
The woman struggled against her bonds, crying out in pain as the rope constricted her movement. She looked defiantly into the eyes of her captors, mentally killing them, each one of them. She took heavy breaths as they dragged her to a chair that stood in the middle of the small, claustrophobic cold room.

"Sit" One of them barked as she sat down instantly.

"Lights, camera, action, sweets" Another said in a sickly sweet gravelly voice. She gulped. She was now more terrified than ever.

The hustle and bustle of the ministry was sometimes suffocating but now it was bliss to him. He pressed the button on the lift, second floor. The idiots' office. A loud ping was the indication he had reached his destination. He strode through the desks of his workers. Each one of them working on his campaign. He reached the door and opened it. What he found in the office confused him. The two men were pacing, anger and sorrow marred their faces.

"What is it?" He asked in a rushed tone.

"You need to see this" The bespectacled man turned a computer screen towards him. He pressed play.

The screen came to life. He could see a dark room, he heard someone shout and then drag a person towards the lens. His or her long hair draped forward.

"Head up, sweets" He heard a sickly sweet voice say, it made a very bad knot in his stomach. After a minute, someone came from behind the chair and wrenched the persons head up. The snap was defining. The air was knocked out of him as he saw who it was.

"What is your name?" The sugar voice said again. The woman looked forward, her brown eyes looked into the lens.

"Hermione Malfoy" She whispered. He let out a sob.

"Is there something you want to say?" The voice again.

"Draco, stop your campaign, stop it. They don't want the equal society, the muggleborn protection laws, the pureblood abolition. These wizards, they are dangerous, all of them. Voldemort's trusted supporters. You need to stop, otherwise they'll kill me and…our unborn child" She said with tears clouding her eyes.

"You have a week Mr Minister, or we will kill them" The voice said. The screen went blank.

"HERMIONE…NO!" He let out a tremendous sob as he fell to the ground, overcome with sadness.