Chapter 8
Word of warning: This is the longest chapter I had ever written, hope you all like it.
[Listen to TMNT Background Music - Oroku Saki on YouTube]
Sounds of a laughter mixed in growling can be heard up on one of the tallest balconies within Purgatory. The balcony wasn't beside the big, Dah'ren Mohran Skull balcony, but underneath it, since that skull balcony is the highest one there is in Purgatory.
Below the skull rest a large balcony with three occupants, each one looking down at the arena below. The being that was growling and laughing was a Tigerstripe Zamtrios; the creature was right on the edge of the balcony, looking down at the fight below.
The Tigerstripe Zamtrios stands about twelve feet tall, and is a large, quadrupedal monster with an orange-brown colored skin with some red shades mixed in, and its belly is bluish as well as its fins. It is superficially shark-like in appearance, with a long, pointed snout and a mouth filled with multiple rows of sharp teeth. As an adult and cousin to the Zamtrios, its limbs are powerful, and its skin is extremely elastic in order to accommodate its inflation abilities.
The amphibian continued to laugh and growled for a moment, before he spoke to the others on the balcony. "Oh Brutarius is going to destroy that human, wonder which way? Gore him to death, stab him or stomp him," said the Tigerstripe Zamtrios, grinning down at the arena, "or maybe eat the newbie."
"Do you think on anything else besides food," said a female voice, the second occupant was a woman in blade-master black Nargacuga armor, all of which except without the helmet. She stood five feet and seven inches tall, and her weapon on her back was her long sword, the Shadow of the Moon. She has black hair and green eyes; she wore a red bandana underneath her hair, the length of her hair reaches to halfway of her neck. She wore a bit of face-paint that has similar red markings to what the Nargacuga has.
"Only when the meal looks delicious enough to eat," replied the creature, which turned to face the girl, with a grin. "And speaking of tasty looking meals, you're starting to look like one right now."
"Dare try and we shall be having sushi tonight," the girl replied, glaring at the creature, gripping her hilted sheathed longsword on her back with her left hand, getting ready to draw it out.
"Sever. Lotus. Cease your quarrel," commanded the third being. The being wore red pigment Zamtrios Z blade-master armor. The man had no weapons in his armored hands, but it looks like his Zamtrios Z armored gauntlets were made differently, it had blades attached the left gauntlet, like large claws for slashing and stabbing.
Sever groaned, "Yes Elite Shredder." Sever is the name of the Tigerstripe Zamtrios, Sever is rank as a Brute and works for Elite Shredder, Elite being a rank higher than Brute.
"Yes father," said Lotus, taking her hand away from the hilt of her sheathed longsword and bowed to him. Lotus is the daughter of the Shredder, and Lotus is ranked as Captain, a rank under Brute such as Sever.
"Take your bets now!" called the announcer below, and Sever went back to watching the view of the match. Then after a moment, "With no interference, now fight!"
And with that the sounds of the battle below can be heard, the newbie must be using some blades while he battled the Diablos. Shredder still sat at his throne, and since it was mostly his Brute, Sever, that was watching, and seeing the Tigerstripe Zamtrios grinning means one thing. Brutarius was winning, Sever always cheer for large monsters like himself. And mostly the only time when his daughter is interested to watch a match is when there is actually an experience human.
Any humans who survive a Purgatory Arena, either killing a monster, human, or palico, is worthy to join the rank of grunts in the organization. Any monsters are already worthy enough to get in. As for palicoes, those felines are incredibly weak against any foe; their purpose to the Shredder is more of servitude.
And then there was the scream of the human, such is a newbie who thinks to highly of themselves when entering the ring foolishly. Sever was grinning widely and now chanting for the death of the human who is likely fleeing from the Diablos.
As the crowd belong continue their chant, the Shredder was getting bored himself, and so was his daughter. He was starting to get an itch to fight, mostly just to train his body, but there are no strong monsters worthy for a challenge around.
Being alerted by a faint sound, he didn't turn his head, he closed his eyes and he said, "Report."
Standing close by and on their knees were two men in black Shinobi blade-master garb. Both of them were bowing, and on their round hands bared the symbol of a red dragon claw and a demonic G in the middle, it's their group symbol, the Gore Claw Clan. Shredder's clan that are ninja-like warrior assassins, there are many clans who go this way of lifestyle, rivals to each other. And Shredder's clan had joined their allegiance to Lord of Gore long ago, thus adding the word "Gore" to their clan name.
"Master," said one of his warriors, he held up a scroll in his right hand. He kept his eyes glued to the ground, "A message from the Lord of Gore."
Lotus walked over and picked up the message from the soldier, she knows what her father wants. She could see him looking at her, waiting for her to finish reading it and tell him what it was. Once she looked up after the five second read, she said, "The Lord of Gore has a transaction that he plans to do in Purgatory, and that he'd be coming here in twenty minutes. And he's bringing General Demise with him."
Sever groaned as he had listened to her talk, he growled, "Bringing that General of Death huh? Does it say who they're meeting with?"
Lotus nodded, than she said, "The group that the Lord of Gore plans to do business with is Lady Myra."
"Ah, now what kind of sweet, little, delicious morsel of a lady is to come here?" asked Sever, everyone could likely hear his stomach grumble. "Is she so important enough to bring a death army for the meeting?"
'A noble most likely,' Shredder thought after a moment, his daughter said 'Lady Myra'; mostly nobles have that kind of title in their names. After thinking for a moment, he thought, 'Ah, maybe just another profit provider, but why the Lord of Gore want money when he got hundreds of nobles in his pockets already?' After that thought, he asked, "Does it say on when this 'Lady Myra' would arrive, my daughter?"
Lotus rolled up the scroll, and she replied. "It said that she'd likely be earlier then him, and that Maxie Ackerson would be the one bringing her here."
"DAMN IT!" roared the Tigerstripe Zamtrios, than he growled, "It's bad enough that he hangs around in the above city, but now that researcher commander is coming down here?!"
"Whoever Lady Myra is, she must be very important, or beneficial to the Organization, if the Lord of Gore has one of his twelve commanders to lead the noble to Purgatory," Lotus suggested as she looked thoughtful.
"And wherever he comes, you can bet his bug soldiers are waiting in the shadows too, those disgusting things," Sever said with a growl, at least a lot of members of the Gore Claw Clan can understand his language. "Why couldn't have been Researcher Moordryd or Researcher Kaiba? Hell I would've preferred it to be that Brute Rex!"
"Thought you didn't like Admiral Kaiba?" asked Lotus, looking at the Tigerstripe Zamtrios.
Sever rolled his eyes, and he replied with some growls, "I like the guy, despite not having any funny bone and always serious all the time. And he did modified my body to be close to indestructible, no blades or claws can puncture my belly, which I'm free to eat any hunter at any time I want, or gobble up a Deviljho, so many of them you know, no one would care if one goes missing. Actually, I bet a lot of people would see me as a hero for eating so many of them." He chuckled after, grinning a bit.
Researcher Kaiba, a man who researches on body modifications and technology, ways to make the body stronger than it was before. Kaiba is mostly a researcher, but in the Organization, he is rank as an Admiral, a rank higher than General, and General is a rank higher than Elite. Kaiba is a very busy kind of man who researches a lot on his spare time, he does body modifications on both humans and monsters, but he's not an expert in that field, Maxie is. Hence Researcher Kaiba is one of the two Admirals under Commander Maxie.
"Except you won't escape Brute Rex's wrath if you ate any of his siblings," Lotus said with a little smirk. Sever really hates Rex.
"My body can't be pierce, so all he could do is pummelling me into the ground," Sever groaned, that would mean that he would get bruises.
Shredder ignored, and commanded, "Second report." He knows there were two claw soldiers kneeling close to his mock throne of Purgatory. Shredder has a real throne elsewhere; he is only assigned to this place, because his ninjas could keep watch for a specific traitor who had fled from the Organization months ago.
"Master," the second soldier spoke, still kneeling and his eyes glued to the floor as well. "The one known as…"
Across from their balcony, to the far wall, where they can easily see the arrival of an elevator lift that just dropped out of the hole above, it came to a halt for a few minutes. And on that elevator were four people and an adult Deviljho.
"I take it that is what you came to report," Lotus said, looking at the group on the elevator that started to slowly descend. It was very far away, but by their keen eyes, they could clearly see that it was an adult Deviljho, and four people.
"Yes my lady," replied the second soldier. "That group is the visiting group from the message, Commander Ackerson had led them to the elevator and he went to take the scenic route."
From the sighting, the elevator started to slowly lower down, it took about five minutes before it reaches ground level. And Lotus was watching them from where she stood on the balcony, while Sever was too.
The two soldiers waiting for orders, of which Shredder then commanded, "Spread the word of the new group arrival, and keep watch for anything they try to do, keep yourselves concealed, and avoid any Seltas, I prefer Maxie don't see you any of you. If sighted, be expected to be punished."
Both soldiers gave silent gulps before getting up and walking away into the shadows, a punishment from the Shredder means a loss of body part, or if he gets really mad over a punishment, the soldier becomes dinner for one of Shredder's high rank monsters, like Sever.
As for how many soldiers there are in Purgatory, there are one-hundred Grunts, ten Captains, and two Brutes serving under the Elite Shredder.
Lotus kept her view of the group, seeing Maxie greeted them, she then said, "The group consists of one woman, three men, and one Deviljho. The woman is most likely Lady Myra; she is currently wearing Lunastra X armor and carries a Gunlance. The two men following closely behind her are likely her guards, both of them are wearing Teostra X armor and they carry lances. The last one is walking beside the Deviljho; he wears Seregios armor, no weapon in sight."
"And the Deviljho?" asked the Shredder, waiting for the full detail.
"Looks like a plain ole Deviljho," Lotus replied. Suddenly Sever laughed a bit.
"Next time Lotus, let one that knows monsters tell the difference," Sever smirked at her, before looking back down and continued, "the Deviljho reminds me of a world-eater type, but the scent of him is different, nearly reminds me of Savage Deviljho kind, so this one kind of reminds me of Rex. And take a look at the way he looks around, and yes it's a male, could spot the difference there easily, both by smell and sight. As for smell, this one killed many; smell of blood covers his body, by that means he doesn't focus on eating. The way he looks about it, keeping a cautious gaze upon Maxie, and looking to the arena, a thirst to kill by the looks of his eyes from here. He isn't hungry, he wants to kill. And by that, means he's more intelligent than regular Deviljhos, likely equal smart to Rex. I say, Elite Shredder, this one seems like one opponent you long to crush, eh?"
"Depending if it can beat Rex one day," Shredder said, he was intrigued of this unique Deviljhos. Shredder had fought many Deviljhos in the past, especially sparred against Rex's older siblings. He fought against three Savage Deviljhos once and won victoriously, he got their heads on the wall to prove it. Of course he couldn't kill Rex's siblings, otherwise he invited Rex's wrath down upon himself, even though Rex is only a Brute, he is still strong and dangerous, hence why he's known as a Juggernaut.
Sounds of a deathly scream were heard from the arena, the end of the foolish hunter who dared step into the ring to face a Diablos. The announcer spoke up after the death, "Damn! That newbie didn't last long against him! Give a cheer for Brutarius the Diablos!" The audience all about cheered while many groaned for losing their bets.
Sever laughed as he looked back down at the arena, "Stab straight through the chest with the left horn! And he carried the corpse with him, likely wants to eat it in private!"
"Can you please stop thinking about food," Lotus asked in annoyance, she continued to watch. She kept on watching the group mainly and can guess that Maxie is telling them about the history of this place. She saw the group look up at the roof, they didn't see their balcony, and most likely they're mainly looking at the skeleton.
Sever and Lotus kept on watching the group as Maxie appeared to leave them, and they heading to the arena. They likely watch a few matches. Lotus kept her eyes trained on the four humans, wondering what they're capable of. While Sever appeared to just be licking hips lips as he kept watching the Brute Wyvern. While in the arena, the Diablos they could see was just leaving it with his victim trap on his horn.
Then they heard the announcer, "Now the arena is cleared for the next round! And now, who shall be taking part for the next match?"
The group on the balcony heard the large doors within the arena open and the familiar sound of two, large, Savage Deviljhos walking into the arena.
"Ha, if it ain't Grunt Agony and Grunt Despair? Those two are now finally going to decide who is stronger," Sever said with a grin, watching the match.
"Wow now," the announcer spoke in glee. "It looks like the brothers are finally going to decide on who is stronger, Agony or Despair!"
After thinking for a time, learning that this group's Deviljho is a unique one made the Shredder the desire to see how this monster is capable of. But then decided to give a little fear tactic himself, he gave a small chuckle before standing up from his mock throne.
"Father?" asked Lotus, looking to the Shredder.
Sever looked as well as the Shredder started to walk over to the balcony rail, "Deciding to end the two useless grunts now? Might as well, they were becoming useless as of late."
"Now then, before the fight begin, who dare take part into the ring and fight against the two brothers?" called the announcer. "Which one of you wants to take part?"
As the Shredder nears the balcony edge, he spoke, "In this pathetically weak world, only the strongest rise to hide some great power. I control the city above, and soon I will be the master of this continent. Nothing can stand in my way, no Guild, no Organization, and certainly not the Virtue Hunters!" He was getting his blood boiling now, the desire to kill a foe burning through him. And as for why he says 'organization', he gave one look down at the group and can tell this Lady Myra leads her own group. "I will crush them all!" And he suddenly got onto the railing and leap off of it, as he dived down, "I am the Shredder."
As he landed into the center ring, both Lotus and Sever continued to watch. They heard the announcer announced, "Oh my, it looks like the Champion of Purgatory had decided to take part in this match. Cheer for one of the Elites of the Organization, Shredder!"
As the Shredder remain in his fighting pose, Lotus and Sever continued to watch. They heard the announcer spoke, "People, take your bets!"
"Heh, want to make a bet, Lotus?" Sever asked with a grin.
"No," Lotus replied in annoyance, she had crossed her arms and kept on watching. She kept on watching the group, and could tell they were confused on why most of the audience were taking bets on Shredder winning.
As the Shredder stood in a fighting pose within the arena, he said to his enemies, "Say farewell to each other while you still can. For none of you will not leave here alive!"
"With that, no one else, fighters begin!" yelled the announcer, causing the battle to begin.
To the Shredder, he stood at where he was, he wasn't looking at the two Savage Deviljhos, and he was looking upwards, right at the group watching as the two monsters circled around in the arena. Then he said, "Those who are not with me are against me and I crush anyone who stands against me!" And the two Savage Deviljhos charged upon the Elite while the crowds cheered 'Fight' over and over and the monsters were roaring out.
Back on the balcony, Lotus kept her gaze upon the group, while Sever started to get bored. Seeing the boredom, Lotus called over to the hall, "Maiden, come do your service."
In came one of the servants who worked in Purgatory, a woman who simply wore maiden clothes came into the room; she smiled and asked politely, "What would you both like for a meal?"
Lotus remains quiet as she watched the battle below, while Sever smiled, he growled, "Knew you care about my appetite, Lotus." Sever replied, and then he started to move over to the maiden. Sadly for the girl, she does not speak the language of the amphibian.
"Ma'am?" asked the maid as she looked to Lotus, till she was grabbed by the Tigerstripe Zamtrios, she would've screamed in surprise, if the amphibian wasn't holding her with a gentle hold; seem to pull her into a hug. "Aw, I think you're cute too," the maiden said, thinking that this big amphibian only wanted a hug. She giggled as she felt the Tigerstripe Zamtrios give her small gentle lick to the face.
"Mmm, you're a delicious little morsel, and already you assume I'm gentle, in you go," Sever growled with a grin before he opened his mouth wide and throws the maid into his mouth. She screamed in shock before he clamped his mouth shut and gulped her down to his belly.
His belly bulges outward like a beach ball, making it round enough for the girl struggling about inside. Sever grinned and licked his lips, "Such a delicious little snack, wonder how long she'll keep struggling till she's all pudge on my lovely body." He chuckled as he went back to watching the match below.
There were muffled sounds of the maiden inside his belly, trying to beg and plea to get out. Lotus was mostly the one who heard, but ignored and kept on watching her father battle the Savage Deviljhos.
Late in the night and the moonlight shining down upon the barren desert, this place was known as Dunes. Within area seven, the gunner in Duramboros X armor fled while riding in the saddles of his Great Wroggi.
"Bad night, bad night, bad night!" screamed Garico in fright as he rode on Veni's back, she was running as fast as she could. Both of them were very frightened, Veni was more focus on getting her human to safety. As for who was chasing them, it was a Shrouded Nerscylla.
First thing to explain about, a regular Nerscylla stands about twelve feet tall. Nerscylla physically resembles a real life Arachnid, but is much larger in size. Its long, strong legs allow it to move at fast speeds, even sideways. At the tip of its abdomen is a large stinger it may use to attack. Sharp, poisonous spikes protrude from its back. Nerscylla is armed with four powerful legs and two claws, each one tipped with a formidable barbed hook, used for holding prey as well as keeping its grip while scaling walls. In addition, it possesses a massive pair of retractable jaws which can inflict a poisonous bite. It can produce strong, sticky webbing that it uses to trap prey and build nests.
So one can imagine how scary a Shrouded Nerscylla was, they're specifically for G-Rank missions, and stand about fifteen feet tall. It is very similar to its common counterpart; however, it wears a Khezu skin rather than a Gypceros skin. Its back spikes are also bright-yellow in color, indicating their paralysis attribute. Its different ability likely comes from its diet of the Khezu, just like how the common Nerscylla can secrete poison due to feeding on Gypceros.
As for why Garico and Veni are so focus on trying to escape this big, dangerous Temnoceran. Besides Garico having a fear of spiders, this Shrouded Nerscylla appears to be a smart one, for it was he who had been shooting it at a distance while Devon distracted up close by Martin and Chris went to put a trap more suitable. The Shrouded Nerscylla was currently pissed considering its armor is so wrecked up, and is weaken enough for capture.
So as the Shrouded Nerscylla chase after Garico and Veni, Devon was following behind charging with his lance. They were basically running around in a circle, and Garico was too frightened of turning around and shoot at the giant spider while Veni carried him.
"Over here!" called Chris as he waved his arms to catch their attention, he and Martin had a trap set up right between them.
"Shock trap ready guys, hurry!" called Martin.
Veni was smart, knows this kind of tactic, and since there is a large monster chasing them from behind. The Great Wroggi changed angle and ran towards to the Kratts brothers, the Shrouded Nerscylla hissed in fury as it continued its chase.
As they neared, Garico recognized what's about to happen, and got himself ready. As they neared, he called, "Now!" And Veni made a big leap herself, she leaped right over the shock trap and landed on the other side and made a few more steps before halting.
The Shrouded Nerscylla charged into the shock trap while the Kratt brothers had moved out of the way themselves. The moment the giant spider stepped upon the trap, it screeched as it felt shock, paralysed by it. The Kratt brothers pulled out their own tranquilizer bombs and threw it, both of which had impacted its head. With that, the Shrouded Nerscylla collapsed upon the shock trap, now unconscious.
"Oh thank the heavens," Garico sighed in relief, he carefully got off of Veni's back saddle and onto his feet. His gun on his back, he reaches up for his helmet, taking off the straps before removing it. Once he took off his Duramboros X helmet, he revealed that he has a little beard on the chin, blue eyes, and he has tree leaf green hair, which was short length, barely covering his ears. He then dropped his helmet onto the sand and cheered, raising his arms into the air. "Woo! We finally caught that thing!" he cheered, seem so excited.
During his excitement cheer, he grabbed his creature partner's head and kissed her left cheek. Veni blushed while Garico continued to cheer for the success, while Devon and the Kratt brothers gathered.
As Devon brings out a horn to call for the watchers to come pick up the unconscious Shrouded Nerscylla, Martin spoke up, "We're not done yet, Garico."
Froze in midst cheer, his right fist in the air and he was grinning upwards, he stayed in place, turned his head to look at them in confusion, he asked, "Excuse me?"
"He's right," Chris said, crossing his arms and smiled. "Our mission isn't done yet."
Veni looked at them in confusion while Garico lowered his arms and looked to them, he asked, "What do you mean? We caught the bloody bugger!"
As the sighting of the watcher's blimp lowering down to them, coming for the pickup. Devon spoke up, "Yeah, we caught one Shrouded Nerscylla."
Garico blinked in confusion, till fright showed on his face. He asked, "One…?! You mean we have to catch more of those bloody spiders?!" He pointed with his left hand at the sleeping Shrouded Nerscylla.
All three of them nodded at the same time, and Devon said, "Yeah, we need to catch at least five Shrouded Nerscyllas, then we'll have enough materials to give to Josephiroth to make his new set of armor."
"And we only caught one, so four more to go," Chris stated, holding his right hand up, kept his thumb down, while four fingers outward.
Garico's eyes were very wide, then they rolled up into his head and he collapse falling into the sands, he fainted. Veni instantly went to his side and nuzzles his head, trying to waken her unconscious human partner.
"Well, he might be out for a while," Devon said, he turned to the Kratt Brothers. "How about you both stay here and keep watch, I'll go catch the next one." He turns and started to walk away.
"Sure Devon," Martin replied with a smile and the two brothers stood by, watching the Great Wroggi try to awaken her human, it was rather adorable.
In the far deep in what seems to be a never-ending forest of Everwood, deep in its dense jungle, with ruins covered by the growth of the land. In one area, wide and spacious, with only cliff areas as entrances and exits, within the area were pillars covered in vines, it was like an old temple hall, its roof was open but had ledges, allowing the light from the moon to give light in the area. There were doorways at the bottom ground, but are covered in rubble. As for the vine-covered pillars, there were about seven, most of which reach the same height as the cliff entrance/exit of this area, while a few had lost most of its height and crumbled down apart.
If one was careful enough, they could leap onto each pillar to get across. There are a few people who come to Everwood or other similar area of places to practice parkour movement.
And currently, on the south entrance cliff rests a scouter ship blimp, a small transport airship that scouts uses to be a lookout over an area. As for why it was currently on the ground, because its occupants were currently in the area.
On top of one of the ledges, the Mosgharl armored gunner, Jack had climbed on top. It was a difficult climb, but he managed. And below him, the two hunter brothers, the younger one in leather armor and the older one in Ioprey armor, both of them carried shield and sword. The younger one had a beginner's weapon, a hunter's knife, while the older one carries a Hydra's Bite.
Both brothers were having difficulty carrying a tied up unconscious, pajama covered human named Silus. Silus had a bruise on his forehead and was currently tied up, his arms kept to his sides and his legs together. And he wasn't alone, his palico partner, Lucky, was on his back, thanks to rope that been used on Silus to keep Lucky firmly in place, he had a bruise on his nose. As for the difficulty for the brothers in carrying the unconscious duo that is armor-less…
The older brother wears heavy armor compared to his comrades who wore clothes, and the fact that his younger brother isn't a good jumper. It will be a pain in the ass if they misstep and fall off the pillar and have to climb up with the unconscious human and felyne.
"Ugh, this man needs to lose some weight," grunted the younger brother, they both were taking turns as they jumped over each pillar, and handing the unconscious duo to between them.
"Shh little brother, make enough noise and they might wake up," said the older brother, sounded annoyed. They both eventually reach the center pillar, and the older brother grunted, "Finally, now throw down some of your rope."
Jack nodded; he had reached into his inventory pocket and pulled out his own rope. With it, he held it with his left arm and started lowering the end part down, and once it reached the brothers. The younger brother held the unconscious duo in place while the older brother took the end of the rope and ties it around Silus and Lucky.
Once firmly in place, he said, "Done, how about you Jack?"
Jack had wrapped his end of the rope around the ledge a few times before tying it. He then made an animal call, like a loud bird whistle and tweets of a falcon. Unlike the talkative brothers, he wanted to be quiet as possible. But his call down to them has another purpose besides alerting them.
"Finally," the younger brother sighed, who then pushes the unconscious duo out of his arms. They fell off the pillar and swung away for a moment, thanks to the rope, after swinging around slowly, they soon came to a stop. The unconscious duo was now tied up and is hanging under one of the roof ledges, is currently five feet away from any pillars and about ten feet from the ground.
With that done, Jack went and leaped off the ledge and landed on one of the pillars closes to the one with the two brothers standing upon. Jack went and jumped behind them, while the two brothers were mainly looking at the unconscious hanging duo.
"You think that elder dragon partners would reach here before any predators try to feast on them?" asked the younger brother, who felt a bit worried; despite what they did, they felt it was the right thing to do.
"The chameleos pup views him as a bond," the older brother replied. "By now, that dangerous creature is scouring through the Everwood, just to get to here." None of them had noticed that Mosgharl clothed man was slowly taking the hunter's knife off the younger brother's back.
"Right, let's go," said the younger brother, he turned and did a quick run before leaping from their pillar and onto the other.
The older brother noticed in the sky of what looks like aerial creatures coming in, "Lookout, Remobras incoming!" Before he could take out his sword, he was suddenly grabbed from behind, hand firmly covering his mouth and pulled back, exposing his neck.
The younger brother didn't notice as he had quickly looked up, then he went to unsheathe his blade… till he discovered it was missing. "What the?" he asked in surprised. He turned around and his eyes widen as he saw Jack holding his brother tight, with his blade against his neck. The boy didn't notice a large shadow of a creature flapping its wings behind him now.
Jack snickered as he held the blade close, he said with glee, "Shouldn't trust a man in Mosgharl like I." And with that, using his strength to make the older brother face towards the hanging unconscious hunter, and then…
He sliced the blade into the older brother's neck, with arterial blood spraying out of his neck and its drops landing upon the unconscious hanging hunter's body. The older brother weakly struggled as Jack had sliced halfway through, the hunter's knife covered in blood while he continued to snicker.
The boy looked shocked and screamed, "NO-MPH!" His scream was interrupted as a big mouth had engulfed his head and shoulders; two sharp upper fangs pierce through his clothes and his chest.
The older brother's eyes widen as he slowly died, his body paling as his brother was being eaten alive by the largest Remobra he had ever saw.
Jack continued to chuckle while he held the now dead hunter in place still, before slowly setting the now dead corpse onto the pillar, right beside his feet. Jack stood back up, and he turned to look at the Remobra.
The Remobra is a snake wyvern, a winged snake wyvern. Regular Remobras are around three feet in height, this Remobra though was by far the largest ever seen; it was nine feet tall, maybe some kind of subspecies of the snake wyvern? Nope. It is a giant Remobra.
A Remobra is a snake wyvern, by its appearance; a Remobra has a viper snake-like head, a long neck, a torso body with two long raptor-like legs, and one long tail. Its wings connecting to the limbs on its torso, the back scales that covered most of its body ranges from blue to obsidian black, while the underbelly scaly smooth skin is whitish peach to peachy yellow. Its eyes are mostly red, and the only teeth they have are two sharp fangs and are capable of ejecting lethal poison in its prey when bitten. Its mouth is very snake-like; especially it has a forked tongue. The front part of its scaly boy is also capable of stretching, for Remobra can eat like a snake eats, swallow a smaller prey whole, Remobra tends to eat bite-size meals from dead creatures though. Its legs, despite being weak, its claws-like talons are strong enough to grab onto others and hold tight. Remobra are usually three feet tall in height, small scavenger hunters.
But this Remobra is huge, three times the original size of a Remobra, it was nine feet tall. Its wing span is enormous and so was its body. The back color of its body was dark blue, not very toxic poisonous, but still lethal.
And the boy was struggling, his voice muffled as he screamed within the giant Remobra's mouth. And its strong fangs had pierced through his chest, its poison spreading into his pierced lungs, then spreading throughout the respiratory system. His struggling slowly came to a halt, but he groaned and cried weakly within.
The giant Remobra place its talon feet upon the pillar, showing it has strong muscles upon its body, which must mean it has an excellent diet throughout its life, and has a small pot-belly, which must mean this Remobra is so used to getting big meals.
With the boy close to deaths door now, the giant Remobra lower its head. Being smart it seems to be, by placing the boy's feet upon the top part of the pillar, as a way to help keep the boy in place instead of using its long, strong, muscular tail to constrict him. With that, the Remobra retracted its fangs out of the boy's chest, it widen its mouth further before pushing downward, taking more of the boy into its mouth.
The neck close to its head started to bulge outward to show where the boy's head was, as the giant Remobra continued its slow swallows. It ate like a snake, trying to gulp in more of the boy as quick as possible.
After a few more gulps, the boy's thighs were poking out of its mouth; its throat was bulging with the boy's upper body. With that, the Remobra firmly closed its mouth around the groin, not piercing with its fangs. Then raising its big head upwards, stretching its neck high, tilting its mouth upwards as though to have the gravity to assist its swallows. The boy's legs were no longer straight, his knees bend down.
Swing its head upwards a few times, making those dangling legs go into the air for each swallow, till the Remobra's mouth reach the legs, and started to quickly gulp in. Its long neck continues to bulge as more of the boy go down it. Then, as the feet enter its mouth, it closes its mouth tightly, cheeks bulging for a moment, before the Remobra gulped them down.
With that, the rest of the boy's body was bulging within its long neck, and continued on downward. As the upperpart of its neck flatten back down as the body continue its descent. When the bulge of the boy's head came to its chest and seem to shrank inward, the Remobra's chest seem to expand outward for a moment, like its rib bones inside were flexing outward to allow a large meal to go down.
And as doing so, the rest of the boy's body continued the descent into its chest. Then, the head likely had entered the giant Remobra's potbelly, and as more of the boy came in, the belly slowly expanded to contain its meal. Once the whole body of the boy was inside, curled up within, showing some bumps of what was likely his head or feet.
The Remobra seem to burp quietly out of its mouth, smiling at the feeling of a meal in its belly. But, it still hungers for more, turning its head, looking at Jack, blinking its red eyes once.
Jack chuckled, "Good girl, Ridley. Now then, you can eat this one," he pointed down at the dead body with the bloody hunter's knife he had in his hand. During that time of Remobra gulping down the boy, the Mosgharl spy had dulled the blade as much as he could, and put some paint from a paint berry all over its hilt. And with that, he chucked the blade down to the ground, the sounds thuds and clangs as it bound from rocks and soil, right underneath where the hanging unconscious duo were.
Ridley was the name of the giant Remobra, a female, and apparently it seems, Jack's creature partner. Ridley had temporary folded its wings and walked over and hopped to another pillar. Before she could reach his pillar, Jack went and jumped onto another, seeming to avoid of her getting close to him. She watched him, looked a little sadden, but smiled at the dead body, hunger for more.
"When you're done eating, follow my scent, we still got something to do," Jack said, sounded like a command, and he went and jumped from pillar to pillar, till he reach the cliff edge, climbed on and headed to the scouter blimp.
As he gets it ready to take off, Ridley had temporary notice the hanging unconscious hunter, and seems to grin, seems like she scored a big meal this night. And with that, as Jack fly away in his transporter, the giant Remobra lowered her head down to the dead hunter's feet, opened her mouth wide and took both of them in, and started her slow work of gobbling down the bloody corpse.
Val Habar
Hardly any clouds in the night sky, as the nurse of Val Habar Healer Infirmary can clearly see that as she looked out the window to see the stars. With the moon reflecting the light down upon the world below and it was beautiful.
Medic Akiza smiled; looking up at the night sky always gave her the feeling of happiness. Beauty of the world can bring one a smile, and hope for the future.
She stood about five feet and eight inches tall, slender build, and unlike all the other workers who work in the infirmary, she wore her gunner armor. Most nurses and doctors wore gear such as helper, nurse and other types of clothes that are easy to move in. Akiza is a healer herself, she works as a medic in the field, making potions and antidotes while on a mission and give them to her comrades when she needs them. As for her armor, she wore Ruby Basarios U armor, a full set of gunner armor. But on the front torso of her armor was a small red cross (+) on her armor chest, and on the back of her armor was a big red cross (+) that nearly cover most of her back.
Ever since the reports of what had happened in the afternoon, of someone trying to kill one of the patients, luckily there was a good person that was able to defend the patient. But even so, the Guild had called for any able Medical Hunters like herself to go and work as security for the Healer Infirmary this night.
And Akiza knows who the patient was, despite the fact that there are very few patients here. Patients that range from either sickness to broken injuries, the patient that was attacked was only unconscious with severe burn marks. She had read the reports on that patient when she had arrived, and can guess how long it will take for any human to heal after such brutal attack.
'Hardly anyone survives a fireball from a Fatalis, so Joseph is one of the lucky few,' Akiza thought to herself as she walked through the halls of the infirmary, going by each room that has two-to-four patients resting on separate beds.
'The burn marks mostly cover the back of his legs and arms, hardly the back, but it does prove in the report,' she continued to think as she goes. 'Joseph, you used yourself as a shield to protect the girl and her Nargacuga. You always were willing to sacrifice yourself so others could live on. Are you so eager to die just so to be with your old friend from long ago?'
Medical Hunter Akiza knows about Joseph's story that he was from Moga Island. She knows about that he used to have a Great Jaggi as a creature partner before it perished by another hunter. He was sharing that kind of information to her, she learned it from him since two years ago, when she herself started out as being a hunter. How she started out and met Joseph, they went out on a few missions together, and when at one point that she been thinking of getting herself a creature partner, after seeing some people having their own. She learned his story after she told him, and from that story gave her worry.
There are a few people who're accepting the idea of creature partners, even the idea of seeing one so tame is actually both amazing and surprising. But there are the many of people who are against it, and would try to slay the monsters because they believe their doing the right thing. Akiza had seen that a lot actually, but throughout the years, as more people get their own creature partners, there will always be a few haters.
Remembering the report she had read, about what had happened in Flooded Forest, the reason why Joseph had gone there with the girl known as Ivy. So to help Ivy get herself a Nargacuga for a creature partner, and this had reminded Akiza.
For Joseph had helped Akiza get her own creature partner herself; a Gravios, it was a youngling Basarios when she, he and the palicoes had met in Volcanic Hollow. It was both injured and wary of any humans, and Joseph had showed her how to properly approach an injured wild creature. And when they both helped the creature, it was the most memorable moment for her.
But there was the reason of the Basarios being wary of humans, and that its injuries were fresh at the time. That answer had come in a form of a group of hunters, whom the four had a mission to capture a Basarios, a youngling of a Gravios for the noble of Dundorma. They were out to steal a child of a parent, and when the parent tried to defend their child, the parent gets killed for it.
And seeing the greed and thirst for blood in that group of hunters' eyes had nearly made Akiza give herself up in the ways of hunting. But even then, she, Joseph and his palicoes had protected the young Basarios at that time.
Luckily that group of hunters were basically newbies in their current rank, especially after their battle with the adult Black Gravios. But that battle had shown a few things that she had learned from Joseph. If there was a child in danger, she had seen him go berserk upon them, slashing at them to protect the young Basarios. Those hunters had to give up their mission to escape his wrath, it was like he gains more power when he has something to protect.
So Akiza had gotten to take care of the Basarios, he had grown into a big Gravios now, whom is actually resting right outside and in the back of the infirmary, like a disguised big mountain of rocks and boulders, hence why his name is Boulder. He does make a good watcher in the night though, always alerted if anyone comes near him or the backway entrance into the infirmary.*
After thinking of such as she walks through the halls, a new thought had come into her mind. 'He gains more power when he's protecting the one he considers friend, or at least protecting a child. But what would happen if he has none of them…' she thought, and that made herself stop in the hallway. Starting to realize an answer that she hopes wasn't true.
'Are you so willing to sacrifice yourself, just so to be with the one you lost?' she thought to herself. 'Is he clinging to his past instead of living onward in the present? Denying any future he could have, just wanting an ending to his life?'
Those thoughts crosses her mind as she walked onward, she rather hoped that it wasn't true and Joseph was only doing what he thought was right, protecting an innocent. And as she walks, she arrived to the open door into her old friend's infirmary room; she walked in to see him.
She gasped loudly when she saw several things in the room, the bed was empty, bandages of blood and scabs covered the floor as though they were removed manually, and Joseph's clothes and the burnt Charge Blade, Dear Rose, was missing from the room.
She immediately rushed over to the large open window and checked out; opening the light reflecting from the moon can give some view of where the man could've snuck off too.
'Impossible! He should've been in bed for a few weeks! Someone must have kidnapped him!' she thought to herself. She turned and rushed out of the room, heading to the staff room where other workers are. As she goes, she thought to herself, 'Whoever dared will face my fury, and Boulder's wrath!'
In another part of the large city of Val Habar, where a girl, Malinda was singing in her little dark tune after she left two men that had foolishly bothered her to die in black mist. As she goes, trying to find the one she calls brother, planning to meet with him first.
After all, the other man she was supposed to meet besides Silus was reported to be in the infirmary. The rumors of him being on fire from a Fatalis's fireball, it's rather surprising that the man didn't die like most humans should when struck from the deadly elder dragon's fireball. And thus, it means that he'd likely be in one place most of the week, she has loads of time to evaluate, to learn if her father was right about him.
Right now though, she knows that her brother would be here in the city, the feeling of him just being close means one thing. Mother would be somewhere close by as well, her brother was like a messenger for dear sweet mommy.
So she continued to sing in her little dark tune when she turned the next corner in the street, and nearly froze, seem like she saw a ghost.
Joseph had walked by her, he wore his under garments, but there were no signs of bandages, nor any burnt marks and scabs over his body. His blacken but still functional charge blade, Dear Rose, is on his back. And appears to keep his gaze to ahead of him, and that's when Malinda felt a breeze in the wind, like as though the wind itself was guiding the hunter.
Her singing had temporary ended when she watched him just walk by her, but at one single second, it felt like his right eye looked directly at her as he frowned, as though he seemed to sense the black mist inside her.
After that second, he just walked onward, not bothering her, and seem to just walk into an alleyway, out of her view. Malinda rushed after him, at least to get some questions after quick evaluations.
But when she arrived to the alleyway, there was no one in sight. Like as though no one had even enter it, kinda felt like it was a ghost or a vision of some sorts.
No, he was real, even though it was only for a few seconds upon seeing that non-injured hunter. Why wasn't he in the infirmary though?! No human can heal that fast, especially from the deadly fire ball of a Fatalis!
Could her father be right as to be wary of this human, just as much as to be wary of Silus? Well, whatever that answers was, it felt like she had enough scouting on that man this night, but still need more information on him.
The light was reflecting from the moon shine down upon the rocky terrain area within another part of Everwood forest. There was hardly any forest growth, just a flat rocky area with sand, a small pond of water, but no roof so there was light.
And standing in the area, after carefully escorting the dead body of a female world eater, was Rex. He had help from his girlfriend, Brutalia, in carrying the dead corpse of his beloved mother. He in his Vangis X armor was very strong compared to any human, for he chose to carry his mother's body alone.
And following behind the female Deviljho were Rex's sad, younger siblings; Tang, Fang, Sang, Song, Lang, and little runt, Bang.
After reaching the center of the area, which had bones littered about. This area was in a sense to them, the birthplace for their family; it is likely where Rex's mother's bone would want to be.
He placed her body down carefully and gently upon the center of the area. Underneath his helmet, he shed some tears as he looked to the dead Deviljho's head. Before he started to back away, the siblings were told to stay by Brutalia's side for now.
Rex stood further away from the body, and started to get himself ready to initiate the funeral for their beloved member. But in order to perform it, all siblings must be presented. And with that, taking a deep breath, he called out with a loud roar.
He does so several times, his younger siblings looked like they were going to join in, but Brutalia had stopped them. His roaring was a call to his older siblings, all of whom chose to make Everwood their home and to be close to where their mother was before. One could say; Everwood is the home territory for this big pack of siblings.
He kept on roaring, even when his throat started to get sore; he wanted to call forth everyone. And soon, he got his answer, sounds of roaring returned to him.
And throughout all the various entrances of this large area and the underground tunnels burst apart. Older Deviljhos had started to arrive into the area; first it was just big, world eater Deviljho, than two arrive, than five, and ten.
There were at least fifty Deviljhos whom came into the area, and most of them were much larger than Rex's girlfriend. These were Rex's older siblings, and he knows all of them by heart and trusts each and every single one of them. In rough total, the older siblings of his were fifty-seven, and to add Rex and the younger siblings, the total children that this one motherly Deviljho have, were sixty-four.
And many of them started to look upset as they gathered around, forming a large circle as they looked at the dead corpse of their mother.
Rex didn't look at any of them, as he could tell all of them had gathered and they were looking to him. Many of them were growling, he could hear their words, whimpering cries for the loss of their dear mother, asking or demanding him of who done this, and most were roaring out as making promises to destroy the killer.
As it seems like they wouldn't stop, and thanks to Rex wearing his helmet, they likely not see his sadness.
"QUIET!" roared Brutalia, gaining their attention as she stood further away, with the younger siblings stay by her. She is a simple female Deviljho, while many of Rex's big siblings are either normal Deviljhos while most are world-eaters, but she didn't look fearful of their wrath. "Now then, since you're all quiet, let Rex explain."
As so, all of them turned to look at Rex, whom was slowly removing his helmet, showing his deformed face, he looking like a Deviljho in human shape. Rex dropped his helmet as they saw his expression, despair but also deep fury, he still desired to kill the murderer.
Then he spoke to all of them, first said his thanks to his girlfriend before looking to his siblings, "Thank you, Brutalia. Brothers, sisters, our mother had been killed, but it wasn't by a group of hunters. She was killed by a Strange Deviljho!"
That last part he had roared out and many of siblings were both furious but confused. Many asked on whom and what is strange about Deviljho whom killed their mother.
"The Deviljho had a scent of power of a Savage one," he replied, and many of them looked surprised and wary. All Deviljhos know the dangers of a Savage Deviljho, like what one becomes once their fully grown. But by the sounds of what Rex said, this Strange Deviljho only has the scent of power, meaning it's a regular Deviljho with Savage power, right? He continued, "The Strange Deviljho bears a scent of a human and it is the scent of a male, so the Strange Deviljho is both a male and is most likely partnered with a hunter."
His siblings don't view Rex as the same as the humans view creature partners. They don't see Rex as a human partner, but a sibling, another Deviljho. Despite he could be younger, he is smart, good way of being a leader to them all, like a chief. But to them all, they don't call him 'human brother' or 'human partner', they just call him brother.
And thus they know what he means, whoever the Strange Deviljho was, it greatly narrows it down that he has a human with him. Most Deviljhos view humans as a meal, and even rarer to view as a partner, unless said partner knows how to feed them (Goodbye money pouches to any human who has a Deviljho for a creature partner).
"The Strange Deviljho has the scent of a human partner, scent of being male, scent of a Savage one," Rex continued, looking to them all. "But also the scent of death itself, not as much as higher ranks in the Organization of Gore, but still much. That mean the Strange Deviljho knows how to survive intense battles."
Many of his siblings were wary, considering each of them knows that food is the main priority, their dead mother is the proof that the Strange Deviljho is indeed strange. The Strange Deviljho with a scent of death often means is a very old Deviljho who knows how to kill from experience, often this means a Savage Deviljho. But the Strange Deviljho is just a Deviljho with such scents.
The only way to compare this Strange Deviljho though, is to compare it Rex himself. Rex is smarter than his siblings, good chief material, and very loyal to mother. And he would kill many creatures and make sure his siblings are well fed before he eats himself. So the Strange Deviljho is likely an equal to their brother, which means one thing.
"I do not say that none of you can handle the Strange Deviljho, a whole lot of you can end him when working together," Rex growled as he continued. "But he is mine, mine alone, I will be the one to kill the Strange Deviljho and bring his dead corpse to you all to destroy together!"
And then they all roared out after his, agreeing with him in unison, it was quite loud too.
With that, Rex slowly calmed down, before he spoke once more, "Now, it's time to say our goodbyes to mother. Her death will be avenged, and her memory will live on in all of us." He quietly said; they all turned to their dead mother. "She will always be with us, in our hearts, in our very spirits. Now, it's time to do the proper funeral for our mother," he said, then as he turned to Brutalia, whom nodded the younger siblings to go over to him. He continued for all of them, "One bite each, younger ones go first. I shall be last."
With that, the youngest small Deviljhos moved over to their dead mother, each going to different spots of her. Then they each took a bite, chomping into the dead corpse, each taking a bite and swallowed the chunks they took whole, not chewing it.
With that, the youngest ones moved away and joined with their brother Rex, whom watched as the big siblings each went and took a turn, taking a bite out of their dead mother, big bites before swallows.
Rex continued to watch, shedding some tears as it happens. He didn't notice one of the talismans in his armor had that dragon aura of a glow. But the feeling was of warmth, as though to him, it felt like his mother was standing with him. He closed his eyes, sounds of chomping only heard as he thought to himself, 'and yet, it truly feels mother hasn't left us.'
'I will never leave you, my son,' her voice seems to echo in his mind, like a memory of old.
Eventually after the last big sibling had finished, one of the younger siblings growled to him, telling him it was his turn. His eyes open and he saw of what's left of their dead mother was mostly a skeleton, his bigger siblings did take big chomps and tore off meat from the bones, there were bite marks on the skeleton.
As all of his siblings watched as he walked over to the remains of their dead mother, mostly all that's left now, was a few organs. Rex came over to the ribs, reached in and gently pulled out the dead heart of their mother. To them all, it felt like he was the right one to take it.
He held the dead organ in his hands before holding it against his mouth and took a big bite of it. He, who has been used to take very big chomps of his beat as he grew up under the care of the motherly Deviljho, had known how to swallow big chunks himself without chewing. With the size of his mother's heart, he could only take a quarter of it before swallowing it. He then put the rest of the heart back into the corpse and back away, he had his single bite.
And that, one last thing to conclude the funeral of a Deviljho, Rex roared out as loud as he could. Following his, the bigger siblings each roared out, and the youngest ones roared out. Each and every single one of them was crying out into the sky, one last group roar for their dead mother.
As it continued, as they all roared, none of them hadn't noticed or bother to look at the glowing talisman on Rex's torso armor glowed. None of all the living Deviljhos in the area could see, as a spiritual Deviljho stood behind Rex. The dead mother's spirit, the motherly Deviljho, she stood close to Rex, and she roared out as well.
The bulges of the dead corpse of the older hunter slid down Ridley's bulging throat and then making her stomach expand some more. The nine feet tall Remobra was now standing alone upon the pillar, enjoying the feeling of her meal going down her throat.
Her belly was bulging big now, with her meals inside. Considering her size, many creatures who look at her would think she was pregnant.
Ridley sighed with a smile on her face, her belly hanging low from her waist with the occupants inside. "Ah, still feel like I got room for one more," she growled to herself, and she remembered there was one left.
She looked towards the hanging hunter and palico, both of them tied to vines and hanging from the ledge, but was close to the pillar she stood on. She smiled as she said, "Mmm, you look delicious alright. Except for the blood on you, why did daddy spray you with that icky water?"
Ridley is one unique Remobra, not because of her size, but unlike other Remobras, she does not like the taste of blood. Hence why she always swallow her meals whole, or at least leave in bite marks of her fangs, poisoned her prey to they're dead. But she only bites if the prey gets too dangerous or easy to escape, she prefer to feel her prey struggle about inside her belly.
And this was a golden opportunity, the hanging duo are unconscious. By the time they wake up, they are too late, trapped inside her belly. Ooh the thoughts of such made her giggle with a grin.
Using her strong claws and her muscular legs, she walked to the edge of her pillar, than cling to its side and climbed down a bit. Then she lowers her head, stretching her long neck, positioning her head close to his feet.
'Mmm, daddy even made sure to remove those icky boots, but not the rest, shame, but oh well,' she thought to herself, before opening her mouth wide, keeping her fangs sheathed, before taking both feet into her mouth. She knows humans are ticklish under the feet, like her father seems to always trying to escape her tongue… but then he would get so mad at her, which makes her sad for a while.
So with a gulp, she takes in his legs while his feet went into her throat. She could feel the slight twitches of the body, like the unconscious human seems to like the warmth of her mouth. Ridley gave a silent giggle; she would give him warmth, the final warmth of course.
Another gulp and his legs went down into her throat while his knees and thighs went into her mouth. With the way it positioned, she climbed backwards, till her feet were big on top of the pillar. With her throat bulging with his legs inside, she takes in another gulp, till his waist was in her mouth.
That's when the human had finally woke up, the moment he saw her there, his lower waist and legs inside her mouth. He seem to freak, and discovered he was tied up, and started to shout, luckily that felyne tied to his back seem to be deeply asleep.
But as he continued to struggle, annoying her, Ridley lifted her upper jaw, and extended her poisonous fangs. She didn't move, but made sure her eyes were looking straight at his. And he froze as well, seeing as where those fangs were positioned at.
'That's right meal,' Ridley thought with a giggle. 'Struggle some more, you might still live, but can you live without what makes you a male?'
She loved the look of fear in his eyes; oh she was so tempted to bite. But just to be a nice, sweetly, lovely Remobra, she sheathed her fangs, not taking bite. She then started to take another gulp and…
"LET GO OF MY HUMAN!" roared a new voice, a creature roar as well.
Ridley couldn't look, but felt her getting hit hard in the side, likely by a creature's head. She yelped in shock, the force of the hit was strong, causing her to regurgitate out the human's waist and legs right back out before she fell off of her pillar. By reflex, she angle herself around, landed on her feet upon the ground and quickly flap her wings, getting back into the air.
She had just gotten high above the pillars, turned around and growl at her attack. She was shocked to see that it was a young Chameleos, an elder dragon child! And he just stole her food that Chameleos used his long tongue, whack the vine holding the human and palico in the air, slicing it, thus the human fell to the floor.
Sounds of thud and followed by a screech, the felyne had likely woken up because of the human was on top.
And now the Chameleos kept his glare upon her, growling at her.
Ridley growled back, "How dare you to steal my meal?! Who are you?"
"I am Kage, and this is my human partner, Silus," replied the Chameleos, growling at her. "Leave now or I will make you leave!"
Ridley growled, than she grinned, "How about this? We battle; the winner decides the fate of the human. If I win, he's my meal and you leave. If you win, I leave and you get to keep your human. Sounds fair?"
Kage sighed, likely annoyed, he growled, "Fine, but I will protect him with my life; even if I must harm a pregnant creature."
Ridley roared with laughter, still flapping her wings as she kept herself in the air. The Chameleos thought her full tummy was pregnant with eggs. In a way, he seems like a very cute one too. Might as well let him assume such, and so she flew down and landed on a pillar close to his.
She could see the human down on the ground, trying to crawl over to what looks like what her daddy left behind, a very dull knife with blood and paint. Ridley looked to Kage, who kept growling at him. She merely grinned, "Oh such chivalry from you elder dragons, just know what to say to remind a lady. You're lucky though, you little cutie."
"Cutie?" asked the chameleos, sounded really surprise of how this creature was speaking to him.
"Such kindness, to let me know that I got a bellyful, but denies me a meal to feed them too," Ridley growled. "Very well, you may keep your human; I'll find a much filling prey."
The chameleos visibly sighed in relief, believing her backing off. Then there was the sound of the human freeing himself from his vines, and then started to climb up the pillar.
"As a token for such, here," Ridley said to him, than she caught his attention by placing her big lips and against his and kissed. She grinned as she could tell the elder dragon was speechless, and her grinned widen when she saw the human's head visible as nearly climbed up, but looked shocked to see a Remobra such as she, kissing the chameleos.
With that, she pulled back and flaps her wings, she flew into the air. The big belly of hers was not weighing her down, but bounces a bit in moment, and sounds of faint gurgling within. "Maybe we will meet again, at least when I do not have these… eggs," she growled mixed with a giggle. "Farewell, my dear little Kage."
And then the giant Remobra flew away, heading into the night sky. She continued to grin, hoping she had stolen that Chameleos's first kiss. But as of right now, she has a daddy to go see, he does want her to follow his scent once she was done.
Ridley smiled and continued her flight, and she quietly thought to herself, "Wonder what daddy will do with the bones and armor once I spit them out later? He does always seem happy to have them once I puke them out."
As the crowds continued to cheer and roar out, the humans chanting the words 'FIGHT' or 'SHREDDER', while the creatures roared out, demanding blood to flow within the arena.
The only ones who were quiet were Myra, her two guards, Cain and Khan. It's rather easy to ignore the shouts and roars, listening to them would just give one a headache. She could have Khan to quiet them with a roar, but chose to just watch the match.
Within the arena, the human in red Zamtrios U armor with a modified blade gauntlet on the left arm. The Shredder still stood in his fighting position; seem to ignore the two Savage Deviljhos circling around him. And Myra could tell that he was staring up at them, as though it was a sign to tell them to never underestimate him.
And within mere seconds, as the two brothers, Agony and Despair charge upon the human. Suddenly with great speed, the Shredder leaped away, and the two Savage Deviljhos' heads collided into each other. The Shredder had leaped very high as well, right at a pillar, and leaping off of it as well.
He did a flip and landed upon Despair's head with his feet, and raising his left fist upwards. He roared out as he brought his blade gauntlet down upon the head. He stabbed right through, piercing the brain within. The Savage Deviljho known as Despair had died the moment of pierce, collapse upon its side while the Shredder pulled the blade out and leaped off and landed upon another pillar.
That was a one-hit kill from the Shredder, and did so upon a Savage Deviljho. How strong that blade on his gauntlet was though? It takes really rare materials to make a lethal blade that can pierce the dense bones of a Deviljho.
Myra watched the match, watches the Shredder's movement. But she could tell Khan really didn't like this one, if the Shredder ever gotten onto his back, one good stab and then great pain.
The other Savage Deviljho was next, Agony was both shock and furious. He came into this arena to fight his brother and kill him, so to solve who was stronger. And the Shredder stole his victory.
Agony roared out and went to charge, but froze when he felt and saw the Shredder had leaped onto his snout. He went to shake him off, but the Shredder used both hands to grab.
Agony cried out as he felt his eyes grabbed, crushed and torn out of his sockets. He continued to roar out in agony as blood flowed from his empty eye sockets.
As Agony was in agony, the Shredder threw away the eyes, and went and stabbed his blade gauntlet right through an eye socket, piercing right through into Agony's brain. With one last cry of pain, the blinded Savage Deviljho collapsed upon the ground, dead.
Both Savage Deviljhos were killed in the match, only the Shredder was left standing, alone within the arena.
"Unbelievable!" yelled the announcer. "In mere twenty seconds, the Champion of Purgatory had slayed the strongest of monsters without even breaking a sweat. Give a cheer for the Shredder!"
And the crowd cheered, chanted his name, "SHREDDER" over and over.
The Shredder ignored the crowd and turned to leave, heading to the big doors as they were opened. He was about to leave the area while workers went to move the corpses out.
Khan was furious as he watched, to watch a Deviljho get killed by a simple human is like dirtying the honor upon all Deviljhos. Khan himself is one, and he killed other Deviljhos before, Deviljhos killing other Deviljhos is to see who was stronger. Of course Khan killed other Deviljhos for sport. But that man, the Shredder, killed those two as a message to him and his group, as a way to tell them that if they get on his bad side, then he'll kill them himself.
Khan growled, he wants to put that bastard in his place, killed, shredded apart and his corpses would litter the ground and all of Purgatory will chant his name as Champion. Before Cain or Myra could, Khan roared out and he himself leaped into the arena, he wants to kill the Shredder, to prove who was strongest.
The corpses were pulled out of the arena by the workers; the Shredder was within the doorway. He had turned around to look at Khan, likely smirking under that helmet while the doors slowly closed.
Khan roared out as he charged, but he was too late, the doors had slammed shut and remained close. He tried to force them open, then he roared out in a fury, was denied of his kill that truly deserve it.
"Well look at that folks!" called the announcer. "The new rookie had entered the ring with the desire to fight the Champion! Whoever this Deviljho is clearly doesn't know, does he folks?" He laughed, while Khan was angered.
Myra glared at the announcer, but notice in the background behind the leather wearing human. She saw Maxie Ackerson talking to a man in Aelucanth armor, and that armored man handed what looks like a Gobul's lantern to the Bnahabra garbed man. With that, Maxie was smiling deviously while the Aelucanth hunter seem to just ignore and walk away, Maxie pockets his item too.
The announcer continued, "The only way to even fight the Shredder is when he sees the potential in you, ole Deviljho. Prove your worth and you might fight the Champion, Elite Shredder one day!" So then Khan was now to fight the next match, the announcer turned to the crowd, "Who are willing to fight this Deviljho?"
Many in the crowd, both hunters and monsters were talking and looking to each other. But the talking from the monsters was silence as they heard a sound.
Myra and her men noticed and listened, looking to where those monsters were looking at. They were looking at the entrances into this room floor and to the balconies floors as well.
Then the crowds of people were silence, Khan in the ring was confused, but felt the sounds through the earth.
Thud, thud, thud, thud…
Sounds of a very large group marching, and soon they saw groups coming out of the three entrances. The people that came out in orderly manner were all covered in Monoblos armor. They were mostly men, unless there were woman among them with helmets covering their faces.
On the balconies, there were sightings of more Monoblos soldiers marching. It's like a small army had arrived to Purgatory, army of Monoblos armored soldiers.
From fast counting of the marching, Myra come to a conclusion that there must be at least seven-hundred Monoblos armored soldiers. They were like the soldiers, but then Myra notices one detail; the soldiers were following what looks like captains.
Or more like priests, they wore Monoblos armor themselves, but they also wore robes and carrying large staffs with mantles on them. The mantle showing the symbol of a demonic G and skulls around it, from a quick count of them, there were roughly about seventy of them.
Then there were larger ones, they stood about seven feet tall each, and they wore Monoblos S armors. Their armors looked so thick, as though they were bulldozers, they even growled at people and monsters when they marched by. By a quick count of them, there were about fourteen of them.
Cain was ready to draw out his weapon, assuming this might be an ambush and this organization sent an army to kill them. Hell from the looks of things, the current people within Purgatory looked scared as heck upon these many soldiers.
Myra's guards were ready to defend their mistress, standing at the ready.
All the Monoblos armored soldiers stopped marching, forming walls of their bodies against the actual walls, blocking all exits. The soldiers were even aligned on the balconies, the ones carrying the mantles stood in front of the groups, about five of them each standing with one larger Monoblos S armored brute.
Suddenly louds thuds and slams from the elevator caused the whole audience as well as Myra's group to turn to see beings landed onto the elevator, landing from great heights. The ones who landed, forming a circle, were towering men, wearing Monoblos X armors, they each stood nine feet tall, somehow they got big. And covering the dark horns that are over their armors were skulls of the fallen along with chains and ropes, dragging skulls of the dead as though they were robes. There were seven of them.
Then lastly, one last is landed right in the center of the seven soldiers. This one must be the leader of this army, for he alone wore Monodevil. What should be bone white armor was blackening like a demonic form; and blood red lining as though it was actually made with actual blood. He too carried what looks like skulls upon the horns of his armor and chains and robes… actually the chain and ropes look like actual bones connecting together, spines of the fallen. This one also stood about ten feet tall.
To Khan within the ring, he couldn't leap out, for the walls are too high. So he couldn't see all of them, except for the ones on the balconies. Then there was the smell, these men that arrive reek of blood and decay, death and disease. Heck it smells like a few of them are actually dead, walking corpses. No monster would dare try to eat them, it's like they were poison, like madness… no, with that intelligent mind of his, these soldiers may not have its smell, but the reek they have seem to almost rival that of the Frenzy.
To Myra, the silence was deafening, and when that leader seems to step forward, leading the others behind him, she could feel a cold chill go down her spine. These are not humans, these are monsters; that are the feeling she got when she looked at them.
The announcer was pale, he stuttered as he spoke, "G-G-G-General Demise! What are you and your forces of Gorish Death doing here?" That was the name of the leader of the army, and the army was called the Gorish Death. It suits them well.
And learning the word 'Gore' was part of their army's name, Myra nearly assumed that this man, General Demise, must be the leader of the organization. But why call himself General?
Demise chuckled, looking at the scared audience of humans and monsters. He grinned under his helmet, seeing only four beings not looking scared. By the feel of it, two of them seem to develop shaky legs, while the woman with a Gunlance just stare at him and the man in Seregios armor looked ready for anything. Demise chuckled as he replied, "I am here to announce the arrival of my Lord. In his honor, we shall perform the rite, for his name." He held his right armored hand, angling it upwards and towards the highest balcony that uses the skull of a Dah'ren Mohran.
Myra and Cain looked up as did others, and saw that there was now a man standing on the highest balcony, a man wearing Gore X Armor. That must be the Lord of Gore, the leader of the Organization of Gore.
"Glory to the Lord!" yelled Demise; he started the rite for the honor of his leader.
"Glory for the Lord!" yelled all of the soldiers throughout Purgatory, they didn't spoke in unison, but they said the same words. They each were standing together, facing upwards. Myra and Cain looked at the soldiers before looking at Demise and his Elites. It seems throughout this rite; General Demise says one sentence and his soldiers replied in unison.
"I am but a humble servant!" yelled Demise. He calls himself merely a servant to the Lord?
"I stand ready to serve!" yelled all the soldiers once more.
"I obey without question!" said Demise, stating a fact that any order the Lord gives him, he will do it.
"Obedience without hesitation," said all seven-hundred-and-ninety-one soldiers of Demise's army, they too seem to follow those words with loyalty.
"I am ready to die for him," said Demise once more.
"Only in death does duty end!" yelled the soldiers, seems like the soldiers of this army would welcome death, they won't fear it. But for Myra and Cain, and maybe Khan too, they thought they had heard words added in by the Elites and few soldiers in the army, "Even in death I still serve."
"For the Heaven's Magala Throne!" yelled Demise.
"For the Organization of Gore!" yelled all the soldiers, it sounds like all of them are eternally loyal to the Lord of Gore and quite possibly, all the Magalas.
"Faith is when it's purest when it's unquestioning!" said Demise.
"Faith is all that matters!" yelled the solders; they put their faith into the Lord of Gore.
"Faith is the blade of war!"
"The Lord dyes my blade!" chanted the soldiers.
"None can withstand our faith!" yelled Demise once more.
"The enemies of Gore cannot stand before us!" chanted the soldiers, so anyone who is not allied with Gore is an enemy.
"Praise the Lord," said Demise.
"And strike down his foes," replied the soldiers.
"The Lord of Gore protects," said Demise once more.
"The Lord is with me, and I shall not fear!" yelled the soldiers.
"We are one with our Lord," yelled Demise.
And his soldiers chanted the moment after, "For he is the only one who can make us whole!"
Demise spoke out once more, "In this dark land, we will stand against the enemies of the Lord, and they will know, that not even here in these lands we'll suffer the existence of the heretic. Not now, not ever." So in other words, they're very loyal that they will kill anyone who dare defy their Lord, even kill any of their soldiers who betray them. So, any plans of recruiting any of those soldiers to her forces would be useless.
Then the soldiers standing around Demise, the Elites, they all spoke in unison, "And so as proclaimed and decreed by holy writ." They view the Lord of Gore and possibly all the Magalas as holy? They seem to be insane too.
"In the Lord's name!" yelled all the soldiers, and that was the end of their rite for the day.
The announcer gave a shaky smile, "Ah, it is great to have the very Lord of Gore to grace us with his very presence. And I dearly hope today he will be thrilled to watch any matches perform here today."
Cain muttered quietly to Myra, "They seem to view their Lord as though he was a deity."
"Not quite my dear friends," Maxie said, surprising the four of them as he was standing close to them. He was smiling, no fear in his eyes. "They don't view the Lord as a deity; after all, deities are for the Elder Dragons. In truth, they view the Lord of Gore as the Reaper of Deities."
For some reason that gave Myra a cold shiver, because it sounds like it was true about this Lord.
"Anyone?" called the announcer. "We still need a volunteer to do battle against the Deviljho in the ring."
Demise chuckled, "Deviljho you say? Then I got you a volunteer." He then pointed with his right hand to one of the soldiers, a brute that stood with five captains. As a command, the Brute walked towards Demise.
The General walked over to the arena, and that is when Khan had seen what the General looked like. And boy he reek in death and decay, and to Khan, he could tell by the eyes of this man, a phrase like this matches him: "After a thousand battles, one only sees death." No doubt this general is imagining his death through many different ways.
Demise looked down at the Brute, and he chuckled, "He who stands with me shall be my brother." The Brute looked surprise, mostly the fact that Demise only calls his Elites brothers, so there was a possible promotion. "In the path of becoming Elite from the rank of Brute, one must slay a fellow Brute." And Deviljhos are Brute Wyverns.
Demise used his left armored large hand and grabbed one of the audiences that stood to close, a man. Myra, Cain and her two soldiers along with Maxie watched, wondering what Demise would do with the struggling and begging man.
With the other armored hand, he gripped the pleading man's head and just twists it. Sounds of bones cracking and breaking apart, like he was unscrewing a bottle cap, and he pulled the head off, the spine followed behind. He chucked the head of a dead man over his shoulder like he didn't even care.
"With this blood that was sacrificed," Demise continued, raising the headless corpse over the Brute. He flipped it around and squeezes the corpse, squeezing every single drop of blood down upon the Brute. "You are blessed, and now go forth and do battle and slay the weakling. With your victory, you shall be Elite. Know that you serve the true Lord of Gore!"
The Brute unsheathed his great sword and replied, "By my fury it shall know the Lord's name!" And with that, the armored Brute leaped into the arena, with the blood covering his armor.
"The fool, don't they know that it'll just trigger Khan's blood wrath?" Cain said as he crossed his arms, rather annoyed that these serious, freaky, insane soldiers seem to just underestimate his partner.
"Oh no, they expect it," Maxie replied with a grin. "Each Elite of Gorish Death had killed a Deviljho alone while soak in blood of another, it's a rite for them. A Brute to become an Elite must first kill a Brute Wyvern while cover in a sacrificial blood that was performed."
"And how does one become a general?" asked Cain, feeling curious.
Maxie chuckled, "Oh that detail is only General Demise's secret. It's likely because he's a dead corpse under all that armor of his, being a servant to the Gore for a millennia would do that for him."
Myra, Cain, and her two soldiers looked to him, as they thought in unison, wondering if he was joking.
Maxie still grinned, "If you want to know how old he is, just read some ancient history on these walls. He and his people are descended from the ancient forces that warred against the King of the Elder Dragons, after all." He chuckled while they move away from where General Demise, wanted to be away from him. "Now then, I do believe it is time I escort you all to my Lord, he is waiting for your arrival."
"I'll remain here," Cain said, he'll stay and watch Khan as he does battle against one of the brutes.
Then the announcer called forth, "Now a battle between Brutes! The Brute Wyvern, Deviljho! And the Brute Soldier of the Gorish Death Legion," considering the announcer doesn't know their names, "FIGHT!"
And immediately the fight begun, with soldiers in Demise's army shouting:
"Maim, kill, burn!"
"Strike with the wrath of the righteous!"
"Strike true and strike with precision!"
It seems likely mostly Demise's soldiers were shouting out, while the sounds of battle within the arena.
Myra fully believes Khan will easily kill the soldier, and what she just heard from the General confirms that he believes the same; "Well he's dead, now I need a new brute. Time for a new tournament for his old captains and grunts so to rise in ranks," this man must love death.
And with that, Myra and her soldiers follow Maxie Ackerson out of the room, heading into a hallway with stairs. Maxie was in the lead, leading them up the stairs, heading to their destination.
[Listen to Audiomachine - Farewell To Earth (Beautiful Orchestral) on YouTube]
Moga Island
Deep underground within the island; it is like a labyrinth-like structure of tunnels within, a very large maze. In the past, it was just a small tunnel, with a felyne village hidden in one of the grottoes. Its entrances being one with a waterfall and the other entrance is the nesting ground for predators like the Jaggis.
But nowadays, after four years, thanks to the people of Moga Village, turn the underground tunnel into a huge cavern. The discovery of ancient ruins and thanks to the people and the help of monsters that dwell in the earth; such as a Gigginox, the ancient ruins buried underground within, had become an underground city. It became a home for the friends of the humans of Moga City.
After the discovery of Garico, Albertis, and Andracus tamed creatures, after the months of the first monster tamer left Moga City. After them, many people who was interested, joined in and learned from the brothers.
There were of course people who hate this kind of thing, most of them moved away from the city while others remain and try to return the city back to the way it was, a simple city on the side of the island.
The people built a tower on the island so it is a roost for flying wyverns, and the nesting grounds in several areas on the ground for land monsters. And for underwater creatures such as the leviathans, area twelve being one of its grounds for roosting, but also has tunnels built in that leads into the underground city.
Ever since the war had started, with the city above ground getting obliterated, most of the civilization hid into the underground, well mostly the survivors. Thanks to the creatures that were tamed and are allied with the Moga Civilians, the people managed to survive from the attack.
Right now, deep in one of the underground buildings, one that looks like a temple hallway, there stood a group that stood at the entrance. The building itself was design to be a safe haven, and so it was used as a safe place for children and the sick and injured, a healer's infirmary.
In one hall that leads to the center, a woman is visible, standing in the center of the hall. She stood five feet and seven inches tall, she has bright peachy skin, and she has short length brown hair that covers her ears. As for what she wore, her armor clothes were Tempest Blade-Master. But she wasn't carrying any weapons, but in her arms was a white blanket, bundled up as she held what looks like a baby. Her name was Kayla, Garico's fiancée.
There were two others, one was the Great Wroggi, Veni, she was standing beside Garico, he still in his Duramboros X gunner armor, currently his helmet was off and hooked to his belt. It looked like they were about to leave, but then Garico stopped when he heard the baby cry for a moment.
Kayla slowly rocking the baby left and right in a soothing way, she smiled as the baby slowly went back to sleep. Kayla spoke, "There he goes again. He cries every time you leave the house. Just like Veni used to do long ago."
Garico had turned around; Veni had stopped moving and watched him as he walked over to Kayla. He looked down at the baby and smiled, he softly said, "I don't know what to do when he cries…" Using his right hand index finger, gave the baby a little soft rub on the cheek, the baby giggled in his sleep. Garico smiled, but it was true in a sense, he doesn't truly know how to take care of a baby. Luckily his mother is around and can help out when Kayla needs it. He slowly turned away, looking down at his right hand as he said, "The best I can do is punch anyone who makes him cry." Garico is protective of his children, he protected Veni when he got her as a hatchling, and he plans to do so for Kayla and their son.
Kayla giggled; she knew as well, her husband-to-be is a hunter of the earth. He has many duties himself, and mostly needs to learn the right way from his mother. He was going to learn from her until what happened a day ago. And now, her husband-to-be had made sure to get them safe, and currently his group plan to go steal one of those bomber ships and leave to get help for the islanders. She smiled to him, and she said, "…how befitting of you. Right Keaton?" she asked as she held their baby boy close to her.
"I will raise our son," Kayla continued after a moment, she looked up to Garico. "You concentrate on making the world a safe place for him. You just do what you think is right. You're at your best when you're fighting for what's right." Garico smiled to her, and then she said lastly, "Please… Be safe you two."
"We will," he replied before turning around and started to walk with Veni, heading to the door. "We will be back, with all the help we can get." And with that, he and Veni went through entrance doors and came out of the building.
There was a group waiting for him there, Josh in his Obituary Blade-Master Armor, Ryan in his Uragaan Blade-Master armor, the two buddy gunners of his, Leo in his Lunastra X Gunner armor, and Chris in his Teostra X Gunner armor. These four are to go with him and Veni to steal one of the enemy aerial ships.
And then there are eight others standing by, four of them happened to be siblings and are Garico's students. The four siblings were; the older brother named Lae and he wore Velociprey Blade-Master armor with blue pigment and his specialty is a long sword, the second older brother named Rae and he wore Ioprey Blade-Master armor with red pigment and his specialty is a switch-axe, the third is named Dae and he wore Genprey Blade-Master armor with purple pigment and his specialty is the Kinsect glaive, and lastly the youngest brother is Mae and he wore Giaprey Blade-Master armor with yellow pigment and his specialty is dual blades. Lae and Dae are the tallest of the four brothers, standing around six feet tall each, Rae stood five feet and ten inches tall, and Mae is small compared to his brothers, as he stood about five feet and seven inches tall. They each also had their helmets off; Lae's hairstyle he has long, frayed blue hair framing his face, though slicked back in wild spikes at the top, behind it reaches down to his mid-back and is cut slightly neater, and he has sapphire blue eyes. Rae's hairstyle is bright red hair styled into slicked-back spikes, and his eyes are emerald green. Dae's hairstyle is black hair styled into distinctive dreadlocks that flair dramatically when wind blows through them, one of these dreads is used to tie most of the others into a sort of a pony tail, while four thinner dreads dangle in front of his face, and Dae's eyes are brownish red. And lastly, Mae's hairstyle is golden blonde, the front concentrates the spikes on the right side of his as if windswept, and the back is smoother and flaky, and his eyes are baby blue colored.
The fifth being there is a six feet and four inches tall, muscular and yet slender build, pale white skin man named Tristan. He wore white pigment Derring clothes, but carries no weapons on him except his own medical equipment and research notes in his pocket. His hair is white and in a slicked style, he also has a white beard with a golden placated goatee. Tristan is a researcher who moved to Moga Island about a year ago, and been studying about the creatures and these ruins as well.
Then the last trio, at times were considered sisters or at least best friend, they're Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Adagio has a slender build body, standing about six feet and two inches tall, her eyes are the color of raspberry, and her long curly hair is orange with yellow steaks, and she wore Steel Uragaan X Gunner armor, her helmet had been modified differently so to look like a crown on her forehead, thus so her long curly hair could be visible on the back, her armor is colored black pigment. She wears a red jewel necklace around her neck.
Aria has a slender build body as well, and she stood about six feet tall, and her eyes are the color of mulberry, and her long, twin-ponytails are purple with aquamarine streaks. She wore Gigginox X Blade-Master armor. She wears a red jewel necklace around her neck.
And Sonata has a slender build body as well, she stood the same height as Aria at six feet tall, she has raspberry colored eyes, and she has a long arctic blue ponytail with persian blue stripes. As for her armor, she is a blade-master and she wears Lagiacrus armor. She wears a red jewel necklace around her neck as well.
Garico turned to Leo and Chris and he asked, "Are the Guild Guards ready?"
"All thirty of them are ready and waiting at the predator grounds entrance," Leo replied.
"We'll go tell them and wait for you," Chris said and he and Jack started to walk away.
"Good," Garico said, and then he turned to face the four brothers, his students. "My students remember to behave but make sure to protect the ones you can."
"Yes sensei," replied the four brothers as they bowed a bit. Then Lae asked, "You sure you don't need us, Sensei Garico?"
"The people and creatures of Moga Island need you four to help defend them and fight for what's right," Garico stated. "I leave them under your care, Lae. And I will return with much help that I can gather." Lae bowed a bit, but he had that worried look for his teacher.
Before Garico could look to the researcher, Tristan spoke up, "I'll help as well, it's a duty for someone like me; I'll stay here to help the ones in the infirmary."
"You may have medical knowledge, Dr. Tristan, but you're forte is in your science. But even so, thank you for offering your assistance," Garico replied, and then he turned to Adagio. "Please go tell my brother, Albertis, that we will soon start the assault."
"Kay," Adagio replied, but then she pointed her right hand. "But also, don't forget to find Joseph and bring him back here. You four do amazing well together after all."
Garico looked at her while he takes his helmet off his waist hook and about to put it on. As he does so, he asked, "Why do I get the feeling that isn't the only reason?" Garico knows the true reason, but chose not to say it.
"Your mom and dad will be happy to see him again too," Adagio stated. "And you four can finally do your group techniques and repel the invaders."
"Uh, I thought it was because Joseph left four years ago without saying goodbye to his girlfriend?" asked Sonata, Aria face-palmed hard and muttered 'idiot'.
By Adagio's look towards Sonata, Garico said, "Go easy on her, it's just the way she is. And don't worry Adagio; I'll make sure to tell him you miss him as well as being ticked off. I know he remembers your temper."
"Good, let's go girls," Adagio replied as she turned to walk away, with Aria and Sonata following behind her. "And you hurry back as fast you can, Garico, I will be counting the days." Before Sonata could say anything, Aria covered her mouth with her right hand in annoyance.
Garico chuckle as he adjusted his helmet till it's on perfectly, then he turned to Ryan, Josh and Veni, and he said, "It's time to go." Josh and Ryan nodded and Veni stood close to Garico as all four of them started to leave the area.
The scene of the area suddenly froze when there was suddenly a loud screech of a roar from Great Wroggi. Garico quickly turned to see Veni, her mouth closed, than moments before he could say anything, everything went bright white.
Garico's eyes open wide and he quickly sat up, and as he did, he remembered what had happened. He remembered learning from the Kratt Brothers and Devon that they needed to catch up to five Shrouded Nerscyllas. Then he fainted, and had a dream, a memory of the time before he left his home. He then recalled that Veni gave a very loud screech that caused him to awaken. And he noticed and gotten very worried when he saw that Veni wasn't with him.
He quickly got up, forgetting his helmet in the desert sand. He quickly looks around, and he saw three things.
One, the Kratt brothers were currently paralysed and trapped in webbing in the sad, it be a while before they could get free, but they were still able to use their eyes. The second was Devon, he was currently unconscious and hanging from a palm tree with sticky spider web, likely also paralysed as well. And the third that caused him great fear upon see was Veni running around in the area with the Shrouded Nerscylla chasing after her.
The Great Wroggi looked scared for her life, and likely she went to distract the Shrouded Nerscylla so it won't harm him when he was unconscious. What the hell happened to everyone while he was unconscious?!
That thought and other similar to it raced through his mind for merely a second, but those thoughts were silenced the moment he saw Veni in danger. Her screech of fear, the Great Wroggi he viewed as his daughter ever since he raised her from an egg.
His body pulsed with renewed energy, his fists clenched. The skies above darken with clouds, signs of thunder in the area. Thanks to the unnatural thunder, the people keeping watch on the scouting blimp had lost visual.
"RAH!" yelled Garico as he quickly drew out his heavy bowgun and opened fired about three bullets. Each bullet went and pierced into the Shrouded Nerscylla's armor. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" he yelled as the Shrouded Nerscylla had halted, allowing Veni to escape from it.
The giant spider turned its gaze towards him, and screeched in anger, it was about to charge.
As Veni went to get the Kratt brothers out of the webbing, if she could help without getting paralyzed. But as she does, the Kratt brothers were silently gawking as they watched Garico, he seems to have shrouded in a greenish aura.
As the Shrouded Nerscylla begins its charge, Garico glared at it with so much anger, it dared try to harm his girl. With so much anger, he was gripping his heavy bowgun heavily. Seeming to pour his own power into his weapon, for it glowed in the same aura as he.
He then fired a single shot, one lethal bullet that seem to just make a huge boom as though it was breaking some form of barrier. The bullet went flying with great speed; the sands below it seem to be pushed asides in waves as though it was a greater force. But that wasn't the only thing it happened, it looked like the sand had been pulled into the bullet, forming into a large missile.
All that happened in less than two seconds.
And he fired multiple times after each bang, like he was shooting with a Gatling gun, firing over ten shots. Each bullet was like its first, causing sands to blow apart as well as forming into it, forming missiles made out of sand! Or more precisely, they're made out of the earth, Earthen Bullets.
The size of those bullets before were merely inches in size, the Earthen Bullets are like three feet long missiles.
And all those bullets pierced right through the Shrouded Nerscylla, the first bullet went clean through its skull. All the rest were just obliterating all other parts, and Garico had kept on firing till he ran out of bullets in his bowgun cartridge. The dead spider didn't fall to the ground till no bullets pierced.
When he finished firing, he watched the Shrouded Nerscylla, looks like a shredded carcass, one is lucky to get any materials from it. When he finished, Garico dropped his heavy bowgun, his fingers twitching and shaking, muscle stains in his hands. He then collapse upon his right knee, feeling very exhausted himself.
Veni rushed over to her hunter, looking very worried. While the Kratt brothers were still staring in shock.
As for the pink pigment Zamtrios armored hunter, Devon, he fell out of the tree. But he was wide awake though. He muttered quietly, "Just like Joseph said, he was the Earth Elemental Force."
The clouds cleared and then the scouting blimp went to them, to help pick up parts of the Shrouded Nerscylla. Before they had safely transported four unconscious Shrouded Nerscyllas, now they're just picking up the pieces.
After such event, Garico, Veni, Devon, Martin and Chris got their team reward as they got onto their airship that waited for their pick up. As well as acquiring all the materials that they needed to make Nerscylla Z armor for Josephiroth.
When they get back to Dundorma, Devon would take them to the Virtue Hunter's tower where they all may rest at. And the blacksmiths who worked in the Virtue Tower, they already have Josephiroth's measures, and so when they got the materials, they started their work upon it.
Later in the night, walking through a pathway at a slow pace was Shepard's partner and girlfriend, Zecora the Zinogre. She was walking slowly, carrying her favorite human upon her back as she goes. They are currently hunting together, but thanks to the roars from that funeral hosted by Rex before, most of the prey are hiding, difficult to get.
And Zecora was very hungry right now, but she growled in annoyance.
Shepard chuckled and patted her head softly, he said, "Relax Zecora, we'll find food for you. If we can't find any, I could just cook you a big one back in the citadel."
Zecora smiled a little, she does like his cooking. Angling her eyes to look up at her zinogre armored human, she sighed and growled, "That's a plus, but I really wanted to have some Jaggis inside my gut tonight. But because of that Deviljho gathering…"
"It's very important for Rex to do," Shepard stated. "Besides, be glad we didn't with the Lord. Had heard two things that you won't like if we did went. One, it's at Purgatory."
Zecora growled, "You're right, I hate that place. Sure everyone, humans and creatures can meet and be friends with each other. But the bloody death arena though, that's the annoying part, I prefer to battle with you by my side. Then there's the food, made out of the corpses of the fallen beings who perished in that battle. Then it's that stupid, prideful Elite, he thinks that if he does well enough, the Lord would make him into a Commander."
"The Lord would not, besides, the Shredder needs to get the right qualities to be a General first, than the step up into the right mindset of an admiral," Shepard replied as Zecora kept on walking. "Considering his attitude, he won't be a commander for decades."
The zinogre smiled a bit, she growled/chuckled, "Now that's good news and likely bad news for Sever. I like that Lotus one though, she shows good qualities, but that's what I think. And besides that frenzy loving Lord," she snorted in disgust, "There are always twelve commanders, no more, no less."
"You know the Organization Hierarchy, I'm glad you remember," Shepard chuckle, he rubbed her head a bit.
"Hey, I needed to remember anyways, after all, the Lord gave you the Citadel as your Legion base," Zecora replied with a growl, nearing the exit of the path through the forest, she continued to walk slowly though so to continue her talk with her human. "As I recall, each commander has their own Legion, right?" he nodded in reply. "And under the Commander are two Admirals, under them are eight Generals, and under them are fifty-six Elites, below them are one-hundred-and-twelve Brutes, and underneath them are five-hundred-and-sixty Captains. That leaves your lowest ranks of recruiters, cannon-fodder and such, fifty-six-hundred Grunts. That's how many there are in one Legion, right?"
"Yep," Shepard replied. "And there is one Legion for each Commander and the Lord himself, so thirteen Legions.**(GUESS)
"With so many people and creatures in each Legion, I'm wondering, when will there ever be when all thirteen Legions gathered together?" she asked, because if they all gathered, there'd be a huge number of people and creatures.
"If the Lord calls all the Commanders together, then you'll likely see how many," he replied. "Besides, each Commander has their own bases, and they follow the Lord's commands. And the Lord Commander's base is in the Heaven's Mountain area, likely at the very base of it."
"I see," Zecora replied, she thinks for a moment. Then she growled, "You said two things I don't like, one is Purgatory. What's the other?"
"The Lord chose to bring his Legion's General, General Demise and his Death Forces," Shepard replied, and heard Zecora growled.
"You're indeed correct, I hate that monster," Zecora growled in deep anger. "That monster truly is one and deserves to be hunted. But no, he enjoying being hunted till he turns it around and he hunt them. He's also enough to make me go vegetarian, is that the right word, Shepard?"
"Yeah, that's right," Shepard replied, he chuckled, "best you don't, you be missing the taste of fresh or cooked meat."
"Yeah," Zecora growled quietly.
"ROAR!" yelled very loud roars, about four loud roars in unison, and it came from ahead of them.
Shepard sighed while Zecora growled in annoyance, "Just perfect, those bloody Deviljhos had caught my supper to be."
"Maybe next time, Zecora," Shepard said quietly, petting her head for a moment. "Let's just go back before those four Deviljhos catch our scents."
"They're more focus on the scent of the group actually," Zecora growled, she quietly moved over to the exit of the path, trying to stay hidden behind the thick trees.
Before Shepard could ask, he heard voices ahead, sounds like a human and a palico. But there was also a growl of a different creature. Soon they both came into view of the area, while hidden behind trees and bushes
They saw a group of four Deviljhos circling around three beings, those three beings were a pale skin human wearing only his undergarments and carrying a simple hunter's knife, and with that human is a palico. And the third gave the duo a surprise, a young Chameleos.
After looking at the group, Shepard made one assumption, "It seems like the hunter became reckless, he and his palico, and they decided to come to Everwood at night, and encounter a Chameleos child, and bad luck for them by catching the hungry gaze of the Deviljhos. It is best to leave them be, Zecora."
"Hold on, the Chameleos is talking to the deviljhos," Zecora quietly growled, getting his attention. "More like shouting, telling the Deviljhos to leave or he would kill them. The Deviljhos told him to leave and give them the human and felyne. The Chameleos denied and shouted to leave his human alone. Now that's rare, to see an elder dragon partnered with a human, especially a youngling like him."
"So they're friends," Shepard stated, looking at them. He sighed, "Well, it's best that we go help them."
Zecora grinned, she growled, "Finally I get to blast those brutes with the taste of what they truly deserve."
"Don't," Shepard replied, he had reached into his inventory and pulled out a flash bomb, ready to throw it. She looked up at him in confusion, he continued, "If you strike them with your lightning, than Rex will know and be more of an annoyance."
Zecora groaned, "Fine, we'll just rescue them. Ready honey?" she asked, smiled and got herself ready to burst out of the large foliage.
"Ready sweetie, let's go!" said Shepard, and with that, the zinogre went and burst out of hiding and came into the area. He yelled out, "Cover your eyes!"
They heard their shout, Shepard through the flash bomb forward and Zecora kept her eyes closed and halted. While to the group, they were first surprised to see a hunter riding on the back of a full grown zinogre, and knew what to do when they saw him through the bomb.
As for the brutes, dumb as they are, had looked simultaneously at the new voice. And they were then blinded by a bright flash of white light; they all growled in agony, they kept their eyes closed, temporary blinded.
After the sound of the burst, Zecora ran forward, heading toward the group as the flash was still in effect.
As they came close, Shepard remove the strap that kept his sheathe of his long sword on his back. Taking hold of his sheathe with his right hand, he used it like a pole and held it down to the right side of the Zinogre.
"Grab and hop on!" Shepard commanded, and with that the human and the palico grabbed upon his sheathed long sword. With his strength, he swung them off the ground and placed upon Zecora's back. Luckily the Chameleos was smart enough to leap onto Zecora's tail and climb up to join them on Zecora's back.
And with that, despite the added weight, the zinogre was still strong enough and started to charge out of the area. Leaving behind the daze and confused Deviljhos.
As they go, the human asked them, "Thanks for the save, who are you?"
"No talking," Shepard replied in his commanding tone, his voice was sharp that it was enough to quiet them. He had reconnected the strap onto his armor so his sheathed long sword will not fall off. He then quietly said, "If you talk, you'll alert any other Deviljhos if they're ahead, there is much more than just four of them in Everwood tonight."
"But wouldn't they just follow our scent?" asked the palico quietly. The zinogre kept on running at a fast pace with them on her back, she and Shepard know the right direction they needed to go.
"Hence we need to remove it, now hold on tight," Shepard replied, just as Zecora neared what looks like a different area that has its own cliffs and a large waterfall. Any replied from them was ignored as Shepard held onto Zecora's back.
But he did took a quick peek, and saw that the hunter was making sure his two friends holding on tight, making sure the Chameleos doesn't slip off.
With that, Zecora makes a big leap off the cliff and dives down into the waterfall.
Val Habar
Back in Val Habar caravan parking lot, at Silus's larger than normal caravan, considering the reason of it being larger was for Silus's creature partner having his own bed within. But currently within it, sounds of things thrown about and a few noises, as though someone was currently within the caravan was searching for something.
During what that person was doing, by the sounds of it though, was making a big mess. High in the sky, the familiar size and shape of body, the giant Remobra was flying through the air.
It was Ridley, and she had been following the scent of her dear father. With each flap of her wings, making her big bulging belly bounce up and down a few times, with the sounds of gurgling within, her meal from earlier was still digesting.
After discovering where the scent leads too, the smell of her father seems to lead to the large caravan below. With it in her sight, she folded her wings and dived downward, like a falcon diving.
When she was twenty feet in height from the ground, she spread out her wings into a slow glide. Till she came close to the ground, flapping her wings a bit, she came to a landing by the ramp. She landed gracefully and beautifully, a perfect landing, and she smiled at the success.
She grinned and pokes out her snake tongue from her mouth for a moment, very pleased with herself. But then realize that her father wasn't in sight, he missed her perfect landing, especially when she had a big bulging belly with two hunters digesting inside! She was annoyed and knew by the sounds and the scent, her father was within the caravan.
But considering her height, she couldn't walk up the ramp into the caravan, but she could poke her head in, but she chose not to.
Instead, she hissed quietly, "Daddy, you in there?"
Sounds of the male voice within replied, "Hold on one moment, Ridley, and be silent!" Scolding her too, it seems.
Ridley huffed in annoyance, she remain standing at where she was. She had folded her wings, and wondered where her father would let her rest in; she got a full meal to digest after all.
Then she heard the sound of footsteps, she looked to the entrance of the caravan, and saw the curtain pulled aside and her father came out. She smiled to him, her dad Jack, but then blinked and gawked in surprise.
She hissed, "Whoa daddy, you look so amazing in that!"
Her dad, Jack, the gunner in Mosgharl clothes, he still wore his clothes and the mask covering his face. But right now, he currently had a new set of armor upon his Mosgharl clothes. He was currently wearing the Excello Blade-Master Armor; the armor was currently loose though; Jack had some difficulty in putting the armor upon his Mosgharl clothes body. With the helmet on, he still wore his jack-o-lantern mask. The straps were a bit loose, like one good hit upon each piece would knock off the armor that was currently on him. And with his Deershot currently hooked to the belt, he was carrying the Great Sword, the Veined Graveblade. With two sets of armor and weaponry, well he's definitely warm for the night, but he kinda looks like a fusion of both armors.
Jack had raided Silus's caravan and planned to keep the armor and weapon, as well as many valuables he had managed to dug up within the caravan and put them into his inventory. But now, there was one more thing to do.
First he replied, "Why thank you, with this, I can handle anyone easily." He did a pose as he wore the armor, he chuckled under his mask. Then he looked to the big Remobra as he walked down the ramp, she being bigger than him of course, "Now then, to make my plan work. I need you to help me construct a scene, of which when the Val Habar Guild CSI investigate it, they would assume that Silus and his Chameleos had killed the two hunters, left the caravan and fled the city. Thus there be bounties on their heads and anyone who hunted them will be rewarded."
"Huh, sounds good, and if they return, they're immediately arrested and locked up," Ridley hissed, smiling a bit. She then thought to herself, 'Too bad for Kage, he's a cutie.' Then she realized something, she hissed to him, "Uh daddy, where are you going to get the corpses though?"
"From you," he said. "I want you to puke them out and leave them here, right by Silus's caravan." Ridley looked shocked at him, he never asked her to puke out her food. He did tend to take bones of the food she regurgitated after her stomach finished digestion, but not during.
"But daddy, I'm still digesting them! They're mine!" she hissed, upset that he would ask that.
Her eyes wide in shock as she felt her daddy's right armored hand slapped her, she was looking away. She looked scared as she could tell her daddy was angry, she whimpered, "Don't hit me daddy! I didn't do anything wrong!" Considering the armor, the slap really hurt her. The only time she got punished by her daddy was when she did something foolish or ignored him.
"You did," Jack said in annoyance. "You denied my order, and so I command you to let them out!"
"But daddy, they're mine," she whimpered as she looked down at him.
She fell down upon her back as she felt her daddy punch her in the gut this time, she growled in pain, "That hurt! Please stop hitting me daddy!" She flipped herself around and got back onto her feet. She turned to face him, shedding a tear while doing so.
"Then do as I command!" Jack said, getting very annoyed. He had been using his right hand for the slap and punch, his left hand gripping the great sword hilt.
"I'm your daughter! If I puke them out, I'll starve tonight!" she whimpered, trying to tell him that.
"You're my servant, my pet, my garbage can to remove anyone in my way," Jack stated in a serious tone.
Ridley looked shocked at him with wide eyes, shock that her daddy call her such. She whimpered to him, "But I'm your daughter, Ridley! You hatched me from an egg! You raised me, you're my father!"
"I raised you to be loyal pet and servant to me, nothing else," Jack stated, raising the great sword up a bit. "But by the sounds of it, looks like I need a new Ridley."
Her eyes widen more and she took a step back, she hissed in fear, "What?"
Jack raised his right leg and kicked upwards, hitting her in the chest, causing her to fall down once more. With her on the ground, he was now standing over her, gripped the great sword high into the air. But before he swung it, he laughed, "Oh right, you didn't know. You're Ridley number one-hundred-and-seventeen; you're not my first Ridley. I stole many eggs of Remobras from their nests and hatch them myself, and raise them to by my perfect loyal pets. Each one I raised was like you, till they deny my command, when they do, they perish, just like you're about to be. I got several more Remobras back at my hangout still; anyone of them is perfect to become the new Ridley.
Ridley's eyes were very wide in shock; she shed more tears in fright. Her father didn't care about her, he was a fake! He used her for his own desires! He likely killed her parents when he stole her egg! Then she remembered scenes of him having her and other Remobras fighting over each other to be picked by their dear daddy, she had believed each Remobra is from somewhere else, and he had her and the others to kill and eat each other. She remembered she ate most of them, than she realized the possibility of them being her own siblings too. She felt so sick in her life now; she looked sick and scared, she whimpered, "You're a monster…"
"No, you are my old little monstrous garbage can. I'll make sure to add your skull with the other sibling skulls of yours that I kept," Jack said, confirming her that she did eat her siblings. "Now time for you too…"
Suddenly something went and smacked into his head, burst into bright gray smoke. It was a smoke bomb, and it fogged up the caravan parking lot. If anyone wakes up in the late of the night, they would just assume that it was foggy outside.
Seeing this as an opportunity, Ridley remembered where her false daddy was and pushed with her left talon foot. Felt his body and pushed him away from her, and as she got up, she heard his angry grunt after he fell. Spreading out her wings, she quickly flies up into the air and went on top of the large caravan. She landed upon it and tried to hide, hoping Jack doesn't see her.
"Who threw that smoke ball?!" yelled Jack as he had gotten himself back up, he gripped the great sword in his hands.
[Listen to Kingdom Hearts II Music - Riku's Theme on YouTube]
"Leave her alone," said in a serious tone of a male. The smoke started to clear up, and Jack, recognizing the voice, had also seen who the one who had thrown that smoke ball was.
His eyes widen under the mask as he recognized Josephiroth standing there. But only in his undergarments on his body and his eyeglasses on his face, and carrying his Charge Blade on his back. He was standing there, his arms folded upon his chest, glaring right at him. That signature glare was scary, for a moment Jack look frighten, it seems without that helmet Josephiroth's glare was terrifying.
Jack held the great sword at the ready to defend himself, he muttered, "How the heck are you healed so fast?!" He was still shocked to see him; he should be stuck in the infirmary for weeks!
"I heard everything," Josephiroth replied in his serious tone, he raised his left hand, took hold of the hilt of his Dear Rose sword and unsheathed it, he kept the shield upon his back though. He still glared at him, "You are a disgrace, more monster than human. You are unworthy to wear that armor, the armor that belongs to a great hunter, Silus. Take off the armor and surrender yourself, for you are under arrest."
Jack swallowed his fear, recalling he had the armor on, the lethal great sword and his Deershot. So he feeling bold, ready for any combat, he sneered, "You are no Guild Guard to arrest me, monster lover."
Josephiroth hadn't drawn out his large shield yet, he still glared and stated, "I am a high rank hunter in the service of the Guildmasters throughout the continent; I have the rights to arrest and report you to Val Habar Guildmaster. So surrender now, removes the armor, and your life would be spared. Do not, than your life will be forfeit."
Jack smirked, "My life, forfeit? Heh, then you'd be arrested for killing me as well!" Thinking that the pro-trapper was bluffing, hell he wasn't even wearing armor!
Ridley still hidden on top of the large caravan, was watching, still scared of her false father. But now scared for this human as well, if he doesn't win, then her false father would hunt her down and kill her. If the human wins, she could be safe.
Seeing his serious face, nothing changed, so it wasn't a bluff, Josephiroth was willing to kill him?! Jack was surprised, and then he said, "You're supposed to be great trapper, now you're willing to kill me? You catch monsters and won't kill them, but you would kill a fellow man?!"
"I am a pro-trapper, for I capture creatures and safely transport them to wildlife preserves for they can live and grow in peace," Josephiroth replied, gripping his sword while glaring at Jack. "I hunt and kill monsters such as you; humans can become monsters very easily, so I hunt criminals, murderers, and rapists. I only kill when I have no other choice, so surrender Gore Spy, and your life would be spared and be judged in a fair trial."
"WHAT?!" yelled Jack, shocked that Josephiroth knows he's part of the Organization of Gore. How was it possible?! The Organization was so secretive to the public… that's when he realizes something. Either Josephiroth is really a G-Rank hunter, who works for Dundorma Nobles, or he's a fellow member and from a different Legion, which would be impossible, because members of Gore don't betray each other, unless they wanted to be hunted by General Demise. So thinking of the G-Rank part, but even so, Josephiroth was currently armor-less. "So what if you know," Jack said then after calming down. "It doesn't matter anyways, what matters that my superiors know your secret, monster lover!"
"And what secret is that?" Josephiroth replied, still glaring at him.
"That you used to have a creature partner, a Great Jaggi named Jarl," Jack replied with a smirk, but Josephiroth's expression didn't changed, Jack gets annoyed, trying to anger him so he could slip up. "After all, you cried when he died, like a sissy baby, so depended on such a loss, bet that's the reason why you don't kill the creatures, you don't have the nerve to kill."
Josephiroth still glared, no twitches, no signs of added anger, but he did replied, "At least I still have feelings, while you seem to have none, a sadist is what you are."
Jack glared, getting more annoyed, but smirked, "Ah, but that's not the only secret, my superiors also know that your father is no war hero of Moga Island! He betrayed them and became friends with Ceadeus!" He laughed, expecting to see any hints of surprise.
Ridley was looking more and more surprise as she had been listening to the conversation between them. So thus human is friendly, maybe he could protect her from her false daddy! Maybe she could be safe with him, safe from any hunter who tries to hunt her! Maybe he is the right one to be with? She continued to watch, and hope for the human known as Josephiroth to be victorious.
No hint of surprise, just his signature glare, which frustrated Jack much more. Josephiroth then replied, "So, it seems like I owe Ivy an apology, she was right that you are a spy. I be sure to remember that," likely meant to apologizes to Ivy later that she was right, Jack was a spy.
Getting frustrated, Jack held the great sword at the ready, he said, "Enough talk! Once you're dead, I will kill the Remobra and then the people of Val Habar would assume Silus is the killer and he is going to prison. Now die!" He then charges at Josephiroth.
"I seriously doubt that," Josephiroth replied, he held his sword in front of him as he started to run toward Jack.
As they both neared their charge, there was suddenly a sound of a loud roar from the center of Val Habar, from the Guild Hall no doubt. Jack had nearly frozen, while Ridley still hidden on the caravan had looked at where the roar came from.
While Josephiroth continued to charge, Jack was lucky to block the blow with the great sword when Josephiroth swung the blade from left to right, sound of the blades clashing.
With the sounds of cheers and animal roars lessen, the shouts of the Gore Death soldiers chanting, even though they seem to be cheering as their comrade perished under the power of Khan. Myra and her two guards were being led up the stairways by Maxie.
They were also being followed by two Elites Gore Death Soldiers; they both had left General Demise and are following them. Myra had a good look of them, and knew that her guards would perish when she would have to fight them. Her guards would perish, giving her enough to time to get herself ready for combat or escape and join up with Cain and Khan, and with Khan's power, they could escape the hellhole.
But currently, they're not attacking her, seem like the Elites were only acting as guards for her as well, likely just helping Maxie escort her to their leader. She could already tell that the reason of General Demise and his forces were here merely to show strength, like trying to intimidate any possible enemy, like her if she doesn't help, too bad for him it didn't work.
Eventually they reached the highest balcony floor, arriving to what looks like a very large room, with the skull of a Dah'ren Mohran skull as its walls and balcony. Myra and her guards could see that the room looks like a meeting chamber.
There was what looks like a throne made of bones and skulls of fallen creatures and hunters, hell the room looks like to be full of skulls actually, of beings perished in the battle arena. Skulls on the wall, well at least there was what looks like a comfortable couch as well as a table, it was set between of the couch and the skull throne.
Then there's the back wall, which caught Myra's attention the most, for on the wall was ancient chronicles. There were words written in stone, words of a very old and dead language. Above the paragraphs was what looks like a painting, it looked very old, and in some parts faded, but the most part was re-colored, as though it was taken care of. So Myra saw what the painting was, it was a painting of a Gore Magala. And under the frenzy dragon is what looks like groups of humans, blacken in color… servants of the Gore Magala.
"My lord, your guest has arrived," Maxie said with a smile on his face. He had placed his right white gloved hand on his chest, palm over his heart, and gave a small bow.
And Myra had watched as both nine feet tall Monoblos X armored Elites fell upon their right knees, left armored fists on the ground and their heads bowedd in respect and loyalty.
[Listen to Pyramid Head Theme Song on YouTube]
Following the gaze of the researcher, she saw where the Lord of Gore was. He was still standing on the balcony, looking down. His back was to them though, as he seems to be mostly watching the fight. But Myra did see that he was armed, for he carried a demonic looking Charge Blade upon his back, the Force of Catastrophe.
But the more she looked at the skull in the center of the shield, she felt herself being pulled toward its anger gaze of madness. The man's weapon has some kind of aura; it feels like it hungers for blood and souls, and spews madness and agony in its wake. It's like the weapon wanted her, and seem to promise many things, it was madness.
"Return to your duties, Commander Ackerson," the Lord said, so the researcher is also a commander.
"As you wish my lord," Maxie said with a smile, another bow before he turned to leave. "I hope you all have a wonderful evening," and he headed out of the room. And with that, the two Elite Gorish Death soldiers stood up and seem to follow him out, likely they're to stand outside and wait.
Myra had watched them go before turning back to look at the Lord, and blinked in surprise to see him suddenly facing them. From the front view, his armor is Gore X, no doubt he's a G-Rank, but he most definitely has a connection to a Gore Magala.
His black armor has that frenzy poisonous aura radiating on the front, giving a demonic glow. With that helmet he wore, it was like he was a king. His form just oozes demonic energy, great and terrible power. One must be extremely careful around him, and already Myra was getting dark thoughts as she gaze at him.
The Lord looks to her as he moved, walking to his throne. As he stood by it, he unhooks the strap of his charge blade and shield and set it on the back of it before sitting down upon his throne. He sat there, like as though he was the King of Kings, and he kept his gaze upon Myra.
He looks to her and her two guards, Myra's guards were trying to keep themselves stoic as statues, but they were getting fearful because of what they see in him. As for the Lord, he said, "So we meet again, Myra. Please, have a seat."
"Again?" asked Myra, remain expressionless as she goes to sit on the couch across the table from the Lord's throne. Her guards remain standing at the attention by the couch, likely trying to keep their gaze away from the Lord so not to show fear. "I do not believe we have met before."
"I doubt you would remember me, you were only a babe at the time," the Lord stated, keeping his gaze upon her. "One does not forget those eyes, the eyes of great potential and power." Seeing that her expression didn't change, he continued, "I would say that I know your parents in the olden days, but I can tell your answer would be."
"I have no parents," Myra said with annoyance, considering she and her creature partner killed them over two decades ago.
"Indeed, so I shall say this, I met the false ones, the man who viewed you more as trash when you were a baby," the Lord stated. "I had a few followers keeping watch over you; after all, the man was foolish and cannot see what I see in you. Waiting for the right time to take away and leave behind a drop of frenzy in the man, thus it would look like in a few days, the man would go insane and kill everyone in his home."
Okay, he definitely is connected to the Gore Magala, especially is able to use frenzy upon others. Hell, it feels like she was actually talking to a Gore Magala instead of a human in armor. The man showed some good qualities, but even so, they were here to do business. She said to him, "You wished to talk business with me, correct?"
The Lord gave one slow nod before he raised his right armored hand and snapped his fingers, making a loud snap sound. Within moments, a servant walked into the room, carrying a tray what looks like a bottle of blessed wine and a plate with Heavenly Breadsticks. The servant went and stood by at the wall.
The Lord looked to Myra and her guards, and he said, "Here, have some refreshments."
"How do we know those are not poisoned?" Myra asked with a frowned.
"That is what the servant is for," the Lord replied, with that, the servant return to the table.
The servant looked nervous to be near the Lord, had took one of four glasses and poured a bit of blessed wine into it before taking a drink. The servant looked fine afterward, than he took a piece of heavenly breadstick, and ate a bite, he still look fine.
"Even so, I'll pass," Myra stated, despite the wine and food look good. "You can have them," she said to the Lord, wondering what he looks like. He would need to remove that helmet to eat.
Before the servant could move away, he froze in fear as he felt the Lord placed his left armored gauntlet hand upon his head. The servant looked scared as hell, silently pleaded to Myra and her guards.
"Death is my meat, terror my wine," the Lord stated, the servant looked like he was about to wet himself in terror. That is, till a loud CRUNCH with Lord crushing the servant's skull as he had formed a fist. He had drunk enough terror wine, and crushed the servant skull as a deathly meal.
Myra didn't look surprise, while her guards continued to get nervous, the Lord just killed the servant in a mere second, and the servant did nothing wrong. Myra then said, "Surprised you still have many soldiers if you feed on death and terror, hardly any innocent servants no doubt."
"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt," the Lord stated what sounds like a wise philosophy. "And even so, I prefer our talk to be a private matter, instead of having a lesser listening in and pass off the talk with his fellow lesser."
Well that makes sense, a servant could be a spy or just a normal servant, the lord doesn't really care for the lives of others. The Lord likely views his whole army as mere pawns on the chessboard.
"Now then, to business," the Lord said. "I wish to make an offer, of you and your group joining my Organization of Gore."
The Lord of Gore could be a very powerful ally, and by the sounds of it, the army of Gorish Death is only a very small piece of forces within the Organization of Gore. But Myra was no servant, she has her own goals. She replied, "And if I refused?"
"Then maybe a mutual partnership, as a form of working with other organization," the Lord stated, sounded more like he wanted to keep an eye on her, likely to make sure she doesn't cause trouble to his Organization.
Having his assistance would be helpful, and from what she could figure out, the Organization of Gore is a secretive terrorist group of sorts, a very large group with a hierarchy kind of thing.
"It seems like you really want my forces to be with yours, what is your reason for that," Myra asked politely, but in truth it was more of a command.
"I mainly want you and your forces to find and kill four beings," the Lord replied. "With that accomplished, you won't need to worry about my Organization going after you. You could ignore my request, or do it. If done so successfully, then you may have my resources to achieve your own goals, as well as you can help mine."
So in a way, simply kill four beings, likely humans who're a thorn to the Lord of Gore's side. And if they're removed, than with the Lord's huge forces could help her achieve her goals, depending on what her goal was.
"Hm, and who're these four beings you want my forces to kill?" she asked.
"They're known as the Elemental Force," the Lord replied. "The four humans are known as Andracus the Elemental Force of Fire, Albertis the Elemental Force of Water, Garico the Elemental Force of Earth, and Josephiroth the Elemental Force of Wind."
What is the Elemental Force, are they some kind of vigilante group towards the Organization? Myra asked, "What is the Elemental Force exactly?" She had recognized the name, Josephiroth, from the reports no doubt, he being one of Silus's friends.
"They're the servants of the King of the Elder Dragons, each one holds the power of nature itself," the Lord replied. "In Legend, they're known as the Elemental Knights, servants to the King of the Elder Dragons, the White Fatalis. They can be healed close to instantly just by being bathed by their chosen element, and their power is great. From my sources, these four beings had not fully mastered their powers, merely beginners themselves, and thus I would want them removed."
Learning the fact that those four are the servant of the White Fatalis was enough for her reply, "Then no, I won't be doing that. I prefer not to catch the eyes of the White Fatalis." Mainly said that to likely get the Lord believe she's afraid of the White Fatalis.
For a moment of silence, the Lord asked, "What about their friends, allies who would help them when they're either called or asked?"
As long as they're not under the watchful eyes of the White Fatalis, so since these ones are likely not, she said, "That'd be alright, do you have the list of their names and appearances?"
The Lord had reached into his inventory pockets and pulled out a large scroll, he rolled it down and set it on the table. Myra looked at the list, and saw that there were many names. So many targets to remove, she took the scroll and rolled it off. "Very well, I will help by removing these people then," she said, or possibly have allies out of these people, her own decision.
"Personally, out of the list of names, I would like Tristan to be terminated," the Lord stated as he slowly stood up. "The man knows of my organization and is currently in hiding, difficult to find. When you find him, please bring me his head when you do. And now, enjoy the entertainment of Purgatory, you may use this balcony to view the area below," and with that, he started to walk away.
Well, it would give her time to think, the room is rather large enough for Khan to get in, a good serving room. Myra could tell that Khan would want to sample some meaty dishes here.
"Oh and Myra?" the Lord asked; he standing by the exit of the room, gaining her attention once more. "When you got the time, ask your Ashen Lao-Shan Lung partner about the story of the Elemental Knights, all the Elder Dragons know of the story."
Myra looked at him, he doesn't see her expression, but she said, "Creatures can't talk to humans."
"In truth, they can, it takes one with patients and knowledge to learn," he replied. "As for how I know, Elder Dragons tend to leave some kind of bonding scent or aura upon their humans, beings they trusted the most. You bear the aura of one," he then turned to leave, heading out of the room. But as he goes, he replied, his voice giving a small echo, "We are shaped by fate, just as we shape it."
And with that, Myra and her two guards were to use the room as they see fit while the Lord of Gore had left. And eventually Cain and Khan would be brought to her on the balcony, either they have a meal and watch the combat battles below, talk, or leave, who knows.
After the trip through the cold rapids after the dive into the waterfall, Shepard and the others riding on Zecora's back had held on for their dear life. Eventually when they got further down in the river, to the point it was calm, the Zinogre climbed out of the river and back onto dry land, in some other area in Everwood.
Zinogre and the chameleos as well as the palico basically shook themselves, removing any water on them. Shepard didn't bother; he was still wearing his full body armor, while Silus was very cold, since he was only wearing his undergarments, and because of the cold river and this night was currently cold.
That is, until Shepard had given him a Hot Drink and he drank it, warming him up, and with that, Silus, Kage and Lucky followed Shepard and Zecora; Shepard had said they would escort them out of Everwood.
So, as they go, with Silus, Lucky and Kage walking beside the fully grown zinogre, who had chosen to carry Shepard upon his back.
[Listen to Auron's Theme on YouTube]
Considering they're likely very far from the Deviljhos means their free to talk, Lucky said, "Thanks again for your help; we might've gotten a load of scars and injuries if you both hadn't come."
"You would've gotten more than just scars," Shepard replied as they go. He was still riding on Zecora's back, listening to their surroundings. "Tonight is not a good night for you to go hunting."
Kage growled, "We weren't hunting, a human kidnapped mine and left him hanging in a trap."
Instead of Zecora replying, Shepard did, "Oh, what did the man look like?"
"Hooded man with a smiling glowing face," Kage replied with a growl, till silence and whipped his head to look at the hunter on the zinogre's back, and he said or half shouted, "You can understand me?!"
Shepard chuckled while he could see the surprise looks from Silus and Lucky, coming to the conclusion of what's happening. Shepard replied, "Yes, I can understand you, young Chameleos."
Silus still looked surprised as he blinked, he said, "You got a rare gift."
"Not rare," Shepard replied as they kept on going. "I spent decades understanding the language of my friend and partner, Zecora," he said as he rubbed her head. She growled to them, and he said, "She says hello to you as well, and my name is Shepard."
"And I'm Silus, he's Lucky, he's Kage, my creature partner," Silus said, indicating his friends during the introduction, now they know each other's names. He smiled, "So is it possible to learn the language of creatures, everyone could?"
Shepard nodded, he then stated, "It's mostly only possible when the human and creature first form a bond, and they learn from each other. They learn of each other's abilities, skills, personalities, and languages." The path ahead of them seems to be getting clear, one of the exits of Everwood.
"Huh," Silus said, he turned to look at Kage, and he remembered hearing the thoughts from the Amatsumagatsuchi before, after the battle against the Fatalis. So there is a possibility to learn the language.
"The Elder Dragon child, Kage," Shepard continued, "is one of the smartest kinds, so I'm sure he can be an excellent teacher towards you, while you are one towards him. I wouldn't be surprise that the young Chameleos learning the speech patterns of humans."
Silus blinked and looked up to Shepard, he asked, "You mean, talk like a human?" While Kage was first grinning in pride for the flattery, but was also a bit surprised.
"Yes, it is believed in old legends that the wisest of Elder Dragons could talk to humans. Well that's what been said in the ancient times," Shepard replied. "If it's true though; then the older Elder Dragons are obviously upset towards our kind."
Kage thinks about it, the elder never told him, then again, he was raised to avoid humans.
While for Silus, as they neared the exit, he was thinking. A thought came to mind and he looked up to him again, and he asked, "Are you a Virtue Hunter?"
Zecora growled in annoyance while Shepard chuckled while petting Zecora's head. Zecora didn't say anything, but Shepard replied, "Hadn't been called that for well over two years now. No, I'm retired and chose to live here in Everwood, living in nature with my faithful friend and partner, Zecora."
"Retired? So the Virtue Hunters aren't a new organization?" Silus asked.
"No, I am what would been considered from the sixteenth generation of Virtue Hunters," Shepard replied. "Me and five can say as Virtue Hunters for a long time, either till old age or choosing a time to just retire, or quit and someone new takes our place. I was once the Virtue Hunter of Honor."
So he was the Virtue Hunter before Brandon took the role, after thinking that, likely learn more from Josephiroth when he wakes up in the infirmary. So he asked, "Well, do you know Joseph, Devon, and Brandon?"
For a moment of silence, Shepard looked down at him, he sighed, "Let me guess, Devon told you." He nodded and Shepard sighed again, "That kid would end up getting fired sooner or later if he doesn't keep his mouth shut, he's mostly lucky because his strange sense of luck and unpredictability."
Confused, but didn't ask, but he did thought of one question. So Silus asked, "So you know them huh? How long had Joseph been a Virtue Hunter?"
Shepard laughed a bit, than he replied, "The prodigy had joined the training courses of the Virtue Hunters three years ago and passed with flying colors. I trained him myself, and he made many friends himself throughout from the teachers, trainers, as well as me and the other five. He's a natural safe keeper of secrets of the Virtue Hunters."
Silus blinked, didn't really know that much, then again, Joseph had always been so silent most of the time, only talking to friends or just listening to conversations. Till a thought comes to mind, Silus asked, "Wait, he passed and joined the ranks of Virtue Hunters fast, who was the previous Wise Ass?"
Shepard replied with a sigh as they came to a stop at the exit of Everwood, "A very old and dear friend of mine, oldest and wisest member of the Virtue Hunters. He's a wise Wyverian, in truth the old geezer never took in any recruits, till eventually he picked one, and that one was Josephiroth. Whatever that boy did had earned him the recruitment into the Virtue Hunters." So in order to become a Virtue Hunter, beginners need to catch the eyes of the current Virtue Hunters. Once they get the approval of the Virtue Hunters, they become recruits and sent to training camps for long periods of time, till eventually they rise up in the ranks, and eventually after so many lessons and depending on when the Virtue Hunter chooses to retire, upon that day, depending on the correct virtue of the recruiter, that being will become the Hunter of the chosen Virtue.
And all this time, learning something more about Joseph that he didn't learned before. Silus then asked, "So Joseph is a prodigy, and he got training in sword combat from you, his teacher?"
"I'm not the only one, but Joseph, may seem young, happens to be a thinker," Shepard stated and Silus nodded, Shepard would be much older than Joseph of course. "But know this boy, each Virtue Hunter follows the Virtue Code, and by doing so, their true strength is hidden within."
This of course confuse them, and before he could ask, they each heard far in the distance, a loud roar that came from the sight of Val Habar a few miles ahead of them.
"Sounds like the village is in trouble, I suggest you get going," Shepard said, and Zecora was turning herself around.
"Wait, you're not coming with us?" asked Silus, looking confused.
"I'm just an old, retired man, Silus," Shepard stated. "I will only be in the way. You on the other hand, have the potential yourself to do what is right, I'm sure you and any good people of Val Habar can handle the problem. Now go, the people need you, and good luck."
And with that, Zecora ran back into the Everwood forest, leaving Silus, Kage and Lucky, they said their goodbyes before they started running to Val Habar.
But as they go, Zecora growled mixed with a laugh, "You, old? Now that's a big fib, you're thirty-three!"
Shepard replied with a chuckle, "What, with the helmet on I sound old. Joseph is the lucky one to have the looks of being much older than he really was, with the color of his head hair. Now then, enough talk on that, let's get back to the Citadel, it's both getting late, and I did promise you a big cooked meal."
Zecora smiled and kept on running, going through many paths and areas, heading back to the Citadel.
Val Habar
At one of the Val Habar docks, Malinda could be seen waiting, leaning against a wooden pole. Besides the airship that belongs to Myra in the docks, there was a small one that she recognized as her brother's vessel, something he uses to get somewhere quickly and stealthy, especially during the night.
And she was still singing her dark tune; she heard the sound of footsteps. She turned to look and saw the one she was waiting for coming her way.
The Lord of Gore was walking toward the docks, and he wasn't alone, two of General Demise's Elites, the nine feet tall very loyal, Monoblos X armored hunters were marching behind him.
Malinda smiled when they had come closer; she stood straight and looked to the Lord. "Hey brother, long time it has since we last saw each other, hasn't it?" she smiled to him.
Like the loyal soldiers did before to the Lord, both of them got down on their right knees and bowed to Malinda, they kept their gazes down to the ground. While the Lord moved over to her, he looked down at her.
"It has dear sister," the Lord replied as he looked down at her. "It is both wonderful and a surprise to see you here. How is father?"
Malinda crossed her arms before she replied, "Good, he's waiting for you and mother to return to Heaven's Mountain, what is taking so long anyways, and how is she?"
"Mother is currently resting at our newest base within Everwood for the night," the Lord replied. "As for why it has been taken so long, how about you come with me to go see her?"
Malinda sighed, "Loved too, but father would want me back as soon as possible." She stepped aside so to allow him to walk onward, but stopped him with a question, "So question, what is taking so long?"
"Our journey has not ended, for dear mother has not begun her transformation, her molt into a renewal," the Lord replied as he looked down at her. "So our journey will continue, and the Organization we had formed had reached into great numbers."
Malinda turned to look at the two bowing soldiers, she already know who these two are. They're Elites of General Demise's forces, General Demise is from her brother's Legion, and her brother's Legion resides at the bottom base of Heaven's Mountain, a secret base below the mountain. Those types of men are mere servants and fanatics of the Magalas, extremely loyal. If they were told to jump off the cliff by their father, they would literally jump off the cliff just to please him. After all, they don't fear death, what they likely fear most is displeasing her, her brother, and their parents.
Heck, they take the sign of the Frenzy as a blessing. As for the reason of bowing and keeping their eyes glued to the ground, they likely view themselves as unworthy to be blessed to gaze upon the Lady of Gore.
"How many Legions are there?" she asked, feeling curious.
"There are twelve other Legions," the Lord replied and Malinda whistled, she knows how many there are in each Legion, so including her brother's Legion, there are thirteen.
"Well, I'm sure father would be pleased to learn that, but, I did learn some reports from some people," Malinda stated as she remembered. "Why do you have one Legion sent to attack Moga Island?"
"To exterminate the servants of the White Fatalis, recently there was a discovery that the four Elemental Knights are from Moga Island," the Lord replied.
She frowned, and then nodded, "If the Elemental Knights return, they'll ruin the plans of our parents had set in. Good call, brother. Now then, hopefully see you and mother again, maybe at Heaven's Mountain very soon. I got someone to investigate first before I go back."
"And who is the one father has you go see?" he asked.
"Well there were two, one was Silus, doubt there'd be a problem from him," Malinda replied. "As for the other, he's a strange one, just a few hours ago, I saw him walking through the street instead of being stuck in bed, suffering from the Fatalis's blast wounds." The Lord merely tilted his head to the right, she said, "Oh and his name is Josephiroth."
She could tell that her brother recognized the name, and he looked directly at her. He said to her, "Sister, Josephiroth is the Elemental Knight of the Wind." She froze, so that's how he healed so fast! The wind itself healed his body, and no wonder it felt like the wind was guiding him! "Relax, he and the other three are merely beginners in their elemental stages, they're not masters of it. But in the future dear sister, if you still plan to check him before going back to father, be careful."
Malinda nodded slowly, "Yes brother, and you as well." Before he could leave, considering he was a brother to her, hell, only she and their parents know what's the Lord's name actually was, no one else knew it, so she was thinking of giving her a hug. They both carried the frenzy inside themselves, and it sure has been a long while.
"ROAR!" yelled a loud roar that seemed to echo from the center of Val Habar, likely the Guild Hall, disrupting their talk.
The Lord had turned his head, and he stated, "The roar of a Gravios, our talk has ended. Have fun dear sister, and please tell father of what I had told you. Now, farewell," and with that, the two Elites of Gorish Death rose up and followed the Lord of Gore, heading to his vessel, got things ready and took flight.
As for Malinda, she watches her brother leave, wondering when the next time she'll see him and mother.
The roar had echoed throughout Val Habar, awakening many of its inhabitancies. Children and babies were crying from the rude awakening and the parents calming them down, while many hunters would head out to see what the commotion was.
[Listen to Darknut - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Music Extended on YouTube]
If there were any hunters who came out of caravans that were closest to Silus's caravan, they would be hearing the sound of blades clashing.
Josephiroth had kept his large shield upon his back and used his left hand gripping his blade and swung it down upon Jack. The spy who dared try to steal Silus's armor and great sword, he was currently wearing them, and was currently using the Veined Graveblade as a means of a defense.
'The roar of Gravios, good ole Boulder,' Josephiroth thought to himself as he quickly swung his sword down at Jack, parrying blows upon blow of the thieving spy. Keeping his level glare upon the rogue while slashing his blade, pushing Jack backward, Jack likely not have any experience of using a great sword. Joseph continued his thoughts, 'At least Boulder chose to wait some hours, just wished he didn't roar out… or did Akiza asked him too, or did someone whack his sensitive spot? The roar did sound like it came from Guild Hall, likely gathering Guildmaster and Guild Guards and any available hunters to join the search for me.'
Josephiroth knew about Boulder and Akiza, he recognized the Gravios the moment he left the hospital. And in order for the Gravios not alerting Akiza that he snuck out, Josephiroth made a deal with the big wyvern, and that was polishing his tough hide instead of Akiza doing so, which would mean Akiza could have a break from such. It was either that or Josephiroth's terrible cooking, for some reason, Boulder loves his thoroughly burnt steaks and somehow, burnt water and sauces, even Joseph doesn't know how he got them burnt. Of course, knowing Akiza, if she finds him okay and the rogue unconcious, Akiza would likely going to slap him so hard, and send back into dream land.
'Estimation of time, at least ten minutes before the group to arrive here,' Joseph thought to himself as he slammed his blade upon the great sword once more, Jack using it as a means of defense now, as well as wild swings by which Joseph either blocked or jumped out of the way. After each block and dodge, Joseph would use his right hand to adjust his eyeglasses up to his eyes a few times before clashing at Jack once more. He continued his thoughts, 'And knowing Silus, with the help of the Chameleos youngling, they'd be back around the same time. So I got about ten minutes at least to take Jack out. And I can't damage the armor and weapon, those belong to Silus, their important to him… wait, the spy is wearing the armor over his Mosgharl garb? Meaning the straps would be loose; one good hit could knock them off.'
With that, Josephiroth swung his blade, hitting the great sword held by Jack. Pushing back with more force, lowering it down, giving Joseph a chance to pull back his right fist and deliver a haymaker punch.
He had hit Jack right upon his masked covered face, and Jack fell backwards a few feet. While the helmet flew off and bounced away from him. And for Jack, his mask showed some cracks, which made the spy mad.
"You have no skills with the great sword," Joseph stated as he adjusted his eyeglasses a bit. "You have no honor to wear the armor that belongs to Silus; you are a fool to try to take it." He had moved around, then he picked up the helmet and set it on the ramp, just so it won't be suddenly lost or someone else arrive and taking it.
"Shut up!" yelled Jack as he got back up and went to swing the Veined Graveblade towards him with a side-swipe.
Jack didn't expect Joseph to block that blow with the shield upon his back, and he sure didn't expect him to raise his right leg and kicked him hard in the armor gut. Jack fell backwards once more, this time the armor on his shoulders fell off.
"You have no skills, especially with the weight in the armor upon your garb," Joseph stated, glaring down at him as he moved around the downed spy, he went to pick up the armored shoulder guards, he held them under his right arm as Jack gotten back up.
"You are starting to piss me off," Jack growled, glaring at him through his cracked mask.
"And you're too slow in that armor, you don't have the muscles for it," Josephiroth stated, he had charged at Jack as he had stood back up. Jack didn't have time to block as Josephiroth tackled him like a football player carrying the football, but without armor on his right shoulder.
He did knock the spy back down, causing the torso armor on the front and back disconnected and loosen. With that, Joseph moved around him and set the shoulder armor pads on the ramp with the helmet.
"Even ones like Grif could take you down," Josephiroth stated as he turned to face the downed spy. Jack has no idea who Grif was.
As for Jack, he was more pissed, the bastard trapper was right. Jack's a gunner, not a swordsman! The armor he thought of taking as a trophy for the best job was too heavy for him to wear! He's supposed to be fast and nimble; he's a gunner, a master spy.
With that, he had stood back up, and throws the Veined Graveblade right at the trapper with so much force he could muster. After that, he quickly pulls out his Great Kelbi Deershot and loaded in a lethal bullet and fired a shot.
What he didn't expect was Josephiroth catching the hilt of the great sword and spin it around in a circle at a quick pace. The sound of the lethal bullet bouncing off of it, after that, Josephiroth had stopped spinning the sword and held it in front of it.
"The Veined Graveblade sees me as a friend and thus protected me from you," Joseph stated, he then set it down upon the ramp with the other pieces of armor. "But I do not have permissioned to wield it, for it belongs to Silus."
"What the heck?" yelled Jack, confused on what the trapper said, but then ignored and pulled off the gauntlets and threw them at the trapper, hoping to knock him out. "You're just full of crap, aren't you?" He even kicked off the leg armor and pulled off the Excello coil and threw them at the pro-trapper. The pieces of armor bounced harmlessly over the trapper who had ducked down, allowing the pieces of armor to fall upon the ramp.
"Now the armor and weapon are back to where they should be, waiting for their wielder to come and put them on," Joseph stated, then he pulled his shield off his back and held it on his right arm. "And thus now, there is no reason to hold back on you."
He was holding back? How dare he?! Furious, Jack started shooting at Josephiroth, who blocked the bullets with his shield. That didn't work, so he tried to shoot at Josephiroth's legs, but he kept on dodging them, skipping, moving his legs about as though he was dancing.
"Stop moving!" growled Jack. He hadn't notice that Josephiroth was holding the blade behind him, had temporary let go of the hilt, but it still hang under his hand, and he was spinning the sword around in a circle.
Josephiroth then leaped forward as Jack fired more bullets, which bounced off his shield. Then pulling his shield arm away, Josephiroth swung his left arm forward, somehow throwing his sword through the air, spinning like a javelin.
Jack barely leaped to his back left to dodge the blade, but he did saw what he didn't expect. Around the hilt is what looks like wrapped up Nerscylla silk rope, so very thin it was nearly invisible, the silk rope being very strong that is. And the end of it head towards Josephiroth's left fist. There was about fifteen feet length of it.
Josephiroth quickly swung his fist back behind, causing his blade to fly back to him. Spread open his palm, revealing Nerscylla web tied into a ring around his middle finger. With palm open, he had the silk rope gather into his palm as he reached forward and caught the hilt of his blade.
'He used his blade like a freaking grappling hook?!' Jack thought to himself, was temporary shocked, but was getting more pissed off now. He was now standing in the middle of the battle area, and he raised his Deershot to fire more shots.
Once more Joseph blocked the shots, and Jack realized too late that the current cartridge for his gun was empty, he need to put in more.
But as he does so, Joseph stated, "It's over."
Jack looked to him with a glare, his cracked mask upon his face, "Deciding to give up?"
"Like I said, I have no reason to hold back," Josephiroth said, he glared at Jack before activating the mechanism in his shield and thrust his sword into it, combining both of them into his Dear Rose battle-axe form. Holding the hilt with his left hand, he adjusted his eyeglasses a bit with his right hand, glaring at Jack.
Suddenly Jack felt a gust of wind blew past him, and before his shocked filled gaze, had seen what seem like wind gathering around Josephiroth. With it, seem like a boost of energy for the trapper, he used it to leap high into the air, going higher than any human could, like as though he was swung up there by a switch-axe or a hammer, but it was the wind that seemed to help him.
Through the air, he spins his battle-axe around him, gathering momentum as he goes, and his axe seem to glow as well.
None of them had realized an audience had gathered, except Ridley, she had noticed the same Chameleos, man and felyne arriving and was just watching the scene before them. And there was what looks like other hunters that arrived, along with pups of a Stygian Zinogre and a Nargacuga. There were two more felynes who had arrived, and for a bit of fear for her, the sighting of a Gravios coming, with a human riding upon its back.
The Gravios was seventeen feet tall in height; Gravios is covered in a dense, stone-like armored shell which protects its body from physical damage. It is very large in size, towering over most other wyverns and measuring several dozen feet in length. Because of its size and incredible weight, it is only capable of limited flight, despite having large and seemingly-developed wings. It has a thick tail with a mace-like club at the end.
Ridley had seen more humans coming; likely the sound of shots and blades clashing had caught their attention.
While Jack and Josephiroth hadn't noticed, Jack yelled in both fear and anger, raised his Deershot and fired multiple lethal bullets, "DIE!"
Josephiroth was diving down towards at Jack with a force of wind blowing around him like as though it was a barrier, helping him speeding down at the gunner. The bullets seemed to spin, or guided by the wind around.
The moment he had come closer, he swung his glowing battle-axe downwards, slamming it hard into the ground before Jack. With enough force that once gave a Fatalis a nasty headache before. Jack was temporary relieved that he had missed.
What he didn't realize that glowing, charged up energy within the axe spread into the ground, and erupted into a violent burst of explosion, which consumed both of them in the blast, forming a dome of energy temporary.
Jack screamed as he was consumed in the blast, his Mosgharl garb ripping apart, while his mask shattered and his hood ripped off. As the explosion ended, revealing to have made a crater in the road.
Josephiroth was currently standing, the forced from the charge-up in his Dear Rose battle-axe caused him to disconnect the two back into a blade and shield once more. Joseph held the blade down at the gunner spread out on the ground.
Jack was lying on the ground, arms and legs spread out like a star as he lay within the crater. His Mosgharl garb shredded to bits, his mask was shattered and lay upon the ground. His face revealed, he had gold eyes, elf-like ears, upturned eyebrows, and dark hair with several grey streaks tied into a long ponytail, the grey streaks along the length of his hair. He sported two large jagged scars extending from both cheeks to just under his eyes.
Joseph held his blade, he pointed down at the downed gunner, and he asked, giving a glare still, "Do you surrender now, thieving spy egg poacher?"
"Go…screw…your…self…" Jack groaned deeply, feeling much pain throughout his whole body, he was fighting to try to stay awake.
Just by looking down at him, Joseph shook his head before putting the shield back onto his back, and sheathing his sword back onto his back, in midst doing so, had removed the nerscylla silk ring off of his finger. He then stated, "You cannot fight any longer, criminal."
He went to turn away, but stopped as he looked very surprised, seeing a large group of people watching.
"How did you do that?!" asked Zane as he was standing there with his sister, and the two pups.
'Crud, either the battle took too long or they got here early,' Joseph thought to himself as he had slowly face-palmed. He did so before kneeling down to Sasha and Nala who ran toward them, they both had leaped upon him, hugging him, glad to know he's alright, but they were obviously full of questions. Same as most hunters here, and the Guild Guards, but the Guildmaster already knew he's a Virtue Hunter; he had seen his capabilities as well at one time.
The Guildmaster was there with the Guild Guards, giving a small smile and he said, "You got much explaining to do, young man. I would suggest you do so at the Guild Hall."
Joseph sighed as he had stood back up, Sasha and Nala by his legs. He said, "Personally, I do not want to, but it seems like I do not have a choice. Can you do me a favor though Guildmaster? Can you have an airship ready, specifically the kind that can carry a caravan? I need to get to Dundorma." 'After all, there is much news my comrades need to know, doubt they know about this spy yet,' he thought to himself.
"Very well, bring your caravan to the back of the Guild Hall, young…" the Guildmaster say before Ivy shouted.
"Look out!"
Jack had temporary sat up, gripping his Deershot he managed to reach for and about to shoot.
That is, until Boulder had come to halt through the crowd, pushing others aside, and Akiza went and leaped off the Gravios's back. The Ruby Basarios gunner woman had body slammed upon Jack, who moaned in pain, she pushed the gun aside, and the medical hunter immediately wrap his wrists behind his back with her supply of wrap bandages, improvising by using them as rope or metal straps to arrest criminals.
Akiza lifted up the weak spy, and she said to Joseph while escorting the spy over to the Guild Guards. "You owe me an explanation, Joseph."
"More than one," Joseph quietly muttered, mainly meant for favors really, she is a medical hunter, did work with her a few times years ago.
"Joseph?" asked Silus, causing Joseph to turn to him.
"If you got questions to ask, than come to Guild Hall later for the answers," Joseph stated while he adjusted his eyeglasses a bit with his right hand. "I would also suggest you clean your armor and weapon, the thief was currently wearing them during half of my battle, had to knock them off of him as well." Then he turned, angle his head upwards to the top of Silus's caravan, and he called out, "Ridley! I know you're still there, come out, you and I have to talk, but also, can you give me a ride to my caravan?" Considering the paths were blocked by Silus and his group, Boulder and Akiza, some hunters with Zane and Ivy with the two pups. The Guildmaster and his Guild Guards and Guild Hunters started to take their leave with the arrested spy.
To everyone, they were surprised to see a giant Remobra rise up on top of Silus's caravan, with a big belly as though it was pregnant with eggs or had a big meal. As for Ridley, she was happy that he won the battle, amazed and admired his skill as well in taking down her false daddy.
So in favor of saying thanks her way, she does as she was asked. She flew off of Silus's caravan, and she used her strong talon feet to grip Josephiroth's outstretch arms that he has spread when she flew down to him. She grabbed him and flaps her wings and flew into the air, not minding carrying the weight of him, except she was a bit annoyed when the two felynes latch upon his legs as she carried him high in the air.
'This had been a fun twenty-fours, I hope the future days will be back to normal though,' Joseph thought to himself as the giant Remobra carried him away. He guides her to where his caravan was.
"Hey! Get back here Joseph!" yelled Akiza, clearly ticked that he was escaping her interrogation. Boulder merely chuckled and picked up his human with his jaws and carried her away. "Boulder! Let me go! That man is not getting away from me again!"
Leaving the group that was currently gathered there, the two hunters standing by Zane and the others were nodding to each other. They were also speaking out loud.
Ryan in his Uragaan armor said to Josh, who was in his Obituary armor, "Yep, that's the right one."
"The wind member of the Elemental Force," Josh stated as they both started to turn around, before their attention was caught by Silus.
"What are you two saying?"
Ryan temporary turned around, "Just saying he's the right one, Garico would be happy to know his brother is okay. If you want more, go to the Guild Hall," and with that, both he and Josh walked away.
Leaving Silus, Kage, and Lucky with Zane, Fenrir, Ivy and Ava by Silus's caravan, which Silus will soon learn that, thanks to Jack, the insides of his caravan was totally messed up.
Early morning, as the sun was just starting to raise, its light shining down upon the land. Its warming glow had shine through one of the open windows of a large building in the northern part of the city.
Currently though, the owner of the building was already awake. In the dark rooms of it, a man wearing actual chakra black garb was walking over to what looks like a box. Above said box was a vent tube that leads into many vents that leads to the mail box at the front door of his home, as well as the falcon box, when a messenger falcon drops mail into the box, which would then slide down the tubes and into here.
It sure saves time for Moordryd instead of needing to walk outside. Moordryd stood about six feet and ten inches tall, slender and slightly muscular build, and has pale skin. He has long snow white hair, and a white unibrow, and his eyes are dark blue. Besides the chakra clothes, he wore a medallion around his neck, with the symbol of black demonic G, he is one of the Researchers of Gore.
He sighed as he picked up a large bundle of mail, checking each one while saying, "Bill, junk, junk, letter for me, letter for me, bill…" he kept on going, putting the letters for him under his left arm, the bills onto the desk beside the letter box, as for the junk mail, thrown into a different chute, which leads down into the furnace.
So far there were mostly bills and two letters for him, and mostly junk. Then he noticed the last piece in the mail, a magazine, ever since a woman named Donita came to Dundorma, that fashion woman got the idea of magazines made, basically gossip books about fashion models and art sketches of creatures in the wild.
"A fashion magazine?" asked Moordryd, confused on why it was here. Till he saw that the cover was a colored flying wyvern drawing, and he knew what it was. Frowning deeply, he yelled, "Deception!"
"What?" yelled a female voice of a woman, coming below where a large stairway by Moordryd leads, likely the dining hall, for the woman sounded like she was eating.
"Did you ordered a fashion magazine again?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
After a moment of silence, the voice replied, "Uh… no? But can I have it anyways?"
Moordryd sighed as he pinched his nose with a free hand, "Damn it, Decepshun! You know we're getting low on our budget, right?" He was then quiet as he saw a new letter pop into the mail basket, picking it up, it was a letter for him. So he took it with the other two, the magazine, and five bills with him as he walked down the stairs.
"Aren't the grunts doing their job of getting the money?" the woman voice ask as she ate, her voice was getting louder as Moordryd walked down the large, obsidian black stairway and halls. Most windows are closed shut and only torches were lit with fire. "What about Miller? Wasn't he supposed to do some kind of work to get money for our building?"
"He and seven others," Moordryd replied as he left the stairway and walked through a large stone doorway, coming into a huge dining hall. And there was only one occupant.
An eighteen feet tall Pink Rathian; Pink Rathian has a more heavily-armoured body and has greater health than her green relative, Rathian. Rathian is a medium-sized true flying wyvern similar in looks to her male counterpart, Rathalos. Her hide is a duller and more muted colour, and her lower mandible features a long, protruding chin spike. Her upper back and wingtips are covered in a moss-like fur not seen on the Rathalos, and while her clubbed tail lacks bony spikes, it makes up for this with its ability to poison foes upon contact. Unlike the regular look of a Rathian, the most notable feature which differs from the normal variation of Rathian is its pink coloration, which is easily seen in the jungle or forest canopy. As such, these wyverns have become much more powerful and aggressive, exhibiting faster and stronger attacks to kill their prey before it can escape. What causes their pink coloration is unknown, but theory suggests it is a genetic mutation.
And currently right now, the Pink Rathian was eating loads of meat that servants had brought out for her. She was currently resting on a large pile of cushy soft pillows; she was like treating herself as a queen and eating meat. But there is one thing unique about this wyvern.
After gulping down some meat she ate, she turned to Moordryd and asked, "If those eight people went missing, then ask one of the other captains to loan you some more grunts so they can do the work while you continue your research on talismans."
That's right, the one thing unique about this Pink Rathian, is that, unlike humans who try to learn the speech of their creature partners after forming a bond so to understand them. This Pink Rathian known as Deception actually took the time to learn the speech of humans and talk. Except her voice sounded deep, mixed in with some growls and such as she speaks. This gives her great pride herself, which is one of the reasons she views herself as a queen.
"Then I'll owe the other Captains," Moordryd replied in annoyance, he sat down at the only thing he could sit on since there were no chairs, a spare red cushion pillow. Moordryd chucks over the fashion wyvern magazine, "Here's your stupid magazine."
"It's not stupid, Moordryd, it's fashionable," Deception replied with a growl as she picked up the magazine with her tail, gently lifting it up and setting it beside her, upon many of her trinkets. She took a temporary look at it, smiled a toothy grin, "Hm, that Donita truly is an artist."
Moordryd groaned and rubbed his eyes with his free hand, had temporary told one of the servants to get him his breakfast.
"Besides Moordryd, if you really need the money, why not put your research on hold and go out to get a temporary job," Deception suggested as she used her wing to open the page as gently as possible so she could view the pictures, "or better yet, why not one of the servants?"
"You mean the ones who feed you, clean your scales, do all the work for you?" he asked, didn't bother to look up at her, she does treat herself as a queen after all.
"On second thought, never mind," she quickly said, removing the previous idea. "How about you put on your armor, and go hunting, gather materials and sell them and get money? Maybe if those nice hunter friends are in Dundorma, you guys can team up and go hunting together again, and maybe bring them over too."
Moordryd frowned at her, "You're just hoping that Joseph could be in the city and get a good belly rub."
"What? He just knows the right way I want it, unlike some servants," the Pink Rathian said with a growl towards one of the workers. "Besides, I know you like to share ideas with him too. But I just imagine though, the shock look if he ever found out I could talk. I bet he would have so many questions for me to answer, maybe I can keep him as a pet," she was imagining it in her mind, as well as having other hunters as pets for her.
Moordryd had placed the bills and three letters on his lap and rubbed his head with his left hand. "I seriously doubt it," Moordryd muttered as he took hold of the medallion around his neck and held it up so he could look at it.
Deception frowned, "Thanks for ruining my wonderful dream, for that, you'll be taking the role of my pet later." Moordryd rolled his eyes while she saw the medallion, "Wish you could just leave that in your room or something, one day that medallion would get you into trouble."
Moordryd seemed to ignore as he hid it behind his chakra vest shirt before he replied, "You know why I wear it, Deception. It did belong to my father."
"Who owed much to the Organization of Gore, basically sold his whole heritage into eternal loyalty to the Lord," Deception stated with annoyance. "Thus you get stuck with the huge bill and forced to work for the Organization with your life, especially after your father died."
"My father did made bad errors in his life, but he did good things too, Deception," Moordryd said as he looked up at her. "The medallion is what my father gave me on my birthday; it's a day I wouldn't forget."
"Except I make you happy all the time now, you don't need that useless item that would sooner get you arrested if anyone found what that 'G' stands for," Deception growled, feeling annoyed.
Moordryd sighed, annoyed as he said, "Forget the talk about it. Besides, I got letters to read." He picked up one of the three letters, removed the wax and unrolled the first one. Deception waited, wanting to know. Moordryd sighed once more, "Well you won't like this, but the Organization wants Josephiroth exterminated."
Deception frowned deeply, she growled, "Okay, they give me another reason to hate them so much."
Moordryd set the letter aside, picked up the second and removed the wax symbol and unrolled it. He started to read it for a moment, and then he said, "Well here's a simple one, the Gore Freeze Legion had been sent to destroy Moga Island."
"So Commander Atlas went to do something," the Pink Rathian said with a shrug, doesn't seem bother by it. "What a big surprised for that big sack of lazy frost bones."
Moordryd rolled his eyes and set the second letter upon the first, and then he picked up the third letter. He removed the wax seal and unrolled it, and started to read it. He blinked in surprise, he said, "Well this is a surprise?"
"What?" Deception asked.
"This one is from Researcher Kaiba, the one in Commander Shepard's Legion," Moordryd replied. "It says here that a Lich Seregios broke out, and had killed other scientists and low rank researchers while reforming and escaped."
"Lich…?" asked Deception, looking surprised and disgusted. "You mean one of those abominations that work in the Lord of Gore's Legion?"
"Well that is basically what a Lich is," Moordryd replied. "It is a living skeleton without the rest of the body; if it still had its organs and meat and scales, it would be a Zombie Seregios."
Deception groaned, "I hate those things, you have to make sure its whole body is turned into ashes just to destroy it. How they come about though, is that mystery solved?"
"No," Moordryd replied as he had set the letter down. One of the servants came and told him his meal was ready, he told them to place it in his room. "And now, I shall be doing the bills in my room, do me a favor and burn these letters."
He had moved away, gained a few feet before the Pink Rathian fired a fireball and it exploded upon the letters, burning them, turning them into ashes. With that, she cleared her throat a bit, than she asked, "You owe me one, and I know what you can do to repay me."
Moordryd sighed as he stood by the exit, "What?"
"Instead of killing Joseph if the opportunity happens, capture him and give him to me, so he can stay with us so he won't get killed and the organization won't know," Deception said with a grin. "I got so many ideas to use him for."
With that, Moordryd face-palmed as he walked out, and he thought to himself, 'It be a mercy for him to be killed instead of being stuck as your slave.'
*NOTE: Did you guys know that a young Basarios actually grows up into a Gravios? Surprise me when I checked it. If it isn't true, please tell me.
**NOTE: If you did the calculation after reading this part, I praise you, but even so, please give your answer in a review, thank you.
OH MY GOD! HOLY DAMN! Now this is the longest chapter I had ever written, from my count, it has over 32,000 words! I was so tempted to put this into two bloody parts, but I didn't and this happened! It took so long to complete it, but I finally did! *CRIED*, It's finally written down and ready to be uploaded.
And oh! I also plan to write little mini-episodes of the Monster Trapper, like some history background of characters like Josephiroth, Sasha, Nala, and all the others. And some crossover stories, so if you recognize any characters that had appeared in this chapter, they're more of background characters of course.
I'm also very much likely going to take a nice long break after this, it been so long I could cry. In the future though, don't expect the chapters to be this long, I've learned my lesson and will try to keep them below 10,000 words in the future. So view this long one as a rare chapter.
Hey you reader fans, you liking this story so far, than please review on what you like about this chapter. And don't forget to read these two authors' stories:
Cosmic Guardian's story: Lupi Della Caccia!
The Blue Tigrex's story: Times to Remember!
Happy reading everyone!