Few Months Later


"It's our turn." I told my husband.

"No, it's yours." he replied in a groggy voice.

We were having an argument over whose turn it is to make the morning coffee. And I knew that like everyday, he'd give in.

Edward says I'm changing him. He used to hate losing arguments, but he's developing a habit of losing against me, and surprisingly he's loving it.

I'd say he's changing me, too. I try to match his tidiness and perfection level and I'd say I'm quite enjoying it.

He says he loves sharing things with me.

I love that, too. That makes me feel special because I know I'm the only one in the world with whom he shares everything.

I thought I had lost him few months ago. I'm so glad he had given me another chance. I had wondered why Emmett had told him the truth, but then I got the answer right from the horse's mouth. Emmett said he loves winning against someone who's actually playing. He said I had already given up when I had sent him that 'You won!' message, and he didn't like playing against someone who gives up. Anyway, I was glad that chapter was closed for good.

A lot of things have changed in these last months, few have remained same though.

Jane was changed a bit in these past months. She still holds a grudge against me, but her behavior towards me had improved a bit. I have a hope one day she might come around and forgive me completely.

Edward still doesn't talk to Emmett unless there's an important matter. And I don't mind it. I want to stay away as far as possible from that person.

Sometimes I look back and it still seems crazy how Edward and I had got married.

We both agree that it was stupidest decision we had ever taken.

But we're glad we had taken that decision.

Because it had turned out to be the best one.


A/N: Thanks for reading! :)