Before you read.

This chapter takes place when Sinbad was little, before he met Yunan. Also this also takes place during AoS. I think Sinbad was adorable when he was little so I did this. I also didn't see a lot of fics of when he was little like this so I decided to start from here.

Sinbad: 5

Syria:7 (almost eight)

"Oh my..." The man said. He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. He and his seven year old daughter had been fishing all morning. Since he woke up early he had forgotten his lunch. He leaned on his cane and let out a little laugh and his daughter tilted her head to the side.

The man was Badr. He was a tall man, with shaggy dark purple hair and hazel eyes. Most people would think of him as a weird person because of things he would do but he would always be nice and caring even if he had one leg. His daughter, Syria stared at him in a bit of confusion. She had dark hair like her father and eyes like her mother. The girl barely understood the situation. So she just stared at him. Badr laughs and pats her head. "Ah, you probably don't get it." He couldn't blame her, the girl had a mental illness that made her off a bit. Sometimes she couldn't understand what people told her, and if she did her response was never a full sentence. It would be a few words or a bunch of noises.

"I forgot to pack lunch…. I guess we can eat the fish since this spot has a lot. You picked a good spot to Syria." He says smiling down at her. She only nods and begins to play with his robes.

"Daddy! Sis!" A five year old called out, making the man turn his head around. "Hmm.. Oh Sinbad!""Daddy forgot his lunch again! What would do without me and mommy!" The five year old, Sinbad scolded. Badr laughs. "Sorry, how about you two eat it with me hmm?" Sinbad nods happily and grabs his older sister's hand and brings her over to their father. The opened out the bag and used it to place the food on. Syrian sat Sinbad in her lap and began to eat as Badr smiles at them.

"Daddy….eats… too." She says putting a piece of bread to her father's mouth, trying to force it in. "I'm gonna eat okay. See?" He eats a bite of the bread and some meat. Syria nods.

"Thanks for coming Sin, I thought we had to eat the fish."

"Daddy is so forgetful! Right Syria?" He asks looking up at her. "Un." She says as a response and continues to stare off in the distance.

"So you're just fishing.." Someone growls. All three of their heads turn toward the voice. A group of citizens were all glaring at them, Specifically Badr. Badr narrows his eyes.

"Syria, tale you and Sin home." He says seriously. The girl looks at her father before standing and grabbing Sin's hand. "W-wait, what are they going to do with daddy?!" Honestly she didn't know but she had a feeling in her stomach and it was starting to grow with each passing step as she dragged her brother along. She had managed to drag Sinbad home to their mother but when she walked in the small home she just stood in the middle of the doorway staring.

"Syria, Sin. Where's your father? What happened?" Their mother Esra asked. She was a beautiful woman with long dark hair braided over her shoulder. "Daddy told us to leave because those mean people came.." Sin answered his mother. Syria continued to stare outside. Esra was about to walk over toward her until the girl ran out the doorway.

"Syria!" Esra called out to her but the girl was already out of sight when she made it to the doorway.

Syria ran all the way back to the where they were before. He vision was getting shaky since she was out of breath and her throat burned.

She didn't care.

Something bad was going to happen,she could tell, she could feel it in her gut. She ran back and saw the same crowd of people shouting and yelling at her dad. She was so confused. What had he did wrong? Why were they made and hurting him like that? He was already hurt enough, they were going to make worse!

The crowd made the way to his boat next and that's when Syria made a blood curling scream and ran toward them. She had managed to knock the man that was the closest to the boat down and started to claw at his face.

When Badr regained conscious he was immediately surprised Syria was on top of him, crying into his chest. He turned his head to the side and winced. They had really did a number on him, but that didn't matter right now. He slowly sat up, making his daughter hiccup in surprise and look at him. He looked her over, her hair was out of it's ponytail and messy, and her clothes were dirty as well, but there were no bruises so she wasn't hurt.

He did know the real reason why she was crying and he grabbed her face and kissed her head. "It's alright, Syria, I'm fine.." She shook her head and cried harder. Badr sighs and rubs her back, he looks around, the fish were still in the net and the boat was still there. After all that he was sure that they would have taken it. He looks down at the seven year old again, she was now sniffling and clinging on to him. "Syria, what happened, I told you to go home with Sin."

"T-They hurt papa!" She says. That still didn't give him a good explanation. "T-They break boat. So I stop.." She said Badr sighs once more. "Can you give me my cane sweetie?" She stares him, eyes red and puffy and slowly stands up. She walks over and picks his cane up and gives it to him. She tries her best to help him stand and he smiles down at her and ruffles her hair.

"We're home." Badr says entering their home.

"Thank gods!" Esra says running over to them, Sinbad right behind her. Esra hugs the both of them . "Sorry for making you worry." He says laughing nervously. Syria walks over to the other side of the room and sits down on one of the pillows.

"Is big sis okay?" Sinbad asks her. "An." Is her response. Sinbad stares at her and a little frown comes on his face. Syria truly looked like a mess. He grabs some of her and takes the hair tie out of his hair and tries to tie her hair with it. Syria leans forward to help him out, even though he fails miserably. He pouts and tries to tie her long hair again.

"Sin, Syria, can you two go to the well for us?" Their mother asks and hands the water vase to Syria. Sint takes his sister's hand and leads her outside.

"Neh, Sis, what happened to you and dad?" Sin asks as he pumps the water from the well and Syria holds the vase under it. "Un." She says. She really doesn't remember anymore it was all a blur and she was so mad at the moment that she forgot. All she knew was that she was crying waiting for her Papa to wake up.

Sin looks at her and pats her cheek. "Sis, shouldn't look so sad. It makes me feel sad…" Syria nods and takes his hand and heads back home. She turns around and gives the five year old a questioning look when he stops and starts tugging her the other way.

"Sis! Sis! Was that man there before?!" Sin shouts and runs in the other direction. She follows him, being careful not to spill the water. Once she's there she looks at the giant man Sinbad found.

"Is he okay sis?" He asks and Syria nudges him with her foot, only for him to groan. This caused Sinbad and her to step back. The man was big, really big. And his hair was a weird color, it wasn't a dark color like everyone elses around the village. It was a yellow-ish color. Syria only blinked. She grabs Sin hand again and runs home.

"Mommy, daddy! We need you to come look at this!" Sin yells once they were back.

They had brought the funny looking man into their home and bandaged him up. Esra said that he should be better in a few days, he was just sleeping. It was now two days later and Syria woke up to Sinbad shaking her.

"Shin.." She says sitting up and rubbing his eyes. She looks out the window, the sun wasn't even up yet! She looks at her little brother and Sin points to the other side of the room where the man had been sleeping. Now his was apparently awake. She blinks before crawling over toward her papa, since he was closest. She climbed on his chest and starts to shake his shoulder.

He groans and turns over causing her to fall off. Sinbad giggles and starts to wake up their mother. " Wake up mommy, the man is woke!" He says happily. Syria was starting to grow impatient so she slaps her palm against her father's cheek to wake him up. The loud smack startles to the other man and makes Esra jump awake. Badr sat up in an instant and rubs his cheek.

"That hurts!"

"He's woke!" Sinbad shouts and runs over to the big man. He begins to climb up to the man's head and starts to slap it.

"Ah! Sin!" Esra shouts. "It's fine." The man says. Syria crawls over to the man away from her father glaring at her and looks at the man's hair. "Weird."

"Ya!" Sinbad says agreeing. "Why is your hair yellow mister?" He asks.

"Now, you two. Hold on." Their mother says and her and their father begin to explain the situation. They tell him how Sin and Syria found him out cold on the ground so they took him in and bandaged him. In return he said his name was Darius and he thanked them each.

"You can stay as long as you want." Badr says smiling. "As you can see, we're tight on the food and money. Just don't cause any trouble and you can stay." He says.

"Badr.." Esra starts she really didn't know about keeping a foreign man in her home. Badr turns to her. "It's alright honey."

"Mister! Why is your head yellow?" Sin asks.

"That's because I'm from a country named Reim." Darius says. Sinbad tilts his head to the side and Syria stares at the huge man. Darius lets out a chuckle and smiles. "You too have never been outside the village have you?" He asks and the two shook their head. "No, we've never been out."

And so every day Darius would tell them stories about other countries and cultures. How different people looked and how different the people were. Syria and Sinbad was always around to listen to him and they had taken and immediately took a liken to the man.

That was until the day came when the soldiers were searching for him.

Syria couldn't remember much of what happened because of the fear inside of her. She remembered shaking uncontrollably and her family calling out to her and Sin crying in the man's arms.

When she woke up Sin was crying and her mother was looking down at her with a worried expression.

"S-Shin.." She croaked and her mother wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her. Sinbad had ran and glomped her as well. She looked at her mother, why was she e so worried? She was only sleeping right?

Sinbad hiccuped in her stomach and Esra held her tightly. She coughed a bit and swallowed thickly, making a face at the taste in her mouth. Esra pulled back and brushed her bangs out her face.

"Mama… What?" She tried to say. Esra kisses her head. "Y-you had a seizure when Darius took you! You were sleep ever since. It' been three days.." She says. She didn't know what a seizure was but she knew it was enough to make her mother worry and she didn't like that.

Syria turns her head and looks at Sinbad, the five year old was trying so hard not to cry. Syria went over to her brother and gave him a hug.

"Where's papa?" She asks. She was helping her mother prepare lunch and she hadn't seen her papa at all today. She would usually catch him while he was getting ready to fish in the morning. When her mother stiffen she tilts her head to the side. She sets the food on the table and goes toward sin.

"Shin.." She says and Sinbad immediately goes toward her. "Papa?" She asks. A frown crosses Sinbad's fae and his eyes began to water. "They took Papa away because we helped Darius."

"Away?" she asks. Away to where? Sinbad snifs. "They took him to the military." Syria froze, why would they do that. He had already lost a leg, he couldn't fight! Sinbad grabs her hand. "H-He made me promise… to take care of you and mom.."

"U-Un…" She says in response as silent tears form in her eye. She could feel her heart beating faster by the second and it was becoming hard to breathe. She could feel her legs shake uncontrollably and she was about to hit the ground before her mother caught her. If Sinbad hadn't been screaming the girl's name she would've never found them.

She takes her daughter in her arms and Syria calms down a bit. Esra starts to rock her back and forth and stroke her hair. She couldn't have another seizure now. She didn't know what was causing it in the first place! Was it because of her mental illness? Even if it was this had never happened before.

She stops when she hears her daughter's even breathing and realizes she is asleep.

"Come on sin.." She says.

Three months later Esra received a letter from the military along with a coffin filled with her husband's belongings. The letter said the Badr had died while serving in the military and the body didn't make it.

Not only that but one by one the citizens began to warm up to them. They were no longer known as expatriates. The people in the village begun to help the familia out. Although Sinbad's and Syria's mother began to fall ill and the two began to work at a young age to buy her medicine. Syria still had her mental illness, it did seem to be improving though she still had trouble doing things.

That was nine years ago and now Sinbad is fourteen years old while Syria is would be in store for them now.

Syria has a mental Illness called Epilepsy. One of the side effects is having a staring spell when the person just stares for an unknown amount of time. That's why she stares at people a lot. Another one is having a seizure and doing doing things unconsciously.

Plus when I do read fanfics about Sinbad, he always has a little sister so I decided to change that so he could be dependent on her sometimes. But don't worry Syria won't get in the way too much.

As for djinns I have to admit that I'm going to have to do some research on them.

Welp here you all go! I hope you like!