Before the fall- chapter one

Hi guys... I have been working on this for quite awhile but an earlier talk with a friend convinced me I should finish it off. This is my first story on this site, yay!

Um... I hope you like it! This will be a multi-chaptered story.

3 year old Elsa's POV

I looked down at the baby on the bed before me. Its pink face was all wrinkly and soft but she was smiling.

Looking back at the queen she smiled at me. "She's your sister, you know. What should we name her?" She asked.

I shrugged. Why should I care? She was my sister and no matter what she was named we would still have fun.

I can't wait! I can show her how to ice skate and we can build snowman and-

"Mummy?" I asked tugging on the queen's sleeve.

She looked at me. "Yes Elsa?"

"Am I allowed to show her my magical powers?"

She smiled. "Of course you can dear. I'm sure she will like it very much."

I reached out slowly and grabbed my little sister's hand. Her tiny fist curled around mine. Her bright blue eyes opened just then and her lips curled upwards in a happy smile. "Anna." I whispered.

"Pardon?" My mother asked.

"I think we should call her Anna."

The queen looked down at her baby then back at me. There was a smile on her face as she said, "That is a lovely name."

I looked back at Anna and wondered how long it would be until she could play with me. Carefully, I waved my hand and snowflakes poured forwards, forming the word 'Anna' above the bed. "Goodnight my little sister." I whispered, tiptoeing out of the room.

So what did you guys think? Was it a bit short? Let me know by reviews. I will take any feedback.

The next chapters will probably be longer and more interesting.

~Rose out!