Here it is, the three-day-awaited 4th chapter! It's the last chapter, and...
well... *devious smile*
Hope you enjoy (muwahahahahaha) :)
Autumnpaw: Ima BACK!
Wat are you doing here
Autumnpaw: I was boooored.
Skypaw blinked, his eyes bleary.
The story's beginning! Out with you!
Autumnpaw: Fine, but I'll be back in the end note
*Autumnpaw disappears through the fourth wall*
Ok then. Please read, review, leave a cheeseburger! And remember... I AM THE ALL-POWERFUL WRITER I CAN KILL YOU AND BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE AND KILL YOU AGAIN
PS: prepare for the feels-wrenching because it is vurry vurry sud.
PPS: but it ends well

Of Cats And Blocks

Deadpaw helped Skypaw to his feet. The youtuber-turned-cat stumbled to his feet, and weaved toward ShadowClan's territory. "Where are you going?" Skypaw looked back over his shoulder at Silverfur.

"I'm going to help the Clans. They'll need it." Deadpaw ran to catch up with Skypaw. "Why?" As Silverfur joined them, Skypaw replied. "Skysoul."

Skypaw refused to tell the other cats anything, and once they got to ShadowClan territory, Skypaw crossed over into WindClan territory.

"We're going to Fourtrees." Silverfur and Deadpaw didn't question his sudden leadership.

When they got to Fourtrees, the scents of the Clans lingered from the Gathering not an hour before. Skypaw unsheathed his claws. Deadpaw flicked the end of his tail and hissed. Silverfur's pelt bristled.

Something was in the shadows.

Suddenly, Stormstar padded out, followed by Yellowstar, Palestar and Shadestar. They all hissed at the other cat in the shadows. Skypaw walked forward, peering into the forest.

Skysoul leapt out and clawed his nose.

The leaders of the four Clans rushed forward, but Silverfur stopped them with his tail. He had a feeling no one was supposed to interfere with this two-cat battle.

Skypaw backed up, hissing. Skysoul reared on his hind legs, and Skypaw took the opportunity to dart under his forelegs and threw Skysoul to the ground. Skysoul thudded painfully on the ground, and got back up again, favoring his right foreleg. Skypaw nipped his tail, and Skysoul spun around. He landed on Skypaw. The crushing feeling was suffocating, especially with the fluffy fur in his mouth, blocking off the meager amount of air he could have gotten. Skypaw writhed frantically, hoping that he wouldn't die under the cat. Snatches of his old life floated in front of his eyes.

And then-

Deadpaw looked at Skypaw, and smiled the way an old friend would.

Skypaw rolled out from under Skysoul, and got up, dizzy, at Silverfur's side.

Deadpaw raked Skysoul's side with his claws. Skysoul turned, and leaped onto Deadpaw's back. Deadpaw collapsed under the weight, but struggled, still fighting. Then he let out a horrible shriek of agony as Skysoul ran his claws down Deadpaw's back.

Blood bubbled out of the line, and Deadpaw fell to the ground, red rivers running down his back. Skysoul sheathed his claws, Deadpaw at his feet. He bared his teeth.

"Since my name was so apocalypse-signaling, I'll change it. To Soul, maybe, but I knew a cat named that once. How about... Sol." Then Sol ran off into the woods. Yellowstar and Shadestar ran after him, and Stormstar looked between Deadpaw and the woods. Palestar shook her head, and ran away from her wounded apprentice. Stormstar followed. The leaders were obviously convinced that Deadpaw was living up to his name.

Skypaw ran to Deadpaw, the red pool around him growing. No one could lose this much blood and survive-

Suddenly, Deadpaw coughed. Blood mixed with saliva trickled out of his mouth. "P-promise me..."

Skypaw looked at Deadpaw, his stare pierced by horror. Silverfur was standing, his mouth open, tears running down his face, immobilized by shock.

Skypaw begged Deadpaw to finish his words. "Please, Ty, wake up! Ty, please, please wake up, you're not dead, no... No..." Skypaw blinked slowly. The way that Deadpaw's eyes were glazed and dull, reflecting the clouds. The rain that had been pounding down on the battlefield washed the red ground, taking the stains away.

Silverfur's chest heaved. He's not dead. Tears ran down his face. Ty's not dead. He stumbled forward, nosing Deadpaw's body. No, Ty's not dead, no, no, he's not... Silverfur choked out a sob, his breath coming in short gasps. He's dead. He's dead, and it's all your fault.

Skypaw looked at the clouds. Words pierced by grief echoed out into Skypaw's namesake. "No! StarClan, how could you let this happen to him! He- he- he's GONE, and it's all your fault!" Skypaw let his rage and anger and fear and sadness and grief out in one big shout.

Silverfur bit his lip, watching as the sun rose and the warriors of StarClan disappeared. A beam of sunlight lit Deadpaw's bloody fur.

Skypaw pressed his head to Deadpaw. Tears dripped down onto the blood, and washed them away. Silverfur walked over to Deadpaw's body.

The red line stretched across Deadpaw's back. The cut had been made with precision, and went from the left foreleg to the right hind leg. It... Wait... "Skypaw?" Silverfur's voice was thrown out of perspective by grief, but he didn't care. Skypaw's voice was equally burdened with sadness. "W-what?"

"Why is the cut... glowing?"

The slash across Deadpaw's back was glowing with red, unearthly light. The body floated up in the air, shining with red light. Silverfur gasped. Skypaw looked up at Deadpaw.

And he started glowing, too. The yellow patch on Skypaw's chest shone bright yellow, and the light spread over his body. Skypaw went up in the air with Deadpaw.

Silverfur was last. His eyes glowing purple, he joined the two cats.

Everything went dark, darker than the blackest night.

Then Sky was spluttering in water, coughing and flailing his arms. He saw air at the top, and attempted to reach the lid, but the lid was glass and he was just seeing through it. He pressed his hands to the glass container, seeing nobody in the room he was in. Sky banged on the glass, but no one came. Was he going to drown?

Then some doctors came rushing in, and opened the lid of the tank. Sky popped out like a cork out of a bottle. Gasping for breath, he pulled himself out of the container. He saw Seto on his right, and twisted his head to the left and saw...

The lid wasn't open. There was only three containers in the room. Sky lowered his eyes, and saw a empty monitor. He looked at Seto's, and saw a steady line of zigzags. He figured out it was a heart monitor. The doctors left, as if letting Sky and Seto acknowledge Ty's death.

A beep came from Ty's monitor. Sky looked and saw Ty.

Ty's hair was floating around his face, and his eyes were closed, like a dead body in the coffin. The beep came again. Ty was still alive.

Sky took immediate action, running to the control panel. There were so many buttons...

Seto gasped, and ran to the panel. He hit a yellow button, then a green one. Ty's container opened, but Ty made no move to get out, or even move at all. Then his monitor gave a loud beeeeeeep and went silent.

Sky's face paled. He ran to the tank, and pulled Ty out, grabbing his shoulders. Ty's wet hair flopped around his head. Seto ran out of the room. Sky opened his mouth, and screamed an animalistic cry of grief.

Wouldn't you if you'd just seen your friend die twice?

Seto came back with a empty bottle, the label on it obscured by his arms. Sky stood up, and let Seto do whatever he was going to.

Ty gasped for air and flopped around like a wet fish. Sky gasped in surprise. Seto stood up, muttering something under his breath. He came over to Sky, and held the bottle out, like he was expecting something from Sky. "Uh..." Seto rolled his eyes. "Nevermind." He pulled something invisible out of the air around Sky, and then stuck his hand through Sky's chest.

"What the hell, dude!?" Sky leaped back, and Seto sighed. "Ok, fine. Here's what I didn't tell you." Seto grabbed a silvery... thing streaked with red stripes and yellow dots.

"Ok. I accidentally spilled a bottle of souls on you and Ty, and it was a bottle of cat souls. I tried to get you back by giving myself a new soul and aura, but it didn't work. I had to get the aura and soul. I brought Ty back to life- well, he never actually died. It was just that the soul died then."

Sky drew in breath, and said "I think that sounds perfectly reasonable."

Ty was sitting on the floor, looking at his clothes questioningly. "Why am I wet? And- Oh, yeah... How'd you bring me back to life?" Sky laughed. Seto rolled his eyes and muttered "I just finished."

Two Months Later

He rolled over in his sleep, snorting.

The dreams he was having were most peculiar.

Then his wings shimmered black, and he disappeared like it had never existed.


She snored softly, her messy hair tossed around her face.

The dream was ridiculous.

Her scarf glowed red, and she evaporated into thin air.


He rolled over, burying his face in the pillow.

Dreams didn't really make sense most of the time, do they?

His amulet shone yellow light, and he disappeared.


Her braid was digging painfully into her back, and she shifted in her sleep to move it.

Why was she dreaming this? The other dream had been better.

The green light from her rubber band on her braid spread over her body.


He lay sleeping in his bed, phone on the ground, stilll connected to his headphones.

The dream seemed like it should have been familiar.

The headphones glowed, and the teenager was gone.


He lay awake, still looking over at the table once in a while. He didn't know why he was still awake, the clock had said 1:35 last time he looked. Now it said 2:03.

He closed his eyes, immediately falling asleep and dreaming.

His robes shone purple. He evaporated into thin air.

WELL! I hope you enjoyed, you may or may not have cried (I'm not judging) and I have some things to say.
Autumnpaw: I'm sad...
Ok. Yes, Autumnpaw (my friend's OC) is sad.
I'm not going to be able to post next week, MONDAY through FRIDAY.
Autumnpaw: AND?
Ok fine. Technically, I should've put the last part in the next book, but SCREW IT WHO CARES IT'S A SPOILER.
The next book's first chapter will (probably) be up on the Sunday after next (confusing you yet? :P), and I'll try to post a Demented chapter on Saturday. Don't yell at me, I'm gonna be GONE from Fanfiction next week, so...
Autumnpaw: So... I basically just walk around the story until you get back?