(A/N) Well, here we are. The newcomer in my series of stories. Now, despite the fact that I am releasing another story, don't think for a second that I'm stopping on TWRBTB. In fact, I am most-likely writing another chapter in that story as you read this one. This story is going to be VERY mature in content, but at the same time you'll receive nice fluffy moments of the White Rose and Bumble Bee couples through memories of our protagonist. Excuse any errors, my glasses are broken. And to my inspiration: Thank you, Monty. (A/N)

Vale Penitentiary, Present Day…

The room was dark, the cold steel of the table before her made her shiver at the thought. The gentle 'tick-tock' of the clock above the reinforced door was almost… surreal in time.

"Miss Rose?"

The owner of that name glanced upward, making eye contact with the person sitting across the table. He was tall and slender, the charcoal suit he dawned illuminated by the light above him, his hair was a light brown, eyes a matching shade but, gentler. A gaze only mimicked by her father in her youth.

"Miss Rose?" The man questioned to snap the young woman from her trance.

"What did you want again?" Ruby looked to the scattered notes decorating the table to which she was chained.

"I'm here to hear your story, I'm an author."

"An author huh? Here to write my story, make hundreds upon thousands of lien, win some awards, all of that? All off a story I've told countless times, but nobody ever listened?" The author pondered about the tone in her voice. Shallow, emotionless, everything but what her friends told him a few days ago.

"Well, I only see one place to start."

Vale, 3 Years Ago…

It was her weekend off from Signal, a small academy in Central Vale, her Uncle was a highly appreciated instructor. One who had sent her on an errand to a local dust shop for supplies on tomorrow's teachings.

From Dust Till' Dawn huh? That's a creative name.

Ruby opened the door gently and gave her list to the shop-keep. He was an older man, but he was kind. (And in dire need of a haircut.) The store was rather barren, it was – after all – very late in the afternoon. While the elderly man gathered the crystals and dust, the scythe-wielder made her way toward the weapon magazines. Her headphones playing music from the "Achieve Men" and their latest concert. Yang always listened to them back in Patch, and eventually, Ruby grew to like the music herself.

As her favorite song came on, a man grabbed her shoulder.

"Put your hands in the air." The thug dressed in black, accented with a red tie and some inefficient machete in hand.

"Are you… robbing me?" Ruby fought the urge to laugh as she punted him across the store, landing with a crash.

Soon enough other men dressed in the same outfit began to take interest in the commotion.

"That's what happened, and not long after I met up with you. Well, you know the rest." Ruby sat uncomfortably in the ridged steel chair.

"That still doesn't explain why you decided to pursue the ring-leader. Especially through a residential area, young lady." The huntress she encountered last night waved her black riding crop around while she bantered on.

"Enough Glynda, you seem to be over sighting the fact this young woman stopped an armed robbery, despite being outnumbered." A well-known man in the world of huntsmen and huntresses stepped into the room, coffee mug in hand.

Turning his attention away from the huntress currently scolding the young warrior, and toward the girl herself.

"Do you know who I am?" Ozpin said with a grin as he set a plate of chocolate-chip cookies in front of the girl. This was Qrow's niece after all.

"You're Professor Ozpin, headmaster at Beacon." The scythe-wielder choked out as she inhaled cookies one after the other.

"Qrow was right, you are very intelligent." The headmaster chuckled as he slid a document across the table. "I'll leave this here."

The document's title was inscribed on the first page. "Beacon Academy Enrollment Contract" Ruby had to double-take to see if the document was genuine.

Present Day…

The author was busy scribbling down what the older Ruby said, the incredible differences between the two so blatantly obvious.

A short buzz interrupted the sound of his writing.

"Prisoner 21107 must return to her cell, so please exit the room at the soonest possible time." A prison guard spoke over the intercom, authority in his tone.

"I'll see you next week Miss Rose, thank you for your time." The author hastily put his notes into a brief case and exited the room.

Two guards entered soon after, one she recognized.

"Ah shit…" Ruby said under her breath as the guard kicked the chair from under her. The scythe-wielder stayed on her feet, using her shackles to anchor her upward.

"On the floor where you belong, bastard." The guard demanded as he gave a swift kick to the back of the Ruby's knees, making her drop down.

The other guard undid her shackles from the table, and replaced them with standard handcuffs, unlike his colleague, he was gentle.

"Go fuck yourself, David!" The scythe-wielder yelled in rage at the officer.

"Someone has a potty mouth, let's fix that, shall we?" The guard grabbed Ruby by her red and black hair, and slammed her face into the steel table. Leaving a small indent, along with a few drops of blood. Pulling her head backward, he looking into her eyes. "Done being a bitch?"

Ruby didn't say anything, instead she pursed her lips and spit into his face.

A Few Moments Later…

Ruby was thrown onto the floor of her cell, courtesy of the guard who thinks hitting innocent people is fun. Climbing up onto her cot, she grabbed some toilet paper and started to wipe away the blood seeping from her nose as she calmed herself.

Memories of the past circling in her mind, memories of her friends, Beacon, and even when she was a child in Patch. Good memories were not the only ones she relived, moments that haunted her returned as well, like when the police hunted her down, or the look of disgust from the citizens of Vale after being caught, the feeling of failure after she searched tirelessly to find the real killer. But none of these memories hurt more than the phone call she received from Weiss, the love of her life who was crying her name every night, or how they were separated for 2 years.

Now, life was slow and painful, day after wretched day, prison was hell, 29 more years of this and there may be nothing left of her former self. She pondered. The prison gangs composed of criminals who she helped put behind bars constant assaults, or guards like David, taking out their wrath on someone who is truly innocent.

Through all this, Ruby would never fight back, because deep down. Deep deep down, she knew, she was better than that. To use her skills as a huntress to fight those acting out of impulse was too hard for her mind to bear. So instead, she hid her emotions, shrouding them from the hell she resides in, saving every single ounce of hatred for the person who framed her, for the person who ripped her out of her friend's lives, out of Weiss' life.

One day, she'd find that person, and they would face this hell.

The Penitentiary Parking Lot…

Jogging slowly to the limo awaiting him, the man held his briefcase above his head, rain was beginning to fall. Opening the door and getting inside with haste, the man removed his wet blazer coat and set it off to the side. Eager to open his notes and brainstorm on how to write them into a story.

"Quite the storm rolling in Mr. Kyaba, bound to be a long one judging by the clouds." The driver glanced into his mirror at his passenger, who was tapping his lip with a pen.

"I told you Jeffrey, just call me Riley, and yes, looks quite bad." Riley commented as he read through the notes.

"My bad, Riley-sir." The driver turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life, to which he began to make his way back to the main roads.

(A/N) Thanks for reading the first chapter of STiR! Now you may notice I am going for a completely different way of writing here so, please leave feedback. Thanks again for reading! (A/N)