*I do NOT own TMNT 2012 or any of its characters.

I'm surrounded by darkness when suddenly I hear a sound from somewhere in this endless void. Yes, I can hear it quite clearly now; it sounds like someone's crying. But who? And why? Wait. I hear something else: A girl's voice.


That voice… why does it seem so familiar? Before I can figure it out I hear the voice again. "Wake up, please!"

"W-what…?" It takes me a moment to realize that I had spoken; my voice sounds so foreign to me. Suddenly my senses return to me I can feel the ground beneath me and cold rain pouring down all around me, I can smell blood and car exhaust. Wait…Blood? My eyes snap open and light floods in dispelling the darkness. I see faces staring at me, relief written all over their features. I soon find myself being hugged tightly by a girl with red hair and tears in her eyes.

"You're alive!" she exclaims and I realize that this was the voice that seemed so familiar… and yet I can't seem to recall who she is or how I know her. But even so, just the fact that she's here embracing me; it makes me happy for some reason. As soon as the girl releases me I feel a cold three-fingered hand on my shoulder. That's odd; I thought people were supposed to have five fingers? I turn my head to look at the hand on my shoulder; it's covered in green reptilian skin. I look up to the person's face and my eyes widen in shock. The creature before me was most certainly not human; it was some kind of lizard. No it can't be a lizard, lizards don't have shells.

It's a turtle.

To Be Continued…