Chapter 12: Brother-Sister Complex! Part 1!
Lucy POV
Out of the woods, a clearing came into view the first fresh breath of nature encasing a wonderful house. It wasn't a house made of bricks for me, but one full of memories. It was the place I grew up in after Father died, the house I grew up in with my brother, Laxus.
"It's been so long since I last came home! I was away for so long and all, you know?" I exclaimed stretching my hands as I looked at Mirajane Strauss, the beautiful white-haired woman who in response smiled gesturing me to go on.
"It took me a while to adjust to everything after Father died but he made it possible. He made it impossible for me to remain depressed. I know he acts all superior and super cool all the time but I for one know that his cold exterior hides a very warm heart." My voice was surprisingly calm as I spoke those words.
I looked at Natsu who was driving, looking ahead, a huge toothy smile replacing his former irritated attitude. Looking at him like that gave me a warm fuzzy feeling which was heightened when Natsu took my hand in his all of a sudden, giving it a small squeeze.
Warm blood rushing to my cheeks and ears, I blushed like a school girl looking down at my knees. But just as I felt the warmth of his hand, he let it go focusing on driving as he parked the car.
My heart beat escalated and my cheeks turned red, what in the world is this feeling?
Mirajane POV
Lucy's words were calm, she was happy. Her happiness that her big brother gives her and the mere memories of them living together; it was enough to make her smile. I wonder, did our relationship ever make Laxus happy?
Stepping out of the car and following Lucy and Natsu, I looked at the house in front of me. It had the feel of a home, surrounded by nature and happy memories. The house looked like a cut out from Architects Today magazine. It was beautiful. But not in the olde-worlde quaint kind of way I was usually drawn to. Everything was geometric, which I guess you could say about almost any pitched roof abode with square windows, but on this house you couldn't help but notice it. The roof was flat for a start and the door as wide as it was tall. The windows took up entire walls with only polished steel beams to break them into yet more rectangles. The look would have been entirely metallic, like a mini down-town skyscraper had it not been for the cedar beams of the external porch and the matching raised plant beds that contained only white blooms. It was perfect and gave me a very homely feeling despite it being so artistically modern. It was his home.
I stood at his porch along with Natsu and Lucy, one nervous and the other excited as Lucy rang the bell. But I was feeling neither of those feelings and yet both of those feelings at the same time. My mind swirled into a discord of its own, knowing not whether to answer its anxiety with bold blown away behavior or resisting with a shy soft hearted action. My heart in itself could not decide whether it was ready to meet the one who it always beats for and my mind went blank, shutting me out from drawing out a reasonable conclusion.
I asked myself, 'Am I ready? Can I face him after all these years? Will he return my feelings or will he accept them?' and I knew that I was indeed not ready. It was too soon and I had yet not been able to collect my own emotions and put them into order.
Looking for the quickest method to get away, be it for a few moments, I looked around ignoring the rapidness with which my heart was beating and so I said out loud, "I forgot my phone in the car. I'll- I just- I'll be right back."
Snatching the keys from Natsu's hand, I turned around and walked away hurriedly towards the car, my hand on my beating heart, my cowardly behavior shown.
Was that what I was? A coward in love?
I rushed ahead, scared to turn back and found myself at the side of the house, near the flower bed of beautiful white roses. For a moment there I could not believe my own cowardice but looking at those flowers swirling with the wind, I thought to myself, calming down my rapidly beating heart.
Sometimes life throws in our paths, something that we are not ready to face and something we are scared of. But that's what determines our originality, our independent identity. Facing my fears and standing proud, peering over my own anxiety like those flowers blooming with happiness will only make my love for Laxus more beautiful and that much more stronger.
And so, gathering all of my courage, I walked back to the house, my hands on my beating heart but now with a smile on my face.
Lucy POV
The doors opened to reveal my one and only annoying yet lovable big brother. He looked happy and merry just looking at me. Without another thought passing in my head I moved up ahead and wrapped my hands around his torso, hugging him the best I could. He was surprised with my sudden moments but made no hesitation to wrap his strong muscular arms around my small fragile body, encasing me in the warmth of his body.
He let go of me soon enough, his eyes landing on Natsu. I'm pretty sure I heard Natsu gulp though. Is he scared of Onii-san or something?
Nah. No way, right?
I'd never admit it if I was asked but at that moment Natsu looked pretty handsome despite his perverted behavior. His white buttoned up shirt with those rolled up sleeves showed his muscles well enough for any woman (maybe even me) to swoon over (Not that I would ever!). Even his simple clothes, he looked pretty extraordinary to me. You can't always ignore that goofy smile and those brightly-lit onyx eyes, you know?
"Onii-san, this is Natsu Dragneel, my fiancé!"
Natsu POV
I saw Lucy as she leapt into the arms of the man in front of her. She looked happy and I couldn't help but wish that she jump into my arms instead. She gives almost everyone hugs, EVERYONE! I mean first there was Levy and Juvia but I was fine since they are her friends and I'm pretty sure she's straight, SO I let that slide. Then she hugged Mirajane and I let that slide too! Now she starts hugging men like Loke and Laxus! I know Laxus is her brother and Loke was her long lost friend and all but why don't I get a hug?! That is one hell of a frickin psychology, I'm telling ya. And to top it off I'm her fiancé!
"Onii-san, this is Natsu Dragneel, my fiancé!" I heard her say and I visibly gulped.
Dealing with the bride's family is the hardest part of getting married, or so I've heard. I hope those rumors are not true.
I looked at Laxus Dreyar and tried to smile. But just then, he glared at me like his eyes would burn holes into my skull and go right through. Man, I'm in such deep trouble.
Laxus POV
The three of us sat down in the living room but I couldn't help noticing her absence. I'm pretty sure I mentioned her in my call with Lucy here, so where is she?
It's been fourteen years since I last saw her. I wonder how she looks now. I wonder whether she would still blush the same red when she looks at me, her stature so innocent and her motives so pure. I wouldn't exactly say she was completely innocent though. But by now, all have learned that looks are deceiving especially with Mirajane. She's not weak and definitely not fragile. She has the beauty of a goddess and the strength of a demon. Just like she slammed down a bunch of men in an alleyway who dare laid a hand on her. But that was years ago and she always surprised me regardless of what it was. Be it, beating up spineless assholes with lustful eyes or calming down, building emotion in even the most heartless of people. But that was her, amazing in all aspects and perfect in every way. I can only wonder, how is she now?
Just then, I heard a soft knock on the door. I craned my neck to look at the angelic demon who stood by door, her hand on her chest and a warm blush dusting her cheeks as she smiled the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
The woman that walked in could have graced any billboard or magazine cover, but she was better than those two dimensional photo shopped models. Somehow her imperfections made her perfect. There was a shyness to her, hesitation in her body movements and a softness in her voice. Her little black dress had a tailored look that was bold against her porcelain white skin, adjusting to her curves giving her a dangerous yet auspicious look. Her soft ivory hair laced itself on her bare shoulders, her lovely bangs clashing with the cerulean blue eyes that charmed you to the point where there was no looking away. Her soft creamy legs were held in place with daring black heels, finishing her perfect look. It was inevitable and certain that once you looked at her, you couldn't look away. She kept you still and held your beating heart with one gaze, feeding off of you. She looked succubus, beautiful and dangerous, all at the same time.
I stood up suddenly, my body moving on its own accord as I gawked ungracefully at Mirajane Strauss, the beauty among all. I felt a small nudge on my arm, bringing me back to life as I closed my mouth and realized how much I was embarrassing myself in front of Mirajane. I couldn't help it I dare say but I hid my own instinct to kiss her senseless at that moment, letting out a small cough and retaining my early strong faced look.
"H-Hi L-laxus." She innocently whispered, brushing a bang behind her ear, her cerulean blue eyes fixated on the floor.
There was something in the way she said it. She wasn't necessarily trying to act shy but was unable to fix her stuttering voice. But it still made my eyes widen in surprise, unnerving me with every moment that passed.
But the next thing I knew, I heard Lucy laugh, pretty unceremoniously with the pink haired brat joining in. Those damned brats made a fool out of me. I looked away, my hands in my pockets as Lucy went up and hugged Mirajane whispering a few words in her ear.
"So, Mr. Lightening freak what do you think of the dress I made? How does my little angel look in it? Got you dropping to your knees yet?" Lucy said sticking out her tongue at the very end. Man, she loves teasing me; that little brat.
Lucy can be pretty loudmouthed, once you get to know her. She's the kind of person who can cheer anyone up if she's happy herself. But she's pretty annoying and a lot of pain as well. The only thing that ever dampens her mood is Mother's will and she has been involved with it a lot lately. I hope she says goodbye to sorrow soon cause that ain't her field of play.
"No desert for you, Lucy."
Natsu POV
Luce really does break the tension in the atmosphere when she's hyped. It's my first time seeing her so happy and so cheerful around someone. She even got Mira to open up. All through dinner, I was finally able to talk to Laxus without him glaring at me. I've always idolized Laxus Dreyar for being successful the way he is, all by himself, standing on his own.
Just after dinner when we were sitting in the large and luxurious lounge, my phone rang up all of a sudden causing me to get up and find a desired place to attend the call.
I walked up and went to the porch.
"Sir, this is Lisa, your accounting head. Our company stocks are going down by the very minute. Also the newest consignment we sent has been rejected by the buyer. This is the largest loss our company has ever suffered and we need to-"
"Lisa, I know. Can you make sure the news does not reach outside? If it leaks, the price of our shares will go down a lot."
"Yes sir. But we need the mone-"
"I know. We need a large amount of money to get back in the world. I'm working on it."
"Alright sir." And the call was cut off.
This is bad….. I need to do something.