G'day. I know that this's short, and well, not sweet, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same. Please read, please review.
Note: It is not Gallifrey that the Doctor visits, it is a nameless planet that cops it.
A lone man, a lonely life. What must it be like to outlive your loved ones? To step out of the shadows alone, only to discover that the shadows can move? True happiness is hard to experience when the weight of the Universe presses against your shoulders. Searching for someone to share the burden with, knowing that you will have to leave them one day. Those precious moments when you are not alone. How often do you bite back the comments that might betray your true feelings? Whether to let others in or lock them out? Nothing has a straight answer, now when your age passes a millennium and more. Sometimes you can forget the loss, but it always comes back. The loneliness is a constant companion.
A lone figure appeared, silhouetted against the flaming destruction he had created in his rage. There was no anger in his expression now, in fact, there was no expression at all. Usually clear and expressive eyes were clouded and downcast, not in shame, but as if to block out everything around him. He made his way slowly to his one friend, stolen as she was, and only looked up when directly in front of her wooden doors. Seeming to be arguing with himself, a frown crossed his brow before disappearing as if it never was. Taking a deep breath, the man turned and faced the chaos behind him, struggling not to allow any emotion find its way onto his ageless face. And for an age he simply stood and watched, as what was once habitable sank into the earth as if it had never been, leaving only ash and soot behind. Finally, as if awakening from a trance, the lone man turned quickly and stepped inside his box, which was bigger on the inside, and cutting off the sight of utter destruction. Closing the door behind him, he leant heavily against them, shaking slightly. His mouth moved, but no words escaped. A single, small tear rolled down his cheek, tracing a path through soot and dirt. Again, the man's mouth moved, and this time they were heard, even though there was no one to hear them. Two words, hardly significant separate, held deep meaning to him, perhaps more than even he himself knew. For, after all, they were only words, hardly the equipment to change the world. Two words that had defined this man when it mattered the most. Two words. No more.