Hey, everyone! This is my first fanfic, so please be nice. Updates won't be regular I'm afraid.
Warnings: Dumbles!Bashing, Child Abuse, Violence, Major Character Death, Perhaps Slash in later Chapters, but, unless explicitly requested, not main pairing, and not graphic
There will be an Alpha/Beta/Omega ranking for the wolf packs at least. Rank by birth.
If any of the above upsets you, or if you could easily be triggered by anything, please don't read.
Disclaimer: The World and Characters of the 'Harry Potter' Universe belong to the amazing J. and the publishers and film industries she sold it to. I own nothing and make no profit of this.
Chapter 1
Sing me to sleep
„AHHHRrghh…" Quirrel screamed as his burnt flesh disintegrated from the child's touch. As the ashes crumbled to the ground a dark shape rose threateningly from the corpse, only to flee the scene rather anticlimactically.
Harry stared after it in confusion, before he tried to get some air into his lung. But breathing seemed at once both shockingly easy and entirely ineffective, as the oxygen was just never enough. His lungs started to burn.
An imposing figure stepped out from behind a pillar. 'Dumbledore!' Harry thought in relief, as he just didn't have enough breath left to articulate the words. The relief was short lived however. Harry's blood turned to lead in his veins at the cold blue eyes stabbing into his own with a calculating glint.
The child's breathing became heavier as the Headmaster approached and black spots started appearing in his vision. He felt a freezing cold settle over him when the usually cheerful man leaned over him in a way that felt quite threatening to the traumatized boy.
"Well, that was disappointing."
Harry was sure this voice shouldn't sound so accusing and demeaning. It reminded him of his relatives. He didn't really understand what was going on, but he knew enough to be afraid. Especially when the figure leaned down and fairly ripped the much coveted stone out of his hand, leaving deep cuts behind.
"I had better hide this before Nickolas notices it's gone." A sharp smile. "As for you…" the Headmaster said in the moment the dark spots had taken over all of Harry's vision.
"Obliviate!" was the last thing the weak boy heard echoing through the Dark.
With a gasp Harry bolted up in bed, his eyes wide and his hair plastered to his face with sweat. After a few seconds of normalizing his breathing the small thirteen year old lay back onto his bed. It was quite early, his dorm mates wouldn't wake for another three hours probably.
Gazing up at the draped over his bed, he contemplated his latest dream.
'That is about the tenth time I've had that one.'
After the Chamber of Secrets last year, there had been a great number of disturbing dreams, about the showdown with the Philosopher's Stone, the happenings in the Chamber and even a few times starring his younger years about accidental Magic. Each and every one with the Headmaster in them and depicting the instances in a slightly different way than Harry remembered.
Harry would have thought them the weird nightmares of an overstressed teenage mind, if it hadn't been for the spell: Obliviate!
He hadn't ever heard of that spell before he'd heard it first in his dreams, and after looking it up in the library, both his fantasies about him fabricating it in his mind or hearing it incidentally somewhere in the Magic world crumbled to dust. It existed and it was highly illegal to use on a fellow Witch or Wizard without approval from the Ministry.
So Harry had come to the realization that those were his true memories and Dumbledore had been screwing him over. Over what exactly would remain to be seen…
Thank you for checking this out! I appreciate honest reviews! ;)