Happy Birthday Eren! As a gift to all of you for reading my stories and watching a certain little brat grow up, I Finally am posting Cindereren! YAyayayayayayaya! I hope you guys enjoy! This is kind of just an introductory chapter. Letting you see who is who and get used to the roles. Also I was trying hard to find the passion AND THE WILL to write it. I have another story that I have started that Is about Kitty!Levi and Eren.




Joyeux anniversaire Eren Jaeger!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Eren Jaeger!

Buon compleanno Eren Jaeger!

जन्मदिन मुबारक Eren जैगर!

Donec hyemis Jaeger!

La multi ani Eren Jaeger!

С Днем Рождения Эрен Jaeger!

Feliz cumpleaños Eren Jaeger!

สุขสันต์วันเกิด Eren Jaeger!

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom, peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Here in a stately chateau, there lived a widowed gentlemen and his little son, Eren. Although he was a kind and devoted father, and gave his beloved child every luxury and comfort, still he felt he needed a mothers care.

And so he married again, choosing for his second wife a woman of good family with two sons just Eren's age, by name, Bertholdt and Reiner. It was upon the untimely death of this good man, however, that the stepmother's true nature was revealed. Cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Eren's charm and beauty, she was grimly determined to forward the interests of her own two arrogant sons.

Thus, as time went by, the chateau fell into disrepair, for the family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepbrothers while Eren was abused, humiliated and finally forced to become a servant in his own house.

They degraded him even more by calling him Cindereren, for he was always forced to clean the cinders of the fireplace, and, more than once forced to sleep there. And yet, through it all, Eren remained ever composed and kind, for with each dawn he found new hope that someday, his dreams of happiness and freedom would come true.

The light of the morning sun hit the charming boys face as he slept in the highest tower. His full pink lips parted at his steady breathe and his silky brown hair falling around his closed eyes. Under those eye lids lay the most beautiful eyes in the kingdom. Greener then any forest, as if emeralds were shining through with golden flecks around the black as night irises. Cerulean blue mixed in for the most invigorating color that could send anyone into a trance.

Dawns light tendrils caressed the fine tan skin, smooth to the touch and embedded with muscles. He was lean but not scrawny. Even though he was hardly given enough to eat, he still manages to stay strong and fit. His arms and legs were well defined from lifting and running around the house all day. Cleaning the whole house while taking care of his spoiled stepfamily really helped him stay fit.

Two beautiful blue birds flew in through the open window, chirping happily as it was time to wake up their friend, Cindereren. Of course none of the animals he talked to called him that, he hated the name Cindereren. He knew it was to make fun of him so he refused to call himself that when introducing himself. Of course, Reiner and Bertholdt were dumb enough to actually believe it was his name. Eren kept quiet though, not wanting to be beaten for talking back.

The birds landed on the edge of the brown covers of his bed. Tweeting in unison to try and wake up the sleeping beauty. They chirped and sang their song, awakening the beautiful boy. His beautiful eyes opening, clouded with the haziness of sleep and peace. He smiled mischievously as the young male feigned sleep, covering his head with the white pillow. The birds, confused by his actions, glide over and land on the pillow. Chirping louder to try and wake him up. One of the blue birds decide to lift the edge of the pillow while the other goes into the gap. Chirping as it moved in, only to let out a frightened cry as Eren threw the pillow.

It hit the ceiling before landing on a laughing Eren's head. His laughter was full of warmth as it bubbled out of his mouth, warming the room and relaxing the startled birds. He held out a finger and a bird landed on it almost immediately. "Sorry for scaring you little guy! I couldn't help myself!" He grinned and pet the petite head.

Sighing, the beauty sat up and the two birds sat on his knees under the blanket. "I had the most wonderful dream though, and I really didn't want to wake up." He said with a wisp of hope in his eyes. The birds chirped, asking their friend what he dreamed of.

Eren smiled and shook his head, humming in response. "I can't tell, otherwise my wish won't come true! You see..." Eren said softly before clearing his throat. "A dream is a wish your heart makes," he sang softly, starting to awaken the mice that took residence in the house. All the animals loved to listen to him sing, and Eren loved to sing for them.

"When you're fast asleep,
in dreams you will lose your heartache,
whatever you wish for you to keep."
His voice echoed through the room and all the mice and birds were enraptured by the beautiful song. Listening as they woke themselves up.

"Have faith in your dreams and someday,
your rainbow will come smiling through.
No matter how your heart is grieving,
if you keep on believing,
the dream that you wish will come true."

The grandfather clock outside the window chimed loudly, booming across the land to wake its residence. Eren growled and stood.

"Oh, that clock! Old killjoy. I hear you. "Come on, get up," you say, "Time to start another day." Even he orders me around." Eren pouted and stalked to the window. The mice glared at the clock outside, upset that it interrupted Eren's song and made him upset. Eren sighed and turned to the mice. "Well, there's one thing. They can't order me to stop dreaming. And perhaps someday… the dreams that I wish will come true."

He smiles and skips to the bed, ready to start the day right.

"Da~ dahm, da~ da~ dahm, ba~ dahm~ ba, La~ da~ da~ Dahm."

He sang as he pulled the corners of his bed, the birds flew over to help him make the bed. The animals always tried to help Eren when they could, wanting to pay back the kindness he's showed them. The birds make the bed and fluff the pillow as he started towards the changing screen.

"Da~ da~ dee, mmm, ba~ dahm~ ba, ba~ dahm~ ba, la~ dee, mmm…"

Eren hummed as he starts to take off his shirt. Every morning the mice would help him as he got ready for the tedious work that his step family forced him to do. He wasn't ashamed of his body when with them since he knew they didn't care.

"La~ la~ la~ la~ la~ la~ la~ la~ la, ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~ ah… la~ la~la, la~ la, mmm,"

His clothes fly through the air as the birds fly past to grab each article, hanging them up neatly on a hook.

"Da~ da~ da~ da~"

Soon Eren stood behind the beige changing screen, naked and wet as water poured down his skin. The water was warm as it trickled down his soft brown locks and down his body, the water swirling down a pipe that led to outside.

"Da~ da~ dahm"

As Eren washed all the dirt from his body, the birds sang and whistled as they laid out his work clothes. A camouflage green shirt with a pair of dark brown pants, nothing luxurious like his step brothers but he liked them very much. And no shoes either. Hitch didn't find it necessary to give the "shitty help" a pair of shoes to walk in.

"Dahm, la~ dee Mmm, ah, ah, ah, mmm… mmm, ah, ah, ah, mmm,"

He continued as the mice started working on his clothes. They had rips and loose ends from the hard work he had to do on a day to day basis.

"La~da, la~ da~ dee, da~ da~ dahm, mmm,"

His clothes were finished by the mice as he skipped back to the mice and his clothes.

"La~ da~ da~ dee, la~ da~ da, dahm, mmm, La~ dee, la~ da~ da, la~ da~ dee…"

The birds and mice help him finish his look by putting on his comfortable work clothes. They fit him snugly since he's worn them since he was 14. Hitch never bothered getting him new clothes as he grew, so he had to get the mice to help him with anything like that. But, Eren never lost hope that one day, he'll leave these walls. That he will leave and explore the world. For it was his birth right!

"No matter how your heart is grieving,
if you keep on believing,
the dream that you wish will come true."

As Eren sang the last note, Armin came running in, arms flailing as the yellow mouse called for Eren's attention.

"New mouse in the house, brand new! Never saw it afore! Visitor, visitor!" He yells as he climbs the chair to get on a better level with Eren. "Oh, a visitor!" Eren gasps and smiles. Seems I'll need more clothes for all these mice! He thought before turning and walking over to a drawer, opening the drawer to look through the multiple clothing particles he had sewn over the years.

"Well, she'll need a new dress, and..." He started but the mice and birds quickly interrupted. "No, no!"

Armin points at his jacket and vest, jumping up and down to show the urgency of the situation. "He, he, he!" He exclaims and Eren laughs.

"Oh, well, that does make a difference. He'll need a shirt, a new pair of shoes..." He started but Armin interrupted him once again.

"You have to get him out! He's in a rat trap, rat trap!"

This causes Eren to stand and his eyes tightened in fear. "What!? In the trap!? Take me to him!" He demands and Armin nods, running out the door with Eren trailing behind him.

~ C ~

"He's coming home today! My son!" King Pixis shouted as he ran to the entrance of his magnificent Castle. "Yes, so is your daughter your highness." The grand duke, Erwin Smith, added and the king laughed.

"Yes! I'm hoping both of them will have found a suitable partner for marriage when they arrive! I want grandchildren Dammit!" The King huffed and Erwin sighed at the king's childish behavior. "These things take time your highness. They want a choice, and they want someone they love, not just a suitable partner for child birth." He explained, which caused Pixis to roll his eyes.

"All that's fine but I want more! I am an old man now. I'm no longer the young strapping stallion that I used to be! I want my kids to settle down, I want to bounce my grandchildren on my knee and play with them. I want all that happy stuff for them, I also need to make sure Levi leaves an heir for the kingdom!" Pixis explained and Erwin sighed once more. "Leave them alone, everything will turn out as it should." He replied and the king huffed once more.

"Everything is taking too long! OH! Oh I know! We'll hold a ball!"

"A ball!?"

"Yes a ball! I met their mother at a ball, so why not play those dice again and have them meet their husband and wife! Oh isn't it brilliant!"

"Yes, I guess that's a good idea…"

"Oh! Let's make it a masquerade! That will make it more fun no?"

"I guess it would your highness. When will this ball take place?"

"Arrange the ball for tonight."

"Tonight! But your highness!"

"No buts! That is an order, you can arrange it tonight can't you?" The king asked Erwin and Erwin sighed.

"Yes… your majesty." Erwin replied and Pixis smiled. "Good."

After a few minutes of political engagement and debate, a trumpet announced the arrival of the king's son and daughter. "They've arrived! Open the gate!" The king commanded and the guards closest to them immediately did as he ordered. The huge wrought iron gate opened as part of the countries scouting legion entered the gates.

Horses ran in as the prince and princess of Sina galloped through. They wore the military outfits as both sat on beautiful black stallions. Dark green cloaks floating behind them as they came to a stop in front of their father.

"Levi! Mikasa! Welcome home! How was the trip?" The king asked and Levi just looked away with a 'tch'. Mikasa glared at her brother before looking back at her father. "The trip was a… success and failure. We did make peace treaties with Trost but… Levi refused a proposal from the Princess…" She trailed off and Pixis gasped. "He what!? Levi! Why!?"

"I have told you already father. I will not marry for politics. I will also not marry for your ungodly obsession with grand kids. I will marry when I find someone worth my time. Nothing more, nothing less. Plus how could I marry a woman whose voice annoys the shit out of me?" he grumbled and Erwin raised an eyebrow at the king with an 'I told you so' look. Pixis huffed and looked at Mikasa imploringly. "Did King Nile at least propose to you?" He asked and she looked away. "Not exactly…"

"He tried to have sex with her after she turned his wedding proposal down." Levi interrupted calmly and Pixis exploded. "WHAT!?"

"Father, I'm fucking filthy. She's not going to want to explain the whole trip without me so you'll have to wait for details till after I am clean." Levi stated with a stern tone. He wasn't backing down.

"Fine… But I expect to hear everything when you're done! Oh! I almost forgot!" Pixis stated as Levi slid off his horse, Mikasa doing the same and both looking at the king expectantly.

"We will be having a masquerade ball in your honor tonight. Perhaps you'll both find your partner there!" He exclaimed and both royals' eyes widened.

"Are you fucking serious!? We just got back!" Levi yelled and Pixis grinned. "And what better way to celebrate then to have a ball!?" Pixis asked and Levi growled.

There's no point in arguing. No matter what I do, he will make us go. God dammit I hated being a Prince sometimes. "Fine. I will comply with your wishes… for now..." He replied, albeit coldly before turning and taking his horse to the barn, Mikasa right behind him with her horse.

As if I'm ever going to find a wife. They're either too dirty or extremely annoying to be around. Or they are just too submissive. I want fire, not twigs. If I even meet someone interesting at this ball… Will I like them enough to actually marry them? I doubt it. Who'd want me for me anyway? Everyone just wants power, so even if I did meet someone even worth marrying, it doesn't mean they care about me at all.

Well… I'll just have to find out now won't I? But right now I need a shower and some new clothes, I am fucking filthy.

I HOPE YOU LIKED IT! Again I didn't really know what to write. It'll get better as I continue I promise! Reviews make me write faster and please be aware that I have 4 STORIES GOING ON AT ONCE! I really screwed myself over with that one eh? I will be posting my newest one soon. Maybe even tomorrow.

So make sure to look for my new story

Kitty Heichou

This week! I have exams tomorrow and the day after so please don't expect quick updates. Sorry.

Love you guys! I Hope you like my stories!