Disclaimer: Story line is John Green's, characters are Dashner's.

Some of this story will follow TFIOS and some of it will be original. There's also some random Looking for Alaska in here. Hope you enjoy!


"You need to make some friends honey" his mom said.

Newt rolled his eyes and groaned. "Mom please don't make me get out of this car" he said.

"Your father and I are worried that you're depressed" she said "so we want you to talk about with people in your situation. But if you would just open up to us and tell us how you-"

"See ya mum" Newt said as he got out of the car and rolled his oxygen behind him. He walked into the church basement and sat down in an empty chair. Newt glanced around the room and took in the scene. It was full of people who seemed just as unhappy to be there as he was, which really wasn't surprising. Everyone there was either dying or had somehow managed to survive the hell that is cancer.

He continued to scan the room, but an Asian boy sitting across from Newt caught his eye. The boy smiled and waved briefly with three fingers before leaning over and whispering something to the boy sitting next to him. Newt looked at the boy that was being whispered to, and his jaw practically dropped. The boy was tall and thin, but still muscular. He had brown hair and wore a confident smirk on his perfect face. After scanning the boy's body his eyes finally rested on the boy's face, only to find the boy was already staring at him.

Newt felt his face heat up and he looked away. Luckily, Kevin, the guy who ran this support group, started talking. He went on and on about his cancer survivor story, and Newt found it difficult to to focus on anything he was saying. He glanced over at the brunette boy and saw he was still staring at Newt. He met the boy's eyes and they both held the stare. Well I can't look away now he thought. Newt raised his eyebrows at the boy and the boy smirked in response, still not breaking the stare.

"Thomas?" Kevin said "would you like to share your fears?"

Newt realized the boy must be named Thomas because he jumped and broke the stare when Kevin spoke. The boy, Thomas, regained his composure as he stood up and cleared his throat.

"I fear... Never getting out of the labyrinth" he said.

Before he could help himself, Newt snorted drawing attention to himself. "What is 'the labyrinth' supposed to be?"

"The labyrinth of suffering" Thomas said, as if it was obvious. "How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?"

Newt stared at him. What is he talking about? The Asian boy spoke up and answered the question. "Straight and fast" he said, as though he'd told Thomas this answer a million times.

Thomas looked at his friend and nodded knowingly. "Indeed my friend" Thomas said.

After the meeting Newt stood in the parking lot waiting for his mom. He stared over at Thomas, his friend, and some girl he didn't recognize. Thomas's friend and the girl suddenly morphed into one being and started sucking face. Thomas turned away and rolled his eyes. He noticed Newt and walked over to him. Newt fiddled awkwardly with his cannula. Now would be a good time for my lungs not to suck at being lungs. God, this thing is so embarrassing.

"Hey" Thomas said as he got close to Newt.

Newt nodded. "Hi" he said.

"What's your name?" he asked.


Thomas smiled. "Newt.. I like it" he said "is it short for something?"

"Yea.. Newton" he said awkwardly "but I really prefer Newt."

"Newt it is then" he said. "I'm Thomas, in case you didn't pick that up."

Newt nodded. "Yea, I got it" he said. An awkward silence filled the air, and they both stared at Thomas's friend and the girl as they mauled each other. The Asian boy squeezed the girl's boob so harshly he thought it might fall off. "That can't feel good" Newt said.

Thomas laughed. "Yea... That's Minho" he said. "Anyways you wanna hang out?"

Newt stared at him, not knowing how to react to the random turn in the conversation. "What?" he asked.

"I said, do you wanna hang out?" Thomas said as he smirked at Newt.

"I barely know you" Newt said, but a smile crept onto his face.

"So?" Thomas said. "You're cute and British. And it's my goal to enjoy the simple things in life, like cute British boys, so do you wanna hang out?"

Newt's every instinct told him to say no, but just then his mom drove up and said "hi honey!" Her face lit up when she saw Thomas, "did you make a friend?"

"Uh- yea mum I did" he said as he took a deep breath and glanced at Thomas. "And we're guna hang out so.. I'll be home later."

His mom gave him a shocked face. "Oh- alright. Well, have fun" she said.

"I will," he said "don't worry."

Newt flew forward as Thomas slammed on the brakes. "Oops" he said "sorry bout that."

He pushed himself off the dashboard of Thomas's truck."Did you even pass your bloody driving test?" Newt asked.

"Um- kind of" Thomas said. "I failed, but I told the instructor that it's hard to drive since I lost my leg, which is true by the way, and she uh- fudged my score a little."

Newt snorted. "Cancer perk" he said.

"Total cancer perk" Thomas said with a smile, as he swerved to avoid a parked car.

"This is how I'm going to die" Newt said "not cancer, this car ride will be the death of me."

Thomas laughed. "Slim it will ya" he said as he pulled into a driveway. "See? We made it and we're not dead."

"There are miracles after all" Newt said.

Thomas just rolled his eyes and got out of the car. Newt followed Thomas into the house. It was a small house, but it was nice and felt homey. It smelt like chocolate chip cookies and Newt felt like curling up on the floor right there and staying forever. A woman walked into the hallway and smiled. "Hi Thomas, who's your friend?" she asked.

"This is Newt and we're going down stairs" he said as he pulled on Newt's arm.

"Okay honey well have fun" she said as Thomas lead Newt down the stairs into the basement. He carried his oxygen down the stairs, and found himself out of breath by the time they made it to the couch. He took deep breaths and breathed in his oxygen.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked as he placed a hand on Newt's shoulder.

"Yea" he said between breaths "its- just- the- stairs- are- hard."

"I'm sorry," he said "we should've stayed upstairs."

Newt's breathing finally returned to something resembling normal. "It's fine" he said "just needed a moment."

"Okay" Thomas said.

Newt glanced around the room. The whole basement had been finished and turned into a room for Thomas. The couch they were sitting on was across from a giant tv surrounded by shelves filled with basketball trophies. Thomas's gigantic bed was in the other corner of the room. The walls surrounding Thomas's bed had built in bookshelves completely filled with books. "Have you read all of those?" Newt asked.

"Shuck no" Thomas said. "But I bought them all back when I first got diagnosed. I couldn't really play basketball anymore so I went to a bunch of garage sales and bought everything that seemed interesting. I'll get through them eventually."

Newt smiled. "That's fantastic" he said.

"So what's your story?" Thomas asked.

"I was diagnosed like 7 years ago and pretty much been terminal since the beginning. My remission's actually kind of a miracle, or at least that's what my parents say" Newt said.

Thomas nodded and said "so what's your real story?"

"I just told you" he said.

"No, you told me your cancer story. What's your story?" Thomas asked.

"I don't know" Newt said "cancer's kind of my whole life."

"Shuck that" Thomas said "there's more to you than this stupid disease. Come on, there's got to be something."

"Well.. um..." Newt said feeling himself blush, "don't laugh but I memorize last words."

"Last words? Like what people say right before they die?" he asked and Newt nodded. Thomas laughed, "that's so morbid! Is your whole life about death?"

"It's not like that!" Newt said, "it's about making an impression, about going out with a bang, about being remembered."

Thomas smiled. "Well you're definitely making an impression on me" he said. Newt smiled and blushed, does he really think that? "So," Thomas said "how bout a movie? The Breakfast Club's on demand."

"Sounds good" Newt said. Thomas turned on the TV and settled on the couch right next to Newt, he was so close their sides were touching and their thighs pressed against each other. Newt felt his heart speed up as Thomas reached over and placed his hand in Newt's, interlacing their fingers. Newt glanced over at Thomas who was staring at the TV, smiling and blushing.

Newt found himself enjoying Thomas's presence way more than he had planned, and it scared him a little. I can't do this to him, he thought.

Hope ya liked it! :) I'll be updating soon so lemme know what you think! Please review!