Summary: Tim is the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Janet Drake, and was born a metahuman. Watch how this affects the flow of the DC Universe.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Seven year-old Janet sat alone in the two-person room that she had lived in since she was able to walk on her own, criss-cross and with a large, elated smile on her normally melancholic face.

To most, this would be strange. For everyone who knew her, the little girl, who despite being considered abnormally wise and observant beyond her years, only ever really displayed little to no apathy since she was a toddler. To all but one particular person, anyway.

But now, she was smiling brighter than a child who had been offered a lifetime supply of candy.

Her hands held close together, Janet stared into her open palms, which were occupied by a medium-sized sphere of glowing white light, which seemed to pulsate without warning and lit up the dimly lit bedroom. Nervously, she shifted her hands a bit, and let out a giggle as the sphere of light seemed to bob back and forth in tandem, almost like a buoy in the ocean. Janet had finally done it. Months... no, years of intense training and pressure from her masters and she had finally unveiled her gift.

And from what she had observed in some of the older, more experienced members of the community, this could only be the beginning of what she truly was. There was so much more to unlock, so much more to-

Janet's thoughts were abrubtly cut off by the sound of furious shouting and what sounded like glass breaking outside her bedroom door. Before she had a chance to dispel the light, the door slammed open as another girl of fourteen stormed in. She looked like an older version of Janet, but with a more mature figure and longer hair tied back in a ponytail. Her piercing blue eyes were identical to Janet's, but sported more angst and fury than the younger girl ever did.

She was wearing a black tanktop and gray sweats, but what caught Janet's attention was the large gash on her right arm.

The moment she entered, the girl froze at the sight of Janet, who quickly dispelled the sphere. She quickly sat up straight, feet moving over her bed and resting on the floor. There was a tense moment of silence between the two, the girl looking at Janet in shock.

Janet gulped. "... what happened to your arm?"

"Are you kidding me?" the older girl practically hissed. She quickly turned around and looked out the open doorway to see if anyone else was around. When she saw that there wasn't, she slammed the door shut, eliciting a flinch from Janet, and locked it. She spun around to face Janet then, her eyes hard. "What was that?"

"You're hurt," Janet said, ignoring the question and feebly working divert the older girl's attention. "Did Master Harrot hurt you?"

"I was hit with a rapier during training," the girl said blankly, crossing her arms as she gazed intensely at Janet. "What did I just see? And how long have you been able to do it?"

"I don't know."

"Cute," the girl snorted, shaking her head. "You know I could easily make you tell me."

At that, Janet went rigid, her facade quickly warping with anger. "You swore that you would never do that!"

"And you swore that we would tell each other everything," she retorted. "Don't start breaking promises, Jan."

"I'm not," Janet immediately said, looking hurt and guilty. "I just... I..."

The aggression in the older girl's face faded and became soft as she took a deep breath. Slowly, she walked over to Janet and sat next to her on the bed.

"You wanna explain? If my little sister finally unlocked her gift, I feel I have the right to know about it."

Janet looked up at her older sister, and then looked down, holding up her hand. Her sister's eyes widened for a fraction as a much smaller sphere of light appeared in Janet's hand, and she willed it to move around and in between her fingers.

"It's easy when it's smaller. I can make it big, like you saw. But it's harder," she explained.

"Do the Elders know?" the other girl asked, eyes never leaving the white energy.

Janet shook her head. "No. I'm testing it out myself. I don't want to look weak when training starts."

"Smart girl," her sister quips, smirking as she flicks some hair out of Janet's face, making the younger girl frown and swat the hand away. "Idiots can be a bunch of hardasses, that's for sure."

"Language, Victoria."

"Oh, stuff it," Victoria said, rolling her eyes, and then smiled. "I am proud of you, you know. I told you it would happen with time."

Janet gave a shy smile, and the two just sat in silence for a while, Janet leaning on Victoria's shoulder as she played with the sphere. Victoria just watched in silence, arm around her little sister's shoulders. After a while, Janet's eyes lingered to the cut on Victoria's arm.

"Are you gonna tell me what you did that made him give you that cut?"

"It's Harrot," Victoria said quickly, shrugging. "That not enough?"

"He's a jerk, but he only ever goes that far if you've done something to really make him mad," Janet said sarcastically. She adjusted herself so that she was now facing Victoria, legs crossed. "What was it?"

Victoria tried to veer away from Janet's stupid blue eyes, which always got to Victoria. Eventually, the younger of the two won out, as usual.

"Elliot was my sparring partner. He was being an ass, and don't look at me like that, I'm the oldest and I'll talk however I like!" she snapped, earning a giggle. "Anyway, he was being difficult so I..."


Victoria sighed. "... I told him to drop his pants and shove his crotch into the snow."

Janet's mouth dropped wide open, appalled. "Vicky!"

"I'm sorry!" Victoria said, raising her hands up in defense.

"Oh my... how long?"

"He was out there for about twenty minutes, when Harrot finally found out," Victoria explained. "He's in the infirmary with hypothermia."


"I know, I know... It's just, it's hard. This place, these people. It's like..."

"I know," Janet said softly, reaching forward and holding her sister's hand. "At least, I will soon. Now that we know what my gift is."

Victoria's anger quickly return. "They're not gonna do that to you! I won't let them."

Janet just shook her head, and Victoria quickly pulled her into a hug. Janet made a small squeak, but relaxed into the embrace. The two stayed like that for a while, before Janet pulled away, wiping some tears from her eyes that Victoria helped with.

"Thank you," she said softly, and recomposed herself. "But seriously, Vicky. You need to learn-"

"- to control yourself," Tim said, looking down at Damian.

Around them, the training area in the Batcave was smoking as Alfred, using a fire extinguisher, worked to douse the blue flames still present on the various equipment. Damian looked away with shame.

"I am trying my best," he said softly.

"I know you are, Dami," Tim said, kneeling down and putting his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. "But these things take time. You think I was able to control this when I first found out what I could do? I could easily destroy the entire city if I wanted to. But I got help, and I was patient. You can be too."

"You didn't look like this," Damian motioned to himself, pouting as his pointy ears drooped.

"We'll find a way to fix it," Tim promised, leaving out the fact that Bruce's efforts to finding such a means had so far proven fruitless. There was no need to further dishearten the boy.

Damian didn't look convinced, but nonetheless nodded.

"Alright, now, next step..."

Nearby, Dick and Jason were sitting near the Batcomputer, which Bruce was typing vigorously on.

"Kid's a fucking hothead," Jason grumbled, wincing from pain as he was still wearing the neckbrace. "Ow. Stupid brat..."

"Could you lay off?" Dick said, glaring. "The little guy has been through hell."

"He's right," Bruce said, not turning around. "He's arrogant, haughty, and violent, but he's still a child. Things take time, Jason."

"Whatever," Jason grumbled.

"Have you thought about training him for patrol?" Dick asked, glancing over at Bruce.

"I've considered it. He'd be a great asset, but until he can learn to control his gift, he stays grounded," Bruce said firmly. "Besides, it's dangerous for either of them to go out with Victoria running rampant."

"Yeah, about her," Jason said, wincing as he turned. "Any sign of her yet? She alone?"

"As far as I can tell, yes," Bruce said, finally turning to face his oldest sons. "She didn't come here with Harrot. I would have been able to tell that immediately. No one else in the coven is with her. She may be good at covering her tracks, but that's never stopped me."

"Bruce, we're talking about a woman who can make you do whatever she wants just by speaking," Dick said a bit nervously. "We don't have a deterrent for that. There's no Kryptonite that can solve this... is there?"

"No," Bruce confessed, but then pulled up a particular file on the screen, one that caught Dick and Jason's immediate attention. "But history can make you learn a few things..."