Okay, so for anyone who is reading this fic after June 17th, this is the last chapter. I had two more chapters which opened the door into a sequel, but the sequel turned out horrible and you'd probably be much happier with the story ending here. if you really want to read the sequel I'll send you those two chapters so you can, but this is a much better ending without all that crap in the middle. So...yeah... So read the first author's note, but ignore the part about the sequel I guess... sorry.


"You look beautiful," Morgana whispered twirling Gwen's final piece of hair up. "Truly stunning, a Queen."

Gwen smiled, looking at herself and Morgana in the mirror. The former servant reached up her hand to place it on Morgana's. "It seems like only yesterday I was your servant getting you ready for your wedding."

"Two young girls, in a foreign land," Morgana remembered how terrified she'd been. Gwen tried to calm her, but she'd had a complete mental breakdown. "We thought Merlin would be a monster then, because of his magic. At least you know the man you're marrying."

Guinevere laughed at that, standing to walk towards the door. "I don't think anyone can truly know him Morgana, not even me. I love him though, I really do."

"I know," Morgana smiled opening the door. "I love him too."

"Mummy!" Princess Lian was bouncing outside the door in a way not quite befitting of Albion's future Queen. "How come Galen carries the rings and I have to have the flowers?"

Gwen bent down to the little girl's height, and felt the crushing weight of a two year old on her back,."Because of Myrcella doing things like that," the bride giggled. "You need to watch your sister."

Lian pretended to hate it, but she loved being the oldest. Even though she was beginning to realize it came with the responsibility of a throne. "Ella stop it, you're gonna ruin aunty Gwen's wedding!"

The little girl was too busy floating her flower basket through with magic to pay much attention to her sister. Until her mother flashed a tight warning that was. "Just you wait Gwen, you're going to be the next one dealing with this."

"I'm not so sure about that," the woman laughed, "but I hope so. How will you manage them without me, and another two on the way! I swear Morgana I'm not sure I feel right leaving you."

Morgana hated to think of how far her best friend was going, but it was necessary. "I knew the minute he caught sight of you in court that nothing has changed in all these years. I always was going to lose you to him sooner or later."

Gwen hugged her best friend tight, lingering only until the two were on the brink of tears, "I'll visit. It's only a couple days ride if you need me I will be there in a heartbeat."

"The same to you, now come on you can't be late for your own wedding." Gwen and Morgana were standing outside the door to the hall, but Gwen made no move to open the door. "Do you remember what you said to me when I tried to convince you to run away with me before my wedding?"

Gwen hadn't thought about that in years. Imagining Morgana running from Merlin now seemed like such an insane thought. The two loved each other more than the sun loved the moon, and so much happened for the good of all because of them. "I said that there are ties that bind and ties that break, and it all depends on how you make the knot."

"So go make your not a good one," Morgana whispered pushing the door open. Silence fell, as the crowd parted to either side revealing a smiling Arthur, King of Camelot and High King of Albion, Queen's crown in hand, waiting for his bride to become his wife.

The end.