Luke Jackson
I strolled down the street, enjoying a morning walk. The breeze ruffled my hair, and sunlight spilled warmly along the sidewalk. Today was the perfect day. The absolute perfect day.
I turned a corner down the street, and bumped into someone, hard, making them drop stuff and making me drop stuff.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," The girl said. She had reddish-brown hair and sparkling brown eyes, and immediately caught my attention.
She quickly scooped up her stuff and handed mine to me, and headed off with a wave.
I went back to enjoying the beautiful day, when I saw a sign for Olympe High spelling bee tryouts. Mom would want me to take a look at it, so I reached for my phone to take a picture...
...when I realized my phone wasn't there.
Frantically looking around, I came to the conclusion that the girl I had bumped into stole my phone.
I immediately whipped around, turned back around the corner and tried to catch sight of the girl.
I saw her walking away briskly, but she was quite far away.
Luckily, I saw a police officer even closer.
"Officer, that girl-over there-stole my phone!"
"Really! She just bumped into me-probably on purpose-and stole my phone!"
"That's the oldest trick in the book!" The officer hurried toward the girl, and tapped her shoulder when he reached her. She turned around, frowning.
"Is there something wrong, officer?"
"Yes, ma'am, can I have your name, please?"
"Christina Steele."
"Well, Ms. Steele, I believe you have stolen this young man's cell phone. What's your name again, sir?"
"Luke Jackson."
"Right. Ms. Steele, would you please pull out the phone?"
Frowning even deeper, Christina pulled out a phone from her pocket.
My phone.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm going to have to arrest you for theft..."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I had your phone! But if I have yours, you must be having mine-"
"Nonsense!" Me and the officer said.
Christina tried to argue some more, but the officer ended up shoving her into his car and speeding away, sirens blaring.
Super weird.
I continued my path down the street, trying to ignore what had happened a few seconds ago, when a phone rang.
It certainly wasn't my phone because my phone was in my hand.
Then I felt a vibrating in my pocket.
Slowly, I pulled out another black phone, staring at it in horror. I turned it on and held it to my ear.
"Happy Birthday, Christina!"
"Oh no," I whispered, ending the call.
"Hey, mom?" I consulted my mom during dinner.
"Yes?" She said, swallowing her noodles. She had curly blond hair and gray eyes, and was the smart one in our family-Annabeth was her name.
I told her what happened today, with Christina and the police officer.
"Awesome," My dad, Percy, said, grinning.
"What do you mean awesome?! Now I feel bad because she got arrested!"
"Tell you what," My mom said, smiling at me. "Why don't you call the police station after dinner and see if she's still there?"
So I scarfed down my dinner as fast as humanly possible, and ran to pick up my phone. Dialing the stations' number, I held the device to my ear.
"Local Police Station, how may I help you?"
"Hi, um, do you have 'Christina Steele' in custody?"
"Give me a moment..."
I waited anxiously as he went to check.
"Yes, we do, currently."
"May I speak to her?"
"Give me one moment..."
I heard some background noise as the officer handed the phone over to someone else-
"H-hello?" Christina's voice came through the phone.
I froze. What should I say?
Not wanting to leave a long pause, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind:
"Happy Birthday."
A/N: Sigh. It's finally over. The Winds of Change is finally over.
Anyway, thank you so much for all of the support you have given me in this...fanfic...thingy…
And, anyway, I have gotten some requests to do one-shots of Christina and Luke, but I'm not so sure….
I'll do them if you guys want me to, so leave your thoughts via reviews!
Be sure to check out my other stories, because if you liked this one, you will definitely like those!
I guess I'll see you guys around!
I used way too many exclamation points in this A/N!
Still going!
Still going!