A/N- As promised another chapter on the same day. The reunion of Draco and Hermione. So enjoy- Till Death Do Us Part.

Till Death Do Us Part

"Draco" Hermione shouted as he saw red and pulled Nott from his wife. He punched him in the face, shouting and yelling at the man he wanted to kill. His fist pounded Nott's face until he felt the strong arms pull him away from his victim.

"It's all over. We have her. He'll go to Azkaban. He will answer for his crimes. I know you want to kill him. I do too. But this is the right way Draco" Ron said as he calmed down the blonde who was shaking with anger in the arms of Ron and Blaise. The aurors has stopped Draco killing Theodore as he was very close to. Pansy had rushed straight to Hermione.

"Hermione. Thank Merlin we found you." Pansy said with tears down her face as she covered her best friend in a blanket and held her close. Pansy felt Hermione go limp.

"Draco" She shouted worriedly as she held the woman in her arms. Draco quickly took hold of Hermione.

"No one can hurt you now, Mione. I have to take her to Mungos" He breathed against her hairline as he disapperated. The aurors arrested all people in the house. They found Jenny in the basement.

"I'll take him" Pansy said as she looked down at her godson. Scorpius was his name as Jenny had told her. She looked down at the baby. He had Draco's white blonde hair and striking grey eyes. But he had Hermione's cute button nose and soft jawline.

"Hey Scorpius. I'm your auntie Pansy. You're a very lucky boy to have the Minister for Magic and my oldest friend as your father and your mother is a strong as steel. They will do anything for you. It's just a shame we never got to meet your big sister" Pansy said as she held him close as he held her thumb as he looked up at her.

Theo wrestled against his bonds as Ron and Blaise held him tight, too tight as to not let the murderous bastard free. He was still naked from the bottom down. They didn't care. His humiliation was their gain.

"You made a mistake being born Nott. You made a mistake when you took my best friend. When you faked her death. When you took her from her family and friends. When you made my daughter cry for months because she lost her auntie. I will make sure they take everything from you. Including your manhood. I hate you. I will do all in my power to make you beg you were dead" Ron whispered low in Theodore's ear as him and Blaise disapperated to the Ministry.

When they arrived at the auror holding cells, Harry was waiting. And he looked ready to kill. Harry shot a spell at Theo and he screamed. Harry Potter had taken Theodore Nott's manhood. Ron laughed darkly alongside Blaise as they opened the cell and threw the bastard in. They secured it with several locking charms.

"Welcome to hell" Blaise added as he shut the door. All three men slid to the floor and exhaled. Harry looked to Ron.

"She's safe. Draco's taken her to St Mungo's. She gave birth. We're uncles" He smiled as he embraced Harry warmly.

Draco sat by as Hermione was assessed. They found bruises, broken ribs, tearing in intimate areas which made Draco break down even more. They ruled her unconscious form to the exhaustion she suffered after giving birth. Draco held her hand as she lay in the hospital bed. He kissed the rings he had given her. He kissed the marks her shackles had left on her wrists. The mudblood scar that had been cut open once more.

"Hermione. Words can't explain how much I've missed you. How much I've suffered without you. I broke, my love. I can't go on without you here. I love you so much, Mione" He spoke softly as tears tumbled down his face. He felt her hand tense in his and closed his hand in hers.

"Draco" She said as she looked to him, tears in her eyes. Her throat raw from screaming and shouting. She was finally home, with him. Draco looked up at the voice and gasped. His lips spread to a smile.

"Hey" He got out before he leant forward and kissed her gently. He couldn't not, the amount of times he had dreamt of kissing her again, others she was taken from him again. She kissed back softly. They lay their foreheads together and she cupped his cheek, her hand attached to a drip.

"I love you" Was all she said. All she needed to say as he joined her on the bed and snuggled up to her. Holding on for dear life and never wanting to let her go again. Afraid he would wake up and it would all be a dream.

"Where's Scorpius?" Hermione asked gently. Just on cue, Pansy who was stood in the doorway made herself known. She held her godson still, her sleeping godson.

"He's right here" Pansy said gently as she walked over and lay Scorpius in the crook between Hermione and Draco and left. Hermione stroked his hair as the infant slept.

"He's perfect. Our little boy." Draco whispered gently as he looked at Scorpius and then back up at his wife. Hermione had fallen asleep. Draco knew now that he could fall asleep now, knowing everything was right again. He had her back, his son and his life was finally back together again. He would get Crookshanks back from Luna and then they would have their complete family.

Draco, Hermione and Scorpius Malfoy.

A/N- Tada. I'd love to know what you all think so R&R and F&F. Will be back soon. Rosie xx