Sup! I know that there are some of these kind of stories, but I really wanted to make one myself, so here it is.

This is my second HTTYD FanFic. My first one is called Cover of Night. I encourage you to check it out.

FYI The story's title is a play on Story of My Life.

Disclaimer: The script was written by Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders. I do not own any HTTYD Material. I only own the plot outside the movie.

Chapter 1

Hiccup took a deep breath, before donning his helmet and walking out into the arena, the cheers and cries of the village being his backup music. He grabbed a dagger, and a shield from the rack of weapons, and braced himself.

"I'm ready." He said. The bolt in the door raised, and from it, burst a fiery Monstrous Nightmare. His skin blazed with fire, and his mouth opened in a roar. He shot a stream of fire at the open air dome, making the people part so they didn't get hit.

He climbed up the dome, and finally laid eyes on Hiccup. He lowered himself, and started to stalk toward Hiccup. Said viking held his hands out horizontally, and dropped the dagger and shield as far away from him as possible.

"It's okay. It's okay. " Hiccup whispered, holding his hand out to calm the dragon. The Nightmare looked confusedly at Hiccup's helmet, and he noticed. He raised his hands to the sentimental helmet, and took it off his head.

"I'm not one of them." He declared, throwing the helmet away from him. Everyone gasped and looked to Stoick for advice.

"Stop the fight." Stoick said, standing up.

"No!" Hiccup cried, his hand not five inches from the Monstrous Nightmare's snout. "I need you all to see this. They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them." He stretched a hand out closer to the dragon, his hand only one inch away.

"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" Stoick yelled, banging his hammer against the dome of the arena.

Suddenly, the world turned a pristine white.

"Careful what you wish for Stoick." A soft voice whispered, seemingly coming from nowhere, and everywhere. Hiccup stumbled, and looked around.

The white disappeared, and in its place, was a room so elegant and grand that no viking could replicate this in a thousand years. The walls were black, with gorgeous lamps hanging off the right and left ones in ten foot intervals.

The front wall seemed to be covered by a sheet of thick, shiny red material. The back wall had a small square hole in the middle, around the top. The ceiling was a gentle blend of purples, blues, and greens, with just the right amount of yellow. Round lights were embedded in the ceiling, providing the room with soft light.

There were two sets of stairs leading up the left and right sides. The steps were covered in some sort of soft, dark material, with strings of light leading up the outside edges. The floor was made of the same material that was on the steps, with purple, blue, and green swirls, mixing together to make a sea of beautiful colors. The image was better than any painter on Berk could make.

On the incline, there were multiple rows of plush red chairs. On the flat floor, there was only a handful, with plenty of free room around the chairs. Hiccup swept his eyes all across the room, taking in everything. He lowered his eyes to see the entire village in the room.

"Hiccup?" Said viking turned around at the sound of Astrid's voice.

"Here." Astrid jogged toward him, her eyes betraying her confusion.

"Where are we?" She asked, her voice sounding shaky.

"I don't know." Hiccup answered, looking around at the strange room again.

"You are my personal movie theater. Do you like it?" The soft voice asked, the owner no where to be found.

"What's a movie theater?" Hiccup asked, the words sounding alien on his tongue.

"A movie is a series of moving pictures, and a movie theater is where you view them."

"Why are we here?" Stoick loud voice was heard over the clamor. "

Because you need to see something."

A person wrapped in a cloak the color of Toothless entered the room. They climbed down the stairs quietly, the end of their cloak trailing behind them on the floor. When the person got to the floor, they walked to the middle where everyone could see them.

"You will be watching a movie," They said, the voice easily identifiable as female. "Some other guests will be joining you in watching this movie. Please don't disturb them." The vikings looked around in confusion at what the mysterious woman meant.

She snapped her fingers, the sound crisp and clear. After she snapped, the roof burst into light, almost at once. From it, every dragon that every knew about, saw, or attacked Berk flew down into the abundant space.

Stoick stiffened, and reached for his hammer, to find it wasn't there. The whole village erupted into shock and anger as everyone realized that their choice weapon was gone. Astrid tried to grab her axe off her back to threaten the vikings, but she couldn't feel it. Astrid shook her body, only to find that the familiar weight she felt when she carried around her axe, was gone.

She felt bare, with nothing to defend herself, Hiccup, or Toothless. She looked to Hiccup, to see his expression one of pure happiness. She followed his gaze, and locked it on a jet black dragon, who ungracefully fell from the ceiling, not flying down like all the other ones.

Toothless sat up, and shook himself, his saddle and harness rattling. Hiccup smiled crazily as Toothless caught sight of his rider. He rumbled happily, and started to trot to Hiccup, but said boy motioned for him to stay. Toothless cocked his head in confusion, but stayed where he was nonetheless.

Pretty soon, all the other dragons blocked Toothless from everybody's view. When the last Gronckle had flown down, the ceiling returned to its normal beauty.

All the vikings felt a burning desire to go on a massacre, killing all the dragons in the cursed theater. Stoick started to walk toward the nearest dragon: A bright purple and green Deadly Nadder.

"Now Stoick," The lady said, her voice teasing. "Don't start picking a useless fight." Stoick glared at her.

"How do you know my name?" The lady giggled.

"I know everyone's name. There's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston, Spitelout Jorgenson, Gobber the Belch, Stoick the Vast, Starkard, Ack, Phlegma the Fierce, and Hoark the Haggard. Shall I go on?" Everyone's mouths dropped open at the mention of some of their fellow vikings.

"How do you know us?" Fishlegs asked, his voice high and squeaky.

"Well, this movie will tell you!" The lady exclaimed, her voice full of excitement.

"What's this movie called?" Snotlout asked, glaring at the cloaked woman.

"How to Train Your Dragon." She said, her tone telling everyone that she was obviously smirking. Hiccup and Astrid paled, while everyone else laughed.

"No one can train those merciless beasts." Stoick said, his lips turned down in a scowl. Almost every other viking muttered their agreement, save for two. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other fearfully. The woman was referring to Hiccup, and how he trained Toothless.

"Well, obviously you don't know a lot," The woman said. She spread her hands out to the seats.

"Please. Have a seat, and enjoy the movie." The vikings all traveled to the seats farthest away from where the dragons sat.

Hiccup took one look at the other vikings, and instantly sat in the few seats among the dragons. Astrid sat beside him without another look to the back. Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins quickly followed suit. Snotlout sat by Astrid, Fishlegs sat by Snotlout, Ruffnut sat by Hiccup, and Tuffnut sat by Ruffnut. The seats in the front were now full.

"Hiccup! Get back here!" Stoick cried to his son. Hiccup looked back at Stoick, and shook his head no. Stoick glared at the back of his son's head. Hiccup focused back on the front wall, as it started to lift.


It wasn't a wall.

It was a curtain. The red curtain lifted to reveal a pale gray screen, which lit up with the bright red letters.

The letters spelled out something that made Hiccup shudder.

How to Train Your Dragon

Short. I know, but there is nothing more I wanted to add.

I promise that the following chapter will be longer, and with more of the storyline. See you soon!

BookLover86, Out! ;)