I own nothing but the three OCs and the plot. Please support the official release.

Normal = "What is said"

Italic = "thought"

Bold = "Jutsu/Bijū"

Naruto the Older Brother

Chapter 5: The Exams Begin

8 A.M. Training Ground 13, Morning after Council Meeting:

Senji and Shiro were waiting for the Uzumaki brothers to show so they could start today's training and then go on some missions. As they were waiting, the two started to work on their elemental charka transformations since Ganta had tested them on the way back thinking it would be a good idea for them to know what element they were best suited for. Shiro had earth charka with Senji having lighting charka and Naruto having wind charka. Ganta told them even though it seemed early to worry about their charka aliments; the sooner they train to use it the easier it would be for them in the future. Senji already had a bit of a head start on this training due to his training in basic medical jutsu, and Naruto had an unfair advantage with his Shadow Clone jutsu since he's able to train multiple chakra control methods including nature transformations all at the same time.

"So how long do you think it will take for Naruto and Ganta to get here?" Shiro asked as she was channeling chakra to her hands to turn a leaf into dirt.

"They should be here soon. They're usually here by now." Senji replied as he was channeling his chakra to make a leaf cripple into a ball.

"Hey guys, sorry but Ganta can't make it. He stayed up all last night do to a council meeting and getting Karin's training schedule figured out." Naruto stated as he came running up to his friends while trying to explain what was happening at home.

"Why is he making her a training schedule?" Shiro asked as she looked at her best friend.

"Oh, it turns out Karin is a member of the Uzumaki clan and well her team tried to kill us, so she's now a citizen of the village." the young blond male stated as he stood in front of his friends.

"Cool so what are we doing today?" Senji asked as he and Shiro stopped their nature transformation training.

"Ganta gave me these so we could take part in the Chūnin Exams." Naruto stated as he pulled out the forms.

"Are any of the others from the academy going to patriciate as well?" Shiro asked as she started to think about Lee with a blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Don't know, but considering how my brother does things, at least some of our classmates should be in it with us. Oh, and the exams are in about a day or two." Naruto replied as he started to fill out the form.

"Man close call." Senji stated as he and Shiro start to fill out their forms as well.

"Yah, I feel sorry for the team whose sensei waits to tell their team on the day before the Exams." Naruto stated as a certain cyclopes jōnin suddenly sneezed.

"Let's go around the village and see if anyone from the other villages are here." Shiro stated as she, Senji and Naruto finished filling out the forms.

As the group walked around, they came across Konohamaru and his friends Moegi Kazamatsuri and Udon Ise forming the Konohamaru Corps. Shortly after this, Sakura and Ino came walking up trying to revive their old friendship and ended up finding the group of six.

"Hey boss are one these two your girlfriend?" the young Sarutobi asked with Moegi and Udon eager to also know if their idol was dating.

"No I'm not dating anyone at this time guys." Naruto answered as he waved his hands in response.

"Good thing, Shiro is way prettier than them." Konohamaru replied as he turned away from the two older girls.

"What was that you just said?" Ino asked as she didn't even care that she wanted to kill the grandson of the Hokage.

"I'm going to kill this brat!" Inner Sakura bellowed as she didn't even recognizing who he was.

"RAN!" Senji yelled to the younger kids.

At this the Konohamaru Corps started to run as fast as they could with both Sakura and Ino chasing them with Naruto Shiro and Senji chasing after the two girls. As the three groups where running, the shinobis in-training ran a turn and as the five older shinobis turned the corner and saw that Konohamaru was being held by what could only be described as a slightly older boy wearing what looked like a cat suit with purple make up put on in lines with an older girl with a large fan standing behind him.

"Kankurō put the kid down. You're going to get us in trouble." the older girl stated as she glared at the younger boy that shared the same village headbands.

"Not before I teach this brat a lesson Temari." Kankurō replied as he brought his fist up to hit the young boy.

"Oh man, he's about to hit the current Hokage's grandson. If he finds out then he might have all of the visiting shinobi thrown out." stated a Kumo shinobi that had a sucker in his mouth.

"Shut up Omoi, if anything only the Suna shinobi would be thrown out." a red haired girl also from Kumo yelled at her team mate.

"Karui, Omoi, enough. We are guests in this village. You don't want Sensei Killer B to discipline us again." stated an older blond girl with a long pony tail.

"Sorry Yugito." the two replied as they believed their sensei was the craziest and strangest in the Elemental Countries.

Not too far away:

In the middle of his warm ups Gai felt that a title of his was being threatened and not knowing which one he only had one choice to save the title.

"My youthful students, we must train till our Flames of Youth are as bright as the very sun." Gai yelled as he started to do his good guy pose.

"Gai Sensei" Lee stated with both Tenten and Neji suddenly having horror on their faces with himself running towards his sensei.

"Lee" Gai replied as he ran to his prized student.

"Run!" Tenten yelled as she started to run to hide from the most powerful and unbreakable genjutsu of Konoha.

"Not this blasted Sunset jutsu again, I hate that thing." Neji stated as he once tried to use his Byakugan but ended up making him see it in high detail compared to when he didn't use it.

Back with the group:

"Did anyone else feel a shiver go down their spine?" Omoi asked as he looked around.

"You're just being paranoid." Karui replied as she had this angry scowl on her face.

"He probably just felt Maito Gai. He has a bit of a reputation." Naruto stated right before pretty much everyone in the village heard the yells of pain and anguish of two genins.

"Yep, that was Gai sensei since we just heard Tenten's and Neji's screams of pain and misery." Shiro added as she felt sorry for Tenten but not so much for Neji.

"Kankurō, let go of the child. You're a disgrace to our village." stated a red headed boy standing on the bottom of a tree branch.

"Ok Gaara, I won't be any trouble." Kankurō stated as he dropped Konohamaru who quickly ran behind Naruto.

Gaara did a sand based body flicker jutsu to appear in front of Temari which allowed Naruto to see that he had dark rings around his eyes that he hadn't seen when the sand shinobi was in the tree but the young blond Uzumaki could tell that the red head didn't sleep often or at the very least didn't get a lot of good sleep.

"Naruto, that boy is the jinchūriki of my brother Shukaku the one tailed tanuki sand spirit. I'm surprised that his host isn't sleep deprived and is an insomniac. Normally that crazy tanuki and I only call him that since he is childish and short-tempered, constantly assaults his host's mind and psyche that he would go on a killing spree if they ever fell asleep." Kurama stated as he could feel the nearly unfiltered chakra of his youngest and weakest sibling.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked as he could feel the blood lust coming off the boy and could even barely smell the scent of blood coming from his sand gourd.

"Yes, I recognize the feel of his chakra anywhere." Kurama stated as he could only feel his brother's chakra at the moment and knew that these Chūnin Exams just became very deadly.

"These boys and their chakra, I feel so much blood lust from the sand shinobi and so much malice from the leaf shinobi." Yugito thought as she was rather surprised that the two boys held so much negativity with in them.

"Oh kitten, it isn't that they are so negative, but it's what they have sealed inside of them that you are feeling. Well maybe the sand boy is also helping with Shukaku. The seals on their jinchūrikis must not be keeping my brothers' chakras completely suppressed, especially Shukaku's." replied a voice back with the feeling of respect being felt by the young kunoichi.

"Are you sure Matatabi?" the cloud kunoichi asked as she looked at the two.

"Do you doubt me, kitten?" Matatabi asked back.

"Sorry Sensei." Yugito replied to one of her teachers.

"What is your name leaf shinobi?" Gaara asked as he glared at Naruto.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke answered as he appeared on the fence right by the group.

"Sasuke; how long where you waiting to make a stupid appearance?" Naruto demanded as he glared at the biggest jerk he ever meet.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT SASUKE YOU IDOUT!" Sakura yelled at the blond haired boy.

"I was not asking for your name Uchiha, I was asking him." Gaara replied as he pointed at Naruto.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I will be the next Hokage." Naruto stated as he flared his chakra three times in quick succession.

"What's with the chakra flares? Can't control your chakra?" Kankurō taunted as he thought Naruto was about to piss his pants.

"Why did he suddenly flare his chakra exactly three times in quick succession?" Temari thought to herself with the other girls in this large group thinking the same thing.

Before anything else could be done or said a massive amount of KI could be felt by the village and everyone in it.

Hokage Office:

"Someone must have attacked Naruto. I actually feel sorry for them if it turns out to be a visitor." the elderly Hokage stated as he felt his hidden Anbu guards nod their heads in agreement.


Fū and her team felt this KI and most of them where freaking out.

"This has to be the Bug's fault. She pissed someone off." both of the boys of the group yelled as they were pissing themselves.

Kenshin was standing next to Fū, who was taking it better than most of village was, ready for an attack.

"What's happening ssu?" Fū thought as she looked around as she felt her chakra infused pet kabutomushi beetles freaking out in their carrier thanks to her partner.

"I know this type of KI larva, don't worry it's only the killer intent of an older brother wanting to protect their younger sibling." replied a cheerful voice to the young green haired kunoichi.

"Should have guessed so, I feel something like this every time I tell Lord Shibuki that I was targeted for harassment or even by would be assassins. Thanks Chōmei." Fū replied as she went to her beetles to calm them done by giving them some of her chakra.

Back with the group:

"Oh man, what's this. This is even more intense then when Lord A is pissed at Sensei." Omoi stated as he got agreements from his team mates.

"I agree with that. I feel sorry for the fool that angered this raging dragon of devastation. Oh that's a good one." Killer B added as he pulled out his little green book to write down the last part of his statement.

"Sensei!" all three cloud genins jumped a bit from their sensei suddenly appearing behind them.

That's when Ganta suddenly appeared from a water based body flicker in his uniform with his kunai spears extended and moving around him in a sinister looking way, well sinister to the genins present any way.

"Who is that?" Karui yelled as she didn't like the look of this 19ish looking man.

"Oh that's Ganta Uzumaki; he was that guy that acted as executioner for that noble that caused the whole Hyūga incident about 10 years ago." B answered as he remembered the day his brother found out about the real reason it happened with the noble planning on using a slave seal to turn her into his son's wife and his son was more than twice her age at the time. (The noble's son was about 13, 14 when this happened.)

"That's the Black Leaf of Konoha! He's younger than I thought!" Karui stated as she then realized that Ganta had to be about 16 or 17 when that happened.

"B the young blond boy and the red haired boy are jinchūrikis for my brothers Shukaku and Kurama, and don't let that arrogate fox now that I told you his name!" a voice told B with both respect and clearly heard annoyance.

"Thanks for the info Lord Eight Tails." B thanked as he got ready to talk to the group as a whole.

"This ore prefers his name of Gyūki" the tailed beast angrily replied as he hated it when B called him that.

"Naruto, who tried to attack you?" Ganta asked in an ever calm way that sent shivers down many of the group's spines.

"Sorry Ganta, no one was attacking me but the amount of blood lust he was releasing caused me to use the signal out of old habit." the younger brother answered as he also pointed at Gaara and then rubbed his head.

"Thank you for telling me the truth, and I might as well wake up, and did you give them the forms?" the older brother replied as the KI he was releasing suddenly disappeared.

"Yes I did." Naruto replied with a smile.

"Good, team we'll meet tomorrow for some training and Naruto and I will be bring Karin too." the black clad shinobi stated as he started to leave.

"Yo, before anyone leaves I have a message from Lord Eight that I have to deliver to both Lord One and Lord Nine and it's this 'We need to get together with the rest of our siblings and talk about what dad said to us.'" B stated as all three of his students stood there with their mouths so open that they could probably catch small birds.

"What is he talking about?" Naruto thought as he had this confused look like most of the others except for Ganta that found it strange that one of the jinchūrikis of Kumo would basically tell everyone around what he was.

"I can't believe it." Kurama thought to himself feeling bad for his brother.

Later that night:

Naruto had just got to bed and found himself standing in front of Kurama's cage with said fox waiting at the gate.

"Why am I here? I thought you said I don't actually get any real rest while I'm in here and trying to sleep." Naruto asked as he glared at the fox.

"I just wanted to tell you that it seems that my brother Gyūki, also known as the Eight Tails, is here and if my memory is correct the cloud village was not only given him but also my sister Matatabi, also known as the Two Tails." Kurama answered as he looked at his host.

"So there are three jinchūrikis here. At least I only have to worry about two of them in the exams." the young blond stated as he was trying to see the bright side of the situation.

"Well another of my sisters might also be here. Here name is Chōmei, and she's also known as the Seven Tails." the fox shape mass of chakra added as he let out a bit of a guilty chuckle.

"What! When were you going to tell me?" Naruto demanded as he yelled at the tailed beast.

"Hey I wasn't sure myself! She's really good at concealing her chakra; add in the fact that the seals that are strong enough to contain her in a living host makes it really hard to feel her chakra even if my host, meaning you, is standing right next to hers I would have to be looking for her chakra to even find her." Kurama replied as he glared back at his host.

"So that means I could be facing 3 jinchūrikis. That's going to be awesome. Believe it!" the host of the Kyūbi stated in annoyance.

"Either way, we're going to have to start your training real soon." Kurama stared as he knew that it was going to take a lot of training to get him ready for his sisters' hosts since they take a better liking to their hosts since they tended to act more like mothers to others even to their siblings and they were constantly lecturing him and Shukaku all the time.

Across the hall:

Karin was currently having a hard time keeping her mind out of the gutter as many would say.

"I shouldn't be having these thoughts about Naruto. We barely know each other, and even thou it isn't unusual for members of a clan to marry each other as long as they are distant in relation. Besides would it be better if I were to marry someone from outside of the clan." the young red haired girl said to herself but couldn't help but see her fellow clansmen as her husband even if he took multiple wives since she knew about the Clan Restoration Act would most likely be put in effect for him.

Unable to come to her own conclusion, Karin decided to ask Ganta for some advice on this. Walking to Ganta's room, Karin started wonder why the brothers while being of the Uzumaki clan looked nothing like Uzumakis and that Ganta didn't look anything like their mother who was an Uzumaki and there for look almost nothing like his younger brother. Right after she had those thoughts, she got to his door and knocked on it to let him know she was there.

"Come in Karin." Ganta stated which didn't surprise the red head to much since he probably knew his brother's habits.

"Sorry if I'm disturbing you." the young woman replied as she opened the door and then saw that Ganta was shirtless while sitting at a desk in the room.

"You're not disturbing me; I was just going over the last little details for your training." Ganta answered as he stood up from his chair.

Karin then noticed that Ganta had a large seal matrix on his back. Even with her limited knowledge in seals she could see that it was some kind of binding seal with something else in it.

"I take it that you're confused by the seal on my back that you're seeing." the young adult asked as he turned around to look at his newest clan mate.

"I was going to ask about the CRA and me maybe wanting to be one of Naruto's wives but I think I just found out why the two of you share very few similarities." the red head replied as she now remembered that Ganta stated that only those of Uzumaki blood or those with an Uzumaki brand seal could enter the manor.

"Well for the CRA I would say you should ask a member of another clan for that or even ask a jōnin kunoichi, and yes I am not Uzumaki by blood. I was found by Kushina when I was around five. She took me in, she treated me as if I was her own flesh and blood and she even put the Uzumaki brand seal on my back. Naruto knows that I'm only his step brother but he still sees me as his brother." the temporary head of the Uzumaki clan answered as he looked at his step clan member.

"Thank you for telling me all of this, wait who else knows about you not really being an Uzumaki?" Karin asked as she didn't want to accidently reveal a secret.

"Me being adopted isn't really much of a secret now a days, but more like a secret that anyone in the village can learn if they ask, so far only Lord Third and very few others know." the blond answered as he looked into the eyes of a girl that reminded him of his adopted mother so much.

Karin left at this point to return to her room and began to think up who to ask. She started to think maybe to ask Yakumo but changed her mind as she didn't know how close Naruto and the Kurama heiress really where and didn't want to make a scene and decided she would go ask Ino instead.

Next morning Training Ground 13:

Ganta was able to make shadow clones for everyone. Every genin was getting one on one with Ganta at the moment all of them getting training in elemental transformation, well except for Karin as the real Ganta and one of the four shadow clones was going to start on the Uzumaki clan's fūinjutsu.

"I can't believe that calligraphy is needed for fūinjutsu." Karin thought her complaint as Ganta was having her make as many exploding tags as the amount of materials she had.

Ganta was going through the 20 exploding tags Karin had made with there being about 30 more with the materials left, but she had started with enough materials for 60.

"She has talent but do to Kusa not allowing her to train in the art she isn't as skilled as she could have been." Ganta thought as saw that the exploding tags where only slightly weaker than the ones sold at the shinobi stores.

Seeing how everyone was training so hard and that the Chūnin Exams Ganta told his team to quite for the rest of the day and prepare for the exams. Karin was about to join them until Ganta pulled out a new scroll.

"But you said we could quite for the rest of the day." Karin stated as her hands where killing her with how precise she had to make the exploding tags.

"I told my team they could because they are in the Chūnin Exams. You however still need to work on your skills since Kusa stunted your shinobi training to focus on your medical prowess instead. We have a lot to work on." Ganta replied as he looked down at the young red head.

"Under stood sensei." Karin stated as she looked at the scroll to see the technique for a seal, more precisely a gravity seal.

"I want you to learn this jutsu so we can use it to help in your physical training. We can continue this back at the compound." the older clan member stated as he started to walk back to their home with Karin quickly following.