*I own nothing but my imagination

"Good to see you're ok Donnie." States the blue masked creature before me, I just stare in confusion. "What – who are you?" as soon as I ask this everyone lets out a gasp and the creature removes its hand from my shoulder.

I use the awkward silence as a chance to look around. That's when I notice two other creatures and what appears to be a teenage boy in a goalie mask standing next to the girl who had hugged me earlier. For some reason seeing this boy standing so close to the redhead makes me angry, he notices me glaring at him. "What's your problem Gap-tooth?" he says hotly; I really don't like this guy. Did he just call me Gap-tooth? I slide my tongue over my teeth and notice that I do indeed have a gap between my front teeth. "Well Mr. Goalie Mask, I suggest you watch your tongue unless you want it ripped out." I threatened. He stares at me with wide eyes and I smirk, satisfied with his reaction.

"Well… That was unnecessarily aggressive." The blue masked creature states "I know right? And here I thought I was the angry one." Replies a creature in a red mask "Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask irritably; everyone turns their attention to me once again and the redhead speaks up. "You were hit by a car… And it seems that you have amnesia." My eyes widen with shock and I blurt out "Hit by a car?!" But I don't seem to be seriously injured.

The redhead nods her head "I – We were worried about you, but it seems your shell protected you from any serious harm." She says Wait. What Shell? That's when I get a good look at myself and for the first time I notice my green skin, three fingered hands, and – of course, my shell. I look just like those creatures, those turtles. I can feel my heart beating faster as I start to panic; I look at the redheaded girl and she sees the fear in my eyes as I say "What am I?"

To Be Continued…