Hello all those who have decided to view this story! My name is DeathOnWings1203, but please call me Noche. Why? Because it's easier to write out/say. This fic is dedicated to my Friend Mystery8Icarus- or preferably Myst- who has spent over a year (Possibly two at this point) with me roleplaying with our chats. Due to our long time of just making wild adventures with our own characters we have crafted a home for our to live in and many many people from across the spectrum of shows, anime, video games and books either live there in our chat or visit often. This got me thinking. We have insane adventures at the Graves Household all the time! Why not write some out so that everyone can read them? Going along with that idea this story was made!

Now this will be completely made at my own leisure and many of chapters will be not connected unless specifically stated. Well actually they all will be connected, but I mean that chapters won't have any specific effect on others unless stated. Also there are many couples already made and I will not be changing them. Sorry for that, but I won't budge on that.

Disclaimer: I only own my own and half of some of them. The rest are either Myst's or whoever's company/person that owns them.

This Story is dedicated to my good friend Myst.

Hope you enjoy it!

In a distant universe there is a world nearly untouched by civilization's hand where the forests are still vast, and the oceans are still not plagued by mankind's pollution. On this world is a single small city that could hold a couple of thousand of people hidden in the middle of a vast forest. Despite it's size many more people then the city can hold are going around in good nature spending their time with the people that they have come to known, or with people they have known for a long time. In the front of the city is a series of large silvery grids that are constantly flashing with energy as people are being brought in from other universes, or people are leaving this universe into another; however, this story doesn't take place in this city (at least for now) but rather it takes place in the large Victorian mansion that overlooks the entire city. The Mansion stretches quite some distance in order to accommodate the many people who lives in household as well as the multitude of areas inside that are there for the people who live in the mansion to enjoy.

Outside the end of the right side of the massive building is a young extremely pale teen around the age of seventeen with slick black hair and deep dark brown eyes examining his home. His black jacket flows behind him as he walks towards the very end of his house while the silver cross necklace on top of his white t-shirt shines in the afternoon sun "I suppose it is time to expand the house..." He mutters to himself while he taps his black sneakers against the dirt in thought before rolling his neck then holds his hands out as he starts to concentrate. The area next to the side of the house begins to shimmer as if a heat wave is going through only that area but with a light green light going through it instead of the color of the ground, and as a vein on the teen's head begins to bulge due to the effort being put into creating a new section of his house with his powers another part of the house begins to be visible in an see through outline made of the green shimmering light. Soon that outline begins to solidify causing the new section to become a physical entity, and as the last of the light becomes part of the physical plane the teen that created the section pants from the expense of his powers while wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Another section done and another job completed." He says to himself while taking a look at the expansion of his home unaware of the person sneaking up behind him until said person suddenly rips off his jacket revealing his large black wings while he sharply turns to see who dares to mess with his jacket. That person is a young lady with lightly tanned skin -gotten during her time living on the Destiny Islands- and bright blue eyes sparkling with mischievous amusement with long raven hair tied in a ponytail except for only two strands of her hair that frames her face. She is wearing a white shirt along with a blue short sleeve hoodie that has a black belt over it in a diagonal orientation, and on her lower half is blue capris as well as a pair of black and white sneakers. The young lady is holding up the boy's prized jacket in her black finger less gloved hands and holds it in front her teasingly with a large grin on her face.

The boy gives a fake sigh of annoyance while he hides a small smile on his face "Aura... give me back my jacket please." Aura's grin widens as she sticks her tongue out at him "Sorry David. Not gonna happen! You need to stop wearing it so much around here." She says with a stern look on her face that is contradicted only by the still amused glint in her eyes "Aura I'm only going to ask one more time. Please give me back my-" Before he could finish his sentence his girlfriend suddenly rushes towards the nearest entrance to the house "Aura! At least let me finish!" David exclaims as he starts to chase her and her only response is laughter as she uses wind magic to propel herself forward faster.

Chuckling to himself at the challenge his love is presenting to him the winged teen starts to pick up his speed and quickly catches up to her, but before he could grab a hold of Aura she sharply turns away from him towards the door and propels herself inside their home. Digging his heels into the ground in order to slow himself down before heading towards the entrances while gaining speed again; however, as he makes his way inside at near the speed of sound he failed to notice the trip wire that was placed at foot level in the doorway. Letting out a surprised yelp he trips over it and the momentum sends him flying down the room then onto a skateboard that was placed just perfectly on the floor causing the board to roll forward into a random empty bedroom where it continues onward into the bathroom and hits against the edge of the bath with just enough force to toss the Avian American into the shower.

As he groans in slight pain David reaches up to grab something to help him up only to grab a wire that connects to the shower nozzle, and as he pulls on it to pull himself up he breaks off the nozzle causing cold water to start spraying down on him "COLD, COLD,COLD, COLD!" He screams as he scrambles to his feet while trying to stop the sudden onslaught of freezing water with his hands, but his efforts just cause the water to be deflected everywhere while still soaking him and his clothes. A giggling Aura watches from the entrance of the doorway as she goes over to the bathtub and turns the pipe that had the shower nozzle on it causing it to suddenly stop allowing the Reality Controller to flip his hair out of his face "Aura... When I get my hands on you I am going to-" Unfortunately for him he can't even finish his threat as the pipe begins to shake gaining his attention as Aura backs up to the entrance to the bathroom with a grin that could only be compared to the Cheshire Cat.

Just before he could ask what was wrong with the pipping a stream of light pink paint shoots out of the former shower head and hits him straight on the face coating much of his upper body in the substance before he could even try to shield himself. As he is sputtering out the paint that managed to get into his mouth David hears his girlfriend laugh along with the sound of her footsteps racing away from the scene, and worse still is the fact he hadn't reclaimed his jacket yet. His scream could be heard throughout the entire mansion "AURA!"

Poor David. The woman you love just enjoys pranking people so much, but I guess it was just your turn huh? I sincerely hope you enjoyed the first Chapter of this story! I will admit this is the first time trying something like this, and that Myst and I never really went in depth with the world that they live on or the city's details so I kinda had to make it up as I went. Regardless of that I think this was a fairly successful first chapter! Please tell me what you think and remember to check out Myster8Icarus' stories because I can guarantee that they are much better then mine. Thank you for reading this and please come back next time at 'Connecting the Mutiverse!' See ya later!
