
My lovelies, it has finally been uploaded! Alexis Lestrange and the Rise of a Dark Lord's chapter one is now officially on fanfiction. My apologies for the delay and for the chapter being very much like the original but to make up for it, here are some questions answered and some lovely teaser lines!

Questions (all from the lovely Pheonixfelicis07):

1. Will the staff at Hogwarts this year be following canon? Yes. Professors that is and their subjects.
2. Will Alexis be in Moody's custody, and Harry in the Dursleys'? For how long will they be separated? Moody is once again Alexis's legal guardian and Harry is still stuck with the Dursleys. However, the two won't be separate for long (though the may act like they were)
3. Will Draco manage to avoid taking the mark? ... *whispers* spoilers...
4. Will Draco even be the one takes with infiltrating Hogwarts and killing Dumbledore? ... *whispers* spoilers...
5. Does Kreacher know he betrayed his mistress? What is his reaction to this news? Yes but he didn't know when he did so nor does he see his action as a betrayal.
6. Will Sirius' will be read in the beginning of the next book as it is in canon? Will Hex or Harry be bequeathed Grimauld Place and Kreacher's servitude? This will be answer early on in the book so you'll just have to wait for this one.
7. What are the crew's OWL scores? Do Hex's scores differ at all from the last time? Answer soon to come!
8. Cho mentioned planning for Quidditch. Will Harry be made captain for Gryffindor? For that matter, is Cho captain for Ravenclaw? I don't remember if that was already established, or she was just teasing. Yes, Harry will be Gryffindor's captain and although it's not officially canon so will Cho for Ravenclaw
9. Will both Harry and Hex be receiving lessons from Dumbledore? The split for Occlumency training makes me wonder... No.
10. Will there be emotional drama in this book to equate the turmoil in canon that comes from the whole Ron/Lavender ordeal, or the Dean/Ginny jealousy for Harry, or the Romilda/Love Potion fiasco? ... Well... Not exactly but yes? No? Sorta. Just wait and see. You'll understand

Teaser lines:

I don't think we can call Tonks, well, Tonks, much longer.

Purple flames, seven potions, man in turban, Dark Lord, headmaster eating an earwax flavored jelly bean...

Good times.

Gellert? What kind of name is that for a Dark Lord?

You could always show him your teeth, Moony...

Yeah, maybe growl a bit.

You want to name me what?

Baby Al.

You've got goat issues.

And you've got mum issues.

How can such a wonderful dream go so horribly wrong?

By thinking the dream was anything other than a nightmare.

The Hallows...

Review Responses:

HazelVex: lol I can only imagine the grin. No tea indeed. Younger Avril is making a very small appearance next chapter but only in passing. Tell me if you see it! Carter also enjoys your serenade even though now the twins are mocking him with it!

mwinter1: and at long last its here!

Goddess of Leo: Thats pretty cool! My older brother is Wiccan but he doesn't talk about it much which sucks as I take a pantheistic view on religions. More Carter and Hex fun to come!

Phoenixfelicis07: Remus is moving on yes, slowly but steadily. His character is hopefully going to continue to be built on this book too. Honestly, I'm happy at least one person has picked up on a certain future relationship that still has a few years to develop. I'm not sure many others have caught the hints yet. Glad you liked the parade for Umbridge too. Rodolphus's decision for leaving Rabastan will be addressed later on. I thought of making a oneshot to it but as you can see have been a bit busy. Thanks for all the great questions! The story direction might surprise you a bit though!

gossamermouse101: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for the delay!

Raven that flies at night: Because Sirius latched himself to your heart and refused to let go. That, and if you're like me, you didn't fully accept his death until the last page of the book when he didn't come back

Dare queen: how kind!

EmoOwlQueen: and finally it's here!

AmyRoxx123: I'm glad you liked the ending. Hopefully the sixth will be just as great if not better. Thank you for the muffins!

guest: I struggled with the final chapter of the fifth book and agree with some of your points. I'll be sure to avoid such errors later. Thank you!

GanjiaQueen91: I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the series so much! Unfortunately deaths are necessary to keep Harry and Alexis's struggle going!

Parry Hotter: that's so sweet, thank you!

santosedanica: *offers tissue* see you next book!

Alice: I would like to update the Chimera Tattoo more often yes. Feel free to make request if you have anything in particular in mind.

wickedclownsmile: Thank you for the nice review. I'll try not to disappoint!

guest: I've been working on a Bellatrix POV for a while now actually. She's just extremely difficult to write for.

Janet: school dying from over homework and too many courses

Guest: one month later...

CrystalEarth: 1. I hate myself for killing him too... 2. Yeah... My b 3. Yes, hippos are cool 4. It's a surprise! 5. Here's the update!

Guest: I asked my professors the same question

Guest: and buried with assignments

Guest: oh well now I've got to update soon!