So I decided on uploading a second chapter, just cause I was feeling creative. Just so you all know, Jimmy isn't the shooter in this story. The shooter is going to be my own character with his own background. Sorry if that upsets some of you.

Chapter 2.

She's been shot.

Those three words kept repeating over and over again in Nathan's head. Haley, his Haley, had been shot. He couldn't bring himself to believe it, yet it was true. His beautiful wife was still in the school with some gun wielding maniac, with some bullet lodged only God knows where, and all he could do was stand there like an idiot. Was he even breathing anymore?

"She was shot? How do you know?" Lucas asked frantically. Rachel began sobbing as she shook her head slowly.

"I saw it. Everyone was running and I heard the shot and when I looked back I saw Haley fall. I knew she'd been hit." She explained. Brooke's face turned a deep shade of red as Rachel spoke. Peyton rested her hand on her shoulder as to calm her down but everyone knew that when Brooke Davis was pissed, there was no going back from that, and right now she was livid.

"You mean to tell me that you saw my best friend get shot and you just left her there?" Brooke asked slowly. She eyed Rachel threateningly.

"I didn't know what to do! The guy had a gun okay? He would have shot me if I had gone back. You guys have to understand." Rachel pleaded, more so to Nathan than anyone.

"I would have gone back! I would have tried! She could be dying right now you bitch!" Brooke shouted. Lucas put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side and held her tightly.

"Shh. Brooke you need to calm down okay? Rachel is right. She could have been shot too and we don't need anymore people getting hurt. Right now we just need to find the police and let them know the situation." Lucas tried to reason with Brooke but Brooke still looked like she wanted to punch Rachel.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes again and turning to Lucas.

"Fine. Lets go find someone, now." She grabbed a hold of Lucas's hand while Peyton tried to coax a petrified Nathan into following. Before they could get very far another shot rang out causing everyone outside to go into a panic once more.

"Where did that come from?" Peyton asked as she looked around for anyone who may have possibly pulled the trigger.

"It was inside the school!" Someone shouted. Nathan couldn't handle it anymore. If Haley was still in that school then he needed to get her out. Lucas was fast though and quickly stepped in front of him after seeing the look of determination on his face.

"You can't play the hero this time Nate. This is way too big." He went to place his hand on Nathan's shoulder but Nathan backed away.

"Are you kidding me right now? My wife is in there Luke! Your best friend! She's been shot and you want me to sit back and let her die? I can't do that!" He pushed past Lucas and made a run for the building. Lucas knew he wouldn't be able to catch him in time as he watched Nathan throw open the doors and disappear.

"Oh my god." Brooke whimpered. She latched onto Peyton and cried into her shoulder. This was too much. Who in Tree Hill would bring a gun to school? Who was that fucked up?

Time seemed to be moving slower and slower with each passing second and Haley wasn't sure how much longer she could hold on. She had lost so much blood that there wasn't a spot of white on her shirt anymore and it was clinging to her body like paste. Her vision was beginning to fade and her breathing had become slow and ragged. She was going to die, she was sure of it. She lifted her hand off of the wound and examined where the bullet had hit her. It was enough to make her want to faint. For awhile she had stopped crying, feeling to exhausted and drained, but now all she wanted to do was cry. The pain was unbearable and she couldn't believe this was how it was all going to end for her. Seventeen years old, married and still in high school. Haley had always imagined that she would have children with Nathan and they would live in a big house, he would be playing in the NBA and she would be singing again. They would grow old together and she would pass away peacefully, not bleed out slowly in the chem lab in her high school. She looked down at her wedding ring and smiled as she remembered exchanging vows on the beach, surrounded by those purple flowers she loved so much. Nathan had always made her so happy. She didn't want that to end now.

She was brought out of her thoughts by another loud gun shut. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that wherever the psycho was right now, he wouldn't find her. She looked around the room again and spotted the telephone on the teacher's desk. She had already contemplated on calling for help once, but she felt like she was too weak to move. Now she didn't really have much of a choice if she wanted to live.

"Just breathe Haley." She whispered to herself. She reached up to grab onto the edge of a lab table and braced herself for the excruciating pain as she pulled herself up. She couldn't hold back the loud sob that escaped from her as she leaned against the table. It had hurt like hell, but she had done it. Now if she could only make it a few more feet. She slowly put one foot in front of the other as she continued to hold onto her injured side with one hand and the table with the other. The room began to spin as she got closer to the phone.

Just a few more steps. You're almost there. She told herself. She let go of the table and began to walk towards the desk. Once she was half way there though she began to see double. She was suddenly very light headed and her knees were shaking. Before she could make it to the desk, her legs gave out. Haley tried to brace herself for the fall but she hit the floor way too fast, landing on her wounded side. All she could do was scream out in agony.

Nathan quietly walked down one of the deserted hallways holding a baseball bat he had found in one of the offices. There was no sign of anyone except some abandoned backpacks that laid scattered across the floor. He looked around every corner cautiously and held the bat up ready to swing. He was beginning to lose hope when he heard a scream come from the end of the hall. It was Haley, he was sure of it. He ran for it, not evening caring to look around anymore for the shooter. He stopped in front of the chem lab door and peered inside through the rectangular window. Haley laid on the other side of the room curled up on the floor. She was covered in blood and she looked so weak. Nathan could hear her sobbing. It was the worst sound he could ever imagine. He tried to open the door but it was locked. He would have no choice but to break the glass with the bat. Not even thinking twice about it, he took the bat and drove it right through the window with all the strength he could muster. It shattered and he quickly put his arm through and unlocked the door from the other side before shoving the door open and running to Haley.

"Baby. Oh god. We have to get you out of here." He whispered to her as he stroked her damp, sweaty hair. She was barely awake now but she could still see him. She smiled faintly at him.

"I love you." She said in a small, raspy voice. Nathan tried to smile back but seeing her in this kind of state was so hard.

"I love you too. Now I need to get you out of here." He told her as slowly lifted her into his arms.

"You won't be going anywhere. Not with Haley anyways. Now I suggest you put her down before I put a bullet in your brain." A familiar voice demanded. Nathan shook his head in disbelief as he turned around with Haley still in his arms. There in the doorway with a gun pointed right at them stood his ex best friend, Bobby Andrews.

"Bobby?" Nathan had to be dreaming. This just had to be a horrible nightmare that he'd wake up from any time now.

"Surprised? You really shouldn't be. You screwed me over Nathan Scott and then you dropped me, like I never even existed." Bobby walked into the room and slammed the door behind him. He held the gun in his shaky hands and raised it up higher so that it was pointing right at Nathan's head.

"What are you talking about? How did I screw you over?" Nathan asked confused. He had no idea what Bobby was talking about, nor did he really care. That is, until Bobby looked down at Haley.

"You can't be serious? You can't honestly be pissed that I got married." Nathan said. Bobby rolled his eyes.

"I don't care that you got married Nate. I care that you married her. All of the girls in this school and you had to go after the one girl that actually meant something to me." He sneered. Nathan glanced down at Haley who had now passed out.

"I didn't know you liked her Bobby, okay? But you have to understand that Haley and I have something real and we love each other." Nathan was getting to the point of begging now. He couldn't let Haley die in his arms.

"No! I didn't like her Nathan! I loved her! Haley James was always supposed to be mine!" Bobby shouted.

"It's Haley James Scott." Nathan was seething now. Bobby chuckled like this was some sort of comedy for him. He gripped the gun harder and pointed it down at Haley this time.

"Not anymore it isn't."

Oh I love myself a good cliff hanger. So yeah, Bobby Andrews is one twisted, crazy loon. There will be more of an explanation of him later. Leave me a comment on what you think so far. XO