Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

A special thanks to The Lonely God With a Box for beta'ing my story.

A/N: Enjoy!

Chapter 7

Minerva just left and Sirius was moving the rest of Harry's new things into his nursery. Once everything was in its new place, Sirius admired what Harry had now. He walked around looking to see what else Harry might need.

A small pop brought Sirius out of his musing.

"Master Black," the elf said. "I's bring baby master his bottle."

"Thank you," Sirius said, taking the bottle.

The elf disappeared just as quickly as it came. The animagus knew that Harry crawled into Severus' office. When he didn't hear Severus call him, he figured that Severus kept the boy while he worked. So that last night wouldn't happen again, Sirius figured that if he fed Harry in here, the nursery, then the boy would get use to the room and could sleep in here so that he and Severus could get a night's sleep.

Walking past Severus' office, Sirius started hearing noises. When he opened the door, he saw Severus sleep in his chair, holding Harry with a tight grip. It was the same as when they were in the Headmaster chambers. Severus looked like he was in pain. Sirius rushed over to the desk and tried to free his godson from the Potions master's arms.

The grip around the child was like a vice. Sirius couldn't remove the child. He looked at the grip on the child's skin and it didn't look like he was hurting Harry. Instead of trying to remove Harry, Sirius decided to try and wake up Severus. That was proving to be a struggle as well.

Sirius sent out a Patronus to Albus for help.


Severus looked around. He was in a graveyard. He didn't know how he got there. The last thing Severus remembered was grading papers. He looked down and saw that he was still holding Harry. Not knowing where he was, Severus pulled his wand from his holster. Feeling a chill, he wrapped his cloak around Harry's body.

Severus walked around the graveyard looking for a way out. There was a huge gravestone ahead of him, so he walked over to see who it was. Looking at the stone, Severus was shocked.

"It can't be," Severus said, backing up.

The stone had Tom Riddle Sr.

He raised his wand to the ready. He had to get out of the graveyard.

"You were a loyal subject, Severus."

There was a hissing voice surrounding the wizard.

"You have disappointed me. You will pay for your deception."

Severus turned pointing his wand trying to find where the voice was coming from.

"You side with blood traitors and mudbloods."

Severus walked back to where he started. He had to protect the child in his arms. He felt Harry move a little. Snuggling more in Severus' arms.

"Stay silent, little one," Severus whispered to the child in his arms. "Be extremely silent."

"Who do you have there?"

Severus turned again trying to find the location of the voice.

"Is it the mudblood's offspring? Of course, it is. You always had a soft spot for that mudblood."

Severus put his wand in his hand that was holding Harry under his bum and cradled Harry's head so that he could run and keep the babe as save as he could.

The hissing sound seemed like it was following him. No. It was sounding louder the more that he ran.

"You can't run from me, Severus."



Sirius turned towards the door.

"Albus," Sirius called out. "In Severus' study."

Seconds later, the Headmaster rushed in the room saying, "What's wrong?" But his answer was apparent when he saw Severus in his chair.

"I can't move Harry," Sirius said.

"Okay," Albus said, walking to the other side of Severus. Albus put his hand on Severus' wrist and tried to move them from Harry's legs.

Severus' arms were on Harry as if someone put a Sticking Charm on him.


Harry started squirming in Severus' arms.

"Stay calm, little one," Severus soothed. "We'll get out of here."

Harry ground his head into Severus' shoulder. Severus, fearing that Harry was going to start crying, started shushing and cooing him in an effort of calming the ire of the small child.

"Please, stay calm," Severus whispered.

"He won't live long."

"Stop this madness," Severus exclaimed, talking to the sky. "Leave us be."

Harry started moaning. His fingers were now out of his mouth. Severus looked down at the child. There was pure fear in Severus' eyes.

"You'll never get away from me."

Severus couldn't believe what he was seeing.


"Severus, Severus," Albus called out. "Wake up, son."

Albus moved Severus' sweaty hair out of his face. Severus felt hot. Albus conjured a cool flannel and wiped the sweat off of Severus.

"Wake, son," Albus said, soothingly. There was worry in his tone. Never had he seen Severus in this state.

Sirius continued to try and pry Severus' arms from Harry.

Severus gasped, sitting up. Sirius had to be quick. Severus' arms pulled away from Harry's body. Sirius caught Harry before he could even slide off the Potion Master's chest. Albus gripped Severus' shoulders slightly pulling boy towards him.

"Severus," Albus said softly. "Severus." He moved his hands to cup Severus' face. "Severus, look at me."

"Albus," Severus slurred. His eyes were glassy.

Albus slightly shook Severus' head. "Severus."

Sirius was holding Harry. Harry looked up at his godfather, grinning. The babe reached out and grabbed Sirius nose, laughing.

Albus, keeping his eyes on Severus, asked Sirius, "How is Harry doing? Is he hurt?"

"No," Sirius said, shaking his head. "He's fine."

"GET HIM AWAY FROM ME!" Severus screamed.

Sirius and Albus was shocked by Severus' actions. Never has Severus showed his emotions like this.

Harry started crying from the noise. He looked around for his dark man. He wanted his dark man to hold him. When he looked at his dark man, he didn't like the look on his face.

Severus jumped up from his seat, pushing Albus away from him. When he looked at Sirius and Harry, he backed up, almost standing behind Albus as if to shield him from danger.

"Sirius, take Harry out of here," Albus said.

Harry reached out for his dark man. He didn't understand why Paddy wouldn't give him to his dark man. When Sirius closed the door, Harry's volume tripled.

Albus turned to Severus and tried to calm down his son.

Severus' eyes showed fear. He was pressed against the corner of the wall. He looked like a skittish animal. Albus slowly walked towards Severus. He could tell that Severus wasn't looking at him.

"Severus," Albus said, softly. "Severus, can you look at me?"

Albus saw Severus' eye move to him. Albus continued to move closer. As Albus got closer, he could hear Severus' whispering something, but he couldn't completely understand him. When he was arm's length from Severus, he could finally hear what Severus was saying.

"Keep him away from me," Severus murmured.

"Severus, my boy," Albus soothed. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Keep him away from me," Severus murmured again.

Albus was standing in front of Severus. The Headmaster reached out to cup Severus on the cheek so that they could look eye to eye, but that didn't happen. When Albus touched Severus, the Potions Master collapsed. Albus was quick to keep Severus from falling on the floor. He cast a feather-weight charm and walked Severus to the sofa on the other side of the room and laid him down.


Sirius walked into the living room, slightly bouncing Harry in his arms. When he closed the door to Severus' study, he sent a Patronus to Minerva for her help. Sirius knew that Harry wanted Severus, but the way Severus was acting, it would have been a bad idea.

"I know, Pronglet," Sirius soothed. "I know. But something is not right. Sh sh sh."

Harry gave up reaching out to his dark man and laid his head on Paddy's shoulder. The screaming and whaling calmed down to sobbing. Harry had his two middle fingers in his mouth. It quieted the boy, but it didn't stop the tears.

A knock on the door let Sirius know that Minerva was there.

"Come in," Sirius called out.

Minerva came in a saw Harry's appearance.

"What happened?" Minerva asked walking over to Sirius.

"I wish I knew," Sirius said, shrugging his shoulders. "After you left, I saw that Harry had snuck into the study with Severus. Everything was fine. I put up Harry's things. When I walked back to the study, I saw that Severus was holding Harry tightly."

"Tightly?" Minerva said, coming closer to look at Harry's legs, arms, and back.

"This wasn't the first time this has happened," Sirius said.

"When was the first?" Minerva said, looking at Sirius.

"When Albus had us in his office after Lily and James died. Severus took Harry from the house and Albus wanted to find a place for Harry. That's how we're in the situation now."

"So, what happened?"

"When Albus came to get me from his room," Sirius said, "Severus was asleep in the chair and again, holding Harry tightly. It took both Albus and me to get Harry out of his arms. He woke up and seemed fine."

"So, what was different this time?" Minerva asked, rubbing soothing circles on Harry's back.

"Severus woke up, screaming," Sirius said. "If I wasn't standing next to him, he would have dropped Harry," shaking his head, "I've never seen Severus like this."

Albus walked out of the study, closing the door behind him. Minerva and Sirius walked over to Albus.

"Albus, what's happened?" Minerva asked.

"He's resting now," Albus said.

"Do you know what caused this?" Minerva asked.

"I wish I did," Albus said, rubbing his hand on Harry's head.

Harry was still away, and tears were still streaming down his face. Albus tilted his head to get a better look at Harry. Harry looked at Albus for a second but looked down. He wanted his dark man.

"I know, little one," Albus said, rubbing his back. "I know. Let's go sit down and discuss this. I've put a charm on Severus to let me know if he wakes up."

The three wizards went in the sitting room and sat down. Minerva conjured up a warm flannel and gave it to Sirius. As much as she wanted to hold Harry, he wasn't screaming now, so she would leave him where he was.

Sirius cleaned Harry's face as best he could. Harry wouldn't move. He wanted his dark man.


A/N: Thank you to everyone who favored, followed, and reviewed my story.

Please leave a review letting me know what you think.

Many hugs and kisses to you all.

Stay safe! Protect yourself!
