Erin stood behind the kitchen island with a cup of hot coffee held nimbly between her hands. It was about 7 AM and she was sure the parental members of the team were about to be woken up any minute now by their children. David had yet to get up, but she didn't mind letting him sleep in. After their activities last night that kept them up well past 2 am, she figured he could use a few extra winks this morning. Just as she took a sip from her mug, the telltale sounds of little feet running about the hardwood floor greeted her ears and brought a soft smile to her lips. Not 2 minutes later, JJ and Hotch entered the kitchen unwillingly being dragged by Henry and Jack.

"Good morning," she greeted.

"Coffee," JJ grumbled.

Erin turned to the cabinets behind her and pulled out two coffee mugs and then picked up the caraf that held the coffee, pouring a generous amount in each cup. "There's cream in the fridge and the sugar is in this jar," she pointed to a ceramic jar on the island.

The two sleepy agents mumbled their thanks and went about fixing their coffee the way they like just as their respective others entered the kitchen with Alex and Reid trailing behind.

"I'm assuming Miss Garcia and Agent Morgan are late sleepers?" she asked Alex.

"Yup," she nodded. "As soon as they smell bacon they'll be up and ready to go, though."

Erin smiled lightly and set her mug down. "I'll go wake David so he can help me get started on breakfast."

She turned and head out the kitchen and down the hall to the double doors on the right. Erin crept into the room and slowly stalked up to the bed she shared with David. He was sound asleep and snoring while laying on his back. He luckily was awake enough last night to put his pajama pants back on before falling asleep. She would be a lot more embarrassed than he if one of his coworkers found him nude on his bed. He would take pride in staying up late and fucking his lover - she would be mortified.

Sitting on the edge of the bed next to him, Erin placed a hand on his bare chest, her fingers gently running through the coarse hair that lay there. "David," she cooed. "David, its time to get up."

His eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the light in the room. "What time is it?" he mumbled, rubbing a hand over his tired face.

"7:27." she told him. "Most of the team is awake." She leaned down and kissed him. "I told them I came to get you so you could make breakfast."

He groaned and rolled over into his side as she giggled. "Come on, don't make me force you out of this bed." She knew full well that he would never protest to her coaxing him out of bed - she usually resorted to dirty touches and things that they usually would finish against the wall of the shower, but they weren't alone and he wouldn't take too kindly to her arousing him and then leaving him hanging the rest of the day.

Groaning once more, David sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed as a yawn drew from his lips. Erin stood up and took a step towards the door, but was stopped as David grabbed her hips from behind and pulled her back to him, causing her to stumbled a bit and sit on his lap. "David! What are you-"

She was cut off by his mouth molding to hers. Erin whimpered and parted her lips to slide her tongue against his. His hands caressed her robe covered back and hers lay idle on his shoulders. He parted from her reluctantly and lay his head on her shoulder, mumbling "good morning" into her neck.

She hummed a response and kissed his hair before moving off his lap and out the door. She returned to the kitchen and gathered the ingredients for pancakes. JJ and Reid immediately came over to help and Alex asked where they dishes were so she could set the dining room table. David entered the room 5 minutes after Erin, also sporting a robe. His coworkers were in their pajamas still and he smiled at the sight of his extended family. He began making bacon and eggs for everyone while JJ and Reid made the pancakes, goofing around with each other like they were brother and sister. Just as Alex predicted, not 2 minutes after David began making the bacon did Morgan and Garcia suddenly appear in the kitchen.

"Good morning, kids!" Dave exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Everything smells amazing," Garcia said. "More than amazing. Phenomenal. Is phenomenal more than amazing? Cause it should be."

Everyone laughed and a few minutes later the table was set and the team was sat down to eat. Erin took a moment to look at her surroundings, a smile tweaking the edge of her lips. Even though she was just starting to get closer to these people they already were beginning to feel like family. Her own children were invited to join them this weekend, but her two oldest had work and her youngest was away at camp. She was disappointed they couldn't make it, but the people surrounding her were slowly making up for it. She turned her head to look at David just as he placed his hand on top of her thigh under the table.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, his hand tracing patterns over the fabric of her robe.

"I'm wonderful," she told him honestly and he grinned in delight.

After breakfast everyone went to their rooms to change into their swimsuits and to apply sunscreen. Erin had thrown her hair up in a messy bun atop her head and walked the expanse of the master bedroom, naked, waiting for David to emerge from the bathroom.

"David," she called out. "Hurry up, I left my bathing suit in there!"

The door immediately opened and David appeared in the doorway, her black one piece bathing suit dangling from his fingers. "You are not wearing this," he said simply.

"David," she started to protest, but he stopped her by stepping forward and pressing his body to hers. He had donned his swim trunks while he was in the bathroom, but had yet to put on his t-shirt.

"Erin, this is ugly," he tossed the offending suit to the floor in disgust. "I know you have a much prettier swimsuit to wear."

"I am not wearing that," she hissed without malice. "Your team-"

"Will be insanely envious of the beautiful woman I get to sleep with every night," he interrupted, running his hands down her back to cup the swell of her ass. "You have a beautiful body and you should be proud to show it off." Noticing her biting her lip and averting her gaze nervously, David lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers softly. "Please?"

Erin moved out of his embrace and walked to the armoir to pull out her two piece teal colored swimsuit. It was a halter top that encased her large breasts and clasped at the back like a bra. Her bottoms were normal swimsuit bottoms that showed off her tanned legs. She stepped in front of the mirror after she put the garments on her body and placed her hands on her hips to observe her body. She supposed he was right - she wasn't exactly embarrassed by her figure. She had a flat tummy despite a few stretch marks from childbirth, toned legs that she knew drove David absolutely wild, and a pair of a supple breasts that retained their shape even after breastfeeding three children.

David came up behind her and sneaked his arms around her waist, his lips connecting with the back of her neck under the knot of the halter. "You are so gorgeous, Erin," he whispered in her ear. "And if it weren't for the other 10 people waiting on us outside this room, I'd take you right here on the floor or against the wall."

She moaned and turned her head to capture his lips and pressed her ass back against his crotch so she could feel his growing erection. "If you play your cards right," she mumbled against his lips, "I may let you whisk me away at the lake while the others are preoccupied."

It was David's turn to moan and they were about to kiss again when a timid knock sounded on their door, breaking them apart.

"Dave, Erin, we're all ready to go," Hotch's voice was muffled on the other side of the door.

"We'll be out in a minute, Aaron," David called and reluctantly separated himself from Erin's inviting body. He applied his sunscreen and threw on a t-shirt as Erin grabbed her sunglasses and pulled her white swimsuit cover up over her head. They stepped into their flip flops and headed out the bedroom door hand in hand.

Once the boat was stocked with two coolers filled with drinks and food, tubes, towels, and fishing poles, everyone boarded the vessel and put on life jackets. David's boat wasn't necessarily yacht size, but in was rather large with a room below for storage and extra supplies. He got behind the wheel with Erin by his side while Morgan and Will untied the boat from the dock. They set off on the beautiful lake and David drove around the large expanse of the lake to point out certain little landmarks, smiling and waving at other families that came out to enjoy the sun as well. He found a nice secluded area behind a small cliff and turned the boat off while Hotch dropped the anchor on the side to keep the boat from drifting.

The team stood up and removed their life jackets to reapply sunscreen and grab some floating devices to swim. Jack and Henry jumped into the clear lake followed by Will, Morgan, and Hotch. JJ tied her hair up in a bun similar to Erin's and adjusted her bikini top before easing herself into the warm water. Erin complimented Garcia on her beautiful salmon colored 50s style swimsuit. It was a one-piece halter that had a short skirt at the bottom, just enough to cover her behind. Alex wore a black one-piece that bore a large resemblance to the one David had tossed away in their bedroom an hour ago. He smirked at Erin and she rolled her eyes in return.

After Penelope and Alex cannonballed into the lake together, David removed his t-shirt and picked up a noodle before turning to Erin and lightly smacking her ass with it. She squealed and he laughed heartily, ignoring the looks from his team in the water. Erin removed her cover up and moved swiftly towards him, but he jumped quickly into the lake before she could reach him. She walked to the edge of the boat and waited for him to come back up and then she also jumped in and latched herself onto his back as he laughed.

Morgan swam back to the boat and retrieved a nerf football before returning to the water. They boys threw the football around while Jack and Henry splashed the girls. At one point, the football hit Penelope in the head and she squealed loudly. In a second she was swimming fast across the water to Derek who threw the ball in her direction and latched her arms around his neck, playfully dunking him under water. The team laughed, having a great time relaxing and enjoying their time away from the office.

"Why don't we get a round of tubing in before lunch?" David asked.

They made their way back to the boat and dried off before applying more sunscreen. Hotch helped the boys back into their life jackets while Dave and Will secured the tube onto the back of the boat.

"I'll go with them," Morgan suggested. "Its a big enough tube and I don't want them to get nervous."

"I'm not nervous!" Jack announced and Aaron smiled brightly.

"We know you're not, buddy." He crouched down to his son's eye level. "Uncle Derek just wants you to be safe."

Everyone settled themselves and then Dave started the boat after receiving the "OK" sign from Derek.

"THAT. WAS. AWESOME." Jack exclaimed as he climbed back into the boat.

"Mommy!" Henry squealed. "Did you see what I did?!"

"You were amazing!" JJ replied, giving her little man a tight squeeze and a kiss.

"I don't feel well," Derek mumbled as he sat down next to Alex who laughed.

"Too much out there for you?" she asked, nudging his shoulder.

"I'm too old for that kind of stuff."

Erin snorted, handing him a towel. "You and me both," she said. "David got me out there once a few months ago. I was so tense holding on to that damn thing that I couldn't walk or move my arms for a week."

"To be honest," David interjected with a sly grin. "I don't think it was the tubing that caused your inability to walk."

Erin's jaw practically hit the floor and a few members of the team whistled and gave them both haughty looks. She glared at them, but there was amusement in her eyes and her lips were twitching slightly to stifle a smirk.

"Who's hungry?" Will asked.

"They're going to suspect we're doing something naughty."

"I thought we were doing something naughty?" Erin raised her eyebrow as she circled her arms around his neck.

"We are acting like teenagers," David pecked her lips and pulled back. "They'll never let me live it down."

"Why do you care so much? You're a grown man."

"I work with children."

At that, Erin threw her head back and laughed. David grinned and nuzzled his nose in her exposed neck, placing a few lingering kisses on her flesh. "How long have we been gone?"

"I'd say about twenty minutes," he said. "We should get back."

She nodded and latched onto his back again and they swam around the rock towards the boat that wasn't too far away.

"Where have you been?" Penelope asked.

"Exploring," David answered simply and Erin looked everywhere but at the team.

"Sure you were," Derek muttered with a twinkle in his eye and a shit-eating grin on his face.

"So," David suddenly exclaimed. "Who's up for tubing again?!"

Author's Note: Gahh, don't like ending this chapter here, but it's the best I can do. Haha I actually edited out an entire sex scene to keep this rated T. Just a random fact. Anyway, let me know what ya think!