Since you guys have been so nice (and partially because I had most of this typed up) as well as this coming week being study week for me, I present the last chapter of Soul: Shades.

I own absolutely nothing except for the few OCs in here (the parents).

"Bold" is the Animatronic's speech

"Normal" is human speech (when the child's spirit is in control)

"Italic" is memory/thought/phone call

Chapter 27

A few months had passed since the spirits had been freed from the virus that had made them go crazy during the night hours, but that didn't mean that Mike was bored during her shift. The spirits revived the old 'game' that they had once played with Jeremy, 'hunting' Mike while she repelled them. Matt normally won.

But tonight…they switched it up majorly. They had switched things up before…Sometimes Robby would sneak over to the east side and sprint that way (that was the only time he won), or they all came at her at the same time…but tonight…

Tonight, Mike got to switch places with Robby.

Two hours, as tradition put it, that she got to sneak out and sprint down the hall to surprise her brother, who was supposed to be watching the cameras. She saw Sam and Amanda creeping down the halls. She saw Sam giving a thumbs up…only to get the door slammed shut in his face. Another slam sounded off and Amanda gave a shriek…before walking out from the east hallway, glaring.

"..Stupid fox nearly broke my beak!" she heard Amanda grumble.

Mike gave a light laugh, noticing that the camera wasn't on her.

"I'm going to get you this time, big brother!" Mike thought as she hopped off the stage…and sprinted towards the office.

She skidded to a stop and grinned evilly as her brother looked up at her.

"Now I've got you…" she grinned, starting forwards…

Right as Robby closed the door on her, nearly taking off her nose.

"Ow!" Mike whined.

"Now you know how I feel!" Robby's voice retorted through the metal, "Go on, mini-me, back to the Cove with ya!"

Mike stuck her tongue out at the camera, making Robby laugh as she stomped back to the Cove.

"I can't catch him, he's too quick," Mike grumbled, "Sam can't teleport into there and get him…so how do we do this?"

An idea pricked at her mind as she saw the faint gleam of Matt's eyes in the shadows.

"I got it," she grinned, "Psst! Matt!"

The blue lights turned towards her.

"Come with me," she started, nodding her head towards backstage.

She stole into the room while Matt silently slipped in behind her.

"Can you disable the cameras?" Mike asked.

The spirit gave a nod, flicking his fingers as the world got a little darker, a globe of shadow appearing over the camera.

"Now what?" Matt asked.

"I need you to help me," she told him, "I'm going to get Robby if it's the last thing I do,"

She turned towards the corner and Matt gave a surprised laugh.

"You're sure you want to do this?" he asked.

Mike gave a firm nod.

"Alright then," Matt sighed as the suit dropped to the floor, leaving Matt's silver form standing above it.

"Ha! Got you!" Sam crowed…right as Robby slammed the door in his face.

"No, you don't," he smirked, flashing the light.

"I'm going!" Sam snapped, stomping off.

A deep laugh sounded off from the right and Robby slammed that door shut, looking up the east camera just to see Matt staring into the camera.

"Hi, Matt," Robby called, "You're not getting in either!"

Matt just laughed.

Robby frowned…something was up, and he did not like it.

He checked the cameras, Mike wasn't out surprisingly, Amanda was in the kitchen while Sam was coming back down the hallway.

"Hmm…" Robby mused as he checked the west hall.

Faint laughter caught his keen ears. It wasn't Matt's deep laugh, but more of a girl's laugh.

"Where's Mike…" he started, frantically searching through the cameras.

"C'mon, Robby, lower the camera…" Mike thought, smiling evilly, as she stood in front of her brother, "You gotta do it sometime,"

She watched as the spirit's ears flicked forwards as if sensing her thoughts.

"Where's Mike…" he stammered and Mike could hear the frantic clicking of the monitor.

Little did she know, the three other spirits were trying not to laugh as they stood outside the doors, watching Robby flip out.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, Robby lowered the camera…just to see his sister standing in front of him, dressed in the spring suit which she claimed as hers.

Mike gave a roar and leaped at her brother while Robby shrieked, holding his hand and hook up as Mike gave him a loving swat on the nose.

"Gotcha!" she grinned.

"That's not fair!" he growled, glaring at his sister, "How did you…when did you…!?"

"Matt helped me," Mike shrugged, reopening the doors as she took off the mask and held it at her side, "I need some work on climbing in and out of this thing. And thanks to Emily, I don't have to worry about the busted Easter Bunny Reject coming after me,"

She gave a wry smile as she held up her paws.

"And besides…I figured out that I can do something Sam can't," she grinned, "Well…I have to be in the suit anyway,"

"And that is?" Sam asked, peeking around the door.

"Simple, I can get in here even when the doors are shut," Mike smirked, "But the poster has to change to a certain image before I can,"

"Huh?" the spirits asked.

"The haunted poster?" Mike tried, only to get four blank stares, "Wow, I've been here a little over a year, you four have been here for eleven…and you never noticed?"

The heads shook and Mike blinked in surprise.

"C'mon, I'll show you," she told them.

They walked out into the west corner and Mike tapped the poster of Freddy…watching as it shifted and blurred into something more macabre, said animatronic ripping its head off.

"That one I've figured is supposed to represent you four trying to get free," Mike reasoned, "You guys' spirits are messing with this place even more than you realize,"

"But how do you get into the office with that?" Sam asked, a little miffed that Mike was able to teleport someplace he couldn't.

"Oh, not this one," Mike replied, "Just watch,"

The poster changed again, this time turning into a close up of the mask in Mike's hand. The girl's form flickered around the edges with shadow before disappearing. The spirits looked around for their friend…only to see her smiling behind them inside the office.

"That's cool and creepy at the same time," Matt admitted.

"Guess the guy was right…you've got most of if not all our abilities," Amanda started.

"Only with this," Mike replied, tapping her chest, "I mean, smacking you guys outta your suits is fun and all, but that's all I can do unless I use the suit,"

"Speaking of suits, time for you to get out of yours," Robby said with a smile.

Mike cast a look at the clock.

"And just about time for you four too," Mike agreed, "I need someone to help me get out of mine though,"

"I'll help," Robby told her as the five of them walked through the hall.

"Last bit," Robby promised as Mike took the hand crank and worked on freeing her hand from the paw.

After a few minutes, Mike set the spring suit back in the boarded up area, sending a glare at the decrepit form in the very back before walking back out and putting the boards back where they were.

"And there we go," Robby nodded as the two walked back towards the office, "I just…"

He stopped, sniffing the air and frowning.

"Robby?" Mike asked.

"Do you…smell smoke?" he asked slowly.

Mike sniffed the air, eyes widening as the scent of burning filled the air.

"We need to get the others," Mike started, running towards the dining hall, just to stand stock still as flames leaped high in front of her.

The ceiling creaked and groaned ominously and cinders started falling onto Mike's still form. She looked up right as Robby grabbed Mike and yanked her back.

"Mike! You have to get out of here!" he ordered, shielding his eyes as a burning section of the roof came down in front of them.

"What about the others?" Mike demanded.

"We'll be fine," he told her, "C'mon!"

He then proceeded to grab her, cradling her in his arms as he sprinted towards the back entrance. Mike heard one of the spirits scream and her heart leaped up in her throat.

"Robby…" she started.

"They'll…they'll be ok," he stammered, but his own voice betrayed how scared he was.

He kicked the back door open and set Mike down one the ground.

"Stay here," he ordered, "I'm going to help the others,"

"Robby!" Mike yelled, but it was too late, Robby had already sprinted back inside the burning building.

"Amanda! Sam! Matt!" Robby called, coughing as smoke entered his systems and tried to clog them up, "Where are you!?"

"Over here!" came Matt's yell while Amanda's hysteric crying overlaid it.

Robby ran in the direction of the two spirits' voices…just to see Matt trying to lift a beam off his little sister and Sam. Amanda was crying, struggling to get free…

While Sam didn't move at all.

"What happened to him?" Robby asked, grabbing the end of the pillar and helping Matt lift it.

"There was someone here," Matt shuddered, "Someone with an axe. Sam tried to save him, but he…he attacked Sam…and…and…"

They lifted the pillar just to reveal Amanda's shattered lower body…and Sam being completely hacked apart. The glowing crimson eyes flickered weakly as Robby put a paw on Sam's face…only for them to go out completely.

"They killed him!" Amanda shrieked, her voice going shrill, "They killed him again!"

"How's that possible?" Robby asked, "You can't kill something that's already dead,"

He picked up Sam's barely together form as Matt helped Amanda to her feet, holding her up as her legs gave out on her. The building started falling apart, sending beams falling to the floor, sending up embers that caught in the spirits' fur and catching it on fire. Matt gave an ear-piercing shriek as a beam fell right next to him, pinning the right side of his body to the floor.

"Matt!" Robby yelled, hobbling over to the spirit and setting Sam's broken form on the ground while he tried to free his friend.

Matt shook his head.

"Robby, we're not getting out of here," he told him, "Just…please…get to Mike. Who knows…maybe we'll get to go after this?"

Robby gave a final grunt as he tried one last time to free his friend, ignoring the flames that bit him, burning away his fur and leaving the metal endoskeleton behind.

"Go!" Matt ordered, shoving Robby with his free hand as another beam fell, scorching Robby's back.

The eldest spirit shook his head, unwilling to leave his friends as the world burned around them. Matt's electric gaze landed on Robby and he nodded. Tears streamed down Robby's face as he let go of the beam and started back towards the back door. Fire blazed up in front of Robby, burning him even further and making him shriek as he stumbled backwards.

"ROBBY!" Mike shrieked as fire and smoke billowed out of the entrance.

A high-pitched shriek caught her ear…the fading echoes revealing Robby's voice.

She struggled to her feet and staggered to the back door…right as something charred and blackened stumbled out and hit the ground.

"Robby?" Mike asked as the black and red shape struggled to get up to its feet, only to fail.

She knelt down as what she thought was Robby turned over on its back, revealing his badly burned features. Mike gasped as she put a hand on his cheek, feeling the scalding warmth of the heated metal underneath her skin, but she didn't care.

"Robby…" she breathed, "Where are the others?"

The spirit tried to speak, but only a rasping, creaking sound escaped him. The fire had burned his voice box. He tilted his head towards the pizzeria and oily tears streamed down his face as a soft, staticky whine left him. Mike's eyes filled with tears as three shrieks came from inside the pizzeria, Matt, Sam, and Amanda's voices within the dying echoes.

Robby lifted his hand and fiddled with something in his pocket. He gently tapped Mike's hand and placed something in it. The girl opened her palm to reveal the silver locket that she had given him the day he died.

"Robby…" Mike stammered as the spirit's golden eyes flickered weakly and he nodded, pushing her hand towards her chest.

He pointed at the place where his heart would be and then at Mike.

"I love you too, Capt'n," Mike breathed, tears streaming.

Robby's golden eyes flashed brightly before flickering and dying, turning dark gold as he shut down.

"No…Robby…no!" Mike cried, "NO! Come back! Don't leave me!"

She held the lifeless form close to her, sobbing, ignoring the heat that burned her skin. She heard voices in the alley way.

"It burns!" one cheered, "Take that!"

"You'll never be able to torture us again!" another crowed.

A crowd of people came into the alley way, all dressed in black, some with ski masks on and one still holding a lighter while another held an axe.

"Look!" one of the crowd started, "The guard is alive!"

Mike didn't look up, but she stiffened as someone laid a hand on her.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"We're the guards that didn't die here," the man told her.

He tried to lift Mike to her feet.

"You're free from the demon robots. Those Monsters can't hurt you," he said…only for him to stumble back with four bleeding gashes across his face caused by Mike raking her nails over his face.


She broke down again and hugged the shell to her.

"You killed them," she sobbed, "You killed them!"

"She's traumatized," another woman said, "Those furballs have broken her…c'mon sweetie, let's get you to a hospital…"

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Mike roared, her fist flying out and slamming into the woman's nose, sending blood spraying into the air, "Leave me alone!"

"I'd suggest you listen to her," a new voice, gentle and soft, started.

The former guards all looked at a tall, blond man who tapped his foot.

"Just to let you know, I've already called the police and described all of you in great detail," the newcomer said, "You set this place on fire…that's a crime if you didn't know,"

He pointed down the alley.

"So I suggest you leave," he said coldly, "Not that you'll get far,"

Mike heard the others leaving, but she didn't hear what they were saying. A gentle hand set itself on her shoulder and Mike lashed out again, only to get halted.

"Easy," the newcomer murmured softly, "I'm not going to hurt you,"

Mike blinked before wiping her tears away.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"You used to work here?" the blond man asked.

"Night shift security guard," Mike answered.

"No way!" the man laughed, "That was my job at the old location! I got transferred to day shift in '87, the day of the Bite,"

Mike looked at him and the man smiled shakily.

"So uh…did the animatronics ever give you problems?"

"Sometimes…but they were my friends," Mike started cagily, "…Why?"

"They seemed a little quirky around me too," the man said quietly, offering his hand, "Jeremy Fitzgerald,"

"Mikayla Schmidt," Mike returned, shaking Jeremy's hand, "But everyone calls me Mike,"

"Nice to meet you Mike," Jeremy smiled, "I'm sorry about all this…"

He looked down at the burned form, recognizing the hooked hand and fear fluttered in his chest as he remembered the sharp fangs that sank into his head, tearing out his frontal lobe, the doctors saying that he'd have 'fits' for the rest of his life because of that…

"I remember you," he murmured, putting a hand on Robby's intact shoulder, "The games…that Day…"

"Games?" Mike asked softly, "They…they played some with me too…they mentioned something about playing a round where three of them got the Guard…but they disagreed on who won…"

"That was the first time they played," Jeremy said, "I was the guard that ol' Foxy there tackled but Bonnie and Chica were in the room and started to jump me,"

"You're Jerem," Mike put together, "They mentioned that you were a good friend of theirs, but whenever I pressed about it, they shut up and wouldn't say a thing,"

"I'm glad to see I didn't go out of their memory," Jeremy said with a faint smile, "I missed them a little too,"

He cast a look at Robby's broken form.

"Where are the others?"

"Still in there," Mike started, her throat locking up as she thought of her friends being trapped under beams and burning.

"…Why don't we keep them all together?" Jeremy asked, "Ol' Foxy was protective of them…It'd break his metal heart if he was separated,"

"I-I know," Mike murmured, "But…c-can I have one more minute in private with him?"

Jeremy nodded and turned away, letting Mike have her privacy for her final goodbye.

"Goodbye, Capt'n," she whispered, kissing his forehead, "I'll see you again someday…I just know it,"

And with that, she and Jeremy took the lifeless shell and sent him back into the burning building to rest with his friends.

What they didn't see…were four silver shapes flickering in time with the flames. They didn't see the four pairs of eyes, gold, blue, violet and crimson that watched them as they left. For even though their shells were badly burned…

The spirits were still there.

Be on the lookout for Five Nights With Charlie. I'm going to be putting that up as soon as this is posted, so don't be afraid to check it out! I'm going to need ideas for that one. And then once I get the six chapters for that one written, we'll be back for Soul: Guardian Angel.

I hope you guys liked it, if you did send in the reviews! (Along with ideas because I will need them eventually!) :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.