" Ana asked also noticing the way the receptionist sat straighter at her words. Of course, the name was new and she'd only just overheard it about two or three hours ago. She wanted to make sure she heard it correctly.
"That is indeed the same one." He responded, a prickly British accent behind his words.
"And how would you know about their plans?" She asked, hand travelling down to her gun, unsnapping her holster.
"Because I am a Death Eater!" He said with a bright smile, "Oh, let me correct myself, WE are Death Eaters!" At that five other people just appeared out of thin air, like they'd been invisible.
Special Agent Ana Rodrigues was a very good agent; she managed to pull her gun and get two shots before she died.