It was a quiet day in the utopian city of Crystal Tokyo , capital of the new Silver Millennium , which was created after Sailor Moon woke again to save the planet, with the power of the Silver Crystal, after the Great Freeze happened to early twenty-first century.

And while many lives were saved, too many were lost, destroying entire cultures.

So during the reconstruction of the world, Sailor Moon, now known as the Neo-Queen Serenity, and the other Sailors were given the task of trying to salvage as much as possible of each lost culture, lest they fall into oblivion and be remembered as part of the history of the planet .

To do this, a museum responsible for keeping records of the past and showing objects on display in these cultures was created. Sailor Mercury was responsible for overseeing the work of the museum, besides helping to classify and record everything that came to the museum from the various ruins of the old cities around the world.

Just another installment of objects from the past was the current dilemma, as it came to things from the ruins of the old London, and while some things seemed to come from the late twentieth century, there were others who were of the same era, but seemed more like the 60s and 70s.

Ami sighed heavily, unable to correctly classify the objects before her. The volunteers working at the museum were baffled as well, for how was it possible that there were objects that appeared to have existed in the same period, yet appeared to be from different eras? Everything in the collection seemed out of time.

" Time... Ah-ha!" Thought Ami. "Perhaps I could ask for help from Sailor Pluto!" The black-haired young woman was visiting the Crystal Palace at the time, so it would be a little difficult to get in contact with her... But she was the Guardian of Time, being extremely knowledgeable about history as a result. She could have an idea of the batch of objects that were confusing everybody working in the museum... With that in mind , she sent a message to Pluto with the Sailor-communicator, asking her to come to help her with some things in the museum.

Some time later, when answering the message of Ami, Setsuna came to the museum. She had been more than happy to accept the request, as she liked to visit the museum from time to time to take brief rest periods from her efforts to protect the Stargate. Her favourite thing to do in Crystal Tokyo was look back on the memories that came with the various artifacts, which was the reason for her current visit.

Wasting no time, Setsuna went to the part of the museum where objects were classified before assembling the exhibits, for she knew that's where Sailor Mercury was most likely to be.

"Hello, Ami. I received your message. What do you need from me?" Setsuna asked Ami, who was quite happy to see her, both because she was glad to see her friend, and because she was anxious to speed up the research a bit.

"Setsuna! Hello!" Ami hugged her friend. "Thanks for coming, because I really need your help." explained Ami, while walking toward the table where they had various objects, Ami explaining to Setsuna what was wrong with them.

"So you mean they can not classify these objects in particular?" asked Setsuna to Ami, noticing the objects that were in the workbench: various wooden sticks, a broom made of wood with metal parts, books that seemed fictional, a hand-woven bag, and a trunk written with "HP written in gold letters.

Ami nodded and continued. "Yes, and the problem is that although they seem to be from the 60s and 70s, they're actually from the last decade of the twentieth century." Setsuna nodded. "And after running a quick scan through my computer, some energy is detected in some of them, especially the objects inside the trunk."

"I see." Setsuna replied with a nod. "I will do all I can to help you." Ami smiled and nodded, then yawned. Setsuna frowned.

"Ami, how long have you stayed awake attempting to decipher these objects?"

"Dunno..." Ami mumbled.

"This will not do. You need to get some rest, Ami."

"But...I need to get this done-"

"I will do it. You need your rest. I will inform you if I find anything of interest." Ami hesitated, then nodded.

"Fine...But I expect to be woken up the moment you learn something about these."

"Well of course." Ami left the room, and Setsuna focused her attention on the suitcase. "She said these came from the ruins of the old London ... London" Setsuna thought a little more until she gave up being, unable to remember anything else at the moment. " Setsuna decided to pull open the trunk and see what was inside.

Inside were seven objects and a note, written on old parchment. Curious, she took it and began to read.

This letter has been left in the memory of Harry Potter, boy who lived, saviour of the wizarding world, which was not apprecitative of his sacrifice. His friends and colleagues leaves this trunk and its contents as mementos of a hero who's life was forgotten, hoping that whoever finds it will know of its history, preventing it from getting lost to the sands of time.

Army of Dumbledore, and the Order of the Phoenix

Setsuna put a hand on her hip, and frowned down at the letter, slightly surprised by the contents. Then she remembered the secret community of practioners of magic, the witches and wizards. "So this is all that remains of them." She whispered to herself. She looked down at the seven items protruding from the trunk.

An envelope, a silver sword, a large eagle feather, a goblet of metal and glass, a small white glass orb, a worn book, and an old wand.

These items, unbeknownst to her, would be key to a very important event in the woman's life.

Driven by curiousity, she took the first object, the envelope, which read:

Mr. Harry Potter

The cupboard under the stairs.

Privet Drive # 4

And as she placed her hand over the envelope, she saw a bright flash...and suddenly, she was seeing scenes of this Harry Potter's past.

The first thing she saw was an infant lying outside of an average looking house. It quickly flashed to another scene...of the same infant being ignored as a fat one was fed a massive mountain of scrambled eggs. Another flash...and it showed the same infant inside of a dark, cramped cupboard under the stairs, having had an accident, crying and screaming until an obese man had come downstairs and yelled at him to shut up, frightening him into silence. Next scene showed a one year old toddler getting yelled at by a horse-like woman for allegedly ruining her garden. When he said nothing, looking nervously at the ground, she proceeded to slap him across the face hard enough to leave a visible hand mark, drag him outside and toss him into the garden, furiously whispering at him to fix what he messed up on and do it right. When his uncle had come home that night, he had failed to finish his task up to Petunia's standards.

As a result, the little boy ended up getting punched in the face and stomach by the fat man and dragged off to his cupboard. He had begun crying softly, only to be yelled at to shut up and never cry again or he would suffer. Next scene, a two year old boy was running around cleaning every room in the house spotlessly, only to be punished anyway when his obese cousin messed up all of his hard work.

After that, the same two year old cooking breakfast and being denied permission to eat anything he had personally cooked. Then, a scene of the same two year old boy being thrown into his cupboard after a vicious beating that left his skin tattered, his eyes swollen shut, his limbs broken...And despite the pain he was clearly feeling, he held strong, refraining from crying...

Setsuna felt disgusted to see the poor child suffer so much, but continued to watch, and so continued the abuse for years, always being abused, punished and exploited to the extent that she doubted the humanity of the Dursley, and while the poor boy, had reached the point that he had lost all hope that things would change, until his eleventh birthday (which he had begun to doubt he would survive his increasingly worse annual beatins), which was when his world changed.

The next thing she noted, was one of the most important moments in the life of the boy, when he learned about his legacy, being a wizard. Setsuna felt the joy of Harry knowing that his life could change. He could escape from that hell, and he had met his first friend, the gentle half-giant Hagrid.

She saw him spend his first year at Hogwarts, and the adventures he lived through with his first friends of his age (as Dudley made sure that did not have any before) the simple Ron and the smart Hermione, the mischievous Weasley twins, Fred and George, and the Director of the school Albus Dumbledore.

And at the end of his first year, the director told him he would have to spend the holidays with his family before returning back to Hogwarts, the following year, when Harry asked if he could stay in school during summer, news that filled him with regret, knowing that he should return back to his own hell.

And that is when the first memory ended. Setsuna shed tears for the innocent child that had suffered so much at the hands of his cruel relatives. But she still had a sliver of hope that things would look up for him. Wordlessly, she placed her hand over the sword, allowing the next memory to play before her eyes.

She saw the memories of what apparently was his second year at the school of magicians, but not before seeing what happened before returning when the house elf Dobby tried to warn him of a danger he would run into if he returned to school, besides being the answer to why his friends had not written during the summer.

When the little elf, to prevent Harry return to Hogwarts, ruined an important dinner for Vernon, he was so enraged that gave him the beating of his life to Harry, to the point of breaking the bone of the arm and locking him in the room that he had been given to save face, if Hagrid was going back to look for him.

While Setsuna hated seeing him so mistreated, she was glad to see little Harry had been prepared (proving to be quite intelligent) and bought potions for occasions like this, to avoid pain, which served to hide his situation when the twins and Ron went to get him out, starting their adventures in the second year.

She saw him live a true moment of peace with the Weasleys, as well as the trip to Diagon Alley, meet the faker Lockhart, get on the flying car to Hogwarts, enduring the stigma of being discriminated against for talking to snakes, and survive the attacks caused by the damn cursed journal, and her heart stopped, seeing him fight the Basilisk to save the life of Ron's sister and restore the reputation of his friend Hagrid.

She shook her head. This child's life was so difficult... Surely his third year wouldn't be as full of danger as his previous two, right? Without missing a beat, she placed her hand over the third item and waiting to see the memory...

The third object was a beautiful silver and very soft to the touch feather, and while Setsuna thought that, she saw the memories of his third year.

The poor guy seemed to be cursed because something always happened before going to Hogwarts. After school that year, Dumbledore convinced Vernon to allow Harry to return. Vernon grudgingly accepted to save face. Harry, later asked his signature to go to village near Hogwarts, Hogsmeade; and after Vernon beat him for having to deal with the Wizards, the human whale accepted, happy after giving him a lesson, but only if Harry did not cause problems during the visit of Vernon's sister Marge.

Naturally, it all went wrong for Harry, much to Setsuna's annoyance, because while Marge was worse with him than the Dursleys, Harry endured anything to get permission, and after enduring the combined abuse of all of the Dursleys, when Marge began to speak ill of his parents, Setsuna was surprised to see Harry do something that he had never dared to do.

Harry objected, raising his voice and opposing his torturers for first time, enraged by the lies Marge told about his parents, which made his magic react, accidentally inflating Marge, resulting in Harry escaping after Vernon hit him in the left shoulder to the chest in the back, with a poker, which began another of his years.

A worried Setsuna, saw him, while still hurt by the wound inflicted by Vernon, raise his wand in the presence of a huge black dog, climb the Knight Bus and return to the world that was his only consolation, learning of the threat of Sirius Black and suffer against Dementors and meet another friend of his parents, Remus Lupin, and suffer from the loss of his Nimbus 2000 and surprised to receive the powerful Firebolt, besides the fond memories of when he rode on the backs of Buckbeak the hippogriff (Where the feather had come from].

She felt his pain and anger when he found out why Sirius Black was a danger to him, and who was actually the dangerous prisoner, and see him at the end of the memories of that year, act courageously to defend his friends and she was surprised, as he found out what really happened the night his parents were killed.

What surprised Setsuna was seeing another object besides her powers as Sailor Pluto, allowing time travel, the time-turner, and was proud to see Harry save his godfather with the help of hippogriff Buckbeak, after saving the creature too.

Sighing sadly, the sailor scout shook her head. His life truly was very difficult...And she had a strong feeling it wasn't going to get any easier from that point on. She picked up the silver goblet, admiring the craftsmanship for a moment, before the magic took effect, and carry her into the fourth memory of his school days.

Already accustomed to feeling of the magic in the items that made her see the memories of the poor boy, Setsuna witnessed his fourth year. She saw Harry have, to her surprise, a part of the summer, relatively quiet, to spend it with the Weasleys, to go to the Quidditch World Cup.

And how did Vernon agree to let him go? Because of the money he received from the Ministry of Magic, after the deflation of Marge and erasing of her memory, as compensation.

And what promised to be a quiet summer became complicated, after seeing along with Harry, a strange vision in his dreams, which gave Setsuna, a bad feeling and later with the attack of the Death Eaters, loyal servants of Voldemort (who seemed to be a constant in each of his previous years) began a series of events that deeply mark the fate of poor Harry.

Setsuna saw Harry with his friends, following the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament, have fun and have a good time with them, besides knowing the old Auror, "Mad-Eye" Moody, who gave Setsuna some distrust upon seeing him, though she could not explain why.

When the selection of champions from each school began to complicate things for Harry, who was forced to participate, despite having not done anything. She felt his pain at seeing the school being back against him, and especially his best friend, who did not believe him, and felt faint, seeing him face the dragon in the first test, and was glad to see him pass the test and regain the support of his best friend.

Setsuna was quite amused to see him suffer at the theme of dance and giggled, seeing him finally start to notice girls. She was proud to see his performance in the second test, while trying to save someone in apparent danger, and she began to worry when Harry found the boss Percy Weasley, in disrepair, giving her again a bad feeling.

And these bad feelings came true when he was in the third test, which Harry could surpass, thanks to his friends and what appeared to be his moment of triumph, to the horror of Setsuna, became one of the worst moments of Harry's life, to be a witness with him, the death of Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts champion and the resurrection of his worst enemy, Voldemort.

And again, Setsuna was amazed by the courage and bravery of Harry, not being overcome and continuing fighting despite everything being against him, and seeing what happened between Harry and Voldemort's wands and seeing, in addition to photos that Harry had of his parents, their ghosts, out of Voldemort's wand. She sighed with relief when she saw him escape.

But that relief was short for Setsuna, as she discovered why "Mad-Eye" gave her a bad feeling. He turned out to really be a Death Eater in disguise, and she was relieved to see Harry being rescued by Dumbledore, and she was exasperated to see reaction of the Minister, who did not believe in the evidence of the return of Voldemort, and Setsuna saw sadly, Harry deal with the trauma of what happened in the cemetery.

That Fudge man...He certainly was dense and stupid...She felt an immense amount of dislike and annoyance towards him...Oh well, everyone makes mistakes. Perhaps he was just in denial. Perhaps she would find some redeeming qualities in this ministry, should she pick up the fifth item...

The fifth object was a small white sphere, and although it did not seem important at first glance, Setsuna soon learn how this small object, marked Harry's life. Without hesitation she carefully took the small sphere, entering again to the memories of Harry.

Setsuna would not have thought that things could get worse for Harry, but she was wrong. Seeing him on constant alert after the return of Voldemort and between that, the mistreatment of Dursley as apparently his friends forgot about him, leaving him only with the company of his faithful owl Hedwig (a gift from Hagrid during his first year), made this one of his worst summers, and it was even worse when one of the few times where Harry could get out, he was attacked by Dementors.

She was quite worried to see him in danger, he and the idiotic cousin of his, who had decided to bother him just as they were attacked, but Harry, to her relief, he could save himself and his cousin getting unexpected help from his neighbor, Arabella Figg, who helped him to carry Dudley home. where upon arrival, upon seeing him carry Dudley and thinking the worst, Vernon started hitting him with a bat, angering Setsuna, who wished she could throw her strongest attacks to Vernon for his cruelty. To make matters worse, Harry was in trouble for using magic outside of school.

And thus began a decisive year, which marked Harry deeply, as Setsuna saw him reach the house of his godfather, meet his friends and call them out for forgetting him in the summer, plus finding out what was the Order of the Phoenix and about the smear campaign against him by the Ministry, which together with the judgment, made Setsuna saw that, she was mistaken to expect anything good for Minster Fudge.

Setsuna saw him rejoice a little, when he was elected captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but upon getting to school, he met the person who would be his headache, throughout the year, the employee of the ministry, Dolores Umbridge. On the plus side, he met a new friend in Luna Lovegood.

Setsuna learned that Harry had developed a very bad temper, which caused him enough trouble and being sadistically punished by Umbridge, who sought to discredit and make him look bad, following the campaign of the ministry.

Setsuna admired his courage for secretly forming a campaign against the government, Dumbledore's Army, and she watched as Harry received his first kiss from Cho Chang (who Setsuna, had her doubts about) .She witnessed again his strange visions, and as thanks to them, they could save the father of Ron, and Setsuna knew with him, the sad story of Neville's parents.

And near the end of the memories of that year, Setsuna witnessed one of the worst moments for Harry, where following a vision, he and his friends fell into a trap in the ministry. They survived... with a high cost... the death of his godfather, Sirius, plus the revelation that Voldemort was obsessed with the end with Harry, as their fate was united by a prophecy (the small white sphere), which Harry felt was the source of all his misfortunes.

This was a memory that infuriated her to watch. Dolores Umbridge was amongst the most deplorable human beings she had ever seen in her life, Harry could never seem to catch a break with the constant barrage of cruelty that was thrust upon him and to make matters worse, and he had the only family he had left viciously ripped away from him. She was beginning to feel horrible for this poor unfortunate soul. He was under FAR too much pressure by his peers, and when he did not meet their expectations to the book, they would all turn their backs on him...

Setsuna learned that he had a predetermined destiny too, when the prophecy described him as the only one who could defeat Voldemort.

Setsuna knew what it meant having a predetermined destiny, she and the other Sailor were proof of this, and while they supported each other, Harry was alone.

She shook her head. The boy needed someone to care for him. He shouldn't be living with the Dursley. They were truly terrible people and they were who made things worse for Harry, by not having a break from his other problems. No...He needed someone who would support him, love him. Who would treat him like family.

Shaking her head, she picked up the next item.

The penultimate item was a book of potions, which when opened, said "Property of the Half-Blood Prince," which aroused the curiosity of Setsuna, as she relived again, memories of Harry, by magic in the book.

Setsuna noted with surprise that Dumbledore had actually corrected his mistakes, as he went to pick up Harry, and before leaving, berated the Dursleys, for all the damage they had done to Harry, and learned the reason why he had to return each year to that hellish place, and he would have to return only once more.

Then she witnessed how Harry met the former Potions Professor Slughorn, and his arrival at the home of the Weasleys, where he would be the rest of that summer, She took pity on him, to see him confused by his feelings for Ginny, the sister of Ron (confirming how men can be stubborn about his feelings and Harry was no exception) and saw him rejoice, for the new joke shop of the twins that opened thanks to Harry, who gave them the award, of the Triwizard tournament.

She saw him battle between being again Gryffindor Quidditch captain, his suspicions of Malfoy being a Death Eater, so Ginny, while with him, thanks to the tutelage of Dumbledore, he learned about the origin of Voldemort whose real name was Tom Marvolo Riddle (she felt horrible knowing about the existence of the Horcruxes), and Setsuna saw, as Harry got the worn book, which was key to improving Harry in Potions, and she was exasperated, together with Harry, over the drama between Hermione and Ron.

At the end of the year, Setsuna saw with Harry that his suspicions were true, then Malfoy introduced a team of Death Eaters, intending to kill Dumbledore, who, being weak, after returning from the hunt for a fake Horcrux, was killed at the hands of Severus Snape, while at Hogwarts, teachers and members of the Order of the Phoenix repelled the attack, finishing with Harry being defeated and knocked out by Snape, after having pursued him, to avenge one of their fallen loved ones.

The young woman shook her head sadly. It wasn't right for this poor boy to have to watch so many of his loved ones die right in front of his face. It was as if the universe was against him... She actually found herself wishing she could have been there, along with the other scouts. Voldemort and his little band of Death Eaters would have been complete and utter wastes of time compared to the likes of Sailor Galaxia...

Sighing, she looked down at the last item. Without hesitation, she picked it up, and once more, waited for the magic to carry her in another memory...

The last object was an Elder Wand, which despite looking quite old, seemed to have a lot of magic, Setsuna thought as she entered the memories of the last object

Setsuna saw the last moment between Harry and the Dursleys, and while Vernon and Petunia were glad not to see him again, his cousin, to the surprise of Harry, thanked him for saving him, and apologed for everything, finishing what was the agony of Harry all his life.

What followed was, to Setsuna, the worst year of Harry's life, as it began with him escaping from his old home, and being chased by a horde of Death Eaters and Voldemort himself, who remained committed more than ever to kill him. They barely escaped, but it cost him the life of his beloved owl, Hedwig, his Firebolt, an ear of one of the Weasley twins and the life of the true "mad-Eye" Moody.

And while Setsuna watched him have a brief moment of peace, the wedding of Bill and Fleur, it was interrupted by a visit from the new Minister Scrimgeour (to the surprise of Setsuna), who gave to Harry and his friends what Dumbledore left them in his will.

And during the party after the wedding, she watched as he and his friends were forced to escape an attack from Death Eaters, beginning a constant cycle of fleeing for Harry and his friends to escape Voldemort, who had taken over the Ministry of Magic, while she watched him go with the last task that Dumbledore left them, to destroy the remaining Horcruxes to finally bring down Voldemort.

It was an arduous and exhausting search, he and his friends lost a lot during that search, with Setsuna felt a great sadness for it. She saw him escape the Ministry, after getting a Horcrux, as the influence of this horrible object separated Ron from group, and she felt his anguish when he was nearly killed by Voldemort's snake and see him lose his wand Phoenix Feather, rejoice to see him being rescued by Ron while obtaining the sword of Gryffindor, with which destroyed the locket.

Setsuna felt with him, his disappointment at the betrayal of Xenophilius Lovegood, while following a track of the Deathly Hallows, which, for the curiosity of Setsuna, were a constant obsession to Harry in that quest, and she felt that somehow would be important to the mission of Harry and even more surprised to see that Harry's invisibility cloak was one of those relics.

Setsuna felt faint to see how they were captured, he and his friends, felt his pain at hearing Hermione being tortured, and felt proud of him seeing him escape and rescue Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, the creator of Wands, Ollivander and one of Gringots goblins, only to see him suffer once more to lose another friend, the humble elf Dobby.

Setsuna saw him embark on a new adventure, to steal a Horcrux from the bank of magicians, Gringotts, and marveled at his escape on a dragon ("What is it about him and his fate to always find dangerous animals?" thought Setsuna) and saw with him after escaping, the vision where Voldemort got the elder Wand (another Deathly Hallows), from Dumbledore's tomb; and she saw him with his friends embark on what would be the last battle against Voldemort, giving her a sense of emptiness in the stomach to Setsuna, feeling that something was not right.

She saw him being rescued by Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother, who had earlier sent Dobby to help him. She learned the sad story of the former director, and saw Harry reunited with his friends again, who helped him even more, to approaching Voldemort, the attack on the school...She felt his joy as Harry knew that he was not alone and was supported by the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's Army. She saw him battle with his former enemy Draco Malfoy, to seek and destroy another Horcrux, while Ron and Hermione destroyed another one.

She felt his guilt over the deaths during the first attack of Voldemort, for all the loved ones and acquaintances Harry lost in that battle, and her terror when observing with him, the end of the hated Professor Snape, who for the surprise of them both; asked him to observe his memories in a pensieve and was shocked to observe next to Harry, the life of the teacher, that at the end was a secret ally and felt her blood freeze in knowing that Harry would have to die to destroy Voldemort.

Setsuna cried inadvertently "WHY?!" She said in shock, "Why did this boy have to have such a sad fate?!"Despite his efforts and sacrifices, he did not have a happy ending. Sadly she saw him walk out of the castle, knowing without doubt was where he was going, She saw him pull from the snitch he received from Dumbledore, the last Deathly Hallow, the resurrection stone, and she saw him receive support from the ghosts of his parents and Sirius and Remus (who died in battle too), Setsuna tried to stop him, but to her despair only went through him, like smoke and saw him get where Voldemort was, and she along saw Harry killed by his hated enemy.

Setsuna was sobbin inconsolably, thinking that was the end, but to her surprise, the memories did not stop because she saw Harry talk to... Dumbledore ?, in a kind of limbo, clarifying many things and saw him revive again, to her joy; and she witnessed his final battle, when Voldemort was boasting to have killed Harry, Setsuna saw Neville kill Nagini, the last of the Horcruxes.

And the battle unleashed again, with the support of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, she saw his friends saddened by the apparent death of Harry, and rejoice after seeing him alive while protecting them from Voldemort's spells, to whom Harry faced and to everyone's surprise (and Setsuna herself), beat him with his own spell, destroying the evil tyrant.

She felt his joy, to see him happy, thinking all was over, but her bad feeling about this came true to her horror and anguish, as Lucius Malfoy, in one last trick, murdered him while his back was turned. Ironically with a muggle weapon, a revolver, shooting him straight to the hear. When Setsuna, in her fury, was about launch an attack, she saw Lucius Malfoy fall, struck by the spells of Harry's friends, who also mourned his death, ending the last memory.

Setsuna was again in the room of the Museum, and falling down to the ground, weeping incessantly by the death of that poor boy.

And although she, during all the time that she had been guarding the Time Gate, saw countless deaths, the death of Harry, really affected her, because unlike the others, Setsuna witnessed the whole life that Harry had, the bad times, and the few good he had, and so, despite her usually calm and reserved behavior, Setsuna could not help but mourn for sorrow she felt for him.

Setsuna's sadness quickly gave way to fury. This was absolutely despicable. No one should have to suffer such horrible torment. And he had been suffering since infancy! It wasn't right...It wasn't fair...Was there anything, any way to go back in time and rescue him without messing up the fabric of time and space that did not involve violating the taboos she had in her powers?

"I cannot use my powers, by the taboos that limit them, how else can I turn back time and save him?" Setsuna repeated to herself, trying to look for another option, and just at that moment, in the trunk, another object appeared to center of the 7, and that brief spark of magic, which quickly alerted Setsuna., looked out again in the trunk, surprising, seeing that the new object was a time-turner!, with it, she could find some way to save Harry!

Without thinking, she took it from the trunk, and just at that moment, felt the same magic in the other objects and knew it would see one more memory, but from whom?

Setsuna found herself in what looked like the ruins of a castle, and was surprised to see a haggard Hermione and Ron, with her, trying to build an object. Setsuna realized it was the time turner, and could hear them talk when approaching them.

"Hermione, you should get some rest, you take days, trying to put together the time-turner," Ron said, concerned about the health of his wife

"I know Ron, and I will have plenty of time to rest when I've finished building it, you know how important it is to finish it," replied an exhauste Hermione. Ron put a sad face and asked "Do you think that would work?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. Right after that, going to another memory, Setsuna came face to face with Hermione. to her surprise, that grew when she found herself listening to Hermione ... talk to her?

"To the person who found the trunk and the objects in it, we thank you and ask you to please keep the history of our friend, who was a hero, who gave everything for our world, which forgot about him " Said a sobbing Hermione, who continued talking.

"Right after his death, everything went on as before, and no one remembered his sacrifice, the surviving Death Eaters, bought back the government, but this time, we were not going to allow it, so Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix fought them, sparking a war that ended all magical England, when a Death Eater tried using a forbidden spell of Voldemort, and ended up destroying all London... The rest of the British magicians decided to leave the country, losing hope that everything would improve... "said Hermione, surprising Setsuna, and clarifying, incidentally, why London was found in worse shape than the other cities.

"Between Luna Lovegood and me," Hermione continued, "we created a spell (Memoria Portus) to store memories in objects, that whoever touched them, observe the memories stored in them, and we did so that the memory of our friend Harry, was not forgotten"

"And when Ron and I were looking for something useful in the ruins of the ministry, we found the remains of time turners and plans for its reconstruction, the Death Eaters were not able to complete, but for me it was useful, because after months of study plans and theory, I could reconstruct a time-turner functional, the last of them, but unfortunately, neither Ron or I can use it, being so weakened by wars, so I decided to drop along with the other objects, and with a request to whoever finds it, please save Harry!, we're lost, but he deserves a second chance! " said Hermione crying while Setsuna cried too, but with joy, knowing that she had a chance to save Harry, without breaking the taboos to which she was attached.

After that, the memory of Hermione showed her how to use the time turner and Memoria Portus spell (which gave her an idea to Setsuna) and in the last part, she saw Hermione, leave, explaining that they wanted Harry was saved by all the abuse he suffered at the Dursleys and she had noticed, but said nothing, waiting for Harry to trust them to tell them; which Harry did, while searching for the Horcruxes and saw Hermione asking for the last time that saved the life of his friend, ending the memory.

Setsuna looked at the time turner, and frowned when she realized it would only be able to take her back to when Harry was five years of age. It was a disappointment. She had been hoping she could snatch him off of that doorstep before he would ever suffer the abuse at the hands of his monstrous relatives...Still, better late than never... Wordlessly, she snatched up the time turner. She closed her eyes, after activating the time-turner, following the instructions of Harry's friend as she felt it beginning to take effect...

Setsuna saw everything become blurred, while returning in time to the days just after the defeat of Sailor Galaxia (which was when Harry was 5 years old) and she found herself in the park near her home in the past. Without hesitation, Setsuna headed there quickly, knowing that at that time no one was home and it would be vital to her plan.

Upon arrival, Setsuna went quickly to her room. She entered and went to her desk, and quickly wrote a note, asking the help of her past self, and to touch the object next to it after reading the note, and revising between objects in the room, she found a snow globe (gift from Rini).

Without hesitation and remembering what Hermione said, she concentrated on her memories, as she wanted to keep them in the object, and thought about all she saw in Harry's life, and the message of Hermione, and she asked her past self to save the person in the memories, and focusing on it, she touched the snow globe with her staff and said the spell, "Memoria Portus".The snow globe took a dark green glow, for a moment, then returned to normal, indicating that it had worked.

Recalling that her past self and the other girls, would soon return, Setsuna activated the time-turner and said before disappearing "Good luck, Setsuna, and please take care of Harry..." With that, she disappeared from the room.

Setsuna smiled warmly as she began the journey back to her own time. When she arrived, she was likely to have memories of Harry's new childhood, and a fully grown son (and perhaps grandchildren too). This was something she was surprisingly happy with.

As she, in her role as Guardian of Time, never thought of having her own family and channelling those instincts in Rini and Hotaru (in the past) but her having a child of her own?, Setsuna found that each time she thought about it, the more she liked the idea...Harry Potter...Her son...