The scene is dark, but then it lights up by a single torch. The torch is on a wall and was lit by none other than our favorite author, who is strangely clad in desert robes.

"Greetings everyone, I am Wolf and I welcome to my next Pearlshipping project. I know I have a lot of stories in progress right now, yet here I am bringing you another story. Now this one is going to be different from my last stories, this one is a parody of Disney's Aladdin."

Seeing the look you're giving him Wolf shrugs.

"I just really like this story, and I think it's time someone wrote a pearlshipping version of one of Disney's greatest movies, well at least that's my opinion. Now this story may take place in the Sinnoh Region, but the geography will be altered slightly to better fit the story."

He grabs the torch, "Now I hope you're all comfortably seated, because it's about to begin. Now I'm going to start all of you off by putting myself in this story. So prepare yourself. I don't own Pokémon, but that will never stop me, enjoy and don't expect to see me again in the A.N. because I'm not sure this story will have one after this."

Wolf pulls up a desert hood before he blows the torch out and you're left in darkness once again.


The scene is dark, but then red flames started to light up the scene and a purple line of smoke begins to drift upwards.

(Cue music to Arabian Nights)

There is a rush of air and more purple smoke rises, this time it begins to form something. It's a title that looked made of pure gold, "A Diamond in the Rough" it reads. It glimmers slightly after lingering for a second before a gust of gust causes the flames and the title to vanish you see a desert in front of you and you hear a voice begin to sing.

Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan Camerupts roam.

Your vision begins to travel across the great sandy dunes and in the distance you can see a slight silhouette.

Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home.

A strong wind picks up casting sand in front of you, when it dissipates you can clearly see it appears to be a peddler or a merchant riding a Camerupt across the dunes.

And the wind's from the east
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right

The Camerupt walks across the sand leaving footprints as he goes, he starts to climb up a very large dune.

Come on down
Stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Sinnovian night

The Camerupt comes over the dune where you see a very large and beautiful city almost glowing under the setting sun, the houses were simple, but the largest attraction was an immense two-tower castle that stood at the center of the great city. You heard the music pick up and become more intense.

Sinnovian Nights, like Sinnovian days

Your view begins to go through several alley ways where you see some of the villagers doing some last minute things before turning in for the night.

More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

You see a man with a Charmander next to him, the man takes a bottle and drinks some of the contents, but he keeps it in his mouth and then the Charmander releases a small Ember attack that the man swallow before spitting out what could've passed as a Flamethrower.

You find yourself in a different part of town, then a shadow comes forth and something comes around the corner, it's the peddler riding the Camerupt, the latter of the two looking terribly exhausted. You see that it is the peddler that is singing the song.

Sinnovian nights, 'neath Cresselia's moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes.

The peddler holds out the last note Camerupt, unable to move anymore the Camerupt collapses and the peddler reacts quickly by jumping off and summersaulting to his feet. His hood falls down in the process and you can see that it's Wolf. He turns to you and smiles warmly.

"Ah, greetings and good evening by humble friend," he said bowing slightly, then he looks up, "No need to be so far away. Please do come closer." Your view zooms up so close you are literally centimeters from Wolf's face, "Okay that's too close, back up a bit, a little claustrophobic." You back up a bit, "Okay that's better." He clears his throat before gesturing to the surrounding area as he scuttled to the Camerupt, "Welcome to Alamos," he said before lighting a match that seemingly came out of nowhere. "The city of mystery," he said with a spooky voice, the he got really close to his Camerupt, "Of enchantment." He said in a more charming tone.

"Cam," the Camerupt bellowed rolling his eyes slightly. Then Wolf pulled on a string attached to the pack that was on Camerupt's back. It transformed into a booth.

Wolf started to talk very quickly, "And the finest merchandise on this side of Mt. Coronet," he ducked down behind the corner, "on sale today." He said bringing out a sign that said 'SALE', "Come on down." He said with a slight chuckle, "Just hear me out on this one, I'm sure we can find something for you. I mean look at this. A combination of a watch and map," he said as he pulled out a Pokétch, "Also up for programming new apps, and the best part. It will not break," he said tapping the device, no sooner that he did it broke, "It will not-" his expression falls into a deadpan, "It broke." He said as he tossed it away. Then Wolf gasped and he ducked down as he pulled out a strange instrument, "Oh what is this, I've never seen one of this in one piece before today." He said in an amazed tone, "You this this is a rare Kalos Poké Flute, listen." He said before he played the instrument, it made a sound similar to a raspberry being blown, "Plbtplbt, ah still good." He said with a smile and alight chuckle.

You started to walk away thinking Wolf was crazy and this was a large waste of your time.

"Wait don't go." Wolf said catching up his expression looked desperate, but he covered it up with a sly look and a sneaky chuckle, "I see you are only interested in something much more rare and valuable." He said as he reached into his desert robe, "then perhaps you might be a little interested… in this." Wolf said pulling out a plain looking brass oil lamp, "Don't be fooled by it's plain look. Like a great deal of things, it is not the outside, but the inside that matters." He said, "This is no ordinary lamp!" Wolf said in a desperate tone as you tried to walk away again, "This lamp once changed the course of a young man's life." Wolf said in a mysterious tone, "a man who like this lamp, was more than what he seemed." Wolf looked around as if to check if anyone was watching, then leaned in close, "a diamond in the rough." He whispered. Wolf smiled knowing he had your attention, "Perhaps you would like to hear the story?" he said and he tipped the lamp and a glowing silver powder poured out.

"It begins on a dark night," Wolf said cryptically as he threw the dust into the air as the scene changed. The dust faded into stars and you were in the middle of the desert once again, "Where a dark man waits," Wolf's voice whispers and you see someone riding a Rapidash waiting on top of a tall sand dune, "With a dark purpose." Is the last you hear of Wolf's voice before fading completely.

Another Rapidash rode up the dune, when they were at the top the rider dismounted the Rapidash and looked at the dark man in front of him, on the man shoulder a Murkrow was perched, "You… are late." He said in a tone that showed he wasn't pleased.

"A thousand apologizes," the short man said with a slight bow, "oh patient one." He added with a slight amount of sarcasm.

The man's eyes narrowed, "You have it then?" he asked.

The man chuckled and reached into his pockets, "I had to slice a throat or two, but I got it." he said pulling out something made of gold. The man held out a hand, but he pulled the golden item away, "Wait, the treasure first." He said.

"Krow," the Murkrow squawked before flying down and grabbing it out of his hand. The Murkrow flew back to his master, the man reached out his hand and Murkrow dropped it into his hand. The man was in clearer view now, he had blue hair and steel-blue eyes that looked hardened and cruel.

"Patience my short pungent friend," he said as he pulled something out of his regal looking robe, "You'll get what's coming to you."

"What's coming to you, krow!" the Murkrow imitated. And the man held up two halves of a golden Heracross. He put the two halves together and there was a bright flash as the Heracross unshed its wings and took off very quickly leaving a golden trail.

"Quickly, follow the trail!" the man said urging his Rapidash and the two of them rode across the dunes in pursuit of the Golden Heracross. They rode across several of them and they were almost losing the trail, "Faster!" he nearly screamed.

The Heracross continued to fly until it split into two again and orbited a large sand dune before attaching to the front of it. the man and the bandit stopped in front of it slightly confused, but then the earth began to rumble and a strong wind began to whip up the sand. Scared the two Rapidash reared back throwing their riders off.

The sand dune began to rise and take shape. The bandit look in fear while the man looked in anticipation. Soon the dune had shaped itself like a Raikou's face, then its mouth opened to reveal a glowing red passage.

"At last, after years of searching," the man said with a wide smile, "The Cave of Wonders." He said.

"Krow! Cave of Wonders," the Murkrow imitated looking just as amazed.

"By Arceus," the bandit said in shock. The man looked down at the bandit, and then he grabbed his robe and almost lifted him into the air.

"Now remember, go inside and get me the lamp," he said, "the rest of the treasure is yours if you want it, but the lamp… is mine." He said releasing him. the bandit rubbed his hands together as he approached the cave.

"Krow, the lamp! Krow, the lamp." The Murkrow said, the he looked at his master with distaste, "Geez where'd you dig this bozo up." He asked using perfect speech. The man urged him to be quiet.

The bandit looked down the corridor, the throat became a set of long stairs. The bandit started to walk in, but the cave shifted and the bandit was thrown off. A low growl sounded and the cave began to speak, "Who disturbs my slumber?" the cave asked with a low thunderous voice.

The bandit looked scared, "I-um i-it is I, Charon," he said as he bowed down, "a humble bandit." He said offering his respect.

The cave growled, "Heed this, only one may enter here." the cave warned, "One who's worth lies within his heart, the diamond in the rough." He finished with a slight echo. Charon looked at his master with a 'What do I do now?' expression.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go on." He said, Charon gulped and walked back to the entrance again, this time he entered. He was hesitant, but he slowly reached out and put one foot on the first step. When nothing happened Charon breathed a sigh of relief. Then the cave began to roar and rumble. Charon, now utterly terrified, tried to run out, but it was no use. The jaws of the Raikou slammed down on Charon killing his, "No!" the man shouted at the cave turned back into sand.

"Seek him out," the cave's voice rumbled and the half of the Heracross tumbled down the sandy slope, "The diamond in the rough." There was a slight echo.

From out of the sand Murkrow's head popped out, he started to cough out sand, "I can't believe it, I just can't believe it," he said as he got himself out and emptied sand out of his ear," We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp!" he said as he collected the two halves, "Just forget it. I mean look at this, look at this!" he said pulling at himself and pulling out loose feathers, "I'm so ticked off I'm molting, if i get anymore ticked off i might start roosting." He said and took to the air again.

"Patience Murkrow, patience." The man growled and Murkrow dropped the pieces into his hand and landed on his shoulder. "Charon was obviously less than worthy." He said as he put the pieces in his robe.

"Oh there's a big surprise." Murkrow said as he moved from one shoulder to the other, "I mean, I think I actually might have a heart attack from such a surprise," he said sarcasm dripping from his voice, "What are we going to do? We have a big problem. A big-" the man shut the Dark-type up by clamping his beak shut.

"Yes, he says only one can enter," he said agreeing with the bird, "I must find him, this so called 'diamond in the rough'." He said his eyes narrowing.


That's a wrap, be sure to review and take your guesses on who the rest of the cast are.

This is W. R. Winters signing off.