Hey, Guys. This story is for all the Phoebe&Cole fans.*We Charming_Prue and Beba Turner Halliwell* are co-writing this fic. We hope all of you enjoy it and please review, is very important for us. As much as we'd like we don't own any of the characters except for the ones we made up for this story. We don't get any money with our partnership or stories, we just do it for fun and for keep the hope in the real love..

* Wanting Cole desperately *

Chapter I

I can't concentrate without you

Phoebe was working late at night in her office and then she could see his figure standing in front of her. "Phoebe." He just said. "Cole." she said speechless, it was unbelievable but after all she had said to him, all the times she refused to hear him, all the times she just ran away, this time she didn't feel the anger she felt the other times, she had seen him, now it was something different, she didn't know what it was, but it wasn't anger anymore, in fact it wasn't any negative feeling towards him. "Phoebe, I have to talk to you" Cole said. Phoebe just took off her glasses and stared at him. "It's over, Phoebe." He said with hope. "What? What is over?" She asked confused. "Everything. I don't have my powers anymore. I found a way to get rid of them. I'm free. We can be together" He said with a look full of hope and a big smile. 'Oh my God! That smile' She though. "What are you saying?" Phoebe asked wanting to believe what she was hearing. "We can be together. I'm not evil anymore. No more demonic powers or treating or..." He replied. And as he was talking she was making her way to the door and closed it and then locked it, the action caught Cole's attention. "Phoebe, why are you..." Cole said when he was interrupted by Phoebe who brought her lips in his and they kissed. They kissed passionately, deeper and hungrily, it was like they never have kissed before, the truth was that it had been awhile since they had kissed.

Phoebe could feel his hands all over her and then his hand under her skirt, she was shivering under his touch. She broke apart and said almost breathless "We can't do this." "Yes, you're right." He just said, disappointed when she closed the blinds and with an arm threw away all the items from her desk. He pulled her to him and they start make out again. Phoebe was as full of desire, just like him. Cole lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him. They continued to kiss, their bodies were pressed against each other, not wanting to let the other go. Phoebe wrapped her arms around Cole's neck as he was running his hands on her back, under her blouse. Cole walked towards the desk and put her down gently, not breaking their kiss, enjoying each other's touch. Now they were on the desk and he started to unbuttoned her blouse. "I want you." He whispered. "Take me" She just answered not opening her eyes. Suddenly she heard him said "Is it finished?" "What?" She asked confused. "Did you write the column? I need to send it to edition." And then Cole's voice became Elise's voice. "Don't you hear me? Did you finish your column?!" She yelled angrily. This was what pull Phoebe back to earth. "I.I uh. I'll.give me five minutes to print it." She told her. "Remember that here, we work on a deadline." Elise said and left. In the other hand, all what Phoebe thought was that the adventure in her office, was just a dream. Oh my God, she has been through this lately, she couldn't focus in her work, she couldn't concentrate in anything she did, all she was able to do was to think, to think about Cole. And it was not just to think about him, but she was having fantasies and was imagining him with her. She was imagining him running his warm hands all over her body, kissing her with his hot tongue, and undressing her... She felt like she was gonna get crazy if she didn't stop that. She had to go out of her office, she needed to get some air and to try to think about something else...or someone else... She was feeling really hot and being in a little room wasn't helping to feel better. No, she couldn't go out, she has to work, Elise would be mad at her if she leaves... She sighed...

She was out of her mind. She wasn't thinking clearly or straight. Her body was in a place and her mind in other very, very far away. Her body told her one thing and her brain told her another. She was so confused, but she was sure about one thing. She needed Cole. So she just dialed one of the number she couldn't forget. "Hello, Cole Turner's office. How can I help you?" Phoebe heard. "Hi, uh.. is Mr. Turner there?" She asked, she used the 'Mr' because if she just said 'Cole', the assistant would know that she know him in some way. "No, Sorry. But Mr. Turner is on a business trip. He'll be in Chicago for a few days. He had to run a case there. Would you like me to take a message and give him when he comes back?" She asked politely. "No.Thank you. I'll call him later" And Phoebe hung up, but a idea started to form in her mind, so she grabbed her car keys and left. 'Damn it, the column.' She thought. She ran back in her office and printed the column. She gave it to Elise's assistant and walked towards her car.

Phoebe get in her car and drove to the manor. She was still thinking about Cole. She couldn't get him out of her head, she almost hit a car because of it. Once she reached the front door of the manor, she quickly opened it and ran in her room. The manor was empty, Paige was at work, Leo was with one of his charges and Piper was probably at P3. She fell on her bed... The bed she used to share with Cole... The bed where they spent wonderful nights together...The bed where she used to wake up in his strong arms, feeling the warmth of his naked body. "What the hell is wrong with me?" She said out loud. Cole was evil, Cole was bad... He tried to kill her and her sisters many times... He betrayed her more than one time...They get divorced... She wasn't in love with him anymore... was she? But Cole was so hot, so sexy... so yummy... His kisses were like heaven and his touch so soft... She could remember all the nights they spent here, making love... All the times he shimmered here in the middle of the night...The hot showers they had in the morning... She closed her eyes and imagined him shimmering in and laying down on top of her and kissing her... But when she opened her eyes, she was all alone in her room. "Damn it." She said, she was so hot. She got up and opened all the windows that were in her room. She sat back on her bed, she would swear she could smell his perfume...But once again it was just her mind playing tricks on her... Every time she was closing her eyes it was like if he was in front of her... and it was driving her crazy. She sighed one more time... She couldn't stay here, she had to see him, she wanted to see him, she needed to see him... She got up and walked out of the manor, and get in her car and she drove to the penthouse... She had a wonderful plan in mind...

She arrived at Cole's building. "Good afternoon." She said to the porter of the building. "Good afternoon. How can I help you?" He asked. "Where is Mr. Treager?" She asked back. "Oh, Mr. Treager quit last week, he moved out to Baltimore. I'm the new porter. Dilan Granz." He explained. 'What a lucky I am, is better for my plan if he doesn't know me.' She thought. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Granz." She replied. "Nice to meet you too. Do you live here or...?" He asked curious. "I used to. Look, I need a favor" She said. "Yeah, tell me, what can I do for you?" He offered. "Don't get me wrong. Do you know Cole Turner?" She asked. "Yeah, the attorney from the penthouse. Of course." He answered. "Well, he's in a trip right now. All you have to do is call me when he comes back, Here's my number." She explained as she gave him a business card. "What? Are his girlfriend or something like that?" He asked confused. "Please, just that. I'll give you fifty bucks. And please don't tell him anything about this." She said. 'Wait a minute. Fifty bucks? Come on. Cole gives really good tips..I can't fight with that" She thought as she was arguing with herself in her mind. "You know what? I'll give you 100 bucks." She then said. The porter was just surprised but the money came good, he wanted to buy a DVD player and his wife didn't let him, so he took the money. "Alright." He agreed. "No matter time, day or hour. You let me know when he comes back. And no word about this." She adverted. "Ok. Ma'am. I'll let you know as soon as his shadow is here." The porter replied. "Good." She said and left with a smile. As soon as Cole will come back, he will be hers. again.

*-*-*-*-*-*-* So Guys, what do you think? Please review, we'll be back soon.